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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:42 am

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"Relax, S'ahara. I just want to ask you a question," Aster said. "By all means." "I've been thinking about M'rissi. I would like to ask for her hand in marriage, but I want to do it the Khajiit way." "Ah, young love. An unusual romance, but this one knows the story behind your words. It is important to preserve one's bloodline. Fear not, this one can teach you. If that is what you wish. Khajiit ritual demands a unique gift for your soulmate. It is almost always an heirloom of some sort, though any artifact could be used as well as long as it is Khajiit in origin," she said. "Do you happen to know where I could find something like that?" "You are lucky, indeed. This one has heard rumors of a group of refugees from her tribe wandering the mountains of Skyrim. She knows the place they might be, but she can't say if they are still there," S'ahara said. 

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"I found this necklace. Is it appropriate?" Aster wondered.

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"Hm? Oh, this one! She thought she'd never see this again! Our clan got a few hundreds of those useless wooden sticks from a raid into Bosmer territory, along with other trophies. And then we sold most of them to Imperials as powerful magical amulets. Good times those were, truly. It will work perfectly. Now you must go to her, and announce your intention. Present her with the necklace, and what she says will determine what is next," S'ahara said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:47 am

Meanwhile, at Lakeviwe Manor...                                                                                                     

Vilja and Tindra had both given birth...                                                                                                   

Aster didn't know yet, but both of us had become fathers to beautiful little girls. He, of course, was busy in Riften, in Honeyside...
"M'rissi, I have something to ask you," Aster said. "Then ask her already! Don't waste time, she's all ears!" she said. "I'd like to take a little journey to someplace nice. Don't we deserve time off?" "She thinks yes. All the running about, and dusty tombs of pesky undeads. A vacation is exactly what she needs. But you will come too and she will not allow you to say no!" "Of course I will. Are you ready to leave now?" he said. "She is of course! Let her grab a few things and we will go!" M'rissi said.

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"Ah, she is happy here. This is a good spot, yes?" M'rissi said. "I think so, too. But listen, kitten. I didn't bring you here just to lay about in the sun," Aster said. "You did not? Then... Why? You are not having funny ideas she hopes! And don't tell her here's another cave to clear!" "No, nothing out of sorts, you have my word. But I have to ask you a very important question." "Well go on then, why hesitating so much? She does not like to wait!" she said. "We've travelled together for some time, and you've always had my best interests at heart and I yours. We get along well, no matter what happens. And we cope with danger very well. When one of us is sick or hurt the other does all they can to help. Because all of this I've come to consider you more than just my partner." "What... What are you trying to say to her? A-ask your question already," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:52 am

"I think I've fallen in love with you. I want you to be my soulmate. Will you?" Aster said and presented the amulet. "You... She... Umm... She doesn't want to sound ungrateful, because she really does like you, but she doesn't think she should marry you," M'rissi said. "I have to admit, that's not the answer I was hoping for." "She knows, but if she were to say yes and her heart wasn't in it, then it would be worse than just saying no from the start, yes? She will find a way to thank you for all the things you do for her, just give her time!" "You're probably right. In any case, thank you for your honesty," he said. "You're not mad at her, yes? She didn't want to hurt you..." "I understand. Anyway, I thin you should make your own decisions and take care of yourself." "Do you... want to part with her now?" she wondered. "I don't want to lose you again. Who knows what else might be waiting for us? I'll look after you, as kin. I propose to you a kinship," Aster said. "Kinship? Mrr... Oh! She remembers, S'ahara told her once! Yes of course, she would be honored to have you as her kin! And you would be so lucky to have her as yours, as much trouble she keeps you from. She honestly doesn't know how you survived before!" M'rissi said. 

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"She agreed to become kin with me, so let's begin the preparations!" Aster said. "It will be a simple thing, all this one needs is a bit of gold and time," S'ahara said. "Very well, I'll let you see to it." "This one will return in a day's time. Come see her then."                                                                                                       

"Here we have more of something interesting to read..." Aster said. "Really? She awaits!" M'rissi said. "Here's one called Cats of Skyrim."
M'rissi pokes her nose into the book...
"Ald... al-de... aldetu... Freow! Such big and pointless words! Read it to her, no?" she said.

Cats Of Skyrim
A Report By Aldetuile

I have been sent to this frigid wasteland to catalogue and study any of its indigenous cats, which has so far been uneventful. After months of wandering I have so far only encountered some variations of the same basic species.
In my travels I have encountered several khajiit outcast from their clans that have taken up residence in Skyrim. They have been most unhelpful, probably for fear I'd expose their locations. I can't say I'm surprised that there are few khajiit here, it's cold and unwelcoming.
Sabrecats are basic giant cats that have evolved two dangerously sharp front teeth.
The average sabrecat has a reddish brown fur which it uses to blend into grassy regions, but I have observed them skulking and sleeping on rocks so I don't believe the fur is for camouflage.
The primary attacks of the sabrecat are its biting attack, but it can also briefly rear up to attack with its front claws. I have also seen it pounce forward on its prey in a particularly powerful attack.
The snowy version of the sabrecat has spotted white fur which I believe it uses more for stalking more than its cousin in the plains.
The tooth of the cat is rumored to be useful in potions that restore the imbibers stamina as well as a potion that will temporarily give a more keen eye for smithing.
An skillful hunter can usually salvage the pelts and teeth of their kill, but report that the meat is tasteless and not fit to eat.

"Monsters of cruelty! How could anyone think to eat such godlike creatures. Such barbarity! Why not dogs, mer, and men with other such useless creatures! ... Don't take it personally," M'rissi said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:58 am                                                                                                                                                      

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The girls transitioned from infants to fully grown faster than any of us could have imagined. With the transitioning came desires my young daughter didn't fully understand, but she felt urged to satisfy. Sofia took full advantage of this to sate her own desires...                                                                                                   

I wasn't surprised when my daughter decided it was time to leave the coop and spread her wings. Only heidi, Aster and Tindra's daughter remained. But who knows for how long she would stay before she too felt the urge to explore and find a mate...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:01 am

Aster returned to Honeyside with M'rissi.
"Is everything ready?" he asked. "It is, follow this one," S'ahara said.

