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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 10:37 pm

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I spoke to Dagur at the Frozen Hearth when we arrived in Winterhold...

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The innkeeper was very pleased with our performance.

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Blue Moon cavern - that was our next destination...

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Leaving my companions behind, I took a plunge into the icy cold water. It would have killed Mirai, had since she was not a Nord and didn't have our resistance to cold. And secondly, she was not the most confident swimmer either. I explore the flooded tunnels and eventually found what we were looking for...

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"Here's the last page," I said. "I guess this is it, huh? Well we've come this far..." Mirai said.

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"What? Was that it? Hm, a bit anti-climactic don't you think?" Mirai said after reading the last page.
"Where did she go?" Haspina said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 10:42 pm

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"She's here - I know it," I said.

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Junan, that Orc scum, thought he could stop us. HA!

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Just through that door now...

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"What have you done?" "Why do you persist so, Dragonborn? Do you have any idea what you're interfering with?" Zan'nen said. "What have you done to Mirai?" I said. "Nothing that should concern you in the first Place! Why must you meddle in the affairs of those who shouldn't concern you? Maybe explaining my purpose will sway your persistence... This may come as a surprise to you but I am not her real father. No, her real father was killed soon after she was born. Mirai and her family have Always been a target for assassins, that's why I was hired to protect them. Mirai is a special, special girl, Dragonborn, the last of her blood-line. Her family -- descended from a great man. I was one of her grandfather's closest guards back then. It was my job to protect him and his family... but I couldn't protect them from themselves. A few Days Before Mirai was born, her grandfather had become more and more weak-minded... Whether it was from the stress of having a Life of secrecy, or maybe even a poison from his enemies? I don't know. The ailing old man eventually Went completely mad and attacked Mirai's parents. That's when I came to a crossroads, do I strike him down to preserve Mirai and her family? I found myself unable to act when he murdered her mother, his daughter-in-law and then finaly his son -- Mirai's father. When he turned his attention to the Days old Mirai, I had to step in and do what any other man would do despite his duties. There was blood everywhere and echoes of a Crying girl. I adopted Mirai that day and raised her as one of my own, vowing to continue my work through her. It was only a couple of years ago I was made aware of Another relative of hers... an imprisoned one. He has reached out to me and asked me to return Mirai and I am simply trying to return her to him -- that's all." "What was he imprisoned for?" "All he is guilty of is ambition, plain and simple. There were those who feared his Power and locked him away," Zan'nen said. "What were the books for?" "I assume you're referring to the Black Book. That book is bound to the blood of her family, bestowed upon them long ago. Her relative lives in... a special Place, a Place that needs certain conditioning to enter. Reading that book simply prepares her for her decent. Do you understand now, Dragonborn? All your efforsts are to keep Mirai away from her true family. No one will miss her here, no one will know she's gone. She belongs with her faily. There is no shame if you simply turn around and walk away." "Who is this relative of hers?" I asked. "I thought you'd never ask, perhaps if I tell you his name you will understand. He is a very powerful man, more powerful than even you, Dragonborn. He is someoe I can not defy, someone you may be familiar with: The Devourer of Dragons, the first Dragonborn, Miraak." "She's a descendant of Miraak?" "Yes, she is from a line of bastards trickling down in secret for hundreds of years all the way down to her. She is more important than your pride. She is a fountain of untapped Power, moreso now than ever after having been activated by the Magics of Miraak's tome. She is dangerous to you and everyone around her. She must return to Miraak where that power can be put to use!" "I don't care who she is, I will not turn my back on her," I said. "You insignificant maggot! You will not have her! She will bring only pain to you and those around her! If you care for her tht much then trade your Life for hers! You soul would work just as well!" Zan'nen said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 10:45 pm

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Zan'nen summoned a score of minions, but it did him no good. He was defeated. And in the end, Mirai used her inborn Power to blast him over the edge...

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"What was that? You can Shout?" I said. "I... I don't know! My heart just started beating so fast... and all the heat that's been building up inside of me... I just couldn't take it! Is this it? Is this all he wanted from me? This is worth no one's Life. He still has my mom! He loaded her onto the boat already, you have to go get her Before they sail off! Who knows what those bastards are doing to her!" Mirai said.

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"Are you hurt?" I asked. "No, I'm fine! You have to go after Mirai! Zan'nen has her!" Renai said. "Mirai is safe, Zan'nen is dead." "He's... dead? Oh... he wouldn't quit until the very end, huh? Was this agenda of yours really worth your Life, Zan'nen? I just wanted him to come back home with Mirai and me and forget this ever happened. But I guess that was a bit naive, wasn't it? He Went to such great lenghths... but I have no idea why." "Mirai is the descendant of the first Dragonborn," I said. "The firs- ... what? Then... Zan'nen was right, she is special. Maybe I was Quick yo Think the worst, but that still doesn't excuse what he did. If that's the case, Mirai should be protected, not exploited! What happened to the man I knew?" "What will you do now?" "Mirai will still need protection, there are a lot more like zan'nen and once they find out he's dead, they will send someone else. It's not safe in High Rock for Mirai and me. If Mirai lets me, I Think I will live with her. That way I can help her and you as well if you need it. Anyways, we should go speak with Mirai. She must be feeling very confused right now," Renai said.

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"I found your mother, she's unharmed," I said. "Thank you... thank you so much, for Everything. My dad... he's really dead, isn't he?" Mirai said. "He is, but I'm still here, Mirai. I know how hard this must be for you but he was also my husband. We've both lost a lot," Renai said. "I know, Mom... I'm sorry. I... Can we just go home now?" "Mirai... it's not safe. It's still not over. Your father... Zan'nen, he's not the only one they'll recruit. They will not give up on the descendant of the first Dragonborn so easily. We can't go back home." "You told her?" Mirai said. "Why would you want to keep it a secret from me in the first Place, Mirai? It's better this way, I can look after you easier." "You've already done so much for me... I didn't want you to worry any more." "I know a lot of things have changed... but I'm still your mother and all you have left, it's pretty much my job to worry," Renai said. "So... where do we go now?" "Let's just stay in your home in Markarth for now. I don't Think many people aside from your father knew about it. It should be safe. If we need to, I have a coiple of friends here in Skyrim who could help us." "Yeah... okay," Mirai said. "Besides... we might be safer knowing the Dragonborn is looking out for us. I know she was probably a pain in the butt at times... but thank you so much for saving my daughter and for guiding her through all of this. It's not much but... if we can help you in any way, don't hesitate to  let us know. We'll be in Mirai's home in Markarth if you ever need us. Come on, Mirai, we should get going," Renai said. "Just give me a minute... I need to say a few things. So... not much to say that my mom hasn't already, but I just wanted to say it again... thank you," Mirai said. "What will you do now?" I said. "Hide, I guess. I know I haven't Heard the end of it, as long as the cult stands they won't stop sending more people after me. Maybe some day down the line I'll find a way to put a stop to them but until then... At least I can always count on your help, right? It's not like you got anything better to do! And in return... if you ever need help with anything, I can come along. I might as well put these new Powers to use, right? I may not have as many Powers as you... but I'm sure I'll grow stronger the more time we spend together. We can be Shout buddies! Whaddya say?" "We'll Shout up a storm!" "Hehe, it'll be so much fun! I look forward to it! Anyways, I should head home for now. If you need anything, you know where to find me," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 10:49 pm

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"I Think I forgot to tell you that I have received a letter from my mother. She said they all had such a wonderful time at the wedding. And guess what she said about you? That you are absolutely adorable! But, of course, I knew this already. She also mentioned that she will soon be going to Skyrim again... it was something related to her work, I Think. Who knows, maybe we can see her then," Vilja said.

