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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:12 pm

"Who comes, Malborn? You know I don't like strange smells in my kitchen." "A guest, feeling ill. Leave the poor wretch be." "A guest? In the kitchen? You know this is against the rules..." "Rules, is it, Tsavani? I didn't realize that eating Moon Sugar was permitted. Perhaps I should ask the Ambassador..." Malborn said. "Tss! Get out of here, I saw nothing," the Khajiit said.

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"Your gear is in that chest. I'll lock the door behind you. Don't screw this up. Hurry up. I've got to get back before I'm missed," Malborn said.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:18 pm

I found some dossiers during my search:

Ulfric stormcloak
Status: Asset (uncooperative), Dormant, Emissary Level Approval
Description: Jarl of Windhelm, leader of Stormcloak rebellion, Imperial Legion veteran
Ulfric first came to our attention during the First War Against the Empire, when he was taken as a prisoner of war during the campaign for the White-Gold Tower. Under interrogation, we learned of his potential value (son of the Jarl of Windhelm) and he was assigned as an asset to the interrogator, who is now First Emissary Elenwen. He was made to believe information obtained during his interrogation was crucial in the capture of the Imperial City (the city had in fact fallen before he had broken), and then allowed to escape. After the war, contact was established and he has proven his worth as an asset.The so-called Markarth Incident was particularly valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in Skyrim, although it resulted in Ulfric becoming generally uncooperative to direct contact.
Operational Notes:
Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant. As long as the civil war proceeds in its current indecisive fashion, we should remain hands-off. The incident at Helgen is an example where an exception had to be made - obviously Ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an Imperial victory and thus harmed our overall position in Skyrim. (NOTE: The coincidental intervention of the dragon at Helgen is still under scrutiny. The obvious conclusion is that whoever is behind the dragons also has an interest in the continuation of the war, but we should not assume therefore that their goals align with our own.) A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, however, so even indirect aid to the Stormcloaks must be carefully managed.

Status: Active (Capture or Kill), High Priority, Emissary Level Approval
Description: Female, Breton, mid 50s
Delphine was a high-priority target during the First War, for both operational and political reasons. She was directly involved in several of the most damaging operations carried out by the Blades within the Dominion. She had been identified and was slated for the initial purge, but by bad luck was recalled to Cyrodiil just before the outbreak of hostilities. During the war, she evaded three attempts on her life, in one case killing an entire assassination team. Since then, we have only indirect evidence of her movements, as she has proven extremely alert to our surveillance. She should be considered very dangerous and no move against her should be made without overwhelming force and the most careful preparation.
Operational Notes:
She is believed to still be working actively against us within Skyrim, although we have no location on her. Assumed to be working alone, as no other Blades are known to be active in Skyrim, and she has in the past avoided contact with other fugitive Blades for her own security (one of the reasons she has so far evaded elimination). Her continued existence is an affront to all of us. Any information on her whereabouts or activities should be immediately forwarded to the Third Emissary.

Status: Fugitive (Capture Only), Highest Priority, Emissary Level Approval
Description: Male, Nord, late 70s
Esbern was one of the Blades loremasters prior to the First War Against the Empire. He was not a field agent, but is now believed to have been behind some of the most damaging operations carried out by the Blades during the pre-war years, including the Falinesti Incident and the breach of the Blue River Prison. His file had remained dormant for many years, an inexcusable error on the part of my predecessor (who has been recalled to Alinor for punishment and reeducation), in the erroneous belief that he was unlikely to pose a threat due to his advanced age and lack of field experience. A salutary reminder to all operational levels that no Blades agent should be considered low priority for any reason. All are to be found and justice exacted upon them.
Operational Notes:
As we are still in the dark as to the cause and meaning of the return of the dragons, I have made capturing Esbern our top priority, as he is known to be one of the experts in the dragonlore of the Blades. Regrettably, we have yet to match their expertise on the subject of dragons, which was derived from their Akaviri origins and is still far superior to our own (which remains largely theoretical). The archives of Cloud Ruler Temple, which is believed to have been the primary repository of the oldest Blades lore, were largely destroyed during the siege, and although great effort has been made to reconstruct what was lost, it now appears that most of the records related to dragons were either removed or destroyed prior to our attack. Thus Esbern remains our best opportunity to learn how and why the dragons have returned. It cannot be ruled out that the Blades themselves are somehow connected to the dragons' return.
We have recently obtained solid information that Esbern is still alive and hiding somewhere in Riften. Interrogation of a possible eyewitness is on-going. We must proceed carefully to avoid Esbern becoming alerted to his danger. If he is indeed in Riften, he must not be given an opportunity to flee.

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The Thalmor had captured Malborn, thinking I might surrender. The surprise was on them, when I with three little words -- Wuld Nah Kest -- blinked from the bottom floor right up in their face. I split the skull of one of them before they even knew what hit them. Malborn even showed his skill as a Blades operative, stealing the knife right out of the sheath of the nearest captor and stabbing her in the neck, clean and effictive assassination.
With the Breton prisoner we escaped through the tunnel the Thalmor used to dump corpses. There was a troll inside, but the creature was no match for me, The Dragonborn.

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Timeline Series - Vol 1
Before the Ages of Man
Aicantar of Shimerene