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"Many moons ago, the tribes of Elsweyr warred with one another. Khajiit blood stained the beautiful sands of our homeland, marring her natural beauty. But one day, two Khajiit from rival tribes saw the pointlessness of it. They each took a knife and drew it across their palms, then put them together to become kin. Open your palm to one another, and trade blood. Then take a handful of fresh water and drink it, mixed with blood," S'ahara said.

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"Your kinship is proclaimed now!" S'ahara said. "She wants you to know, she does not do this lightly. The water was cold, and the knife part... uhm, she means... She knows she can be a bit brash and does not always say what she feels, but this time, she needs to. She wants to thank you for all that you did for her. You've saved her life many times over, even though you didn't have to and she didn't always deserve your kind words and actions. She hopes she and you will adventure for a much longer time together," M'rissi said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:11 am

At Lakeview, my women kept me busy. Aster came by with M'rissi, but he didn't stay.

First Mirai, then Vilja followed by Sofia. Then Tindra moaned about being left out. It was really Aster's job to satisfy her, but since he's been necglicting her and neither Vilja nor Mirai objected, Sofia just seemed interested in seeing if I really could handle another woman after just having sexually satified three of them. Thankfully, Sindra was just watching. I don't know if it's a kink that young girl has or if she's just waiting for me to make a move on her. Well, I got enoughof a chore with the women I have, don't feel so compelled to add another one at the moment. But if she sticks around, who knows, I might add her to my harem. Or maybe Aster will...                                                                                                     

I don't know what brought Sindra down into the basement, but she arrived just before it was Sofia's turn. And she stayed til the end. She must have a thing for voyeurism.                                                                                                      

Aster decided to show up...

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Time to go out and do Dragonborn duty again...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:16 am

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After the dragon had been dealth with, we found and abandoned prison...

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We can't let the prisoners out, so either kill them or let them drown. Either way, all guards must evacuate as soon as possible. The storm is about to wash this whole fort into the river and I'll be damned if I have to report one Legion death while under my watch. You have your orders!

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The Thalmor had moved into the place since, but we were clearing those bastards out.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:21 am

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With the key, I opened the door to the prisoner's cell...

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"When I get out of here, I'll kill you all myself..." "You're not really in a position to be making threats, here," I said. "Tell me that again when I tear your spine out of your - wait... You're not with the Thalmor, are you. Quick, get me free before more come." "Who are you?" Kaidan... my name is Kaidan..." the prisoner said. "Why are you in here?" "The Thalmor invited me to high tea, what do you think? I dunno... some Justicars ambushed me outside of Falkreath." "There must be more to it," I said. "Choking on my own blood and you want my life story? Look, I don't know. They just kept asking about the Blades, and the sword I had. Please, just help me out of here," Kaidan said. "Don't worry, I'll get you free," Heidi said. "You're a life saver." "Here, I know a little healing magic," Vilja said. "A healer? That's a special gift you have," Kaidan said. "Let's get out of here," I said. "One of the Thalmor got his hands on my sword. I know I got no right to ask, but I could use your help getting it back." "The sword is that important?" "This isn't me being sentimental. They kept asking about it. If it's important to them, they shouldn't have it," Kaidan said. "Where did he go?" I wondered. "Headed deeper into the prison, and with luck, he's cornered like a rat," Kaidan said.