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"This may be silly, but... well, I made some Health potions for you. I don't want anything to happen to you, you see," Vilja said.

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"I hope you had a good time in Winterhold?" Wilbert said. "Now, what would you say about performing together with Another bard? The innkeeper at the Bee and Barb says that the visitors are fed up with only listening to Ra'Zehn's flute music. Maybe you could spice things up? Go to the Bee and Barb and talk to Ra'Zehn, I'm sure you could perform something pleasant together," he continued. "Performing with Ra'Zehn? Now, this could get really interesting. Just think of all the music we can play if there are three of us," Vilja said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 10:54 pm

"Did I ever tell you that my mother trains people in alchemy? Yes, she obviously has been training me and my siblings, with various result... but she also trains others, and she is supposed to be quite good at it. I'm mentioning this as I know she will be coming to Skyrim on visit soon, and I was thinking maybe you would like to improve your alchemy skills," Vilja said.

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I spoke to Keerava when we were finished...
"The Thieves Guild has been pushing hard to regain a foothold in this city. Rumor has it they're falling apart from the inside," she said.

"Have you heard the stories about the Headless Huntsman who is roaming Skyrim at night? Scary, isn't it?" Vilja said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:01 pm

Our next destination was the Forsaken Cave...

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We came here in search of a ring...

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Of course the place was infested with draugr...

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They tried their best but they couldn't stop us...

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The pull of the Word Wall was strong...

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"Nonvul Bron, dahmaan daar rok do fin Fodiiz Bormah - Wah krii ko morokei kein los wah zin geinmaar. Wah dir ko morokei kein los wah pah do Keizaal," it read. that means, "Noble Nord, remember these Words of the Hoar Father - To kill in glorious war is to honor oneself. To die in glorious war is to honor all of Skyrim."

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We left through a shortcut.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:11 pm

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"I have your ring," I said. "Thank you. Here, let an old alchemist pass on some of her secrets to you," Frida said. "Have you been in Dawnstar long?" "Pfft. I'm the oldest woman in Dawnstar. Was here when Skald the Elder was Skald the Younger. He's a fool, if you haven't met him already. Thinks ulfric Stormcloak is invincible and spits dragon fire. The people here look to Brina Merilis when they need things settled. Real firebrand going up. Wasn't surprised when she joined the Legion."

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"The traders at the Marketplace here in Solitude want to attract more people. As you know, nothing works better than a bard performance. Go to the Marketplace during business hours, speak to Jala. She will pay you afterwards, and maybe give you a certificate as well. Another thing... Young Sindra says she is eager to perform for an audience. If you like, you could bring her with you. She is upstairs," Wilbert said. "Performing at a Marketplace sounds like a good idea. And I would love to bring Sindra with us. Just think of all the music we could play together!"

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"There is Another innkeeper who has asked for an evening's bard Entertainment. I simply mark it on your map. Talk to the innkeeper Before you start. If you like Young Sindra to come with you, I'm sure she would be happy to do so, but I leave that up to you to decide. Unless I tell you something else, you can Always ask her to tag along if you wish. I Think she enjoys getting out of the dusty college," Wilbert said.

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"I have received a letter from my mother. She is on her way to Dawnstar together with my Little sister Tindra. Obviously, she is going to meen an alchemist friend regarding some research. But she wonders if we have time to come to Dawnstar and see her," Vilja said. "I'm looking forward to seeing her!" I said. "Oh, great! I was hoping you would say so. You know, I Think we should go there as soon as possible. Letters take time, so maybe she is already there. And from what it soukds, she can not stay in Skyrim very long." "Of course", I said. "But first we have our performance at the Drunken Hunstsman here in Whiterun."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:20 pm

We made haste to Dawnstar...

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"Oh, Mom, it's so good to see you again!" Vilja said. "Oh Vilja... I'm so happy that you could come here." "And you have Tindra with you as well! Hi, sweetie!" "Hi there! Can I come visit you some time? Please! I'm a big girl, you know!" Tindra said. "We'll talk about that later. How long will you be staying, Mom? Have you met your alchemist friend yet?" Vilja said. "I was only supposed to stay here for a couple of Days, but I'm a bit concerned, as my friend Magda hasn't shown up," Idegun said. "Really? Tell me..." Vilja said. "She was supposed to bring me some important ingredients, in particular some hagraven feathers, which I can't get in Solstheim. I was sure she would be waiting for me. But she hasn't shown up and no one has seen her." "Maybe she has just been delayed. It's not so easy to travel the roads of Skyrim." "Possibly... but I'm a bit concerned..." Idegun said. "Maybe we could go and look for her?" Vilja said. "Would you do that? Oh, I would be so grateful... I have been thinking of doing so, myself, but I can't when I have Little Tindra with me." "But Mom! I would love to go on adventure! Really!" Tindra said. "Oh no! You are staying right here, with me," Idegun said. "Oh, Mom!"
Idegun turned to me...
"My dear, I am so happy to meet you again. I just wish that the circumstances would have been different..." she said. "Tell me, what is wrong?" I said. "I'm so worried over my friend Magda. She was supposed to be waiting for me here, but she hasn't shown up, and no one has seen her." "Have you any idea where she could be?" "Maybe... but I dearly hope that I am wrong. You see, Magda, in spite of her age, is quite adventurous. In our correspondence we have been discussing the use of hagraven feathers, and her experiments with them has given interesting results. Therefore, she wanted to share her specially prepared hagraven feathers with me, and also give me some for my own experiments. But, alchemist stores arely have any large supply of hagraven feathers, and in her last letter she said something concerning... She said that if she couldn't find as many hagrven feathers as we both needed, she might go to a hagraven nest and see if she could find any. I wrote to her to not consider this, but she just replied 'We'll see' and then she mentioned a particular Place. Serpent's Bluff Ruin... have you Heard of that Place? Oh dear, I really hope she didn't go there in her efforts to find more hagraven feathers." "It's near Rorikstead. We could go there and loo for Magda," I said. "Would you do that? Oh, I would be so grateful! I have been thinking of going myself, but I can't when I have Little Tindra with me." "Speaking of Tindra... Can Tindra come and stay with us for a while?" "Yes, absolutely... but I don't Think I could concentrate on this right now. Not until we know what happened to Magda," Idegun said.

