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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Sat Feb 05, 2022 3:05 am

When we visited the Winking Skeever in Solitude, I couldn't help but notice the young woman with ashen white hair and a great sword on her back. I had to walk up to her and speak to her...
"They call me Ciri. Nice to meet you," she said. "The call me Dragonborn, but my name is Bronkah. Are you a mercenary?" I said. "Let's say I go about my business. And when there's coin to be earned, I don't readily turn it down." "Where are you from?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said.
I couldn't match Ciri with any of the races. She remained a mystery to me, and I'm sure she liked it that way. I bought her a drink and offered her to join us. Then we traveled to Markarth where we picked up Mirai. She was eager to come along when we went back to Lakeview. I could tell that Ciri liked my place...

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Mirai and I didn't waste time. We had been apart for too long and yeared to join our bodies as one. Rigmor and Ciri couldn't turn their gaze away. Maybe I could seduce the young Nord woman the way my son had, but I anted her to make the move. And Ciri might become interested too...

When I was done with my second wife, it was time to give attention to my first wife. Vilja was eager to please and be pleased. And serving two women after the other had to impress Ciri...

I didn't bother to get dressed and walked up to her. The smile on her face told me she was interested so I asked her straight out:
" I was wondering if you were in the mood for a little fun?"
I had her hooked, Ciri was burning with desire and I was eager to please and make her mine too. Vilja and Mirai looked on as Ciri and I played in bed. I had guessed she was still a virgin and the stain of blood on the sheets confirmed it. But she certainly wasn't lacking sexual experience. Ciri must have had a healthy relation with another female in the past. I didn't ask, I didn't care. All that mattered was making her part of my harem...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:05 am

Ciri settled in very well with the other women. She quickly learned that she didn't have to wait long to be pleased if she wanted it, not even when there were a half dozen females waiting for their turn. I think she may even have engaged in sexual relationships with one or more of my other women. It's good they can please each other when I'm not around. 

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Tindra even taught Ciri to enjoy sex by the pool. Voyeurism was something that she really seemed to like and Ciri appeared no different. Keeping it up, I hoped to soon have Ciri pregnant.

But I couldn't forget about Rigmor. I had to do something to try to jog her memory. I thought about bringing her to Lookout Point where Aster had taken her...

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"Oh my! It's still all here," Rigmor said. "That's quite a view, huh." "This is the last place we came before it all went wrong, isn't it? You gave me a dress to wear and you let me pick flowers. I kept them and... and when you got hurt, I left a trail in case you came for me. Did you see them?"
The girl was remembering, but she had Aster confused with me. She thought I was my son. 
"Yes, but it was already too late, you were gone," I said. "He tricked us, didn't he?" "yes." "Is he still alive?" she asked. "Yes, yes he is still alive." "We saved that little girl back at the farmhouse, didn't we?" "Yes, yes we did," I said. "Wait, there's something else... Were we... yanno?" "What, together?" "Yeah, together..." she said.

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I didn't answer her question. A sudden noise drew my attention...

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Vampires! Beyond any doubt, they were there for Serana.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:09 am

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Rigmor soon joined me by the fire...

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"Do you remember you sang me a song here?" I asked. "Yeah, right! In your dreams." "It's true, right there, by the fire." "Did you like it?" she said. "It was a special moment, truly." "You're kidding, right?" "No, honestly, I wouldn't lie to you," I said.
I was just withholding the truth. If she kept believing it was I and not Aster, then who was I to correct her? I might be best this way.
"And I... I told you my namr and... and that I had to change it because of my mom... Because... they killed my dad, Guardian... I don't know if I want to remember," Rigmor said. "It's okay, don't be afraid of who you are, there's so much to tell," I said. "How much about me do you know?" "I know you are a fine warrior and that your father would have been proud of you." "I don't know about that, Guardian. I know there'a a part of me that fits your description of a warrior, but it seems so long ago I was ever that. I can't envisage it right now. Don't even want to," she said. "You might have to be that person again, sooner than you think." "Can we change the subject, what else? What else do you know about me?" "I know you can be a stubborn pain in the ass," I said.
Rigmor burst out in laughter.
"Hahaha!" "See, you're doing good. Don't hold back," I told her. "Ahh... Mom and Dad... Cyrodiil. I wonde if I'll ever be able to go home? I think it's all coming together, for good or worse. I guess I'll have to face it as it comes back. I know there's some things I would rather not remember, and some things about me I would rather forget for which I carry the scars. Some things I have done I am not proud of, but at least I don't feel angry anymore. I... I just feel so tired," she said. "What was that tune you were humming?" "Oh, just something I picked up some time ago..." "Can you sing it?" I asked her. "Sing it? No... I don't know..." "Go on... it might help." "I used to sing, a long time ago. So I might be a bit rusty, so bear with me..." she said.
Then Rigmor began to sing.
"Come sail away with me, out of the darkness and into the light. Come sail away with me, on a river of tears I've cried. Into the promised land, we can begin again. Lift up our hearts, and build a new society. Come sail away with me, out of the darkness and into the light. Come sail away with me, on a river of tears I've cried. An we'll have no fear, of their swords and spears. Together we'll stand proud and tall, or together we will die and fall. The true price of freedom. The true price of freedom." "That was amazing, you wrote that?" I said. "It was a song I learned in Valenwood from an old Redguard. He'd been there since... I dunno, like forever." "What was his name?" "I'm sorry..." she said. "You don't have to face this alone." "Thank you, Guardian." "Why don't you rest a while, I'll watch over you," I said. "Yes... I will, just for a little while," she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:01 am