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Song of Hrormir by anonymous
Son of Hrorgar
Summoned to the Court of Vjindak,
Son of Vjinmore, King of Evensnow.
      "Mighty caster of magic,
I charge thee to go to Aelfendor,
For its hoary Warriors do threaten my Land
And bring forth their cousin Demons
To terrify my People."
Son of Hrorgar
Heard the Words of Vjindak Evensnow.
      "By Icestaff,
Surely I would help thee
But I have already a Quest to drink
Twelve Flagons of Mead in one Hour,
And then to bed four Wenches,
Twice each.
So I must with grace decline."
The King he did not smile
At Hrormir and his jolly Spirit.
      "By thine Honor
Must thou aidest my Cause
For must thou takest up the Sword
Of thy Companion Darfang
Who took the Quest and failed."
Hrormir laughed.
      "Now I know thou jest.
My boon Mate Darfang wouldst not fail.
There be no finer Bladesman.
If thou chargest him, he wouldst not fall."
      "I did not say he fell.
He joined the Dark Kings of Aelfendor
And by doing so dishonored
Himself and thee, his Friend."
Hrormir could not believe the Words, And yet, he knew Eversnow
Didst not lie.
So for twenty Days and three rodeth he
To the Land of Night, the Kingdom of Fear,
Where the Peasants ever carried Candles
Knowing what Evil awaiteth them
Should they stray beyond the Glow.
The Sovereigncy of three Dark Kings:
There, Torch in Hand, didst Hrormir
Pass through haunted Countryside
And frightened Villages,
And through the black Gates
Of the blacker Castle of Aelfendor.
The three Dark Kings didst sneer
At the sight of mighty Hrormir
And summoned they their Champion
Darfang the Blade.
      "My boon Companion!"
Hrormir called in the Hall of Night.
      "I dare not trust my Eyes,
For then I wouldst believe
That thou hast joined with Evil,
And turned thy Way from Honor
And Brotherhood!"
"Hrormir!" Darfang the Blade didst cry.
"If thou dost not go now,
One of us must die, for I hate thee!"
But Hrormir was battle ready,
And in the echoing Halls of Night
The Blade of Darfang
And the Staff of Hrormir
Didst strike again and yet again.
Mighty Warriors and Mages both,
The boon Companions now Foes,
Shook Mundus with their War.
They might have fought for a Year
If there were Sun in Aelfendor
To mark Time,
And either Hrormir or Darfang
May verily have won.
But Hrormir saweth through the Dark
The Tears in the Eyes of his former Friend,
And then he saweth the Shadow of Darfang
Wert not his own.
And so with Icestaff, he did strike
Not Darfang, but his Shadow, which cried.
      "Hold, Mortal Man!"
The Shadow becameth the Hag, Bent and twisted, in her Cloak and Hood.
From her faceless Shadows, she hissed.
"Mortal Man called Hrormir
The Soul of thy boon Companion
Is my Plaything,
But I will take thine in trade,
For though ye both have strong Arms,
Thou hast the more clever Mind
Which my Sons the Dark Kings need
For a Champion of Aelfendor."
Hrormir the brave didst not take a Breath
Or pause before he boldly said.
      "Shadowy Hag, release Darfang,
And thou mayst use me as thou will."
The Hag didst laugh and freed Darfang.
      "To save thine Honor this thou hast done,
But now thou must be without Honor
Mortal Man, as the Champion
Of the Dark Kings, my Heirs of Gray Maybe,
Thou must help them divide Aelfendor,
And love me,
Thy Shadowy Hag and thy Mistress well."
For his loss of Honor, And his dear Friend's Sacrifice,
Noble Darfang prepared to take his Dagger
And plunge it in his good Heart,
But Hrormir stayed his Brother's Hand and whispered.
      "No, boon Companion,
Wait for me at the Village Banquet Hall."
And then did Darfang the Blade leave the Castle
While Hrormir took the withered Claw
Of the Hag, and pressed it to his Lips.
      "Shadowy Hag, to thee I pledge
To only honor thy black Words
To turn my back on Truth
To aid thy Dark Kings' Ambition
To divide their Inheritance fairly
To love thee
To think thee beautiful."
Then to the Chamber in the Heart of Night
Hrormir and the Hag did retire
Kissed he there her wrinkled Lips
And her wrinkled, sagging Breasts,
For ten Days and Nights and three did Hrormir
And his Icestaff
Battle thus.
Then Sweet Kynareth blew honeyed Winds O'er the Hills and Forest Glens of Aelfendor,
And the Caress of warm blooded Dibella
Coaxed the Blossoms to wanton Display
So that Aelfendor became a Garden
Of all the Senses.
The frightened Servants of the Dark Kings
Woke to find there was naught to fear
And through the once dark Streets of the Village
Came the Cries of Celebration.
In the Banquet Hall of the Village
Hrormir and his boon Companion Darfang
Embraced and drank of rich Mead.
The Shadowy Hag too was smiling,
Sleeping still in her soft Bed,
Until the morning Sun touched her naked Face
And she awoke, and saw All,
And knew All saw her.
And she cried out:
      "Mortal Man!"
Night fell fast upon the Land As the Hag flew into the Banquet Hall
Casting blackest Darkness in her Wake
But all the Celebrants still could see
Her Anger
In her monstrous Face
And they shook with Fear.
The Hag had said the Kingdom was
To be divided among her Heirs.
But Aelfendor had been kept whole
While her Children divided,
Drawn and quartered.
Hrormir was mightily amused.
He swallowed his Laughter
In his Mead,
For none should laugh outright
At the Daedra Lord Nocturnal.
Without her gray Cowl of shadowed Night,
Her hideous Face forced the Moons
To hide themselves.
Hrormir the mighty did not quail.
      "Wherest be thine Hood, shadowy hag?"
      "Mortal Man hast taken it from me unaware.
When I awoke, my Face unmasked,
My Kingdom cast into the Light,
My Dark King Heirs in Pieces cast,
And here, my Champion smiles.
Yet in truth, thou kept thy Promise truly,
To never keep thy Promise true."
Hrormir Son of Hrorgar
Bowed to the Hag, his Queen.
      "And evermore,
'Til thou releaseth me, will I serve thee so."
      "A clever Mind in a Champion
Is a much overvalued Trait."
The Hag released Hrormir's Soul
And he released her Hood.
And so in the Light of darkest Dark,
She left Aelfendor evermore.
And after drinking twelve Flagons of Mead,
And bedding four Wenches
Twice each,
Did Darfang return to Eversnow
With Hrormir
Son of Hrorgar.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:24 am

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"Son of a bitch had it coming. I can't thank you enough. I know you didn't have to help me," Kaidan said. "What's the story with this sword?" I wondered. "The question on everyone's mind, even mine. The sword belonged to my mother. I never knew her, but it's my only clue to finding out who she was. Listen, I owe you my life, and I am not a man who's comfortable being in debt. If you ever have need of me, I'd be glad to fight alongside with you till that debt is repaid." "I'd be glad to have you travel with me," Heidi said. "I am your sword and shield." "So, what happened with the Thalmor?" I wondered. "Aye, I guess I owe you that. I'd been trying to find a way to cross the border to get into Pale Pass. Ever since Helgen it's been near impossible to get into Cyrodiil without a stack of papers for the Empire to keep track of you. In the meantime, I'd been picking up bounty contracts to keep some coin in my pocket. Must have drawn too much attention to myself. I'd been camping ny the lake when they ambushed me. It seems the Thalmor don't need much evidence to bring in a susprct. They took one look at the sword, decided I'd be a good target for interrogation, and dragged me off to this prison," Kaidan said. "Weren't you scared?" Heidi said. "Brynjar used to say, if you're not a little afraid, you're not understanding the situation. Fear I can deal with easily enough... But, there was a moment or two where I thought it might really be the end of me. The Thalmor would never let me go, no matter what I told them. You've faced down mortality too, perhaps you know the feeling?" "Yes, but fighting it is the only way to beat it," I said. "You really are formidable, aren't you? I could almost feel sorry for your enemies," Kaidan said. "The Thalmor will come after you again, you know." "Probably, and I'll be ready for them. Live and learn, right?" "About your sword... I recognize the runes on the blade, this is written in the Dragon language," I said. "It is? Strange, that they would write in Dragon, and not Akaviri. Can you translate it?" "Zu'u... kiir mindoraan Dovahzul. I think I could translate this for you." "I appreciate it, just don't burn yourself out over it. I've heard about a rare book written on the subject too, Dragon Language, Myth No More. There might be others on the subject we can look out for too," Kaidan said.                                                                                                 story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181121161249-1                                                                                                   story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181121171426-1

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:30 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181121171642-1

It was time I headed to Solitude. Of course, Vilja insisted on coming along. Mirai also joined us. As soon as we entered the Winking Skeever, I noticed the Bosmer sitting alone at one of the tables. It was time to talk to Malborn...