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Dear Magda,
Please don't go to any dangerous places just in order to find more hagraven feathers for me! If I can have the 20 hagraven feathers that you prepared especially for me and maybe 10 more, that is all I need.
I will arrive in Dawnstar in a few days, and I'm so much looking forward to seeing you. Tindra will come with me, and hopefully Vilja will show up as well, unless she is too busy with other projects. I hope we can all spend some time together. I will bring my meatball recipe, as I promised. I'm so sorry that you broke your tooth last time you ate one of my meatballs. Strangely, this happened to Matthis as well.
See you soon,

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Poor Magda! she shouldn't have gone here all on her own. Mother will get really sad when she hears what has happened," Vilja said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:25 pm

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"We're back," I said. "Yes? Have you got any news about Magda?" Idegun wondered. "I'm afraid that Magda is dead." "Oh no! You know, I feared this all the time. When she wasn't in Dawnstar on my arrival, I started to suspect something really bad had happened to her. Poor, dear Magda... We didn't meet up very often, but I ppreciated her very much. She was so innovative with her usage of various ingredients. I was so curious to see what she had accomplished with hagraven feathers." "I actually brought you her hagraven feathers," I said. "You did? That's very kind of you. Now at least I can continue her research. I actually have got something for you as well. I know you and Vilja are facing quite a lot of dangers while traveling Skyrim... So I brought a few things that might come in handy. Please shae this with Vilja, so that you both are well protected," Idegun said.

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Vilja's Little sister joined us at Lakeview Manor.

A few days later, I was visiting Riften...

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"I'm looking for work. Got any leads?" I asked the steward. "The Jarl has put a Bounty on the dragon that's been terrorizing the countryside. Here, take a look at this decree for details," Anuriel said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:29 pm

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With the dragon at Northwind Summit defeated, I could concentrate on the Word Wall...
"Het mah faasnau ronan Undweld, aar, kriid grohiik, ahrk drog do Lot Nir," it read.
That means, "Here fell the fearless Archer Undveld, servant, slayer of wolves, and lord of the Great Hunt."

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"Please help me, I'm going to lose my job at the Riften Fishery," Wujeeta said. "You might lose your job?" "My job at the Riften Fishery is in danger. The owner, Bolli, said that if I show up for work in this condition one more time, then I'm out. I don't mean to do this to myself, but I can't help it. I tried some skooma a year ago, and ever since then, I can't stop! If you could give me a healing potion, I could cleanse this poison from my body and get back to my life," she said.
I had more than enough potions in my pack. Parting with one meant nothing more than a drop in a bucket.
"Sure. Here you are," I said. "Your kindness will never be forgotten. Here, take this. It's all I can offer you for what you've given me," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:32 pm

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"Where do you get your skooma?" I asked. "Look, I don't Think I should say. I mean, they could kill me!" Wujeeta said. "I Think you owe me one." "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. I get my skooma from Sarthis Idren. He has some sort of a setup over at the Riften Warehouse. You can't get inside though. They've kept that Place locked up tight since the war began." "Who has the key to the warehouse?" I asked. "I overheard Bolli say that only the Jarl carries the key to the warehouse. When I neet Sarthis there, he's usually waiting for me outside with his bodyguard." "What will you do now?" "If it wasn't for skooma, I'd already be on my way out of this horrible city. All my gold... completely gone. Now I have to start over. I'll never use skooma again! Although I suppose a Little mead now and then would be harless..." she said. "Do you like working at the Riften Fishery?" "Bolli is a good man, he pays us well and watches out for us. I used to work at the Black-Briar Meadery, but Indaryn and I never saw Eye-to-Eye. That elf has no patience at all. It's probably for the best anyway; I'm far better at fishig than working in a meadery."

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"I've discovered a skooma dealer in Riften," I said. "Yes, I'm afraid we're aware of Sarthis's presence in the warehouse. Unfortunately, we're certain he has informants within the city guard. Every time we've made a move to arrest him, he's escaped. However, if you'd take care of this discretely, you might be able to surprise him without warning," Jarl Laila Law-Giver said.
"Sure, I'll do it." "Exellent. Here, this is the key to the warehouse. See if you can drop in on this dealer of poison and convince him to Close down his operation permanently," she said.

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Just got in a shipment of Moon Sugar from Morrowind. We're refining it now, and the skooma should be ready by the time you get to Cragslane Cavern. Bring the gold or don't show up at all.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:35 pm

"Sarthis Idren has been taken care of," I said. "It's nice to receive good news for a change. Did you recover anything else from the warehouse Worth mentioning," Jarl Laila Law-Giver said. "I've discovered the source of the skooma." "Then there's no time to lose. It won't take long for Sarthis's Associates to learn of his Death. The source of the poison must be destroyed once and for all, otherwise Another dealer will simply take his Place. Do this task for me and you'll be well on your way to a title in Riften." "I'll make sure it's done," I promised. "Good. Report back to me when the task is complete," she said.

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"The Cragslane operation has been stopped," I said. "Well done! Your continued efforts have been of great benefit to the people of Riften. Allow me to present you with this compensation for your selfless efforts," the Jarl said.
I sought out the steward...
"I'd like to purchase a house in the city," I told her. "Splendid! There's a house available right now," Anuriel said. "I'll take it." "Wonderful! Here is the key to your new home."

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"Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd visit us again. I've been informed by my steward that you've made quite an impression in the Rift; sevral of our citizens have expressed their admiration," the Jarl said. "Regarding what, my lady?" "Much like Mjoll, you've become champion of our hold; helping people with their difficulties and providing assisyance for their needs. As the Jarl of Riften, I feel it's my duty to honor your selfless behavior by honoring you with the title Thane of Riften." "I would be honored to accept." "You've already taken all the necesary steps in becoming eligible for the title. Therfore all that remains is to bestow it upon you," she said. "Thank you." "I should be the one thanking you. You've solved more problem in the short time you've been here than anyone in my court has their entire careers. You've been a beacon of hope in these dark times for my people and I will never forget it. Therefore, by my authority as Jarl, I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all the benefits befitting your station. Congratulations."