Before man came to rule Tamriel, and before the chronicles of the historians recorded the affairs of the rulers of Tamriel, the events of our world are known only through myths and legends, and through the divinely inspired teachings of the Nine Divines.
For convenience, historians divide the distant ages of prehistory into two broad periods of time -- the Dawn Era, and the Merethic Era.
* The Dawn Era *
The Dawn Era is that period before the beginning of mortal time, when the feats of the gods take place. The Dawn Era ends with the exodus of the gods and magic from the World at the founding of the Adamantine Tower.
The term 'Merethic' comes from the Nordic, literally, "Era of the Elves." The Merethic Era is the prehistoric time after the exodus of the gods and magic from the World at the founding of the Adamantine Tower and before the arrival of Ysgramor the Nord in Tamriel.
The following are the most notable events of the Dawn Era, presented roughly in sequence as it must be understaoo by creatures of time such as ourselves.
The Cosmos formed from the Aurbis [chaos, or totality] by Anu and Padomay. Akatosh (Auriel) formed and Time began. The Gods (et'Ada) formed. Lorkhan convinced -- or tricked -- the Gods into creating the mortal plane, Nirn. The mortal plane was at this point highly magical and dangerous. As the Gods walked, the physical make-up of the mortal plane and even the timeless continuity of existence itself became unstable.
When Magic (Magnus), architect of the plans for the mortal world, decided to terminate the project, the Gods convened at the Adamantine Tower [Direnni Tower, the oldest known structure in Tamriel] and decided what to do. Most left when Magic did. Others sacrificed themselves into other forms so that they might Stay (the Ehlnofey). Lorkhan was condemned by the Gods to exile in the mortal realms, and his heart was torn out and cast from the Tower. Where it landed, a Volcano formed. With Magic (in the Mythic Sense) gone, the Cosmos stabilized. Elven history, finally linear, began (ME2500).
* The Merethic Era *
The Merethic Era was figured by early Nord scholars as a series of years numbered in reverse order backward from the their 'beginning of time' -- the founding of the Camoran Dynasty, recorded as Year Zero of the First Era. The prehistoric events of the Merethic Era are listed here with their traditional Nordic Merethic dates. The earliest Merethic date cited by King Harald's scholars was ME2500 -- the Nordic reckoning of the first year of time. As such, the Merethic Era extends from ME2500 in the distant past to ME1 -- the year before the founding of the Camoran Dysnasty and the establishment of the White Gold Tower as an indepenent city-state.
According to King Harald's bards, ME2500 was the date of construction of the Adamantine Tower on Balfiera Island in High Rock, the oldest known structure of Tamriel. (This corresponds roughly to the earliest historical dates given in various unpublished Elvish chronicles.)
During the early Merethic Era, the aboriginal beastpeoples of Tamriel -- the ancestors of the Khajiit, Argonian, Orcish, and other beastfolk -- lived in preliterate communities throughout Tamriel.
In the Middle Merethic Era, the Aldmeri (mortals of Elven origin) refugees left their doomed and now-lost continent of Aldmeris (also known as 'Old Ehlnofey') and settled in southwestern Tamriel. The first colonies were distributed at wide intervals on islands along the entire coast of Tamriel. Later inland settlements were founded primarily in fertile lowlands in southwest and central Tamriel. Wherever the beastfolk encountered the Elves, the sophisticated, literate, technologically advanced Aldmeri cultures displaced the primitive beastfolk into the jungles, marshes, mountains, and wastelands. The Adamantine Tower was rediscovered and captured by the Direnni, a prominent and powerful Aldmeri clan. The Crystal Tower was built on Summerset Isle and, later, White Gold Tower in Cyrodiil.
During the Middle Merethic Era, Aldmeri explorers mapped the coasts of Vvardenfel, building the First Era High Elven wizard towers at Ald Redaynia, Bal Fell, Tel Aruhn, and Tel Mora in Morrowind. It was also during this period that Ayleid [Wild Elven] settlements flourished in the jungles surrounding White Gold Tower (present day Cyrodiil). Wild Elves, also known as the Heartland High Elves, preserved the Dawn Era magics and language of the Ehlnofey. Ostensibly a tribute-land to the High King of Alinor, the Heartland's long lines of communication from the Summerset Isles' sovereignty effectively isolated Cyrodill from the High Kings at Crystal Tower.
The Late Middle Merethic Era is the period of the High Velothi Culture. The Chimer, ancestors of the modern Dunmer, or Dark Elves, were dynamic, ambitious, long-lived Elven clans devoted to fundamentalist ancestor worship. The Chimer clans followed the Prophet Veloth out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the southwest to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind. Despising the secular culture and profane practices of the Dwemer, the Chimer also coveted the lands and resources of the Dwemer, and for centuries provoked them with minor raids and territorial disputes. The Dwemer (Dwarves), free-thinking, reclusive Elven clans devoted to the secrets of science, engineering, and alchemy, established underground cities and communities in the mountain range (later the Velothi Mountains) separating modern Skyrim and Morrowind.
The Late Merethic Era marks the precipitous decline of Velothi culture. Some Velothi settled in villages near declining and abandoned ancient Velothi towers. During this period, Velothi high culture disappeared on Vvardenfell Island. The earliest Dwemer Freehold colonies date from this period. Degenerate Velothi devolved into tribal cultures which, in time, evolved into the modern Great Houses of Morrowind, or persisted as the barbarian Ashlander tribes. The only surviving traces of this tribal culture are scattered Velothi towers and Ashlander nomads on Vvardenfell Island. The original First Era High Elven wizard towers along the coasts of Tamriel were also abandoned about this time.
It was in the Late Merethic Era that the pre-literate humans, the so-called "Nedic Peoples", from the continent of Atmora (also 'Altmora' or 'the Elder Wood' in Aldmeris) migrated and settleed in northern Tamriel. The Nord culture hero Ysgramor, leader of a great colonizing fleet to Tamriel, is credited with developing a runic transcription of Nord speech based on Elvish principles, and so Ysgramor is considered the first human historian. Ysgramor's fleet landed at Hsaarik Head at the extreme northern tip of Skyrim's Broken Cape. The Nords built there the legendary city of Saarthal. The Elves drove the Men away during the Night of Tears, but Ysgramor soon returned with his Five Hundred Companions.
Also during the Late Merethic Era the legendary immortal hero, warrior, sorceror, and king variously known as Pelinal Whitestrake, Harrald Hairy Breeks, Ysmir, Hans the Fox, etc., wandered Tamriel, gathering armies, conquering lands, ruling, then abandoning his kingdoms to wander again.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:25 pm

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"You made it out alive, at least. Your gear is safe in my room, as promised. Did you learn anything useful?" Delphine said. "The Thalmor kmow nothing about the dragons," I said. "Really? That seems hard to believe. You're sure about that?" ""Why'd you send me if you weren't going to believe me?" "You're right, you're right. I just... I was sure it must have been them. If not the Thalmor, who? Or... what?" she said. "I don't know, but the Thalmor are looking for someone named Esbern." "Esbern? He's alive? I thought the Thalmor must have got him years ago. That crazy old man... Figures the Thalmor would be on his trail, though, if they were trying to find out what's going on with the dragons." "What would the Thalmor want with Esbern?" I wondered. "You mean, aside from wanting to kill every Blade they can lay their dirty hands on? Esbern was one of the Blades archivists, back before the Thalmor smashed us during the Great War. He knew everything about the ancient dragonlore of the Blades. Obsessed with it, really. Nobody pain much attention back then. I guess he wasn't as crazy as we all thought." "So the Thalmor think the Blades know about the dragons..." "Ironic, right? The old enemies assume that every calamily must be a plot by the other side... Even so, we've got to find Esbern before they do. He'll know how to stop the dragons if anybody does. Do they know where he is?" Delphine said. "They seem ro think he's hiding out in Riften," I said. "Riften, eh? Probably down in the Ratway, then. It's where I'd go. You'd better get to Riften. Talk to Brynjolf. He's... well-connected. A good starting point at least. Oh, and when you find Esbern... if you think I'm paranoid... you may have some trouble getting him to trust you. Just ask him where he was on the 30th of Frostfall. He'll know what it means."

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While Aster and his menagerie were going to Riften, I was just preparing to go there myself - but first the women demanded proper attention...                                                                                               

I lay with my wife first, then I pleasured her beautiful little sister...                                                                                              

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:28 pm

"Hey! I heard of this place growing up. Riften is so cool," Rigmor said. "Yeah! But also a den of thieves and drifters," Aster said. "Yeah right, whatever." "It's true, better watch your purse." "Can we check the market out sometime," she said. "Sure, you can't miss it, it's right in the center of Riften."
Aster showed the way to Honeyside - where the rest of us had arrived just hours earlier...

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In the morning, Aster took Rigmor to the metting with the Khajiit. The rest of us arrived a little later...
"Baar'Ren-Dar! It's so good to see you," Rigmor said. "Khajiit hopes the Guardian is taking good care of you?" "Oh! He has his moments. Any news on my mother's ring?" "Actually yes! A member of the Thieves Guild in Riften acquired it in the Grey Quarter ghetto inside Windhelm. It was sold to him by a Dunmer who had been a kitchen servant at the Thalmor Embassy in Haafingar. Khajiit suggests you both lay low here while This One arranges for a meet to loosen his tongue with coin," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Baa'Ren-Dar, there's something you need to see. Show him Guardian." "What is it?"

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Aster presented the documents they had seized at Fort Black. The Khajiit eyed them...
"So it has come to pass! Khajiit had suspicions all along. The New Order of Alinor are well known in Aldmeri circles. They are a shadowy, clandestine organization of Altmer extremists. Of course, rumors are just seeds on the wind, but here now is the hard evidence. Did anyone see you take the documents?" Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Don't worry, there's no witnesses... We slew them all!" Rigmor said. "Even so, we must be very careful and keep this to ourselves until I investigate the revelations in these documents. Now Khajiit must cut short his stay in Skyrim and travel to Cyrodiil and Elsweyr immediately. There's nothing you can do about this conspiracy until Khajiit has spoken to his contacts. This will take all my skills and friends in high circles as Emissary to get to the bottom of it to know what to do next. Khajiit will then contact you. In the meantime, you could travel to Windhelm and find this Dunmer, but be very careful. Rigmor is now officially a wanted criminal by the Thalmor in Empire controlled areas." "Me a criminal? That's cute," Rigmor said. "Yes my child! They have sent none other than their best Thalmor general, Tilar Aedriath, to Skyrim to track you down. He has at his disposal an elite force of a hundred troops, they are setting up camps and checkpoints as we speak. Aedriath is also a ver dangerous High Justicar, greatly feared. He will persue you with extreme prejudice and he will stop at nothing to find you." "But why? Ok! I took revenge on those that harmed my family, but why send these men, why give me the special attention?" "They fear you, Rigmor. They fear you because of who your father was," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "My father is dead! They got their revenge. They would do well to leave me be if they know what's good for them!" "My dear, sweet child! Have you not seen past the vanir of subterfuge? Is that what you think? That the Thalmor would extradite your father and execute him for revenge? To know your enemy, you must first walk in his shoes. Has your hatred of the Thlamor blinded you from the truth?" "I... I don't understand! What...?" she said. "Your father's crest on the battlefield was worth five thousand men. Even the mention of the Son of Talos on the field would ensure a disarray and even cause whole battalions to rout. No Rigmor, not revenge, they needed your father out of the picture for good, or this whole plot would be for naught. After Bruma, they now fear you and what you might become." "Fear me? Why would they do that? I'm just a young girl!" "A young girl who single-handedly slays a full company of Thalmor soldiers? When that young girl was taught, raised and trained by the Beast of Hammerfell himself. It is you Rigmor, you, who are also on that list of yop level targets. Khajiit has done well to have the Dragonborn help keep you from harm," he said. "The what... the Dragonborn? Hahaha, yeah right! That's really cute!" "It's true Rigmor, maybe he knows already... or not. You would do well to show some respect." "I... I'm sorry, I need to be by myself for a while, I need some time to take all this in," she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:31 pm

