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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170902225933-1

We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:29 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170902230407-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170902230701-1

Riverwood, quaint little village in Whiterun Hold. We were the first to arrive from Helgen. No one was the wiser to what had just happened - yet. But an old woman had certainly seen the huge black dragon fly from the scene.
Ralof introduced me to his sister Gerdur's family. We told them what had just happebed, leaving out the horrible details and the damning evidence of the failing Empire's unjust cruelty we found during our escape. It was very nice to meet a true Nord family. Gerdur gave me the key to their house, saying I was Always welcome. She had a favor to ask, though - Riverwood was defenseless against a dragon. I should go to Whiterun asap and speak to the jarl. I bade my new friends Farewell...

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Some fool outlaws thought they owned the village or something. I showed them what we Nords do with villains. 

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En route to Whiterun I caught up to an Imperial patrol and their prisoner. I would have slaughtered the damned elves' toadies without hesitation had it not been for the proximity of town and the high risk of someone stupid witnessing me dispensing justice on these stupid criminals. I was seething with hatred inside, but had to steel myself from doing something rash. The blasted bastards were lucky I didn't put them to the sword.

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There was a giant rampaging through the farms just outside the city. The Companions - a warrior Guild based in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun - were alredy fighting the creature. I helped them finish it off. Afterwards I briefly spoke to Aela who encouraged me to speak to their Harbinger, a counselor of sorts, named Kodlak Whitemane.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:34 am

I was about to enter the city when something caught my Eye in the stables...

How could I not be drawn in by the naked Beauty. She was startled when I approached her, but talking to Sofia she made it clear she didn't want me to leave. I could only wonder what she had been doing Before. Her breath was still Heavy of alcohol. She even sniffed out I was carrying some mead and wine in my pack. As things turned out she was an easy conquest, all I had to do was to share my drink and she was more than willing to satisfy my desires...

Come morning, Sofia followed me into the city. The guard at the gate was unwilling to let us pass at first, but when I mentioned Riverwood's pressing matter, what had happened to Helgen, he immedoately let us inside. I made staight for the jarl's hall, with sofia in tow...

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The jarl's housecarl, a stern-looking Dunmer, wasn't that happy we walked in. She obviously thought she should forcibly throw us out. But fortunately Jarl Balgruuf's interest was peeked and he wanted to hear what I had to say. Our conversation ended with the jarl ordering his housecarl to send a contingent of troops to Riverwood - against his stewards advice. Then he showed me to his Court wizard who had a task for me...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903011349-1

Farengar told me he wanted me to go to Bleakfalls Barrow and retrieve an old stone tablet his 'sources' had told him would be there. Of course the wizard didn't want to reveal his source. I already knew the place, an old Nordic ruin in the mountain above Riverwood...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903013438-1

Entering the shop we overheard the trader talking to his sister about some problem. Asking him about it we learned that they had a beark-in, but only one item had been stolen - an ornament in gold in the shape of a dragon claw. Since I was heading for Bleakfalls Barrow with Sofia anyway, I promised him to look for the thief...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:39 am

We encountered a pack of wolves on our trip up the mountain path, nothing we couldn't handle. A small Group of bandits had taken refuge in an abandoned Tower up the path. When we left, they were all dead and their valuables were now ours.

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Bleakfalls Barrow looked majestic as we neared it. There were a few bandits outside but they didn't prove an obstacle - more a brief nuisance.

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There were more bandits inside, many were already dead near the entrance. But a few had made a camp further in. I began sneaking closer making ready to strike, but Sofia just engaged them with a loud warcry. I could only join the fray and help her take them out.
Deeper down we ran into a huge frostbite spider. She was a real nuisance, but the greatest nuisance was the thief caught in the spider's web. Barely had I cut the bastard down did he scamper off - right into a horde of draugr. The stupid thief got himself killed and we had to deal with the remaining undead. There were lots of them in this ancient ruin. 

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The puzzle door. It would have ben an impassable obstacle had we not obtained the golden claw from the petty thief. I took a moment to ponder the combination, then I noticed that it was marked on the inside of the golden claw itself. Brother, did I feel stupid, ha ha.

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The main chamber. What a Beautiful Place...