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"Our mutual friend sent me," I said. "Really? You're who she picked? I hope she knows what she's doing. Here's the deal. I can smuggle some equipment into the Embassy for you. Don't plan on bringing anything else with you. The Thalmor take security very seriously. Give me what you can't live without, and I'll make sure to get it into the Embassy. The rest is up yo you," Malborn said. "I'm ready. Here's what I'll need." 

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While the girls were having a good time at the inn, I went to the stables...

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"Have you given Malborn the gear you wanted to smuggle into the embassy?" Delphine asked. "Yes, Malborn's all set," I told her. "Good. I have your invitation to the party. But the only way you're going to get past the guards is if they really believe you're an invited guest. Which means you need to look the part, and not be armed to the teeth. Here, put this on. When you're ready, I'll keep th rest of your gear safe until you get back. You'll only have what Malborn smuggled in for you, plus whatever you can pick up inside."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:36 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209143003-1                                                                                                   

"M'rissi, your voice is beautiful, you know? Sing for me, please!" Aster said. The young Khajiit giggles. "M'rissi knows! And not only her voice, hehe. Yes?" she said. "She's playing hard to get. This is all a game to her. Well, sooner or later her lust will become stronger than her resistance. And that is the day I'll bed her," he thought. "You promised to sing about your homeland. Elsweyr," he said. "Oh, that one... Listen then. Ahem... It is harsh, the wind from the south. But it blows away all our doubts! It carrie the smell of our kins in the air. Oh dear Elsweyr. It is scorching, the sun in the sky. And it burns our enemy's eye. It keeps warm our heart and shines like thousand stars! Oh dear Elseweyr. It is warm, the sand of this land. A dreadful desert with no end. It's where we belong, a place to call home! Oh dear Elsweyr." Aster appluads. "Can you walk through fire with ease? That's pretty scary," M'rissi said. 

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"Khajiit welcomes the traveler. This one is called Baa'Ren-Dar." "Pleased to meet you Baa'Ren-Dar," Aster said. "Khajiit has a very special mission, can only be trusted to one with very special... hmmm, qualities." "Is there somewhere we can talk in private?" Aster said.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209145139-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209145348-1

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:40 am

"Let me guess, the mission is to recover an item?" Aster said. "Not an item, this mission is not something... it is someone!" the Khajiit said. "You need someone assassinated?" "Not assissinated, protected. This one has a child in danger, Khajii wants to keep child from harm. My child is angry, foolhardy, she's recoveing from wounds and camps in the mountains north from here. She's very proud, a fighter and a rebel. A Nordling with a destiny." "A babysitting job? Ok! For how long, and how much are you willing to pay?" Aster said. "Khajiit will pay 15000 gold coin to take this child as say... hmmmm, an apprentice? No, a... guardian, yessss!!! This one will pay 5000 coin now and the rest after business here in Skyrim is settled." "That's a lot of coin Baa'Ren-Dar, what's this all about?" "This one is in Skyrim, trying to find vital information on the whereabouts of a missing person. Her mother's ring, an inscribed wedding band turned up, and was acquired in Riften. Apparently stolen. This one is investigating the whereabouts of its owner," the Khajiit said. "Ok! I'm in. Throw in the horse and you've got a deal." "Hmmm! Business is settled!" "What is she doesn't want to join me, what if she says no?" Aster said. "Then give her this ring... and this letter." "This war of yours, what do I call her?" "Rigmor... her name is Rigmor!" Baa'Ren-Dar said.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209145736-1

Outside Falkreath, a dragon was foolish enough to engage Aster and M'rissi...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:43 am

Rigmor, my dear child,
It has come to my attention that you have been hurt again. You cannot imagine how concenred I am for your welfare. In these dangerous times , it always helps to have friends so I have sent a guardian to help protect you because if I can find you, it is only a matter of time before others come looking.
I have acquired your mother's wedding ring, from a member of the Thieves Guild in Riften. I had meant to hold on to it until I had found out where it was stolen. But I had it brought to you to impress on you my desire for you to have protection while I investigate how it turned up in Riften on the black market. When I know more, I will send for you.
Until then my child, please accompany the guardian. Trust me, you won't get a better traveling companion, and an ally in combat. Try not to be too foolhardy, and keep your wits about you.
I miss you very much and hope to see you again very soon.
Azura's Blessings,

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209152201-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209152236-1

"Someone doesn't seem to like visitors," Aster thought.

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"Names's Angi! Think you might be in the wrong place friend, and if you try anything stupid, I won't hesitate to put an arrow in your head!" "I'm here for Rigmor," Aster said. "Nah! I don't think so. She's under my protection, don't get any bright ideas!" "She's under my protction now!" "Is that so! We'll see about that!" she said. "Please calm down! I mean you no harm, but I must speak to Rigmor," he said. "Very well! Consider yourself warned, and keep your hands to yourself!"

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:46 am

"Healing magic is good. But anyways, you should take care about your incantations: say anything wrong, and you'll make things even worse," M'rissi said. 

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209152717-1

"You must be Rigmor?" Aster said. "Who wants to know?" "Someone close to you wants me to watch over you." "You want me what?" she said. "I'm your new companion, we'll be teaming up for a while!" "Yeah right! Pfft, whatever!" "I need you to stay close to me from now on, ok?" he said. "Give me one good reason why I should do that!" "Because two's better than one?" "I can take care of myself!" Rigmor said. "Is that so? I heard you nearly got yourself killed! I'm here to prevent that." "I don't even know you." "Will this be enough to convince you?" Aster said. "My mother's ring! Where did you get this?" "Baa'Ren-Dar gave it to me, and... this letter." "Oh! I..."