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"Well that was... um, interesting! The Dragonborn eh?" Aster said. "Please take care of her Dragonborn, these are dark days, you will need to keep one step ahead. Aedriath is a very dangerous foe, a master of subterfuge, do not underestimate him," the Khajiit said. "I shall be vigilant at all times Baa'Ren-Dar." "You get well rested before traveling to Windhelm." "This Dunmer thief, what do I call him?" Aster wondered. "His name is Tendril Sethri."
"Rigmor, are you all right?" Aster asked. "Yeah, I think I'm good," she said. "Come on, let's go see what this Sethri guy knows about your mother's ring."

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"Rigmor, are you good?" Aster said. "Yeah! I'm good," she said. "I said there would be others." "What do we do now?" "We try to keep one step ahead. Come on, follow me," he said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:36 pm

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If Rigmor still lingered in doubt, this should make it clear as day -- we are Dragonborn...
"Last time we went to see a Khajiit caravan, pne of them taught M'rissi a song from her homeland! she'll sing it to you... one day," she said. 

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"Rigmor! We don't have time for this," Aster said. "You know, it's really weird coming here, to Skyrim I mean. I never got to see my homeland," she said. "We really should be moving on." "Skyrim is such a beautiful place, I'm glad I came here. To see it for myself." "Are you ok?" he said. "Yeah... I gues. I try to put on a brave face, but really... deep down... I'm feeling a little scared right now. It's all a bit too much sometimes." "It can't be easy, taking it all in I mean?" "I never asked for this... Sometimes I find it hard to imagine I was once a little girl, you know... I was just a normal happy little girl playing with all the other kids... Then... they took it all away. I... I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what to do," she said. "Rigmor! There was nothing you could have done." "My mom told me it would be ok... but it wasn't ok, they too her and... I was..." "What is her name?" Aster asked. "Sigunn! Her name is Sigunn." "Don't worry, we'll find her. We had better be going, are you ready?" "Yeah! I think I'm ready," Rigmor said.

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"Hey! Can we stop?" Rigmor said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:44 pm

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"Hey! What's going on?" Aster said. "These hot springs look really inviting. Could we stop so I can take a bath?" Rigmor said. "Sure! You could use one. I'll watch your things." "Yeah right! Make sure they're the only things you're watching!" she said.                                                                                                          

Of course we couldn't look away. We saw those horrid scars on Rigmor's back. What had this poor girl been through?

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"I wasn't looking, honest!" Aster said. "Yeah right!" she said. "Rigmor... those scars!" "Yeah! They're quite something, right? Courtesy of my stay in Haven." "Do they still casuse you pain?" Aster wondered. "Hm hmm! Sometimes. I have to lay on my side when I sleep." "Those weals are deep! You were lucky to survive." "Ah huh! Must have someone looking after me, a guardian angel or something," Rigmor said. "Why would they do that?" "I don't want to talk about that right now. Maybe some other time." "Don't worry, we will find her," he said. "You know, she used to travel to the Imperial City sometimes to get things we didn't have in Bruma, and I would beg her to take me with her so I could get out of my sword and combat training. She couldn't say no, and she would make up any old rubbish excuse and my father lapped it up. Hahahaha! He knew she was lying, he would give us that look, haha! But he loved her so much... She had him in the palm of her hand. We would go shopping and listen to the bards and minstrels playing in the streets and sometimes, I would just go sit in the Library and read everything I could get my hands o for hours and hours 'til she came got me." "Sounds like fun." "We could finally take off our fur coats for once and I remember, I would look up and let the sunshine warm my face! I would try on some of the linen dresses and she would buy me a special treat. The summer in Cyrodiil, so green, so timeless! Oh, how I miss all that! I just need to know, you know, if she's still alive! So... you're a Dragonborn, right?" she said. "I'm sorry... I don't want to talk about that right now, maybe some other time." "Oh HAR HAR! That's cute, you really are too much!" "We had better get going, it isn't safe to stay in one place too long," Aster said. "Ok! Let's move on."
We were still waiting for Mirai to finish her bath and get dressed when they attacked...

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Mirai joined the fight the way she was born...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:52 pm

We made a brief stop in Kynesgrove, before continuing on our way to Windhelm...

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At the gates we ran into an assassin...
Description of target:
Bosmer male, goes by name Malborn. Believed to be working for the Blades, so approach with caution.
He has inside knowledge of our procedures, so he will be warier han usual. Malborn is not his real name - he's now been identified as a survivor of a family of traitors who were all believed to have died in a fire in Falinesti.
Do not risk him evading us. He's likely trying to leave Skyrim. Make sure of your kill, and do not implicate us.

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We entered the Grey Quarter...
"Wow!... what a dump! I hate this place, no wonder the Empire stays away," Rigmor said.
We entered the Gnisis Cornerclub...

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"Tendril Sethri?" Aster said. "Who wants to know?" the Dunmer said. "Don't be alarmed, I only want to talk. Maybe you can help me." "I may, or may not. Depends, what do you want?" "A friend of mine aquired a gold wedding ring, says it came from you," Aster said. "Rings, trinkets, they come and go, you'll need to be more specific." "Apparently, this ring was liberated from the Thalmor Embassy in Haafingar." "Ahh! Yes, I remember that ring, it was one of many items I took for myself as payment for services rendered. You see, I worked there temporarily as a kitchen servant. Unfortunately one night I made a broth too rich by adding some seared skeever meat in with the vegetables. Hahahaha! The Thalmor spent two days racing eachother to the latrines, serves them right, arrogant fools. They sacked me on the spot, and told me I was lucky not to lose my head. Obviously they were no connoisseurs of fine cuisine, eh? Anyway, before I made my timely escape, I liberated a number of items they had just shipped in. A shipment of crates arrived from the Solitude docks that afternoon. They contained fine clothe, jewelry, shoe, ornaments, even piles of rags. But what I found most disturbing was the chains and shackles. It was obvious to me that these items were from slavers in the way of payment for the Thalmor, to ignore illegal mining operations. In Empire controlled province, right under their stupid Imperial noses," Sethri said. "Is there anything else you can remember that might help us find the ring's owner?" "Hmmm. There was something, but it will cost you the price of helping me get out of this rathole and returning home. Give me some gold, the rest of the story will give you what you are looking for and must be worth something." "100 gold should cover it. Please go on!" Aster said. "Now then, where was I? Ah yes! I was rifling through the pockets of the clothing, as you do, when I noticed a list. My heart skipped a beat when I realized on the list was the names of the poor wretches the belongings had come from and where they had been sent. Men, women, and even children, taken from the provinces by pirates and slave masters. That's the Thalmor for you, with their beaurocratic thoroughness for fine details. Filthy dogs!" "What then?" "The gold and silver and anything else of value was stripped from the crates, and they arranged for them to be taken to Northwatch Keep. I grabbed what I could and hightailed out of there. What you seek is on that slavers list. The person you seek who owned that ring will be on it, and where they were taken to," the Dunmer said. "Thank you Sthri, this information is just what we needed," Aster said. "If I were you, I would make sure this list is passed on to the authorities. This kind of abomination needs to be stopped. I would love to see the Thalmor squirm out of this one! Good day to you."
Meanwhile, I had spotted the Bosmer sitting at the bar...
"The Thalmor assassin is dead. It's safe to leave Windhelm," I said. "That's... great news. I'd... I'd better go. Right now. before they find me again. This is my vhance. Thank you! Here... I stole a lot from the Thalmor over the years. You mas as well have some of it," Malborn said. 