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I was drawn in by the ancient Word wall. There was something scribbled down in the language of dragons. It surprised me when I took a closer look and was able to actualy decipher the Writing. "Het nok Faal Vahlok, deinmaar do Dovahgolz ahrk aan fus do unslaad rahgol ahrk vulom ---- Here lies The Guardian, keeper of the Dragonstone and a force of eternal rage and darkness."
The Guardian rose and attacked us as Sofia neared the treasure chest. He was quite a tough bugger. The bastard shouted "Fus Ro Dah -- Force Balance Push" at me and sent me flying like a ragdoll across the Place. It disn't stop me though, just enraged me and between me and Sofia the ancient draugr was vanquished. The Dragonstone we were sent to get was inside the chest. It apeared to be a map of Skyrim with various places around the landscape marked. Could this be some ancient treasure map? It was quite Heavy.
Sofia and I made out way out the back, exiting above an ancient burial site for the wooly mammoths in the region.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:43 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903022218-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903022447-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903023751-1

Good ol' Dragonstead - my home. Did I say this is where I was born. I decided to hold on to the Little golden souvenir. It's now hanging on the wall, waiting for its friends to make it Company. I'm sure we'll come across many more of these dragon claw keys during our coming adventures. But for now, Sofia and I made ourselves comfortable in my home, well our home I should say. She isn't going anywhere.
Sofia decided to make us something nice for supper...

And the evening ended with a pleasurable exercise in bed...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903024656-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903025040-1

At the Bannered Mare in Whiterun I made this blond Beauty, Vilja. She was desperately asking for help finding a pair of thieves who had stolen a bottle from her. Of course I offered to help straight away, if not only to get to know her a little better. We tracked the pair down to the local meadert, Honningbrew just outside of Town - not very far from the farm where I first met the Companions, fighting that giant. The burly Nord talked about a curse. He was very happy to give up the bottle. Vilja could tell I was a bit puzzled. It wasn't just any bottle. It was quite old. She told me she was here in Skyrim trying to find the Eldergleam Sanctuary where she was told to go with the bottle. She didn't seem to know exactly what its contents were. I had Heard of the Eldergleam Sanctuary, but I wasn't sure just where it was. I offered to help her find it. Sofia gave me some cold stares, I think she knew just why I was being so helpful...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 1:44 am

With both women in tow I returned to Farengar, the Court wizard at Dragonsreach, who wasn't alone this time...

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There was this middle-aged woman studying a map. She congratulated me on my successful quest into Bleakfalls Barrow. But before I was able to ask any questions there was an urgent message. One of the guards had returned from the western watchtower - a dragon had attacked. The jarl asked me for Another favor - he wanted me to go with Irileth, his housecarl, and fight this dragon. Sofia and Vilja tagged along with us...

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The dragon had definitely been here. Irileth ordered the Place to be searched for survivors. There was one hiding in the tower, urging us to get out of sight Before the dragon returned. But too late...

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Mirmulnir had returned and attacked us. The soldiers fired Arrows at the dragon as it circled the tower, beathing fire at the defenders. As the hulking beast landed, I engaged the dragon with my trusty axe. Sofia and Vilja also engaged in melee with me - brave women. Irileth got the wind knocked out of her by the dragon's tail, but the Dunmer housecarl was quickly back on her feet. The dragon took to the air again and made Another circle of the Tower Before landing a second time...

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Something extraordinary happened when the dragon died. Irileth was content with the knowledge they could be killed. The Nord guards started talking about me as the Dragonborn, even asking me to shout like the dragons. I tried it and let out a "Fus". Indeed I could shout. Before we knew it, a thundering call bellowed down from the mountain, "Dovahkiin!" It was an invitation for me from the Greybeards...

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Jarl Balgruuf was very pleased to hear the dragon was killed. He even mentioned he ha made the pilgrimage to High Hrothgar once in his youth. I decreed I was allowed to buy propert in Whiterun, and it happened a small house was for sale. I had made more than enough Money to buy and decorate this new home from profits selling loot. Now, I was also give the title of Thane of Whiterun and my own housecarl, Lydia.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 1:48 am

The next morning I Went to see Kodlak Whitemane in Jorrvaskr...

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The old Harbinger sent me out to the courtyard to test my mettle with one of the twins. I soon showed him I was no pushover, but it still didn't stop him  - or the others - to treat me like a whelp. Anyway, the other Twin showed me where I could sleep - they obviously didn't know I ws the Thane of Whiterun or the only son of a wealthy couple, a man who owned his own mansion by Lake Illinalta. I was given some errands to run...

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Before heading out, I Went to the genaral store and had a Little chat with the owner, one Breton named Belethor...

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Me and my two Lovely ladies Went about and did my task for the Companions...

Then, come the evening, we freshened up at the shore of the lake, outside of my mansion.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 1:52 am

On a rainy day we sought shelter in an abandoned building...

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Vilja and Sofia can be quite ruthless when peeved - don't go antagonize them like thse outlaws did:

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Falkreath. The guard asked us if we've seen a dog. Apparently the smith had asked them to keep an Eye out. The blacksmith even gave me a piece of meat to lure the dog.