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"The Jarl has appointed me to be your housecarl. It's an honor to serve you," Iona said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:37 pm

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"I know that you probably Think that I'm overdoing it when I Always worry that you could get kiled when you are fighting. I wish that the Wolfcry Armour that I made for you would have offered better protection than what it does. When my mother was here, I gave her a letter that was for my father. As you know he is a smith. I was thinking that maybe he would have an idea for a really good armour. I remember that when I was a Child, I Heard stories about a Heavy Wolfcry Armour that was one of the best armours ever made. But I Think that was just a fairytale, because the story was about a noblewoman who gave it to a Knight who was supposed to fight a dragon. Well, we'll just have to wait and see what my father replies, now won't we?" Vilja said.

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"What's wrong with everyone around here?" I wondered. "The entire Town is being plagued by horrible nightmares. They're in serious danger but I'm afraid there's Little I can do about it," Erandur said. "Then leave. This isn't your problem." "Turn my back on these people when their lives could be at stake? I should say not. Those dreamsare not just visions, they're a footprint left by the Daedric Lord Varmina as she Drains these people of their memories!" "What's your plan?" I wondered. "I need to return to the source of the problem, to Nightcaller Temple. Perhaps you'd be willing to assist me in that regard?" "What do you mean, return? You've been there?" "I've already said too much. If anyone overhears what we're saying, it could start a panic. I would simply ask that you trust me and help me end Dawnstar's nightmares," Erandur said. "Very well. I shall trust you. How can I help?" I said. "Wonderful! My lay Mara will be quite pleased! Nightcaller Tmple is only a short walk from Dawnstar. Come, we ,ust hurry," he said. "Who os the Daedric Lord Vaermina?" Vilja asked. "Vaermina resides in a strange realm known as Quagmire… a nightmarish land where reality shifts upon itself in seemingly impossible ways. From her citadel at the center, she reaches forth to collect our memories, leaving nothing in return apart from visions of horror and despair," Erandur said. "What does she do with the memories?" I wondered. "Who can say? Perhaps she collects them for display like works of art in a nonsensical art gallery. Whatever the case may be, her intentions are far from benevolent," Erandur said.

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"It feels good to finally have a chance to help these people. Helplessly watching them suffer's been difficult," Erandur said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:40 pm

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"The tower on that hill is our destination. People around here call it the Tower of the Dawn. I'm not familiar with the tower's history, but it was deserted for quite a long time before Nightcaller Temple was established inside. When the temple was active the priests would rarely be seen in Dawnstar. They preferred to live a solitary existence. The temple's been abandoned for decades now. Ironic, isn't it... a ruin within a ruin? There's a small shrine to Mara I establushed inside the tower's entry hall. I was hoping to seek spiritual guidance from her. Perhaps my prayers were answered and your reason for stumbling across Dawnstar is more than a mere coincidence," Erandur said.

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"Before we enter, I must warn you about the dangers that could be lurking within. Years ago, this temple was raided by an Orc war party seeking revenge... they were being plagued by night,ares just like the people of Dawnstar," Erandur said. "Were they successful?" I wondered. "No. Knowing they could never defeat the orcs, the priests of Vaermina released what they call the Miasma, putting everyone to sleep." "Why is it dangerous if they're alsleep?" "I'm concerned that when this place is unsealed, the Miasma will dissipate and they'll awaken, both orcs and priests alike," Erandur said. "What does the Miasma do?" "The Miasma was created by the priests of Vaermina for their rituals. It's a gas that places the affected in a deep sleep. Vecause the rituals would last for months or even years, the Miasma was designed to slow down the aging process." "Is the gas dangerous?" I wondered. "Sadly, yes. The longer an individual is exposed to the Miasma, the more the mind can become damaged. Those who've been under the effect for extended periods of time have been known to lose their minds entirely. In some cases, a few never awoke at all. Once we get inside, all will become clear," Erandur said.

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Erandur entered and I behind him, and Sofia behind me. Vilja and Sindra remained outside..

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:44 pm

"Give me a moment, and I'll have this open", Erandur said.

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Sofia and I followed the priest...

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We could catch a glimpse of the Daedric artifact below...

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"Damn it. The priests must have activated this barrier when the Miama was releed," Erandur said. "Looks difficult to breach," I said. "Impossible actually. Hmm, I wonder... There may be a way to bypass the barrier, but I must check their libray and confirm it can be done." "You seem to know an awful lot about this place." "I suppose there's no point in concealing the truth any longer. My knowledge f this temple comes from personal experience. I was a priest of Vaermina," Erandur said. "Why keep it a secret?" "When the orcs invaded the temple, I fled. I left my brothers and sisters to die. I've spent the last few decades living in regret and seeking redemption from Mara. And by Her Benevolence, I will right my wrong." "How can the Skull be affecting Dawnstar?" I wondered. "Lore holds that the Skull of Corruption holds a constant hunger for the memories of others. The Skull has been out of touch for so long, I fear it's gained the ability to reach out on its own and try to feed. What it does with these memories is just conjecture and an argument for scholars and historians to this very day," he said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:48 pm

"We mustn't tarry... the Skull needs to be destroyed as soon as possible," Erandur said.

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"Be careful... we're certain to find more of the awakened within," he said.

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"Barring any more interruptions, perhaps we can locate the information I need," Erandur said. "What am I looking for?" I wondered. "We're looking for a book of alchemical reciped called the Dreamstride. The tome bears the likeness of Vaermina on the cover. It should be here somewhere. If you'll check the shelves around the balcony, I'll check around the lower level."

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"Found it," I said. "Let me take a look... Mara be praised! There is a way past the barrier to the inner sanctum. It involves a recipe for a liquid known as Vaermina's Torpor," Erandur said. "Is that some kind of potion?" "Yes. The Torpor grants an ability the priests of Vaermina called the Dreamstride, using dreams to travel distances in the real world." "That's amazing!" I said. "Quite amazing, yes. Alchemy and the blessings of a Divine distilled down into a ingestible liquid. Sadly, I have yet to see it function in person." "I'm going to be your test subject, then?" "As a sworn priest of Mara, the elixir won't work on me. The Torpor will only work for Priests of Vaermina, or the unaffiliated," Erandur said. "Sounds dangerous. How can you be certain?" "I will not lie to you, there is some risk involved. The last time the Torpor was inbibed could have been decades ago. But I swear upon Lady Mara that I will do everything within my power to prevent any harm  from befalling you." "Do you know where we can find the Torpor?" I wondered. "I believe there is a laboratory in the east wing. If we proceed there, we should be able to locate a sample. The laboratory adjoins the library. I'm hoping we'll find a sample of the Torpor left undamaged," he said.