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"Ok, what's the plan? Do you know where this place is?" Rigmor said. "Yes! It's situated on the northern coast of Haafingar," Aster said. "Great, let's go find that list!" "Rigmor! It's a Thalmor priso, a dungeon, you sure you'll be ok about this?" "Why shouldn't I be? Why are you concerned how I feel? Has someone been talking about me behind my back?" she said. "Baa'Ren-Dartold me he rescued you from one. I just thought..." "Thought what? Don't you assume how I feel! What is it? You want to go on alone and leave me here? In this dump? Hey! Why don't you stay here and I'll go and kill them all myself and get that stupid list." "Oh! That would be real smart, alone in enemy territory!" he said. "Hey! I don't need no Dragonborn babysitting me! I can take care of myself! Ever since the age of fourteen I have had my life rippe apart! I have suffered alone, there was no one there for me, NO ONE!!!" "Rigmor, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I am not assuming anything." "Hey... I'm sorry too. I'm also cold... and I'm hungry... and I'm tired. Can we go somewhere warm and go eat? What about that inn on the square? Maybe I do need to talk about what happened to me, but not here!" she said. "Candlehearth Hall? Sure! Let's go check it out," Aster said. "Just so you know, I really like having you around."

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 5:58 pm

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"You wanted to talk?" Aster said. "Where do I start?" Rigmor said. "You really don't have to do this." "No! I really do, I do need to talk about what happened back then. Especially now that I know it wasn't a random thing. A lot of the memory is broken, I think it was just my way of dealing with it all. I was only a young girl, it wasn't long after my fourteenth birth year when they came for my dad." "Your father is still highly revered here in Skyrim," he said. "Yeah! That's quite something, right?" "Did your father ever talk about the war?" "No! Never! He would get quite annoyed if I asked about that. I remember he would always give me a sword too heavy to practice with, but he insisted, and when I just got used to it he would give me another one. He would say to me: Rigmor, you may not know it now, but I do this because I won't always be there for you and your mom! You are the only child and you must be as much a son as a daughter, you must be strong, you are Nord!" she said. "He must have loved you both dearly." "I still hate myself, you know, for not being there for him. Some son I turned out to be, huh!" "Rigmor... there was nothing you could have done," Aster said. "They were supposed to let us go! You know... after he agreed to their terms. They separated me from my mom after that, I haven't seen her since. I'll never forgive the Empire for turning their backs on us." "Did the Thalmor mistreat you at the Embassy?" "No! They treated us well, it was after the extradiction that it all went bad. Ok, they kept their promise to spare our lives, but just barely. It became a living hell. I was to become a slave. I had no rights, no life. I had no hope and I was scared, and I remember asking myself over and over, why can't I just go home?" she said. "Hey! Let's stop. Rigmor, you don't..." "NO! I need this! I wouldn't do what they wanted so they beat me." "Who, the Thalmor?" "Gah! No! The stupid Bosmer of course! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I was sent to Valenwood to work on a farm. There was this Bosmer and his two soms, what assholes they were! I remember a high-ranking Justicar would come to visit every now and then to check on me. Of course, now it's all clear, but then... He would tell them if they touched me..., you know..., he would have their disgusting, lowly, worthless heads removed and placed on spikes. So the slavers beat me instead." "Did you know this Thalmor's name?" he said. "Uh huh, but the bastard had me flogged like a dog." "Because they couldn't break you?" "Yeah, I almost broke the slave-master's neck, hahaha! They didn't understand, but I was brought up a true Nord fighter. My dad always told me, it was better to live one day as a warrior than a lifetime as a coward. It would be the last time they raised their hands against me," Rigmor said. "What happened then?" "I was placed in Thalmor custody where they flogged me with their whips... didn't want to dirty their hands they said. I don't remember anything much after that... until I awoke in a clean, soft bed. I thought I was in Sovngarde at first, but then the pain..." "Baa'Ren-Dar risked everything to save your life, Rigmor," Aster said. "Yeah, I love him deeply, he is like a father to me." "Is that why you named your horse after him?" "Oh my! Haha, yeah! Don't tell him, though. He'll growl at me, haha!2 she said. "Hahaha! Growl at you?" "Yeah! Didn't you know Khajiit growl when they get mad? Hahaha! Oh my! Haha! I think I'm done talking now," she said. "Thank you, Rigmor, it means a lot. You ready to head out?" "Yeah! I'm ready... let's go do this!"
We made a trip back to Dragonstead...

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"You like daedric weapons! So do I... dark, beautiful, and deadly," Anduniel said. "Let's talk for a bit," Aster said. "What would you like to talk about?" "Why don't you tell me about yourself?" "Ah, there is rather a lot to tell. Where should I start?" she said. "Where did your interest in mead arise?" "I was first introduced to mead when I passed through Falkreath on my way to Solitude to join the Bards College. I couldn't believe what I was tasting. It was the best thing that ever alighted my tongue! And then I tried mixing in mulling spices! From that moment, I was hooked on mead. I hd to learn everything I could about this fantastic drink. I read books, and at every inn I went to, I tasted the local brews. Honningbrew quickly became my favorite." "And mead brought you to Riften," he said. "Yes, although not that soon. I attended the Bards College, returned home, and then studied magic at the College of Winterhold. After that I returned to my studies of mead, and I'd heard of the Black Briar meadery in Riften. So off I went, and there your father found me. The rest, as they say, is history. Or perhaps, in my case, a song." "Have you ever thought about settling down?" "Aye, a few times. But I always decide I'd rather have wings than roots, because you can't have both," Anduniel said. "But you're Bosmer. You love trees and roots!" Aster said. She laughed. "True, very astute! But I was speaking figuratively. I'm sure I will settle someday, for the right reason... or person," she said. "I'm sure you'll meet the right person someday." "I do hope so. Roving is nice, but... I would like to find my soul mate, and take that next step in life."

"You'll look even better in other attire," Aster told M'rissi. "If you say so... Which one," she said. "I have something for you. Try this." "He-hee, she likes surprises!"
Aster gave M'rissi the dress he had intended as a wedding present...
"Uuuuh, she wants a mirror so much now!" M'rissi said. "That's it, do you like it?" he said. "So far so good, she thinks."
M'rissi must have loved her new dress, for that night she allowed Aster to bed her...

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Speaking of bedding, your's truly had a wonderful night with my wife and her lovely sister...                                                                                                                   

Then the next day, we were off again...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:03 pm

We made rest at a pond. There we found a lonely dog. His master had been slain by a spriggan. Aster adopted the dog and named him Aries...

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Our journey continued...

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"What's up?" Aster wondered. "Over there, come on, quick," Rigmor said. "I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking." "The poor thing!" "Poor thing? Rigmor, it's a huge, wild, deadly beast!" he said. "We can't just leave it here." "Oh, I think you'll find we CAN just leave it here." "It'll die!" she said. "No Rigmor, We will die. It will attack and kill us if we let it out." "No, it won't. It's so beautiful, Dragonborn. Look!" "So you're a bear expert now? Rigmor, this is madness!" Aster said. "Trust me. Hey there, don't be afraid, we're going to help you," she said and opened the cage.
The bear looked at them both, then it took off into the woods...
"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it," Aster said. "Yeah, that was quite something, right?" Rigmor said.