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The jarl of Falkreath wanted us to go kill the leader of a Group of bandits. Sofia seemed quite eager to bloody her sword...

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After visiting the jarl, we Went to the inn. Vilja turned out to be quite the party girl when she had imbibed some drink. I could take advantage of that to satisfy my carnal desire - if it were not for my heart. I didn't feel like taking that advantageof her. I had done that with Sofia, but she didn't resent me for it. Sofia seems to like the sex, though I Think she may be afraid of conceiving. The drink certainly helps her overcome thse fears, at least when Rolling in the hay.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 1:56 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903165712-1

Embershard Mine, that's where we were headed to kill the bandit leader as requested by Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath...

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The mine turned out to be quite larger than I had expected. There were lots of outlaws inside, thankfully they were spread out and we could pick them off a few at a time...

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When we had finally cleared the whole mine, Sofia was quite weary and she felt queasy. Vilja was concerned she had caught something and wanted to make her a cure disease potion. I figured the cause was something less serious and much more joyous. Sofia didn't look pale or anything you'd expect if she had caught an affliction. Vilja, too, caught on soon enough. We stayed the night and used the bandits' sleeping bags. Come morning we set out for Dragonstead. Vilja and I left Sofia there...

And as time passed, our suspicions about sofia's condition were confirmed...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:01 am

Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath Hold informed me there was room for a new Thane. But he could only grant this title to someone known throughout the hold. Ergo, I help his people, I get named Thane...

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First I made an investment in the alchemist's shop. Then, with Vilja in tow, I began looking for other people to help... The old Altmer priest tending to the vast graveyard had lost his journal during an adventure into a cave. Vilja and I set out to find it for him...

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The Place was full of necromancers. Vilja seemed to share my distaste for this practice. She was relentles in her attacks and showed no mercy, not that thse evil mages ever deserved mercy. 

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We found the old wizard's journal and returned it to him. The jarl was pleased with our efforts and happily grated me the title of Thane of Falkreath. There was a plot of land for sale at the price of 5000 Septims. Its location wasn't very far from my own mansion. In my mind I already had visions of how I wanted it to look - a home for me and Vilja to raise Children one day soon. Well, first I had to capture her heart. I Think I we got along quite well. This friendship would surely turn to love eventually. I just had to bide my time...

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Lakeview started to take form. Work often continued until after dark. This doesn't mean I had forgotten about my Sofia, not at all. This lovely lady was carrying our child. I made sure to visit as often as possible. I wasn't very surprised she chose to stroll about in the nude. She seemed to prefer to be unclothed even Before she became with child. But the main reason must be the Heavy lactation. Her breasts were just leaking rivers of milk, and the baby wasn't due for some time yet. Then, I had Heard this was how it is with women in our family. It had been so for my mother and her mother before her.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:06 am

While Sofia grew closer to full term, work on Lakeview made good process. I expected to be finished with stage 1 at the time the baby was born...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903184031-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903184050-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903184107-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903184124-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903184143-1

Once the main hall was completed, work started on the basement...

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It was a good thing the location was so close to the lake. Not only did we put up a small fishing hut, but it was great to Clean up after a hard day's work.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:11 am

Sofia gave birth to a Little girl...

Haspina grew quickly, gorged on all of Sofia's milk. She showed great skill with magic, easily Learning the basic spells...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903194346-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903223227-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170903224658-1

A dragon thought it was a good idea to assault Falkreath. We proved it wrong very quickly. The jarl was so happy he granted me a new housecarl...

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And so it was that the Redguard Rayya joined my staff at Lakeview Manor. I'm thinking I should bring Lydia and see if she's interested in becoming my steward. Development of stage 2 was well under way and should be completed fairly soon. 

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:14 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170904223934-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170904224108-1

In Whiterun we met a Young girl, Lucia, begging on the streets. Something had to be done. I couldn't let the Child endure these hardships any longer - I immediately adopted her. Lakeview will make a perfect home for her and Haspina will have a playmate until I have more children. I Think Sofia will be difficult there though. I may have to put my hopes to Vilja. But first we'll see to her quests. That should get me in her good book, so to speak. And from there I should have a much easier time seducing her when the time comes. 

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170904225053-1

The extension to Lakeview turned out really well. The Girls love the pool and spa. The completed wall makes the home much more secure and the new staff is settling in. This has become my favorite home.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:18 am

The Khajiit caravaners were in Town when we visited Whiterun. Well, not in Town exactly - they're not allowed inside the walls because no one trusts them. The Khajiit have a reputation as thieves and smugglers. And they're allied with the Thalmor in the Aldmeri Dominion. These traders though, I wouldn't deem dangerous.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905184512-1

I hired the carriage to take us from Whiterun to Riften...