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"Now that they've been dealt with, we need to find the Torpor," Erandur said. "How will I know what it looks like?" I wondered. "It should be in a small bottle, very similar to a potion. I'll begin searching up here. The Torpor should be in a tall bottle with dark liquid. If you find it, bring it to me," he said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:53 pm

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"I found the Torpor," I said. "I'm relieved you discovered a bottle intact; this place looks as though it was ransacked by the orcs. So... I've taken us this far, but you need to guide us the rest of the way. Drink," Erandur said. "Here? Now?" "Dawnstar's fate rests in that tiny bottle. The longer we wait, the more damage Vermina could be doing to those poor people. I understand your hesitation, but I promise you that it works." "What will The Dreamstride feel like?" I wondered. "You'll be viewing the memory of another through your own eyes and with your own body. Those around you will perceive you as normal and you will find the words you utter may not be your own. Thanks to all these odd principles, there is quite a lot of debate as to whether this is really a dream or just the machination of Vaermina." "How will I kmow when to awaken?" "I will watch over you as you slumber to ensure your safety. If I deduce anything is amiss, I will use my arts to bring you back. Otherwise, I am uncertain what will end your Dreamstride. Perhaps when Vaermina's curious appetite has been filled. Let's continue, we still have much to do," Erandur said.
I quaffed the Torpor. suddenly I saw the world as though a colourful haze...

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"We must hold. We can't allow the Skull to fall into their hands," Veren Duleri said. "But... no more than a handful of us remain, bother," Thorek said. "Then we have no choice. The Miasma must be released." "The Miasma? But, brother..." "We have no alternative. It's the will of Vaermina. And what about you, Brother Casimir? Are you prepared to serve the will of Varmina?" Veren said. "I've made my pece. I'm ready," I said. "Then it's decided. Brother Casimir, you must activate the barrier and release the Miasma. Let nothing stop you. Brother Thorek, we must remain here and guard the Skull with our lives if necessary," Veren said. "Agreed. To the death," Thorek said. "Then let it be done. Farewell, my brothers!" Veren said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 11:58 pm

I took the soul gem keeping the barrier in place...

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"It... it worked. Mara be praised! You vanished after drinking the Torpor and materialized on the other side. I have never seen anything quite like it," Erandur said. "It was remarkable... As if I was really there," I said. "How I envy you. I can only imagine the exitement of seeing history through the eye of another! Sadly, I am resigned to just reading of its wonders through my research of the Skull." "We can discuss it later. We need to proceed." "Indeed. My reverence for Vaermina's machinations should not take precedence over our mission. My apologies. The inner sanctum is ahead. we must reach the Skull and put an end to Dawnstar's troubles. Lead on. my friend," Erandur said.

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"Veren... Thorek... you're alive!" Erandur said.

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"No thanks to you, Casimir," Veren said. "I no longer use that name. I'm Erandur, Priest of Mara." "You're a traitor. You left us to die and then ran before the Miasma took you." "No. I... I was scared. I wasn't ready to sleep," Erandur said. "Enough of your lies! I can't allow you to destroy the Skull, Priest of Mara," Veren said. "Then you leave me no choice!" Erandur said. "You're mine!" Thorek said.

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"I... knew Veren and Thorek. They were my friends. Is this punishment for my past? Is it Mara's will to torment me so?" Erandur said. "We had no choice," I said. "Yes. You're right. If they needed to die so that Dawnstar can live, then it was worth the price. It's time. The Skull must be destroyed. If you'll stand back, I'll perform the ritual granted to me by Lady Mara. First, an incantation to remove the barrier," Erandur said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:01 am

"I call upon you, Lady Mara! The Skull hungers. It years for memories and leaves nightmares in its wake. Grant me the power to break through this barrier and to send the Skull to the depths of Oblivion!" Erandur said.

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"He's deceiving you. When the ritual is complete, the Skull will be free and then Erandur will turn on you. Quickly! Kill him now. Kill him and claim the Skull for your own! Vaermina commands you!"

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"Forgive me if I don't appear relieved... this temple has taken its toll on me," Erandur said. "So we're done, then?" I said. "Yes. The Skull has been destroyed and Dawnstar is safe. I'd contructed a meager shrine to Mara in the antechamber where we entered. My intention was to spend the rest of my years here, burying the past and praying for forgiveness. But instead, I wish to offer my services to you. If you ever wish to journey with me, I'll be here." "Thank you." "There's no need to thank me. What you did was for the people of Dawnstar, If anyone should be thanked, it should be you," Erandur said.

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We were finally rejoined with the others...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:09 am

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"Skald, if you don't mind sir, I have a request." "You have a request of me, Bulfrek? This should be interesting," Jarl Skald said. "Well, I was thinking sir, with the war going on and all. Maybe, I could enlist? Fight the Imperials?" "A servant? Enlisting in the Stormcloaks? Ah, Bulfrek, that's why I like having you about. Ah, you're always good for a laugh." "Uh, yes sir. That's me. The oafish servant, Bulfrek said."
"We are poised for glory, Jod. The Empire will never take Dawnstar while every last man, woman, and child still draws breath!" Jarl Skald said. "With respect, Jarl. You can't ask everyone to throw themselves against trained Legionaires. Let's leave the fighting to the Stormcloaks," Jod said. "You're right. Why dilute the glory with too many souls fighting over it? We'll drive out the Empire and be celebrated as heroes when we win." "If we win. This war is going to drag on for years. I can feel it. We need to prepare for a long struggle ahead." "Enough of you dire predictions! We will talk about this another time," Jarl Skald said. "I'm Skald's housecarl and head of his guard in Dawnstar," Jod said. "I've been in charge of Dawnstar for over 35 years. The nightmares in Dawnstar have lifted, and I hear you helped that happen. You have my thanks," Jarl Skald said." "How is Dawnstar faring in the war?" I wondered. " The Stormcloaks are destined to win this fight. Talos is with us, and when you fight under a Divine's blessing, victory is assured. Dawnstar has a history of being the site of battles that have crippled the fate of the Empire. I hope this remains true." "Is Dawnstar prepared for dragon attack?" "The only reason dragons are attacking is because Talos is angry with us for turning our backs on him. as soon as we drive the Empire out of Skyrim, the dragons will vanish. Mark my words," Jarl Skald said. "I'm looking for work." "Giants are a common problem in the Pale. The Empire always demanded I leave them be, but the Empire isn't here now. Go and slay one of the beasts. It should let them know that Dawnstar is not to be trifled with." "It will be done," I said. "I'm counting on you. Good luck with the giant. Don't get stepped on," Jarl Skald said.

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The quest was easy enough and we soon returned to Dawnstar...