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:11 pm

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"Are you sure this is the right place? It's too quiet!" Rigmor said.

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We cleared the outside and searched for a way in...

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We were inside. Now, where could that damned list be hiding...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:19 pm

Our search continued...

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"Have you found it, what does it say, is she on the list?" Rigmor said. "Yes, but now's not the time. Let's get out of here," Aster said. "Ok, I'll follow your lead," she said.

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"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, or should I say, look what the cat dragged in!" Tilar Aedriath said.
Rigmor let out a war cry and attacked...
"Ah! So you do remember me. I am dlattered, really, but you see, Rigmor, you have been making quite a bit of nuisance of yourself lately, haven't you," he said.
Tilar Aedriath rode off with his bodyguard, leaving a detachment of his forces to deal with us...
We chased after the bastard. Mirai's dragon helped us in the fight... and so did the bear Rigmor had released earlier...

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"Rigmor, are you ok?" Aster said. "Yeah, I think so. That was him, the one I told you about... Dragonborn!" she said. "Well, he got away this time. We need to get the hell out of here." "But the list, my mom!" "There's no time, we need to get out of Haafingar. I need you to focus," he said. "Ok, what's the plan?" "There must be a way through the mountains into the Reach. It's our safest bet!" "Well, I hope so. Let's move on," Rigmor said.

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We made camp for the night. I had hear rumors about the castle across the water. It's supposed to house a great clan of vampires. Well, now was not the time to investigate... or risk our necks against these neckbiters. We had enough worries as it was. My son's plan to find a route through the mountains into the Reach was good enough. We would continue at first light...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:25 pm

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"Rigmor, are you ok?" Aster said. "Dragonborn, this is getting scary," she said. "Hey, it's ok. We made it, right?" "Yeah, yeah. We made it. Do you think that rat sold us out?" "I don't know, but apparently this Aedriath is very good. The best," he said. "The list. My mom, is she on it?" "Yes she's on it. Here, take a look." "Ok, she was taken to a place called Diamond Ridge Mine. Do you know where that is?" Rigmor said. "No. Sorry, I don't." "Well that's cute." "Rigmor, we came here to find out where they sent her. We have done just that," Aster said. "Yeah right. Look where it got us, nearly killed. Every time I feel closer to finding her, the further away she seems to get. We are going 'round in circles here and that... that bastard turning up. I don't think I can carry on like this anymore." "I'm trying my best!" "Trying your best to get us lost!" she said. "Hey, we just need to figure out our next step. Calm down, we'll be fine." "Don't you tell me to calm down!" "Rigmor, I just want to help, and you're acting like a stupid kid," he said. "Help? You're just making things worse!" "We will find her, and bring her home." "I'm not strong enough. I can't do this anymore!" Rigmor said. "Yes you can. You are strong enough." "Why are you saying that? Why do you even care?" "I care more than you know," he said. "Just get away from me!" she said and ran off...

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While Rigmor was resting, the rest of us explored our surroundings. We quickly found a pass...

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"Hey. How are you feeling, you ready to go?" Aster said. "Yeah, I think I'm ready," Rigmor said. "Let's get you back to Angi's, then we'll find out where this place is, ok?" "Ok."

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Our journey brought us to Old Hroldan...

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"You'll be looking to rent Tiber Septim's room I take it?" Eydis said. "Tiber Septim's room?" I said. "That's right. In the Second Era, Tiber Septim himself led the army that conquered Old Hroldan from the barbarians of the Reach. Septim would later found the Empire that united Tamriel, but his first battle and victory was right here. And this in has the very bed the great general slept in on his first night as Old Hroldan's liberator. As good as it was hundreds of years ago." "I'll rent Tiber Septim's room," I said and paid the ten gold. "Have a good rest. It's the big room with the double bed," she said.

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:30 pm

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"Hjalti? Is that you? I've been waiting," the ghost said. "Hjalti? Who are you talking about?" Aster said. "You promised me, Hjalti. You promised that when we sacked Hroldan, you would make me your sworn brother. And I've waited Even after the enemies' arrows dug into my chest and their hammers crushed my bones. I've waited. Give me your sword, Hjalti. That we may become brothers as you promised." "I'll find your sword." "I long to taste battle again,"the ghost said. "Who are you? Where are you from," I wondered. "You don't remember me, Hjalti? Two campaigns we served together. You saved my life time and time again."
Aster went to talk to the innkeeper...
"Do you think the ghost is one of... Tiber Septim's dead men?" she said. "The ghost is looking for his sword," he said. "A sword? I remember a legend that Tiber Septim had attacked one of the enemy camps before he came to Old Hroldan. It could be there. I'll mark it on your map." "The ghost mentioned Hjalti." "Hjalti? I've never heard of anyone named Hjalti. Tiber Septim had many names. Maybe that's on of them?" Eydis said.

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I guess we should've expected the Forsworn...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 6:35 pm

We fought our way through the Forsworn...

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... until we found the sword. There was also this book...

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The Rear Guard by Tenace Mourl