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A stupid thief though he could extort me of Money upon entering the city. My threats proved him dead wrong...

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At the Bee and barb inn I was approached by Another member of the Thieves Guild. News traveled quickly indeed. He knew I had threatened to kill the thief at the gate, obviously, and offered me to become a member if I performed a small task for him. He wanted me to frame the Dunmer trader in the market for theft by stealing from the Argonian jeweler and placing the item in his possession. Naturally, I wasn't interested. We were here to find the Khajiit bard who had bought Vilja's flute. He was easy enough to find. But he had lost the flute at a game of put the tail on the donkey. It almost sounded like he was describing the Bosmer and the Nord who had stolen the bottle from Vilja in Whiterun. I was told to find the elf in Riverwood. But Before we Went there, I met an interesting lady. Anduniel is a Bosmer bard and spellcaster. She was looking for a place to start her own meadery. I thought the idea was interesting, a competotor to the Blackbriars would be very welcome in my eyes. Anduniel came along with us when we left town...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905192624-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905192809-1

Anduniel made a really good companion. She was an exellent shot - which you would expect from a Woodelf. And she was also good with spells. She told me she had lost her amulet fighting Three bears in a cave. We revisited the Cave and I found the remains of her amulet in the gut of a goat the bears had killed. The story ended with Anduniel making a new amulet from the claw of one of the bears we had killed. She was happy so I was happy. That Cave wasn't the only Place we explored together...

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:22 am

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905194301-1

I felt pretty good exploring with all these women along. All Three of them handled Everything thrown at them very well, and Haspina picked up many valuable lessons from them. 

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I think Sofia started feeling threatened by Vilja and Anduniel. Why else would she walk around naked in Ivarstead when she still was sober. I can only wonder what sort of influence she has on our daughter.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:36 am

We entered the Vilemyr inn...

"Well hello. What's a handsome lad like you doing in Ivarstead?" a Bosmer woman said. "Hello. Who might you be?" I wondered. "I am Zorya. It is a name for the Twin goddesses representing the morning and evening stars. I'm here with my sister, Raya. We just made the trip to the monastery. We go every few years for... contemplation," she said. "Sisters, I can se that, but avowed? I wouldn't have thought," I said. Zorya laughed. "Oh no, we are not monks, just real sisters. You see, our clan holds to the old beliefs, about the wisdom of the ancient dragons. The monks at High Hrothgar teach this, to those who are willing to learn," she said. "You mean the Thu'um?" I said. "The Thu'um? Ah yes, I know what you are referring to, but no, we do not study that, though the priests have taught us some of the philosophy. But I speak of meditation, contemplation of the elements," she said. "A gypsy like yourself must know some songs!" I changed the subject. "Oh, of course I do! I have many songs: ballads, laments, even a few chant. Would you like to hear one?" she said. "Do you have other interests besides contemplation and stars?" I wondered. "Oh yes! I love to dance. That is why I love the springtime, especially in Whiterun, when the wildflowers are in bloom," she said. "You're a bit of a wildflower yourself," I said. Zorya giggled. "You are not the first person to say that. I have also been called wildfire because I like to dance in fields of them," she said.
"Oh, hello. I saw you talking to my sister. She is Always so friendly to strangers. I tell her it's not Always wise," Raya said. "I mean you both no harm, but I understand. It's good to be wary," I said. "That is... reassuring. I have read some stories about kidnappings and murder and... sometimes I take them a Little too much to heart," she said. "Do you read a lot?" I wondered. "Oh yes! Not all in our clan know how to read, but we were taught by Mother. She spent a lot of time in Town markets," she said. "Which are your favorite books?" I wondered. "Ah, now that Changes from time to time. Sometimes I like the histories best. Other times the tales of wild adventure sweep me away! Still, once in a while, I prefer a book of poetry," she said. "What are some of your interests?" I asked. "Well, I love to paint. Flowers, rivers, Mountains... anything about nature. And I like books. Whenever the clan visited a Town, I alays Went straight to the bookstore, while zorya Went to the tavern," she said. "What do you use for paint?" I wondered. "There are many plants with suitable juices for paint. They can be mixed with water for a thin pigment, or with oil for a thicker one," she said. "Do you ever paint people?" I wondered. "People? No, we are not warriors. We do not paint our faces," she said. "No, silly. I mean do you paint portraits?" I clarified. "Oh! Of course that's what you meant. I have, on occation, yes. For special clan occations, marriages, for example, I paint a portrait of the couple," she said.