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209153111-1

"You ok?" Aster said. "So it's true! Yeah, I could use some company, but don't get any ideas!" she said. "Rigmor?" "That's ok, if Ren sent you, I must be in good company right?" "What brings you to Skyrim?" he tried to get a conversation going. "I'm not sure, adventure maybe, or sanctuary even as it's not safe for me now in Cyrodiil. Skyrim is my ancestral home, I've never been here before. I want to explore a little and see it fir myself." "So... what's with Angi?" "I got myself seriously wounded after the Bruma thing, Angi found me while she was hunting in the forest," she said. "Lucky that she found you then." "Yeah! She brought me here and nursed me and sat with me hrough the fever." "She seems quite fond of you," he said. "We share some similarities, we have both suffered greatly from events not of our making. She treats me as if I were her own daughter." "Better watch I don't get an arrow in my head then!" "Don't be too put off by her abruptness,

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:49 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209153451-1

"Hey, you ok?" Aster said. "Don't get any bright ideas!" "I'm not going to hurt you." "Sorry, a girl can't be too careful out here. Like I said, name's Angi and I've been living out here for a couple of years now," she said. "Why live out here all by yourself?" "I moved here from Helgen after my family was killed. At the time I couldn't stand to be around anyone. They all felt sorry for me and I didn't want them to. It was my problem, not theirs." "Who killed your family?" he wondered. "Two Imperial drunks who thought threy were above the law." "Want me to take care of them?" "Already did. Part of the reason I'm living out here now. Thanks for offering though," Angi said. "I'm sorry about your family." "Do't be like them. Don't feel sorry for me."

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"You ok?" "Yeah, I think I'm good!" Rigmor said. "You seem a little distant," Aster said. "You know, when I... When I killed those Thalmor in Cyrodiil I found this note on the body of an officer. It mentions Fort Black which is on the border not far from here. I was going to take a look when I got better. While we wait for Baa'Ren-Dar to find any leads about my mother's ring, I think we should go and take a look, two's better than one right!"

To Justicar Milen, New Order of Alinor.
The Order requests that the Daedric artifacts be moved to Fort Black with immediate effect. High Justicar Joror has now neen assigned to the replication of the weapon and amulet. Too much time has been taken to duplicate the items, and although a breakthrough has been made to fuse Daedric relics with advanced metallurgy, four years for only one of each item is not acceptable. High Justicar Joror believes he can quadruple production time as so to furnish our military personel as soon as possible. Make sure both the originals and the duplicates are dispatched, too much time has already been wasted.
General Tilar Aedriath.

"Do you know how to get there?" Aster said. "Sure! Angi told me all about it, she says there's an old abandoned mine nearby, just past the old fort. I drew a map, take a look. It should bring us out on top of it," Rigmor said. "You drew this yourself? It's um... really good!" "Yeah! That's quite something right?" "Let's go check this fort out," he said. "Ok! Follow me, take Angi's horse. She won't mind," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:55 am

Before they rode to the mine, Aster and M'rissi made a quick visit at Lakeview. Sofia and Mirai joined them...

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"I'm guessing this is the place?" Aster said. "The entrance to the mine must be up there," Rigmor said. "How do you want to do this?" "Well you're the tough guy, right? I'll follow your lead."

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"Alright that's far enough! What can I do for you friend?" Rokkir said. "We're just passing through, heading up to the mine," Aster said. "We're in control of this mine, you know how this works, toll here is 100 gold."
There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then Aster took a step forwatd...
"You pay or selse," Rokkir said. "Or else what? Step aside or die!" Aster said. "I'll have you head!" the bandit cried.

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It looks like the miners were murdered!" Aster said. "Why would anyone do this?" Rigmor said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:58 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209160309-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181209160358-1

"Whoa! Don't look down," Rigmor said. "Don't say that! Of course I looked down," Mirai said. "Hey! This goes to the summit. Wanna take a look?"

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We made it!
By the gods who would have believed it! This surely must be the highest peak in the Jeall Mountains. To think after everything we have been through, the months of planning the attempt at the summit, the setting up of the camp below the abandoned mine, building the frame, here we are.
That view!
Cyrodiil to the South, Skyrim to the North, Hammerfell to the west. We will never forget this moment, this is surely a view to die for. The sun is setting and we are about to make the descent before we freeze to death on the mountain top. That shouldn't be a problem, all that timber in the mine we used to build our way up here. So it will be easy to make our way down. Without the resources it would have been impossible. Poor Vignar, Rokkir was right about the South face being too dangerous, the wind would have blown us all to our deaths. He was wise to abandon that attempt and build our frame on the West face. Pity the other three were not here to see this. A strange fellow came to see us, a nice friendly chap. He informed us that our missing companions had been tragically killed when part of the rotten wood edifice collapsed on the East face. That old mining frame should be avoided. Poor Sorella, she insisted on going with her parents, poor child.
We have decided to stay at the base camp for now, there are ample ore deposits and as long as we avoid the saber cat and that stupid dumb troll we can start a new life as normal citizens.
We have decided to keep them unharmed to deter the new gold prospectors from muscling in on our patch and we can start a new life as normal citizens. We have been told we can trade the ore in Falkreath and the Jarl has decided to overlook our bandit status as we are Nords! As long as we don't cause trouble or rob the locals and pay him a small tribute. it's so good to be able to drink the local mead, and we are planning on building ourselve real homes soon and Frikka is with child. I love her so much, who knows, one day I will make a respectable woman of her and ask her to marry me.
Oh well! The others are calling, time to go.
To you who are reading this journal, I say to you, well met! We are the first, and not the last, to conquer this peak, may it be written so:
Jakkob of Windhelm
Frikka Kjansen
Siggi Kjansen
Rokkir of Riften
Inga Argeldsen

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 8:03 am

"And where do you think you are going? This area is off limits to citizens. Turn around and go back the way you came," the Imperial prospector foreman said. "We're just passing through, we don't want any trouble," Aster said. "Not through here you're not. Last warning. Wait a minute, the girl, haven't I seen her face somewhere before?" "Maybe! Now step aside friend, or it's the last thing you're ever going to see!" "You just don't get the hint, do you. Alarm!"