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"Hey, sleepy head, you ready to move on?" I said. "Are we going back to the farmhouse?" Rigmor wondered. "I thought we might visit Whiterun." "Hey, that would be cool." "Grab your gear, we can stop off to get something to eat, and drink," I said. "Okay! Let's go.," she said.

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I took them to Dragonstead Manor. Technically, we were in Whiterun Hold. But Rigmor would be expecting to visit the towm I would fulfill my promise, soo, I just needed a bit more time with Ciri...

"You know, folk would stare at the scar on my cheek, always. It used to upset me greatly. I started undoing one shirt button more. Problem solved," Ciri said.

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M'rissi was here at my family's old home, but there was no sign of Aster nor Missy. I asked M'rissi but she didn't know where my son or their daughter was. Aster probably was off looking for the bastard who hurt Rigmor. And Missy, she could be anywhere out adventuring by herself. 
All i could do was make the best of out time here at the manor, spending time with my young second wife...

And with Ciri...

We spent a few days at the manor. Then it became time to make good on the promise to Rigmor. But first, I had a gift for Ciri...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:50 am

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"Well, here we are. Welcome to Whiterun," I said. "Okay, what's the plan?" Rigmor said. "come on, let's go to the Bannered Mare. We can sit and talk." "Okay, after you," she said.
Now, this would have been the plan, but... Mirai expressed her desire to use the nearest bed. Of course this meant she wanted sex, and she wasn't alone. As soon as Ciri learned I had a small house in town she wanted to make use of it to satidfy her desires as well. I had no other choice than to oblige them.

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We entered the house...

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Before we went to the bedchamber we had something to eat...

Once Ciri and Mirai had been satisfied, we could finally go to the Bannered Mare.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:35 am

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"Can I get you something, a drink, something to eat?" I said. "Uhuh! I'm fine, it's nice and warm in here," Rigmor said. 

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"Rigmor, has coming here helped you in any way, to remember I mean?" "It's helped a lot. I still feel a little confused, but I think all that before, you know, the anger, it's all gone now," she said. "You have to help me here, maybe a few yes and no questions, if you don't mind."

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"Sure." "Okay, I'll mention a few things that happened. You tell me yes or no. Azura?" I said. "Yes." "Diamond Ridge?" "Yes." "The Altar?" "No." "New Order?" "Yes." "Do you remember what happened after Diamond Ridge?" I asked. "Aha. They took me down the mountain. I remember a stream, and a huge city carved into the rocks. He was furious, he had a big argument with some other Thalmor, but these guys were different, more important. They placed me in a cell, and when they came for me, he was not with them. I tried to struggle but they hit me, and... forced me to drink something, and placed a sack over my head. That's about it, until I..." Rigmor said. "I think we can leave it there, but why won't you hold a blade?" "I want my life back, I realize now it was all a lie. How my life has never been mine. Not really. I want to rediscover myself without the point of my blade in someone's guts, without the blood in the dirt. I want to discover why I have this dream I keep having, what it is she us trying to tell me. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face again... and... and I want to go home. I don't want to care about that bastard anymore, I don't want to be afraid, or have to keep looking over my shoulder. I don't want to live with a killer inside of me, to be a chosen one, or be the son I never was, or ever could be. I want to be free, Guardian, and I don't want to play this game anymore!" "Welcome back," I said. "By the gods. I feel sick. I remember everything. Dragonborn, why are you even here, why are you helping me?"
I didn't get much of a chance to answer before everything went downhill...