The Book of the Dragonborn by Prior Emelene Madrine, Order of Talos, Weynon Priory. Year 360 of the Third Era, Twenty-First of the Reign of His Majesty Pelagius IV
Many people have heard the term "Dragonborn" - we are of course ruled by the "Dragonborn Emperors" - but the true meaning of the term is not commonly understood. For those of us in the Order of Talos, this is a subject near and dear to our hearts, and in this book I will attempt to illuminate the history and significance of those known as Dragonborn down through the ages. ... Most scholars agree that the term was first used in connection with the Covenant of Akatosh, when the blessed St. Alessia was given the Amulet of Kings and the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One were first lit. "Akatosh, looking with pity upon the plight of men, drew precious blood from his own heart, and blessed St. Alessia with this blood of Dragons, and made a Covenant that so long as Alessia's generations were true to the dragon blood, Akatosh would endeavor to seal tight the Gates of Oblivion, and to deny the armies of daedra and undead to their enemies, the Daedra-loving Ayleids." Those blessed by Akatosh with "the dragon blood" became known more simply as Dragonborn. ... The connection with the rulers of the Empire was thus there from the beginning - only those of the dragon blood were able to wear the Amulet of Kings and light the Dragonfires. All the legitimate rulers of the Empire have been Dragonborn - the Emperors and Empresses of the first Cyrodilic Empire founded by Alessia; Reman Cyrodiil and his heirs; and of course Tiber Septim and his heirs, down to our current Emperor, His Majesty Pelagius Septim IV. ... Because of this connection with the Emperors, however, the other significance of the Dragonborn has been obscured and largely forgotten by all but scholars and those of us dedicated to the service of the blessed Talos, Who Was Tiber Septim. Very few realize that being Dragonborn is not a simple matter of heredity - being the blessing of Akatosh Himself, it is beyond our understanding exactly how and why it is bestowed. Those who become Emperor and light the Dragonfires are surely Dragonborn - the proof is in the wearing of the Amulet and the lighting of the Fires. But were they Dragonborn and thus able to do these things - or was the doing the sign of the blessing of Akatosh descending upon them? All that we can say is that it is both, and neither - a divine mystery. ... The line of Septims have all been Dragonborn, of course, which is one reason the simplistic notion of it being hereditary has become so commonplace. But we know for certain that the early Cyrodilic rulers were not all related. There is also no evidence that Reman Cyrodiil was descended from Alessia, although there are many legends that would make it so, most of them dating from the time of Reman and likely attempts to legitimize his rule. We know that the Blades, usually thought of as the Emperor's bodyguards, originated in Akaviri crusaders who invaded Tamriel for obscure reasons in the late First Era. They appear to have been searching for a Dragonborn - the events at Pale Pass bear this out - and the Akaviri were the first to proclaim Reman Cyrodiil as Dragonborn. In fact it was the Akaviri who did the most to promote his standing as Emperor (although Reman himself never took that title in his lifetime). And of course there is no known hereditary connection between Tiber Septim and any of the previous Dragonborn rulers of Tamriel. ... Whether there can be more than one Dragonborn at any time is another mystery. The Emperors have done their best to dismiss this notion, but of course the Imperial succession itself means that at the very least there are two or more potential Dragonborn at any time: the current ruler and his or her heirs. The history of the Blades also hints at this - although little is known of their activities during the Interregnum between Reman's Empire and the rise of Tiber Septim, many believe that the Blades continued to search out and guard those they believed were (or might be) Dragonborn during this time. ... Lastly, we come to the question of the true meaning of being Dragonborn. The connection with dragons is so obvious that it has almost been forgotten - in these days when dragons are a distant memory, we forget that in the early days being Dragonborn meant having "the dragon blood". Some scholars believe that was meant quite literally, although the exact significance is not known. The Nords tell tales of Dragonborn heroes who were great dragonslayers, able to steal the power of the dragons they killed. Indeed, it is well known that the Akaviri sought out and killed many dragons during their invasion, and there is some evidence that this continued after they became Reman Cyrodiil's Dragonguard (again, the connection to dragons) - the direct predecessor to the Blades of today. ... I leave you with what is known as "The Prophecy of the Dragonborn". It often said to originate in an Elder Scroll, although it is sometimes also attributed to the ancient Akaviri. Many have attempted to decipher it, and many have also believed that its omens had been fulfilled and that the advent of the "Last Dragonborn" was at hand. I make no claims as an interpreter of prophecy, but it does suggest that the true significance of Akatosh's gift to mortalkind has yet to be fully understood. ... When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the World. When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped. When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles. When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls. When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn. 