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"Do you think the sabre cats and Khajiit are somehow related? They do seem similar, except the Khajiit are more human. You don't suppose a human and a sabre cat... No, I'm not going there. People get a little touchy when I say that," Sofia said.

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 8:49 am

"Ok! This must be it!" Rigmor said. "The Fort looks heavily guarded! You ready for this?" Aster said. "After you!"

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 8:52 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181212094337-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181212094452-1

"Places like this are like mazes. But she's not scared. She's... what was that?!" M'rissi said.

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"Let's check the place out, find out what's been going on here," Aster said. "I'll search over here," Rigmor said.

Journal of Jovon Joror, Seer and Mage to Tilar Aedriath
Day 1.
I have arrived at Fort Black and immediately set about my tasks. The experiments have gone well, even though the originals were stolen when the Bruma Embassy was sacked by that Nordling girl, I managed to replicate the advanced forging on the duplicates we had made. This merging of Daedric relics could also be used on armours to make sure our troops are of optimal protection and their weapons superior to any underlings they may encounter in battle and have sent word to the Order for more gold to start production.
Day 7.
Those pesky miners have been busy again, this time they were seen at the forest edge, our guards had to warn them off. I sent a couple of scouts to find out what they were doing, it seems they have found gold ore deposits at the base of the mountain and have built an elaborate wooden frame to transport the ore. We can't have them around the vicinity, the activities here at Fort Black must be kept an absolute secret and can only result in dire consequences for the New Order if the Empire and Dominion find out. I'll send word to General Aedriath to inform him of this nuisance.
Day 13.
General Aedriath has instucted me to dispose of the miners, he doesn't want to risk our operations being snoopd on. I went up to the mine with some guards using the very samr framework they built. It was imperative to find out if they knew anything. They begged us to let them live... fools, if only they had kept their inquisitive noses out of our business. I had the foreman crucified and tortured and the others incinerated. They didn't know anything about our operations after all. Oh well!

Day 23.
Some bandits have been hanging around that old mine. The underlings have been very busy extending the framework to the summit. Three of them were seen snooping in the forest and were captured and brought here. If they knew anything they would have talked. They had a child with them, maybe a clean quick death would be the best thing to do for her. The others have been quiet lately, we told them their friends had been tragically killed in an accident due to the rotting framework and told them to stay on the Skyrim borde side. Maybe they will be useful deterring other nosey trespassers.
Day 28.
Gold prospectors have arrived and are occupying the frame work, I had intended to put them all to death, but only more would eventually come. So I have relented and negotiated a percentage and have appointed trusted foremen to oversee the work. They seemed a little reluctant at first, but as death was the only alternative they soon sae the immediate benefits of a mutual agreement. The deposits will help fund the work we are doing here at Fort black.
Day 30.
Oh! Aedrianna, my love, how I miss you so!

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 8:57 am

"By the Nine Divines! I think you'd better take a look at this!" Rigmor said. "What is it? Let me see," Aster said. "Looks like a breakaway Altmer faction. They are planning a military coup to usurp the Aldmeri political class. What's that, some kind of map?"

To High Justicar Joror, New Order of Alinor
The Order is waiting to hear of your progress concerning the three targets needed to move to the second phase of the plan. I do not have to impress on you the importance of the task. Once the seeds of discord are sown, that fat Emperor will have no option but to move his army North to crush the stormcloaks, then we will be able to take control of the situation here on the Isle and complete the third phase. Can I assume you will emply only the best bounty hunters and assassins to accomplish this task? Coin is not an issue, and they must be eliminated at all costs.
If you want to keep the lasy "high profile" target alive for your own whim you will have to march on Solitude yourself. Do with her what you will.
I will be relying on you, Joror, to keep that army occupied as soon as it becomes obvious it was a ruse, we will then be in a position to take what belongs to us by birth right. Failure is not an option.
Long Live New Alinor!
General Tilar Aedriath.

"A New Order of Alinor? Three top level targets? This doesn't sound good Rigmor," Aster said. "Yes, but it doesn't mention who. What in Talos' name is going on?" she said. "They intend to sow discord and invade Tamriel!" "By the Gods! Do you think... The Queen?" "Now that you mention it..." he said. "Then one of the other targets must be Tullius, but how will they get away with it?" "My bet is on blaming Ulfric and his Stormcloaks." "But then why go to all this trouble? Why not just invade and be done with it?" she said. "It's not Skyrim they want, Rigmor, they want Titus to snd his army North," I said. "Yes, and the Northern invasion force will keep the Emperor's army in Skyrim, and Cyrodiil will be unprotected!" "There, Rigmor, is your answer." "We had better be getting back to Angi's," she said. "Let's take this map and check we haven't missed anything else first," Aster said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 9:00 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181212095635-1

The prisoners as I suscpected knew nothing of our operations here at Fort Black. Malik set about his work with skillful zeal, if the bandit miners knew of anything they would have talked. Even the Alikr fool who appeared at the gate looking for some redguard woman proved not to be a spy. The replica artifacts are now locked away down here and work on them has ceased altogether.
We are to move to a new secret location very soon, as a new-found commodity is proving much more worty of our hard work to strenghten military hardware.
However much it pains me, Joror has ordered me to dispose of the girl. I will make sure Severus gives her a quick and clean death. It's the kindest thing I can do.

"Amazing, exact replicas of your heirlooms," Aster said. "They have Daedric properties, the Amulet of Talos acts as full body armour and the sword is very powerful. Thankfully these were the only ones made," Rigmor said. "What do you want to do with them?" "Why don't you keep them! We had better get back and give the evidence of the plot we have found ro Ren. He will know what to do. This is big!" "What's the story, Rigmor, on the heirlooms I mean?" he said. "They were buried in a chest by the Thalmor when they arrested my dad. My mom and I disn't even know about them. All I know is they are around two hundred years old, and have something to do with the College of Winterhold. One day soon I hope to go there and find out more. It's also one of the reasons I came to Skyrim. Maybe we could check it out sometime?" "Come on, let's move out. You ready?" "Yeah! Let's get out of here," she said.
They were just about to turn around and leave the way they had come when a noise alerted them...