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"The giant in Tumble Arch Pas is dead," I said. "You've shown those monsters that they will no longer be tolerated in the Pale. Good work. Here, a reward from your Jarl," Skald said. "Anything else you need, my Jarl?" "There is room in my court for a new Thane. It's an honorary title, mainly, but there are a few perks someone like you could make use of. However, I could only grant the title to someone who is known throughout my Hold. You help my people, and I'll make you my Thane." "It would be a honor," I said. "Good luck," Jarl Skald said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:14 am

I could have made an effort to become Thane, but at this time I only had one thing on my mind - the young Breton girl. I traveled to her home in Markarth...
"How old are you?" I asked her. "I have been alive for seventeen years. Time just flies by doesn't it? How old are you?" Mirai said. "A lot older than you," I told her. "Always watching over me like a big brother, right? I know I can learn a lot from you." "Is there anyone back home waiting for you?" "Actually, there is, his name is Aldari. He's always been someone I can trust and rely on. I love him with all my heart. He's always so happy to see me but sometimes he gets a little too exited... slobbering all over me," she said. "Awe, I love dogs too." "Dogs are the best. They're simple, love them and they'll love you back." "What do you think of me?" I asked. " Well that's a loaded question. Hmm... well, you're the Dragonborn of legend who saved my mother and I from certain death. What can I really say? You will always be a very special friend to me." "Just a friend...?" "Hey don't make this awkward! I just don't know you that well yet," she said. "Has marriage ever crossed your mind?" "Only to marvel at how meaningless it is. It's hard to believe i after... what happened between my parents. You just never truly know someone. I'm way too terrified of having to go through that again." "I don't blame you," I said. "I don't think I'd make a very good house wife anyways. I'm not that type of girl who can just sit around and cook all day."

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Vilja had come with me to Markarth. She was waiting outside...
"Do you remember that I told you the other day that I had sent a letter to my father? Well, I have received a reply now. And guess what... He is coming to Skyrim! And he wants the two of us to go adventuring with him! here! You better read this letter yourself!" she said.

Dear Vilja,
It's funny that you should ask me about the Wolfcry Heavy Armour.
I'm not sure how much you know about the legend, but perhaps you know that your great-great-great-grandfather was involved in it? He was the smith who made the Wolfcry Heavy Armour. There was a Dunmer noble woman from Ebonheart in Morowind who visited Solstheim together with her father. There she met a young Nord warrior and they fell in love. The warrior asked her father for her hand in marriage, but her father said no. Never would he allow his daughter to marry a simple warrior, and a Nord on top of that. The warrior asked if there was anything he could do to make the father change his mind. The father scorned him and said:
"I will only let you marry my daughter if you can find a dragon and kill it."
"Then I will find a dragon," the young Nord replied.
Now, remember that in these days, there were no dragons in Solstheim, nor in Skyrim. There only existed the legend about Numinex, who had been captured in Dragonsreach. Still, the young warrior decided to go to Skyrim and search for a dragon.
Before he left, he asked the young lady if she would follow the Solstheim tradition and make him a Wolfcry Armour to keep him well protected. She agreed to this, but being a Dunmer from Morrowind, she of course did not know how to make such an armour. At that time, your great-great-great-grandfather was the best smith in Solstheim, and she turned to him for advice. He promised to help her, and said that he would make a Wolfcry Armour that was stronger and offered more protection than what anyone had seen before.
According to legend, the result was stunning. The armour looked similar to a Wolfcry Armour, but part of it was metal. Not common steel, but a hardened, shiny material.
The Nord warrior left for Skyrim, dressed up in his new armour. Sadly, he never returned. He surely didn't find a dragon, but there were many other dangerour creatures in Skyrim, and he was killed.
The legend about the precious Wolfcry Heavy Armour has lived on, though, at least among smiths. And then, only some days ago, my friend Snorri Berglund told me some exiting news. Snorri is a blood relative of the Nord warrior with the armour. When Snorri's father recently died, Snorri found some very old latters among his papers. One letter was from the young Nord warrior, Borge Berglund. He had given up the plans on trying to find a dragon and was instead intending to get very rich before he returned home. He wrote about a specific ruin he was going to visit in order to find wealth. He said that he would write again when he had finished this mission. But no-one heard from him since, so maybe this is where he lost his life.
I must admit that I got so exited over these news that I would like to come to Skyrim, myself, in order to visit the dungeon and find out the truth about the Nord with the Wolfcry Heavy Armour. And after reading your letter, I'm even more eager.
What do you say? Would you and your spouse like to come with me? If so, meet me in the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar. I'm already paxking, so I may arrive there even before you receive this letter. I'll wait for you a few days, if you haven't shown up by then, I'll go dungeon crawling on my own. My beard may be grey, but I'm still strong and hardy as an old oak!
Hope to meet you soon.
Your father

Perhaps you would expect we went straight to Dawnstar, but instead we went home to Lakeview. When I had a moment with Mirai, I asked her:
"Would you like to go out somewhere?" "Go out? Don't we go out all the time?" she said. "This time is different, I'd like to get to know you more." "Oh... okay, sure. I coukd definitely use some time to relax and just clear my mind a bit. But if you really want to get to know me, it'd be best if we were alone."

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"Eldergleam... amazing, isn't it? A land blessed by Kynareth, a shining beacon of life and beauty in Skyrim. I'm not the most... devout follower of any of the nine but Kynareth has always inspired me," Mirai said. "Inspired you how?" I wondered. "The patron of sailors and travelers, the deity of the heavens, the winds, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air... the goddess of rain. She's a symbol of absolute freedom, something I've always strived for... at times hope and inspiration from Kynareth was all I had." "Now you can spread your wings more." "Well... more than before at least. I do feel a lot closer to Kynareth out here. I never thought I'd find a place like this in Skyrim... it reminds me a lot of home. My home... with mom, dad, and Aldari. I know it's strange to miss it all but I do. I guess I always just felt... safe. It was the only constant in my life... and to have it taken away from me so suddenly... I'm just not used to it yet," she said. "You really miss your old life?" "You must think I'm crazy, huh? To miss all that..." "Home is where the heart is," I said. "Look at you being all deep and poetic. Yeah, I guess you're right, my home is here too. Aside from all the death and war, Skyrim is really nice. I always liked the cold. And that must be Eldergleam up there! The oldest living thing in all of Tamriel... I feel so tiny under it. It's so amazing... being here just makes the rest of the world feel like it's fading away." "Is there really no place like this in High Rock?" "There is... but this is different, this place is like a pearl in an oyster. If Skyrim had a heart, this is where you'd find it," Mirai said. "That's a very poetic way to put it," I said. "I know, right? Aren't I amazing? Better watch out, I'm gonna be the next great bard! Anyways, come on, let' sit down and relax."
We sat down on the edge of the water, listening to the thunderous waterfall.
"I like spending time with you," I said. "Thanks, I like spending time with you too," Mirai said. "Are you having a good time?" "I admit I was skeptical at first but I'm really glad we came out here." "Would you like something to eat?" I asked. "Sure, you brought something?" she said.
We shared the homecooked meal Vilja had given me. Then, after eating, we took our clothes off and showered in the waterfall...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:33 am

My plan when we arrived in Ivarstead was to take Mirai to High Hrothgar and intriduce her to the Greybeards...