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I brought Klimmek's supplies when we Went to High Hrothgar. And silly Sofia walked the whole distance without a thread on. She is an odd one, but there is no denying her Beauty. I can't tell if she is doing this out of jealousy or if she's just this way. If it is jealousy, though, she'll be doing this a lot more, as I'm conviced there is going to be many women in my Life to come.

The Greybeards taught me the second Word of Power of the Unrelenting force Shout. Then we continued into the courtyard where they taught me the first Word, Wuld, of Whirlwind Sprint. I was then tasked with recovering the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller from his tomb...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 2:41 am

When we returned from High Hrothgar, a bunch of weirdos - Three in fact - approached us. It was obvious they were looking for me - the Dragonborn...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905221136-1

These whackos had no friendly intentions. One of them summoned a creature out of a nightmare. The tentacled thing made me Think of the Daedric Lord Hermeaus Mora. I couldn't allow any threats to my family. Nor did the guards, they entered the fray on our side. It was a brief and intense battle. On one of the corpses I found a note:

Board the vessel Northern Maiden docked at Raven Rock. Take it to Windhelm, then begin your search. Kill the False Dragonborn known as Bronkah Before he reaches Solstheim. ... Return with Word of your success, and Miraak shall be most pleased.

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Who the hell is Miraak? Some kind of dragon priest, perhaps? Sounds like it.

Anyway, with our business concluded here, we left Ivarstead and headed for Riverwood... And indeed we found the two fools, the burly Nord and his Little Bosmer friend. After some haggling I got the flute from the Woodelf. But talking to my fellow Nord was the weirdest thing - he still talked about being cursed and really thought he had a donkey tail growing. Of course it was all in his head, but there just was no convincing him of it. I had to promise to help rid him of his curse. Silly man. 

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Our next stop was Dawnstar, where we hoped to find the Redguard bard who had traveled from solstheim on the same ship as Vilja. Apparently he had promised to teach her to play the lute. Becoming a bard meant a lot to this young maiden, and of course I was going to do Everything in my Power to help her. Then, of course, I wouldn't make such an effort if I really didn't think I could could make her mine in the end. When we finally got to the village, a dragon decided to visit, well burn the village and everyone in it. As Dragonborn I couldn't allow that. There was just one way this could end...

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We had arrived at the same time as one of the Khajiit Caravans traveling the land. They and the guards were most helpful in the battle with the dragon. And... of course, they were very much amazed when I absorbed the dragon's soul.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:30 pm

In the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar we found Wilbert - the Redguard who had promised to teach Vilja. But when I talked to him he was rather distraught by the loss of his instruments. I promised we'd get them back in Exchange for the lute lessons for Vilja. But the most interesting thing in the inn was that Bosmer vixen. Mareen Nightthorn was her name...
"I Heard you talking to the innkeep about a problem with shipments," I said. "Ehhh... It's nothing for you to worry about. See, it's actually me's been robbing the East Empire Company. I work for them as a responsible trade captain, while on the side, I keep the choiciest bits for the Thieves Guild. I keep a Commission, o'course. Then I take the rest to Riften once a month. Hopefully someday they'll let me run the outpost in Solitude. A few more big jobs should prove I can handle it," she said. "How do you protect your ship while you're away?" I wondered. "Oh, I've explored a Dwemer ruin or two in my Life. Picked up a few o' their technological tricks. The ship's outfitted with secret compartments for smuggling, as well as a few traps for unfriendly footsteps. Why don't you meet me down by the docks in a bit and you can browse my wears in the ship?" Mareen said. 

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170905231141-1

I followed Mareen down to the docks...
"Perfect... just PERFECT!" she said. "What's the matter?" I wondered. "There's a bloody band of Thalmor inspecting the ships! They're looking for mine. Gods, how did they find me? They must have a spy somewhere, or more than one," she said. "Why are the Thalmor after you?" I wondered. "I'd rather not open that chest o' Worms at the moment. I'll just say... we're old enemies. Been dodgin' them most o' my Life. Mow, we can't exactly kill them, with the witnesses here. We'll have to trick them into attacking us first," she said. "Leave that to me," I said with a smile...

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I walked aboard the ship. The Thalmor were annoyed by it, but they didn't attack yet. I had to antagonize them a bit first. I walked up to one of them. "What's a milk-drinker like you doin' here?" asked. "Leave the ship or I'll cut you in half," he threatened. I laughed. "You? A milk.drinker like you? I bet you can't even hold that sword!" I said. That was obviously enough. He lunged at me in a rage. Stupid mistake since I stepped to the side and felled him with a precis axe strike to the neck. The other Thalmor immediately attacked upon the docks quickly turned red with Thalmor blood as we slaughtered them all. We, being my Girls, Mareen, and I...
"Thanks for your help. I'm used to taking out löners now and then, but this was the first time I been cornered by so many. You fight pretty well, and saved me from having to abandon my ship until it was safe to come back," Mareen said. "Why don't you join me for a while?" I suggested. "Me? Join you? I don't Think so, I've Always worked alone. I ain't good in a partnership," she said. "Suit yourself. Goodbye," I said. "Sure, take care. Hey. I'll Think about it. And if our paths cross again, well, maybe it was meant to be," she said.