The castle would hold. No matter the forces, the walls of Cascabel Hall would never fail, but that was small consolation for Menegur. He was hungry. In fact, he had never been so hungry. The well in the atrium of the fortress supplied him with enough water to hold there until the Fourth Era, but his stomach reminded Menegur minute to minute that he needed food.
The wagonload of supplies mocked him. When his army, the forces of the King of Solitude, had left Cascabel Hall, and he had manned the battlements as the rear-guard to protect their retreat, they had left a wagon behind to supply him with enough food for months. It was not until the night after they left that he inspected the larder and found that nothing edible was in the wagon. Trunk after trunk was filled with netch armor from the army's incursion into Morrowind. Apparently his Nord confederates had assumed that the lightly opaque material was hard tack in aspic. If the Dunmer whose caravan had been raided knew about this, they would never be able to stop laughing.
Menegur thought that his fellow mercenary and kinswoman Aerin would have found this amusing as well. She had spoken with great authority about netch leather, being an expert of sorts on light armor, but she had made a point to mention that it could not be eaten like other leather in occasions of hardship. It was a pity she couldn't be there to enjoy the irony, Menegur thought savagely. She had returned to Morrowind even before the king's army had left, preferring a life as a wanted fugitive to a free existence in the cold of Skyrim.
All the weeds in the courtyard had been devoured by the rear-guard's sixteenth day manning Cascabel Hall. The entire castle had been scoured: rotten tubers in the mulch pile found and consumed, a dusty bouquet in the countess's bedchamber eaten, almost every rat and insect but the most cunning infesting the castle walls had been tracked down and gobbled up. The castellan's chambers, filled with acrid, inedible law books, had yielded up a couple crumbs of bread. Menegur had even scraped moss from the stones. There was no denying it: he would be dead from starvation before his army returned to break the ranks of the enemies who surrounded the fortress.
"The worst part," said Menegur, who had taken to talking to himself on only the second day alone in the castle. "Is how close sustenance is."
A vast arbor of golden apples stretched acre after acre near the castle walls. The sunlight cast a seductive gleam on the fruit, and the cruel wind carried sweet smells into Cascabel to torture him.
Like most Bosmer, Menegur was an archer. He was a master of long and medium distance fighting, but in close quarters, as he would be if he dared to leave the castle and enter the enemy camp in the arbor, he knew he would not last long. At some point, he knew he would have to try, but he had been dreading the day. It was upon him now.
Menegur put on the netch armor for the first time, feeling the powdery, almost velvet texture of the rendered leather against his skin. There was also a barely perceptible throb, which he recognized as the remnant nematocysts of the netch's venomous flesh, still tingling months after its death with domesticated poison. The combination made him feel energized. Aerin had described the sensation perfectly, just as she had explained how to defend himself while wearing netch leather armor.
Under cover of night, Menegur crept out of the back gate of the castle, locking it behind him with a rather cumbersome key. He made for the arbor as quietly as he could, but a passing sentry, coming behind a tree, saw him. Remaining calm, Menegur did as he remembered Aerin had instructed, only moving after the attack had been launched. The sentry's blade glided against the armor and knocked to the left, throwing the young man off balance. That was the trick, as he understood it: you had to be prepared to be hit, and merely move with the blow, allowing the membranous armor to divert the injury away.
Use your enemy's momentum against him, as Aerin used to say.
There were several more close encounters in the arbor, but each swing of an ax and each thrust of a sword found purchase elsewhere. With handfuls of apples, Menegur ran the gauntlet back to the castle. He locked the back gate door behind him and fell into an orgy of eating.
For week after week, the Bosmer stole out to gather his food. The guards began anticipating his raids, but he kept his schedule irregular and always remembered when attacked to wait for the blow, accept it, and then turn. In such a way, he lived and survived his lonely vigil in Cascabel Hall.
Four months later, as he was preparing for another seizure of apples, Menegur heard a loud clamor at the front gate. Surveying the group from a safe distance on the battlements, he saw the shields of the King of Solitude, his ally the Count of Cascabel, and their enemy the King of Farrun. Evidently, a truce had been called.
Menegur opened the gates and the combined armies flooded the courtyard. Many of the knights of Farrun sought to shake the hand of the man they had named the Shadow of the Arbor, expressing their admiration at his defensive skills and apologizing good-naturedly for their attempts to slay him. Only doing their job, you know.
"There's hardly a apple left on the vines," said the King of Solitude.
"Well, I started on the edges and worked my way in," explained Menegur. "I brought back extra fruit to tempt the rats of out of walls so I could have a little meat as well."
"We've spent the last several months working out the details of the truce," said the King. "Really quite exhausting. In any rate, the Count will be taking back possession of his castle now, but there is a small detail we need to work out. You're a mercenary, and as such responsible for your own expenses. If you had been a subject of mine, things might be different, but there are certain old rules of law that must be respected."
Menegur anticipated the strike.
"The problem is," the King continued. "You've taken a good deal of the Count's crops while here. By any reasonable computation, you've eaten an amount equal to and likely exceeding your mercenary's wages. Obviously, I would not want to penalize you for the excellent job you've done defending the castle in uncomfortable circumstances, but you agree that it's important that we observe the old rules of law, don't you?"
"Of course," replied Menegur, accepting the blow.
"I'm delighted to hear that," said the King. "Our estimation is that you owe the Count of Cascabel thirty-seven Imperial gold."
"Which I will gladly pay to myself, with interest, after the autumntide harvest," said Menegur. "There is more left on the vine than you suggest."
The Kings of Solitude and Farrun, and the Count of Cascabel stared at the Bosmer.
"We agreed to abide to the strictest old rules of law, and I've had time to read a great many books over the time you were making your truce. In 3E 246, during the reign of Uriel IV, the Imperial Council, in an attempt to clear up some questions of property rights in Skyrim during those chaotic days, decreed that any man without a liege who occupied a castle for more than three months would be granted the rights and titles of that estate. It's a good law, of course, meant to discourage absent and foreign landlords." Menegur smiled, feeling the now familiar sensation of a glancing strike diverting. "By the rule of law, I am the Count of Cascabel."
The rear-guard's son still hold the title of Count of Cascabel. And he grows the finest, most delectable apples in the Empire.

We returned to the inn...

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"I have Hjalti's sword," Aster said. "It's been an honor to serve you, brother. Remember our lessons from the sword masters of Alcaire? Let me show you a few things you may have forgotten before we leave Hroldan," the ghost said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:04 pm

From Old Hroldan, we set out for Fellburg - it's a village that I founded, well funded the foundation of...

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It was late and we needed a place to spend the night. The development of the village had not come far enough to begin construction of my planned residence. Hence, we stayed at the Wilemyr Inn.

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After our stay at the Wilemyr Inn, we went home to Dragonstead...

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Little M'rissi was quite worn out and went to sleep early. Aster talked to the Shauna and Anduniel, making certain that his pregnant young Khajiit would be well taken care of while we were away...

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We took another day to relax at home at Lavieview before heading back to Angi's camp...

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"Hey! Hi there Sorella, are you ok?" Rigmor said. "Angi is so cool, she said she will teach me everything she knows so I can be a huntress some day," Sorella said. "That sounds great. " "Yeah, and if any bad guys come, she's going to show me how to put an arrow in their heads." "Is that so? Haha! I'm glad I'm not one of those bad guys then," Rigmor said. "Hmmhm!"

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:06 pm

"Baa'Ren-Dar! If you're here, there must be a good reason," Aster said. "Well met Dragonborn. Is she alright, what has happened?" he said. "She's not doing too good, we met Tilar Aedriath." "You met Tilar Aedriath and brought her back to me alive! Khajiit is once again thankful to the gods of his exellent choice of a Guardian. This one has chosen wisely indeed." "Aedriath was her tormentor in Haven, but you already knew that, didn't you?" Aster said. "Did you find out any information on the whereabouts of Sigunn?" "You didn't answer my question." "Khajiit knew, yes, but she needed courage to find her destiny, her knowing who Tilar Aedriath is would have brought fear into the equation. This one had hoped there would be no contact, alas. Khajiit can see she has been dealt a blow deep in her heart. The last time she was like this, was fter the rescue," Baar'Ren-Dar said. "Like what exactly?" Aster said. "Hmmmhm!"

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"You were saying?" "When I smuggled her out of Valenwood, she was gravely ill. I brought her the best physicians coin could buy. We nursed her back from the darkness. This one thought she was mute, she never said or uttered a single word for six months. Then one day, Khajiit couldn't find her anywhere, in panic searched high and low, and there she was, in the library. She has discovered heself again, she knew what her name was again, she knew who her father was, and... she had remembered what had happened to her," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "How did you come to rescue her, Baa'Ren-Dar?" "It's a long story, are you sure you want to hear it?" "Rigmor has become special to me. I want to know everything," Aster said. "It was a cold, dark night and it had been raining for three days. Khajiit emissaries had been instructed to travel to Valenwood to be entertained by the Thalmor at their embassy in Haven. The Dominion had been trying to improve relations with Elsweyr to counter skooma smuggling for one, and this one was an influential emissary based in Torval, just over the border. The party continued late into the night, the Thalmor all full of themselves with drunken arrogance. Khajiit emissarie were about to leave when Thalmor insisted on showing a spectacle. The Daughter of The beast of Hammerfell they kept locked in a cage in the dungeon. We felt compelled to comply. We went down into the cells, and there she was... lying very still. They had torn the flesh from her back with their whips and the blood had run in rivulets on the floor. They laughed, oh how they laughed! But she was just a child. Khajiit knew that he would have to rescue her or she would surely die in that filthy cell." "The daughter of The Beast of Hammerfell?" "Her father was a renowned war chieftain during the Great War. He fought for the Empire under General Jonna. After the was he took his Nord brigade to Hammerfell and fought alongside the Redguards against the Dominion. After the Treaty was signed, he disbanded his men and settled in bruma in Cyrodiil, married Sigunn and had a child. The Thalmor had him extradited and executed in Alinor for war crimes and the child and her mother sold into slavery," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "How did you get her out of there?" "Khajiit quickly made arrangements and had everything in place, while the guards were distracted, picked the lock on the cage. This one wrapped the child in his robe, picked her up and carried her to an awaiting caravan to rendezvous with a boat, to take her to my embassy in Torval. It took a long time for her to recover, she has become very special to Khajiit, this one loves and cares for her deeply." "She loves you too, Baa'Ren-Dar," Aster said. "She will need to rest for a while. Did Sethri have any information, did you find anything on Sigunn?" "Yes, she was on the slavers' list. She was sent to Diamond Ridge Mine." "Khajiit has heard of this place, it's not far from the border with High Rock. This one will investigate and find a place on the map. Meanwhile, I have a very special mission for you and Rigmor," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Is this something to do with the conspiracy?" "Yes. This one has spoken to friends in high places, and we all agreed to keep this whole affair top secret. Elisif will be getting extra protection, she will not be informed unless it becomes absolutely necessary. However, we must be diligent and prepare for an imminent invasion. So, you are going to help by brokering a peace deal in the event of such an event." "A peace deal? You mean a truce between the Empire and Stormcloaks?" Aster said. "That's exactly what I mean. Tullius and Ulfric must be persuaded to break off their civil war plans if such an even was t take place. The Order is not to be alarmed in any way, so we must use subterfuge. We must have that truce Dragonborn. If the invasion begins the Emperor will be advised to keep his army in Cyrodiil. So the Stormcloaks and Empire troops here will have to combine forces to stop the Order's Northern Army Group in Skyrim. Hjaalmarch and Morthal will be our focus points, stop them there and we can throw them back into the sea. If Whiterun falls, and with Solitude and Windhelm besieged, all is lost. They will march South, join forces with the Southern Army Group, and crush mede's army in Cyrodiil. Tamriel will be theirs for the taking." "That's quite an undertaking, who do we need to speak to?" "You will need to visit Casius Varon, and Yngol Storm-Blade. You yourself will not be able to see Ulfric or Tullius, but these two men are their trusted advisors. You must convince them, and give them these letters. Take Rigmor with you, both of these men fought under her Father in Hammerfell, use it. They will be expecting you, but, take these Imperial uniforms for when you visit Varon. Wear them, remember you are still both wanted," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "About Rigmor... I..." "She is strong, don't worry she will be fine. She thinks a lot about you, give her time. Go and speak to these two men, this one will find a location for this Diamond Ridge Mine." "Thank you Baa'Ren-Dar," Aster said. "Farewell."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:15 pm