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"Please, have mercy, I beg you!" the frightened child said. "Don't be afraid, we are not going to hurt you," Aster said. "You promise?" "What's your name, little girl?" "My name is Sorella," she said. "That's a pretty name." "Have you seen my parents? The bad guys brought us here." "That must have been them in that cell back there. What now?" Aster said. "Well, we can't just leave here here! Let's take her with us back to Angi's, she'll know what to do. Poor girl," Rigmor said. "Hey there, Sorella. I'm afraid your parents are gone! I need you to be brave and come with us, ok. We're going to take you with us to Angi's, she is one of the good guys," Aster said. "I know that place, it's where the crazy lady lives," Sorella said. "Yes, she will take good care of you until we figure out what to do." "But what about the bad guys?" "Don't worry about them, we just took care of them. We need to go, are you ready?" he said. "Yes, I think so. The bad guys use this tunnel, we can get out this way," she said.

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"Who are they, bandits?" Rigmor said. "No, look at the banner, Bounty Hunters," Aster said. "I wonder what they're doing all the way out here, Uh oh! I guess we're about to find out, right?" "We have no choice but to go through them. It's our only way out of here," he said. "I'm ready when you are," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:01 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181225124040-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20181225124301-1

"You need to see this!" Aster said. "What is it?" Rigmor wondered. "Seems it was you they were after!" "Well that's cute!" "That's quite a price the Thalmor have placed on your head. 15000 gold coins is nothing to laugh at," he said. "Yeah! That's quite something." "Others will come." "Well, you're the Guardian Angel, right!" she said. "Yeah! Well, we got lucky this time." "Whatever!" "It can only get tougher from here on in. Don't underestimate your enemy," Aster said. "Do I look bothered to you?" "Baa'Ren-Dar was right about you being foolhardy, it could get us killed!" "I can take care of myself!" Rigmor said. "You really are something!" "I... I'm sorry!" "Come on! Let's get back to Angi's," he said.
"Achew!" The young Khajiit sniffed. "Hey... M'rissi thinks she has a cold. Can you heal it?" she said.
Aster changed the plan and they stayed the night at the mercenaries' camp...
"This one's about your kin again. It's called Cherim's Heart," Aster said. M'rissi raised her ears. "Go on! Hurry!" she said.

Interviews With Tapestrists
Volume Eighteen
Cherim's Heart of Anequina
by Livillus Perus, Professor at the Imperial University
Contemporary with Maqamat Lusign (interviewed in volume seventeen of this series) is the Khajiti Cherim, whose tapestries have been hailed as masterpieces all over the Empire for nigh on thirty years now. His four factories located throughout Elsweyr make reproductions of his work, but his original tapestries command stellar prices. The Emperor himself owns ten Cherim tapestries, and his representatives are currently negotiating the sale of five more.
The muted use of color contrasted with the luminous skin tones of Cherim's subjects is a marked contrast with the old style of tapestry. The subjects of his work in recent years have been fabulous tales of the ancient past: the Gods meeting to discuss the formation of the world; the Chimer following the Prophet Veloth into Morrowind; the Wild Elves battling Morihaus and his legions at the White Gold Tower. His earliest designs dealt with more contemporary subjects. I had the opportunity to discuss with him one of his first masterpieces, The Heart of Anequina, at his villa in Orcrest.
The Heart of Anequina presents an historic battle of the Five Year War between Elsweyr and Valenwood which raged from 3E 394 (or 3E 395, depending on what one considers to be the beginning of the war) until 3E 399. In most fair accounts, the war lasted 4 years and 9 months, but artistic license from the great epic poets added an additional three months to the ordeal.
The actual details of the battle itself, as interpreted by Cherim, are explicit. The faces of a hundred and twenty Wood Elf archers can be differentiated one from the other, each registering fear at the approach of the Khajiti army. Their hauberks catch the dim light of the sun. The menacing shadows of the Elsweyr battlecats loom on the hills, every muscle strained, ready to pounce in command. It is not surprising that he got all the details right, because Cherim was in the midst of it, as a Khajiti foot soldier.
Every minute part of the Khajiti traditional armor can be seen in the soldiers in the foreground. The embroidered edging and striped patterns on the tunics. Each lacquered plate on loose-fitting leather in the Elsweyr style. The helmets of cloth and fluted silver.
"Cherim does not understand the point of plate mail," said Cherim. "It is hot, for one, like being both burned and buried alive. Cherim wore it at the insistence of our Nord advisors during the Battle of Zelinin, and Cherim couldn't even turn to see what my fellow Khajiit were doing. Cherim did some sketches for a tapestry of the Battle of Zelinin, but Cherim finds that to make it realistic, the figures came out very mechanical, like iron golems or dwemer centurions. Knowing our Khajiti commanders, Cherim would not be surprised if giving up the heavy plate was more aesthetic than practical."
"Elsweyr lost the Battle of Zelinin, didn't she?"
"Yes, but Elsweyr won the war, starting at the next battle, the Heart of Anequina," said Cherim with a smile. "The tide turned as soon as we Khajiit sent our Nordic advisors back to Solitude. We had to get rid of all the heavy armor they brought to us and find enough traditional armor our troops felt comfortable wearing. Obviously, the principle advantage of the traditional armor was that we could move easily in it, as you can see from the natural stances of the soldiers in the tapestry.
"Now if you look at this poor perforated Cathay-raht who just keeps battling on in the bottom background, you see the other advantage. It seems strange to say, but one of the best features of traditional armor is that an arrow will either deflect completely or pass all the way through. An arrow head is like a hook, made to stick where it strikes if it doesn't pass through. A soldier in traditional armor will find himself with a hole in his body and the bolt on the other side. Our healers can fix such a wound easily if it isn't fatal, but if the arrow still remains in the armor, as it does with heavier armor, the wound will be reopened every time the fellow moves. Unless the Khajiit strips off the armor and pulls out the arrow, which is what we had to do at the Battle of Zelinin. A difficult and time-consuming process in the heat of battle, to say the least."
I asked him next, "Is there a self portrait in the battle?"
"Yes," Cherim said with another grin. "You see the small figure of the Khajiit stealing the rings off the dead Wood Elf? His back is facing you, but he has a brown and orange striped tail like Cherim's. Cherim does not say that all stereotypes about the Khajiit are fair, but Cherim must sometimes acknowledge them."
A self-deprecating style in self-portraiture is also evident in the tapestries of Ranulf Hook, the next artist interviewed in volume nineteen of this series.