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Me and the Girls cleaned up the fort Wilbert had directed us to. In the mine below we found the lost instruments. The Redguard bard would be so pleased to have his precious lue back...

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Wilbert definitely remembered Vilja now. He even offered her his old lute. But the thing was, we had to go to the Bards College in Solitude and speak to his friend there. Wilbert gave me a letter to prove that he had sent us for it. His friend was a Young bard by the name of Sindra. Vilja was very much looking forward to going to the Bards College.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:34 pm

Before leaving Dawnstar, we visited the local alchemist...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906180701-1

We then headed straight for Solitude. The first sight we made inside the walls wasn't pleasant, I wish my daughter could have been spared that.

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From the awful execution of Roggvir we went straight to the Bards College...

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Sindra was a very nice young woman. She was happy to give the lute to me after I showed her the letter from Wilbert. Vilja will be so happy. There was even a quest for available for me. Thing was that the jrl had banned the Burning of King Olaf - a festival the Bards College had held annually for ages. One can yunderstand she might find it distasteful, her husband's recent Death and all. But the bards sent me to find a long lost verse to change her mind. Well, first things first. It was late and we needed somewhere to stay... so the inn it was.

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I wish I had remembered what Vilja had said about the snooty Altmer running the Radiant Raiment. We left her shop without buying anything.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906183244-1

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:38 pm

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We searched for a suitable location for Anduniel's meadery. We had to deal with necromancers Before we found the remains of an old inn. It was a very good location, but Anduniel still wanted to look in Falkreath Hold before deciding. Personally, I would be glad to have her closer to Lakeview Manor. 

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En route to our destination, we passed Robbers' Gorge. Those bandits were fools to Think they could rob us, even if they outnumbered us three to one. 

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Just what is it with these stupid outlaws? These ones thought they could extort Money from us by dressing in the gear of the fallen Imperials. Those fools had not even hid the bodies of the dead. Needless to say, those fools will not threaten anyone again.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906191501-1

Dead Men's Respite, our destination. This was where Viarmo had told me we'd find the lost King Olaf's verse of the Poetic Edda.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:45 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906191955-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906192011-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906192308-1

Upon entering Dead Men's Respite we were met by the ghost of the bard Svaknir. No Words were spoken but it was clear he was showing us the way...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906192532-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906192649-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906192848-1

Draugr, giant spiders and many horrors all tried to stop us. But our party endured and conquered...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906193211-1

A door blocked off by a magical barrier none of us could break. I could feel the pull of a Word wall behind it. But there was just no opening this door...

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Our incursion continued and finally, in a small locked room we found the remains of Svaknir. The verse we were looking for was here...

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The ghost of Svaknir broke down the magical barrier and we entered the burial chamber of King Olaf One-Eye...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906194306-1

"Het nok kopraan do Wynjolf ahrk Wuld, wen viintaas tuz vey zeim lahvu do rahgron Ogiim -- Here lies the body of Wynjolf the Whirlwind, whose shining blades cut through an army of angry Orcs."

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Nothing could touch the ghost of Svaknir. While the draugr were occupied with the ghost... and some of my companions, I attacked and destroyed all the draugr who had not yet engaged in combat Before they even rose from their stone chairs. One King Olaf wa dead, the ghost disappeared. We looted the treasure chamber Before leaving.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:52 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906195023-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906195237-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906195848-1

Our party's incursion into Dead Men's Respite ended with an excursion to Whiterun - to sell much of the loot from therir successful dungeon dive. Now, there was a curier with a letter for the Dragonborn...

To the Dawnstar Traveler, ... You're a hard person to track down, friend. That's good. Smart. Anyway, I've got some more information about our friends we played with in Dawnstar. Can you come to the Nightgate Inn? Take care you aren't followed. ... An acquaintance

I could think of only one person who could have sent that letter. 