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"I don't think you have any idea how to treat a girl, do you? What was the point of comig out here?" she said. "You should be grateful for times of peace," I said. "Couldn't we find peace at a hot spring somewhere? This is all the fault of those idiots, upset that the Elves don't worship the same gods that they do. Why does everyone have to suffer because some child doesn't get their way? If Ulfric really cared about the people of Skyrim he'd make compromises. Maybe I'm a bit biased as a Breton living in the Reach, but I think he's a big bully. Stormcloaks? Imperials? It makes no difference, I think they're both idiots. I just wish everyone would shut up and mind their own business. At least you're not that dumb, right? Are you on anyone's side?"
It was a volatile subject, but I kept my cool...
"I support the Stormcloaks," I said. "A sole-Nord Skyrim? Sounds like a pipe dream. I respect what he's trying to do for his people, just not the way he's doing it. Nt that High Rock is any better... it's mostluy Orcs bickering over there. I think there's fighting everywhere you go. I don't know how anyone can stand living like this, I don't want to end up like these people when I'm older. I want to live somewhere happier. If there is such a place..." Mirai said. "We should work with what we have." "I don't know... turn a place like this into paradise? Maybe someday... but... I guess there's really no point in worrying about it right now, you're just going to have to save Skyrim and make it a better place for me. You know I'm just kidding, right? I know about everything you're trying to do for these people already. I've already caused you enough trouble, I do't mean to cause you more. I just honestly don't know how else to act, it's just who I am. Being the descendant of a Dragonborn is hard enough, I can't imagine actually being one." "I didn't choose this life but I'm making the best of it," I said. "I wish I had a fraction of the motivation you have to do what you do... But I guess someone's gotta do it, right? You know wht we were talking about a second ago? I've been wondering... is there anyone you don't like? You know... like Nords, Elves, Bretons..." "I don't hate anyone... Well, Thalmor are an exception, but everyone hates the Thalmor." "That definitely sounds like something you'd say. You're such a good person. So... how about anyone you like? Is there anyone special in your life?" she said.
I think she expeted me to say Vilja and my children. My answer certainly caught her off guard...
"You," I said. "W-what?! Don't say such stupid things! Don't you have any sense of delicacy? I'm not blushing! Y-you are! Anyways... I believe life's too short for hate and grudges but some people just rub me the wrong way. The 7000 steps, huh... have you ever made it up there?" she said. "I have." "I guess it's pretty mandatory for the Dragonborn, isn't it? I don't envy you having to make that climb so often. I hope I never have to go up there... do you think they know about me? I mean, they have to, right? I wonder what they think of me... Now I'm kind of nervous... I don't have to go see them do I? You can teach me shouting instead, right?" "They're not so bad," I chuckled. "Maybe for you... I think they're creepy. I'm getting way too used being around you. I hope you don't have any plans to leave me because I won't let you. You're stuck with me now, got it?"

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"Mirai? I'm not going anywhere," I said. "Good... because like I said, whether you like it or not you're stuck with me!" she said. "We should get going," I said. "Okay, ready when you are."
For our next date I took Mirai to Twilight Sepilcher...

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"Well, this is a mysterious little corner of the world. Skyrim never ceases to surprise me, when you think you've seen it all there's always something else. There's never a dull moment around you, is there?" she said. "Does that bother you?" I wondered. "It' just a big change from the ordinary life I once had... This same time two years ago? I was cuddling around a warm fire with my parents, reading the same old book for the hundredth time. Now look at where I am. In front of a ysterious dungeon with the Dragonborn, risking my life every day." "Well, you're the Dragonborn... born! It's destiny!" I said. "You're such a dolt! But it is pretty amazing how we met, isn't it? Speaking of change, I thin I've gotten the hang of this shouting thing!"

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"It really kills my voice though! Hey, what happens if you get sick? What if a cold is what bring the Dragonborn down?" Mirai said. "That's what potions are for!" I said. "Oh yeah... those things taste gross. But they really should give those for free to the Dragonborn! Being a celebrity should have perks, right? Everyone already knows who you are anyways! I don't know how you do it... live with all the pressure. I hate being the center of attention like that. What if you fail? What if you let everyone down? A lot of people will die." "Thanks for the pep talk," I said. "I'm sorry... you probably don't need this right now, huh? Forget I said anything. I'm a big girl, I'll figure it out myself. I know I put up this whole... front to make it look like I'm fine but... in reality, I've been scared out of my mind ever since I left high Rock. My dad already died because of me... who else will have to suffer just to get to me? What if they come after my mom again? I have a question..." "What is it?" "Do you think I'm weak?" she said. "You're the toughest girl I know." "Thanks... even if you don't really mean it. I'm trying really hard to stay strong. Sometimes giving it your all is the best you can do. Even if it's not good enough. Will you just sit with me for a while? You'd probably never guess it but... at times like this I really like to sing. It's my stress reliever, a way to let out all of my emotions." "Do you want to go inside the dungeon?" I asked. "Umm... can we really? Isn't it sealed tight? Maybe it's closed for a reason... n-not that I don't want to! We jus shouldn't waste any time." "Would you like something to eat?" "Sure, you brought something?" Mirai said.
I offered her some of my rabbit. And some wine...

We returned to Dragonstead and had a bath together...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:38 am

At Mara's Eye Pond...

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"Now, why don't we visit places like this more often? You can't keep taking me to dark, smelly caves all the time. I'm still a girl you know, you should treat me like one more often," Mirai said. "Did you want to go swimming?" I said. "Uhh... not really. I think I'm fine out here." "It'll be fun!" "Drowning isn't fun! You know how much I hate the water! Besides... my clothes will get ruined. Okay, fine! Quit giving me that look! But I'll only do it if you go in first," she said.
I took off everything and entered the water. It was nice and cool...
"Well... a deal's a deal," Mirai said.
She took off her clothes and entered the water...

"You're crazy if you think I'm spending another second in there! I swear I felt something slimy touch my leg..." she said.
I was disappointed and left the water.
"You're just a normal girl after all," I said. "Don't sound so disappointed, of course I am. I fear... I cry... I love like anyone else. But don't let that get to your head! Remember who you're talking to, the Dragonborn... born!" Mirai said. "Just be honest with yourself." "I am honest with myself...! It's just... different with you. Now I'm gonna freeze out here because of you!" "I promise to take you to nicer places." "Well... good! I didn't leave High Rock just to sit in my house all day," she said.
Mirai told me she wished to see the sunrise from the Solitude lighthouse. It would be the perfect offortunity for my next move. I just needed a little time to prepare everything...

Solitude lighthouse, early morning before sunrise...

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"Whoah, it's so much bigger up close! Wait... what in the world is that up there? Just kidding! See you at the top, sucker!" Mirai said.