"Rigmor, wake up," Aster said. "Where's Ren?" she wondered. "He's gone. Don't worry, he's going to find out where Diamind Ridge is. He wants me to broker a truce between the Stormcloaks and the Empire." "Want me to come with you?" "Both men I must see knew your father. You need to be there. I know it's been tough lately. You sure you're ready to go?" he said. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm ready," she said.
Shortly later we set out, our first stop was going to be Dragonstead. Naturally, Aster was eager to see M'rissi...

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Her belly had grown well, it couldn't be long before M'rissi would give birth to her kitten. Aster was on a mission, though, so we just stayed until next morning. We set out for Yngol's camp, but before we reached it, a dragon caught our attention...

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The dragon drew attention from every creature in the vicinity - even the local giant who was very upset the flying wyrm pestered its mammoths...

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It became a bit chaotic after Mirai summoned the white dragons...

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Didn't even know he was there, the famous Khajiit M'aiq...

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It ended as expected though...

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And we got to meet the local Stormcloaks.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:20 pm

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"Yngol Storm-Blade?" "Who's asking?" "We are here to see you on a very urgent matter," Aster said. "You must be Rigmor's Guardian, right? Then you... you must be Rigmor?" Yngol said. "Hey, I'm sorry I..." she said. "I served with your father in Hammerfell, child. If there's anything you need, anything, just say the word. My sword is yours to command," Yngol said. "You've been expecting us?" Aster said. "Yeah, a courier came by yesterday, handed me a note. It said you were coming and it was about something important, but it didn't mention why." "You having some problems here I take it?" "Yeah, they've been testing us all night, probing our defenses. An Imperial charge made a breach in the east wall, just before you arrived," Yngol said. "Do you get much trouble from the Imperial camp?" "Not usually, up until now it's been a phoney war. Then that sly old dog Casius Varon decided to sit his Legion on the Pale's border with Whiterun. I advised Ulfric to set up a garrison here in case he makes a move." "You know Varon?" Aster said. "Yeah, we both served under Jonna in the Great War. He was in the Legion at the time, I was in a Nord volunteer brigade. He disappreared for a time after the treaty, then we found and saved his sorry ass on the Brena River in Hammerfell. Apart from the occasional skirmish, as you can see, we keep a respectful distance... for now. But recently there's been a large band of marauders and bandits causing problems here in Eastmarch. Especially for the locals. They've been quiet lately since we set up camp here, but they've been spotted hanging around near Narzulbur." "Narzulbur, where's that?" "It's an Orc stronghold we trade with not far to the east of here. There's some good people there. The patrol I sent out a few hours ago to check on them hasn't reported back. I was about to head out myself and search for them. Heym would you and Rigmor like to come along? I could use some backup," Yngol said. "Sure, we would be happy to join you," Aster said. "Ok, let's head out."

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"Were these your men Yngol?" Aster wondered. "Yeah. Looks like they've taken the stronghold as well. They would have killed the Orcs for sure... Gods damn it! The murdering scum are not getting away with it this time. This far and no further. It's time for some payback," he said.

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"Yngol, I'm sorry about the Orcs," Aster said. "These were good people, Guardian. I should have come sooner, maybe then they would still be alive." "Yngol, we need to talk." "Maybe later, I need a little time to myself. Why don't you and Rigmor check the place out, see if there's anything you can use," he said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:27 pm

"Yngol, we really need to be heading back?" Aster said. "Sure! Let's head back, we can talk later, I could use a drink," he said.

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"Hey, you want a drink, something to eat, knock yourselves out," Yngol said. "Hey, that would be nice," Rigmor said.

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"Hey, Rigmor! Did your father ever tell you about the war?" Yngol asked. "No, he didn't talk about it at all. I knew he had been a soldier, but I never knew anything until his arrest. The stuff I read about him in books, I didn't want to believe, it wasn't the person I knew," she said. "Yeah, those scumsuckers in the Imperial City changed all that. Your father was a hero, a true Nord. Our Berserk army sometimes had them running even before they drew their swords. Of course the Altmer fought, and with courage, I respected them for that. But we were all betrayed by the concordat. Mede sold us out, the bastard!" "What was he like, my father I mean, really?" "Like I said, a true Nord, he never broke the rules of combat. And all that about war crimes, that was all dog crap, character assassination that came dreamed up by Imperial politicians with their noses buried in Thalmor backsides," he said. "The Empire sold you out?" "Hell yeah! But we weren't done with the Elves, not until they recinded their blasphemy against Talos and restored him to his rightful place. Ragnar had all us captainse together, he said, Tell the men, they can either go home to their farms or join me in Hammerfell! Every single man, every one of them, roarded and bashed their swors against their shields. Girl, that was a sight to behold, Ragnar, Ragnar, Ragnar! We spent a year in Hammerfell. I believe today, true is my word, if we weren't there side by side with the Redguard, Hammerfell would have fallen. They hated him for that. But I'm still curious about your companion, Rigmor. Let's hear your story, why are you here?" Yngol said. "I was sent to give you this," Aster said. "You got to be kidding me! This is serious. Yeah, it all seems to make sense, but why should I believe all of this? I'm going to look a damn fool if it's not true. Ulfric would have me crucified." "All we need to do is convince Ulfris, when the time comes, to hold a truce." "What if it's another pile of lies, what if it's not true?" he said. "Yngol, it is true, it is! Please!" Rigmor said. "Enough! When the time comes, it will be an honor to fight and die by your side." "No! I didn't mean..." "Guardian, go tell your man Rar Bendar, or whatever the hell is name is, he has his army. Leave Ulfric to me. Oh, and when you see that old goat, Casius, tell him I send my regards. Ask him about your father, Rigmor, he has a very tall tale to tell." "Thanks Yngol, until the time comes," Aster said.

We were getting close to Varon's camp. Meanwhile, home at Dragonstead, Aster's young Khajiit girl had just given birth to their daughter...                                                                                                                  story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 20190519163908-1

"Hey, we had better change into these uniforms. Come on," Aster said.

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"This should do," he said.
Rigmor burst into uncontrollable laughter...
"What the..." "Is that a skirt?" she smirked. "No, it's a... er! Battledress?" Aster said. "Hahaha, a dress! You know, it really suits you." "Rigmor, get a hold of yourself." "How do I look?" she said. "You look just as ridiculous with your skinny legs poking out the bottom." "I wonder if the Legion wears underwear? Hahaha!" "Sometimes I worry about you, Rigmor. Pull yourself together and focus," he said. "Hahaha! Ok, focus."