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906200220-1

There were so many things on the Dragonborn's agenda, I had to take a day off at Lakeview just to get his thoughts straight. But for the Dragonborn there is seldom much rest. Not with so many dragons roaming the countryside...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906211938-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906212055-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906212205-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906212252-1

Another dragon soul absorbed. I and Anduniel got the opportunity to check out the abandoned inn by Lake Ilinalta. She was very happy with the location in Falkreath Hold. He was quite happy she was happy. He wanted the Bosmer woman close to him. Now they needed to find some help to tear down the ruin and build a meadery on the location...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906212451-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906212703-1

Providence brought us to Falkreath, where a builder was just finishing a job for the Jarl. She and her team of workers were free to hire for the job of building Anduniel's meadery. And the price could hardly be better. Bronkah was happy to provide the gold...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 3:58 pm

We had Everything to return to the Khajiit bard in Riften. Vilja would finally get her flute back. She was in a very good mood.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906234513-1

But... back at the Bee and Barb, we were met with bad news - Halvdan had beaten us to it. He had threatened the Khajiit who gave Vilja's flute to the hulking Nord. I was furious. If he had shown his face in the iin, I would have broken his face... and probably a lot more.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906235145-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906235443-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170906235940-1

Halvdan was hiding out at the Temple of Mara. Vilja gave him a lecture, but he just laughed at her. She would probably have attacked him if it were not for being in the temple and all the witnesses there. I know I would have done the same. As it were, Halvan challenged me to a duel for the flute. We were to meet at midnight.
That night I left my companions behind. Vilja really wanted to come along, but she finally saw reason when I told her Halvan would likely not even show up if he saw her in my company. When it came to the showdown, Halvdan was a pushover. I sent the Little milk.drinker whimpering with his tail between his legs. Vilja was overjoyed to have her beloved flute back.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908173547-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908173635-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908173918-1

The whole family went to Whiterun for some rest and relaxation... and it was an opportunity for Lucia to meet her friends in Town again. The little Imperial girl was very happy. In Whiterun we met the priestes of Kynareth, Danica Pure-Spring. she told us about the Gildergreen - the ancient tree in the middle of Whiterun. It was a pitiful sight, that tree. The priestess told us there might be a way to Wake the tree from slumber, with the sap of the mother tree. We'd have to go to the Eldergleam Sanctuary - just the Place Vilja needed to go on her quest. But first we needed to get a special dagger, called Nettlebane, from a group of Hagravens at Orphan Rock...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908174549-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908174710-1

After a brief stop at Lakeview to drop off Lucia, we Went to Orphan Rock. It was crawling with hags. The witches were annoying, but not nearly as annoying as the angry hagraven casting giant fireballs at us. Fortunately noone of us was seriously hurt. We found Nettlebane in the hagraven's belongings. The dagger was used to sacrifice spriggans and it was the only item that could draw sap from the Eldergleam. The ancient tree was immune to all other metals, even enchanted blades. I couldn't wait to see this wonder with my own eyes. And Vilja was eager to go there too...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:03 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908175228-1

Home, sweet home...

Wonderful Lakeview Manor. 

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908180917-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908181021-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908181213-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908181301-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908181350-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908181521-1

Anduiel's meadery had some uninvited guests. Vilja was devastated that the horse was killed. It belonged to a passing hunter. The meadery itself was almost ready to open. Anduniel had something special planned with her bard friends. She asked me to pass out flyers to invite people to the opening. Of course I agreed to help. Later the same day, a Thalmor patrol passed by. I couldn't Control my anger and attacked them. With my loyal female companions backing me up, the Aldmeri scum very swiftly dealt with.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908182450-1

With all that behind us, it was time to return to Danica Pure-Spring in Whiterun for the next step. We now had Nettlebane and she gave directions to the Eldergleam Sanctuary. I was approached by a pilgrim visiting the temple. Upon hearing our destination he begged to come along. How could I refuse such a devout man such a simple request. We stocked up on supplies before leaving town.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:10 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183111-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183338-1

We made our way to the Eldergleam Sanctuary. But we Before we reachd the site, of course a dragon attacked...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183428-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183611-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183726-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908183753-1

We reached our destination at dawn...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908184126-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908184423-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908184522-1

The Eldergleam's giant roots barred our way. But when I brandished Nettlebane, the ancient tree retracted its roots in respect. The pilgrim, though, wasn't happy when he Heard what we were about to do. I asked him if he had a better idea...              

The pilgrim prayed to Kynareth... and the goddess answered. We were presented with a Little sapling to bring back to Whiterun...

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908212820-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908213753-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story 20170908213830-1

Vilja found someone who could possibly help with her mysterious bottle. Anesia sent me on an errand to the nearby mill. We all Went there while Vilja stayd behind at the sanctuary. At the mill I met Jelena, the woman Anesia had sent me to find. With the Exchange made, we could now return to the Eldergleam Sanctuary and see what Anesia could do about Vilja's bottle. I must admit, I ws rather curious about its contents myself...

Last edited by Wotan on Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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