See? She told you so many times that she looks best in light armour! Not that clunky siut of pots and pans you keep trying to put her into. There's no room even for her tail!" M'rissi said. "Maybe, but at least I always find you exactly where I keft you," Aster said. "Mrrrow! "And of course it does wonders of protecting my fluffy-eared treasure!" "Hmpf," she purred. 

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:06 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20190120135829-1

"Hey, Angi! We found this little orphan girl. She was a prisoner of the Thalmor. Do you think she could stay with us for now, until we can find her a home?" Aster said. "Oh! Why, why certainly, don't you worry. Here, this is for you, it's all in this note," she said.
Aster turned to the child.
"Sorella, Angi is going to take care of you for now, you'll be safe here. You'll be ok here, won't you?" he said. "Yes, I think so." "Good girl, go and introduce yourself to Angi, she's not crazy, I promise." "Hi Angi, I'm Sorella." "Oh hi! Oh, you're sweey... um!" "This place looks cool, like a real home." "How can I argue with that? Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," Angi said.
Aster looked at the note Angi had given him...

Dear Guardian
I have found a significant lea on Rigmor's mother's eing. I will wait for you both in Riften, at the Bee and Barb. Be careful, and as always, be vigilant.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20190120140121-1

"Hey, you ok?" Aster said. "Yeah! I'm good," Rigmor said. "A courier came while we were gone. Baa'Ren-Dar wants to meet up in Riften." "Ok! Let's move on." "Let's prepare first," he said. "Ok! I'll wait here then," she said.
We've followed my son Aster's adventures for a while now. Let us take a few steps back in time and I will tell you about what I was doing, meanwhile...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 20190121181415-1

"I guess that will have to do. You should pass for a real guest, at least until you open your mouth. Ready to board the carriage to the embassy? Don't worry, it will all be waiting for you when you get back. Just make sure you get back out of there alive with the information we need," Delphine said.
I climbed aboard the carriage that brought me to the Embassy. I was greeted by another guest who had walked all the way there. It seemed difficult to fathom how he managed, being so intoxicated as we was. But then he must've started drinking just after arriving. Well, after showing my invitation to the guard outside, I entered... And ran straight into the Thalmor bitch herself.

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"Welcome. I don't believe we've met. I am Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim. And you are...?" "Quite a party. It's my first timem you know. Where can I get a drink?" I said. "Don't worry, my parties are always well-stockedwith the finest food and drink available in this country. But first, you were introducing yourself. Please, tell me more about yourself. What brings you to this... to Skyrim? What is it, Malborn?" "It's just that we've run out of the Alto wine. Do I have permission to uncork the Arenthia red..." "Of course. I've told you before not to bother me with such trifles." "Yes, Madame Ambassador." "My aplogies. We'll have to get aquainted later. Please, enjoy yourself," Elenwen said.
I walked up to the bar...
"You made it in. Good. As soon as you distract the guards, I'll open this door and we can get you on your way. Let's hope we both live through this day," Malborn said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 8 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:08 pm

I needed a distraction. Best mingle a bit and see who I knew here, might get some help...

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"Do you visit the embassy often?" I asked. "There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages. For this reason, I avoid them when I can," Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone said. "Having a good time?" "Fair faces and fine food are well and good, but honesty is rarely so pleasing," she said.
"What brings you to this party?" I asked. "You must be new to Skyrim, or you would know who I am. I have a stake in most anything of importance in Solitude. I feel that it's time to put aside the grievances of the past, and let peace and prosperity flourish between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. I try to do my little part. Besides, just between you and me, it's making me pots of money, hahaha," Erikur said. "You sound like quite the businessman." "Not every Nord is obsessed with strength, honor and skill at arms. A rare few are born with a gift for making money. My investments are my strength and my wealth is my weapon. As for honor, well, there are some luxuries even I can't afford." "I saw you eying that servant girl," I winked. "Mmmm, yes... Brelas, is that the one? I hope you're not thinking of cutting me out, are you? Haha. I'm warning you, when I get my heart set on something I'm not easily put off." "Maybe I can talk to her for you. See if she's interested." "Really? Yes, maybe that would be just the thing. She seemed to be playing hard to get when I spoke to her earlier. Go on. See what she says. Now you've gone and gotten my hopes up again," Erikur said.
I approached the Bosmeri servant girl...
"That fellow over there asked me to talk to you..." "Ugh. Erikur, right? He was talking to me earlier. I could tell what he was after. I hate working these parties. Some of the guests are nice, but there's always a few like Erikur. Please tell him to leave me alone. Ploitely. I''m sure you'll have better luck getting through to him than I would," she said.
I walked back over to Erikur...
"Have you talked to Brelas yet? I'm not a patient man, you know," he said. "Yes. She said she can sneak you up to her quarters right now," I said. "Haha. I knew it! No woman yet born has been able to resist my charms for long. Thank you, my friend. I owe you one." He turned his attention to Brelas. "Hello, my dear. I got your message. Where shall we go?" "What? I'm sorry, sir, but you must have misunderstood. I'm not permitted to leave the party," she said. "Oh, I don't think so. I think I understand perfectly. Don't worry, I will make any necessary excuses to your employer." "No, I'm sorry, but I can't go anywhere with you. I won't. Please, I must get back to my duties." "Don't you walk away from me, you slut! Do you know who I am?" Erikur said.

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"So far so good. Let's hope nobody saw us slip out. We need to pass through the kitchen. Your gear is hidden in the larder. Just stay close to me and let me do any talking, got it? Follow me," Malborn said.

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