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"Well met, Casius," Aster said. "Well met! I have been expecting you." "I have been sent to deliver this message. It's very urgent." "This changes things. Have you spoken to Yngol?" Casius said. "Yes, he sends his regards." "I bet he does, that old fox, and I take it... this pretty younf thing is Rigmor?" "Well met!" she said. "Please, sit and help yourselves to refreshments," Casius said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:34 pm

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"Casius, why sit your camp on the hold border?" Aster wondered. "There have been raiders crossing the border here and ransacking the farmsteads. I had the outpost built in an attempt to stop them." "Yngol seems to think you're planning some kind of offensive." "Haha! Does he now? I like to cause him a few sleepless nights from time to time, but these raiders are a more serious cause for concern. My presence has deterred them from this area, but now they are striking other areas and returning to Fort Dunstad. I can't cross over the border into the Pale to deal with them for fear of it being seen as an act of aggression from Dawnstar," Casius said. "Maybe we could help?" "Are you suggesting a special operation? I like the sound of that Guardian. You would have my gratitude." "We could pull it off, leave no witnesses and the Jarl would be none the wiser," Aster said. "Excellent! It's not far from here. Follow me," Casius said.

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Some of the raiders tried to escape, but we ran them down. Mirai even had her white dragon allies fry the fleeing enemy from the sky...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:38 pm

"That seems to have taken care of that," Aster said. "Let's check inside this villa, make sure we got them all," Casius said.

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"Dark days, Rigmor," Casius said. "Was that really necessary," she said.
We headed back to Varon's camp...

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"Like I said, I owe your father a debt of gratitude for my life. I would like you to have this," Casius said. "Oh my. Casius, it's beautiful," Rigmor said. "It was my mother's. I want you to have it. Please, say you'll take it." "The stones are beautiful, what are they?" "Black diamonds," he said. "Black diamonds? I have never sen these before." "When the time comes, Rigmor, you will know what to do with them." "Thank you, Casius. Until we meet again," Aster said. "Farewell, until next time."
Aster turned to Rigmor...
"Everything ok, you good to go?" "Yeah. I think I'm good," she said. "Let's head back to Riften. Baa'Ren-Dar might have that lead on Diamond Ridge." "Yeah, let's get out of here." "It's safe to ditch these uniforms now. People might get the wrong idea," Aster said. "Oh my, haha. Yeah pfft! Whatever Dragonborn," Rigmor said.

On our way to Riften, we made a stop at Dragonstead...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:45 pm

As we arrived in Riften, the Khajiit caravaners were already camped outside the gate, by the stables. A dragon had the same idea as us - of couse we couldn't let the wyrm inside...

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When the dragon was slain, we continued to the Bee and Barb...

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"Greetings Baa'Ren-Dar," Aster said. "Ah, my children. Well met! Khajiit hopes your travels were successful?" he said. "I think we have done what we can. They both have the letters now." "This one has spoken to someone who is living out at Shor's Stone mining village. He has sen this Diamond Ridge we seek. It's high up on the borders of Skyrim and High Rock. The journey there will be perilous, so be warned. This one has marked it on your map. Be careful Dragonborn, he also mentioned it's closely guarded." "That's quite a journey. Did he mention anything else?" Aster said. "Only that someone wants to keep this location a secret for a reason. He doesn't know why." "Well, I guess we're about to find out." "Make sure you take enough supplies with you. It's uncharted territory. Take good care of Rigmor, and if you do find Sigunn there... Be careful, don't let her emotions get the better of her," the Khajiit said. "Don't worry Baa'Ren-Dar. I'll take good care of her." "Please be careful. Farewell."

"Ok! What's the plan? Do you know where this place is?" Rigmor said. "It's on the border with High Rock, in the mountains. Near North West Camp," Aster said. "I'm ready when you are." "Let's go via Ivarstead. They won't be expecting us in Whiterun Hold. Rigmor... there's something else..." "Yes, what is it? You ok?" she said. "There's something I would like to show you. I think you would like to see it," he said. "Ok! Let's go."

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"Come on, follow me. I want to show you something," Aster said. "What is this place?" Rigmor said. "Baa'Ren-Dar told me about it. We can relax a while, it's peaceful here." 

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"Whoa! That view is amazing!" she said. "I knew you would like it. Rigmor, I have something else for you," Aster said. "Oh my! A dress?,Dragonborn, it's beautiful." "You mentioned you liked to try them on, you know. When you were in Cyrodiil." Thank you! Really," she said. "You look beautiful, it really suits you." "Yeah right! Don't you get any ideas." "I knew you woul like the flowers. It's good to see you happy Rigmor," Aster said. "Yeah! I'm glad I came here. Ahh! Oh my!"

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"Hey! You ok?" Aster said. "Yeah! Just a little scared I guess. It's been a long time. I wonder if she'll even know who I am?" Rigmor said. "Of course she will Rigmor. We are going to get her the hell out of there." "She was a school teacher, you know? Back then, before all this... she taught me to read and write. I studied fine arts, poetry and song. My da insisted I learned alongside my combat training. It was befitting for a noble child you see. We even had a family crest." "So you had a family name?" he said. "Yes, but they cast us down after the arrest. We lost everything." "What is your given name Rigmor? Please, I would love to know." "It's Sigunnsdottir," she said. "Taken from your mother?" "To protect me and my mom." "One day we'll restore the house of Ragnar, anf your name Rigmor Sigunnsdottir," Aster said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:49 pm

"I... I have written a song for you... would you like to hear it?" Rigmor said. "Please! I would love to hear it," Aster said.
I am glad my boy knew how to respond...
"Rigmor, that was... amazing!" he said. "I am pleased you like it, really. I..." she said. "It was beautiful. Truly it was... Thak you." "Dragonborn I... Hey! Yeah, well I don't do that too often," she coughed. "You know, but hey! Let me know when you're ready to move out," she continued. "We can head for North West Camp, then move up to Diamond Ridge from there," Aster said. "Ok!. Let's move on. Oh and Dragonborn, for what it's worth... thank you."
We stopped by Dragonstead. Aster was eager to see how M'rissi was doing...

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She had named their daughter Missy. I made an armour for the girl...

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Of course, when we were ready to leave, M'rissi and Missy both wanted to come along. Aster couldn't deny M'rissi, but for his daughter... he said she was too young. The kitten protested loudly, but my boy didn't budge. So it was that we left her behind. Or so we thought...

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Should've known Missy would take after her mother. The kitten followed us, staying out of our sight and not revealing herself until we were too far into our journey to turn back. I think M'rissi actually knew. She never said anything to her daughter, and everyone knows Khajiit have a keen sense of smell and sight in the night.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 9 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 7:53 pm

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"Tendril Sethri? Is this pure coincidence or something more sinister?" Aster said. "Well met Dragonborn. Fear not, all is about to be revealed." "So, what are you, a thief, spy, mage, or a disciple even?" "I am merely a messenger, and have been sent to help guide you," Sethri said. "A messenger for who I wonder?" "As I said, all will be revealed, but I must speak with Rigmor," he said. "Rigmor of Bruma, Child of the Twilignt," he continued. "I'm sorry, I... who?" she said. "Take heed, this chapter is coming to a close, and what you seek is not far from here. But what is sought is one and the same as what you will find at Diamond Ridge. You must follow the cairns at dusk or dawn. They will light the way to the heart of a mother's love and your final destination." "Wait, how did you know about...?" "Make haste child, time is running out!" he interrupted her. "Dusk and dawn?" Aster said. "Dragonborn, it is vital you follow the cairns at twilight. There is a cave that will lead you into the mines." "What will she find at Diamond Ridge, Sethri?" "She will find her destiny," he said.
We set out, following the cairns...

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"Rigmor, you ready for this?" Aster said. "What is this place, what happened here?" she said. "It was a Shrine to Azura. It has been desecrated," I said. "But why?" "Sethri said all was about to be revealed," Aster said. "Dragonborn! This is scary," she said. "Don't be scared. I think you've just found your Guardian Angel," I said. "Well, I hope so," she said.

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