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"Well, we're here," I said. "I know, thanks for taking me seriously and actually listening to me, it's everything I hoped for up here. Who would've thought? The last Dragonborn and the dexcendant of the first, from different corner of the world atop a lighthouse in Skyrim. Hey, now that we're being honest with each other... I wanted to ask you..." she said. "What is it?" "Why did you choose to help me? I know I didn't make myself the most approachable person back then." "I could hear it in your voice how much you needed help," I said. "I was honestly eally scared we were never going to find my parents. I don't think Shin was ever going to find Junan, I could tell he had given up. When we met, I'd been alone for almost 6 months. I was a mess of emotions... and I took a lot of it out on you... you didn't deserve that. Thanks... for not abandoning me like everyone else and staying with me this whole time." "I'd never do that." "I know you wouldn't, you're such an amazing person. Hey, did you remember where I said I was from?" she said. "High Rock." "Home, sweet home. Then do you know what I like to do when I'm feeling stressed out?" "Sing," I said. "Yeah... I really like to sing, I love music. So... I wrote a song, a song about home... and someone special to me. I wanted you to hear it." "O course." "I'm so dumb. Okay, I've never sung in front of anyone before... so... don't laught! Okay? ... Here goes," Mirai said.

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"That was good," I said. "Did you really like it? I've never felt so vulnerable before. I'm glad. I've done so many things with you I would never have guessed I'd be doing with anyone before. I've come such a long way and it's all thanks to you. I hope you were serious when you said I was special to you... because you're special to me. Anyways, I uh, made something for you... to show how much everything you've done means to me. Here..."
Mirai gave me a beautiful necklace.
"I have something for you," I said. "Really? What?"
I presented the flower I had brought.
"A Dragon's Tongue...? It's perfect! I love it! A gift that makes me smile and laugh and shows me how well you know me," she said. "I knew you'd like it." "I've gotten few gifts in my life and this is by far the cutest. Thank you, I love it." "That's not all," I said. "I don't see how you could top that. What else did you bring?"
This was the moment, I showed her the ring.
"Wha- ... is that what I think it is? What... I- ... What do you think you're doing!?" "Will you marry me?" I asked. "I can't believe this... yes! Yes, of course I will! I had no idea -- I thought -- yes! The first Dragonborn together with the last... that's something you only read in fairy tales," Mirai said. "But this is real." "I keep expecting to wake up any second and realize it was all a dream. How long have you been planning this?" "Since we first met," I smiled. "Yeah right, you goon. You just always knew I was the one, right? Oh! Unless you have other ideas, I know where I want to have the wedding. The first place I visited of Skyrim, the place that changed my life forever, where it all began: Dragon Bridge. But... you know we can't have a huge thing, it'll attract too much attention. We have to keep it small. Or... we can wait. I don't know, maybe this isn't the best time for this. No... no we can't let them win like that! We're doing this no matter what! We'll figure out the details later, I need to take care of something first and oh! I really need to talk to my mom, I want her to be there. Just take me home when you can, I can figure everything out there," she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 5 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:45 am

I brought Mirai back to her home in Markarth...

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Then I returned home to Lakeview...

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Vilja and Tindra insisted on coming to the wedding. Tindra wasn't a little girl anymore. She was becoming a woman, almost the same age as my Mirai. I don't know what was going on inside her mind, but I swear she was trying to seduce me -- even as Vilja - my wife, her elder sister -- was present. Honestly? I would very much like to add young Tindra to my harem, but not right now. She was still a little too young.

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"So, it's been 3 days..." I said. "Has it really? I've gotten nearly nothing done! I don't know if I'm missing someone, or what food to serve, or even if it's going to be safe out there! I think we're gonna need guards but... who's going to want to put their life in danger for me? I don't even have a dress picked out!" Mirai said. "Slow down, breathe." "You're right, I'm sorry... this is more stressful than I'd thought it'd be. I just want this to be perfect." "All that matters to me is that you're there," I said. "You're so cute. You always know exactly how to make  me smile. Of course I'll be there. I just really didn't want to screw up this time. I want you to rely on me for once and make you happy." "All we need is each other." "Such a cheesy answer... but I guess you're right. See, that's why I ned you, my better half, to help me when I falter. Yeah, forget it. Every moment of my life has been planned and written down. Let's be spontaneous. Let's just go with what we have already! Not exactly eloping... but halfsie eloping? Let's just go to the venue, I have a plan," she said.

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"This is so much more amazing than what I hope for! Come on!" Mirai said.
I was amazed at what they had managed to get organized in this short time.
"Thank you so much for getting this all prepared so quickly, Aelwin. It's incredible!" Mirai said. "Of course, my dear, when your mother mentioned you were getting married I knew I had to be there. Besides, I owe my life to you and your mother. I'm glad to help in any way I can. I can't believe it's been nearly 5 years since I've seen you, and getting marrid at that! Imagine my surprise when your mother sought me out after all this time. You were so much more of a docile girl back then, barely a peep if your mother wasn't around. You two are as inseparable as ever I see. It's heart-warming to see you both together a a moment like this. Nonetheless, I congratulate you on your special day. A large step into womanhood, a lrge step for the beginning of the rest of your life," the priest of Mara said.
The guests took their places and he began...

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"Welcome everyone. The bride and groom have chosen you, those special and important to them, to witness and celebrate the beginning of their new life. A wedding is the celebration of the miracle of love. We gather here today, in presence of mara, to celebrate this miracle in your lives. It was Mara who gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. May your love never fade, may you never take each other for granted, and when you af´ge may you atill be found thanking Mara for each new day. With this understanding, do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?" Aelwin said. "I do. Now and forever," Mirai and I replied. "With the authority of Mara's Word, the divine of love, and with great joy... I pronounce you husband and wife. I present to you these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect you in your new life together," the priest said.
"So, we're married now," I said. "Yeah... I guess we are. But, hey! Just because I'm your wife now doesn't mean I still don't get to come along with you on adventures. I think I told you before, I don't make a very good housewife. So don't keep me cooped up indoors for too long. Or if you do... at least keep me company some nights, okay?" Mirai said.

We enjoyed our wedding night at Dragonstead Manor.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 12:54 am

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The days passed and Mirai quickly settled in with the rest of my household.

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She and Vilja got along pretty well to my great joy. It was so good they became such good friends, my two official wives. Mirai also became good friends with Tindra. Tindra just seemed to get along with everyone. She made the most of every opportunity to look beautiful when I was around. It seemed apparent she was just waiting for me to make the move. I certainly was going to, but right now I was concentrating on Mirai. Spending every night with her would definitely yield the desired result soon.                                        

For a young person afraid of water, Mirai quickly came to enjoy our baths at Lakeview.

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As the days passed, the women started nagging me about a new adventure. And with three of them, I caved in. I told them we'd go to Ustengrav the next day - it was time to go get the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller after all...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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