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"Hey! Asshole sing that song again and it will be your hed rolling across the floor," Rigmor said. "Get out, this is a fine establishment, get out of here before I call the guards," Vivienne said. "Hey lady! Get out of my face." "Guards, guards!" 

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"What seems to be the problem?" "Get them out of here, you're both barred!" Vivienne said. "Okay you two, you heard the lady, out you go," the guard said. "Hey! This place stinks, we don't care," Rigmor said. "That's no way for a lady to behave, I am disgusted by your behaviour," Vivienne said. "Who said I was a lady?" Rigmor said. "Out you go," the guard ushered. 

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:02 am

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"Thanks Rigmor, for getting us thrown out of the Bannered Mare," I said. "Hey! Don't mention it. Pfffffftt! Hahahahahahahahahahah" "You really are something." "Where shall we go now?" she asked. "How about we visit the college of Winterhold?" "Haha! Yeah, okay. I always wanted to go there, se what I can find out about my past." "It's so bright out here. I don't know how you stand it," Serana complained.

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We went inside Breezehomefor a while. Then it started raining. This was a good opportunity to travel for our vampire companion, so we decided to leave...

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"Rigmor, what is it?" I wondered. "This is the place where the little girl brought me. It was here, the battlefield in my dreams. I remember the walls of the castle, there was a storm," she said. "Did you manage to complete the dream?" "No... something's missing. It always ends here. Has there been a battle here before?" "It's not just a dream, I think it's a premonition," I said. "I'm sorry, what...?" "This is where they will come." "Look, there's a camp over there. Why don't we camp here and stay the night, it might help me know what she's trying to tell me," Rigmor said. "Good idea. We can continue in the morning, even visit Casius if you like." "Yes, I would like that, haha! You can continue the interrogation if you like. Come on," she said. 

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:56 am

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"Hey, okay to talk? We're not too far from the city, we should be safe," I said. "Yanno, I love it out in the open. Since I arrived in Skyrim, I've gotten used to it," Rigmor said. "So you would rather sleep out here than in a cozy inn?" "Every time." "Just as well, seeing as we just got thrown out of one," I said. "Hahaha!" "It's dangerous out here in the open, you should protect yourself." "I know you're not happy with how I have changed, but it's what I want. Anyway, I got you, right? My guardian angel," she said. "What if something happened to me?" "What will be will be. If I was to die tomorrow, I would at leasr die happy. I mean, look at these beautiful stars. What do you think they're made of? Do you think people live on the moons?" "I thought the moons were made from cheese," I said. "Hahaha! Come on, you don't believe that, do you?" "It's true." "You're kidding, right?" she said.

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"Hey, remember when you tried to kiss me at the overlook? Well... why don't you try it now, Wait here, just for a moment," Rigmor said. 

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"Rigmor?" "I am wretched and ugly. How can anyone love me?" she said. "I love you." "My body is scarred... I'll understand if you... don't want to." "Everything that makes you who you are, is why I love you so much," I said. "Dragonborn, are you sure?" "With all of my heart, body and soul." "Oh my Dragonborn."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:31 am

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"It's morning, you good to go?" I said. "Yeah, yeah I'm good," Rigmor said. "How are you feeling?" "Different." "Rigmor, about last night..." I said. "You regretting it?" "No, but..." "But what, it was okay, wasn't it?" she said. "Of course..." "Well what is it?" "Just making sure you're... it's alright, that's all," I said. "It's cool." "Did you dream last night?" "Yes... it was more vivid this time. She was waiting for me, on this battlefield. It was pouring with rain. The fighting was over and the dead lay everywhere. She was laughing and skipping through the butchered and cleaved, scaring off the crows. When she saw me, she came right over to me. and picked up a sword from the ground. It was so heavy, but she smiled t me and, struggling, lifted it as high as she could above her head, and she shouted at the top of her voice... 'Freedom!'" Rigmor said. "Anything else?" "She drew a line in the dirt with the sword and then held it out for me to take. As I tried to take it, she held out her other hand... for something in return... But I didn't have what she wanted so she stopped smiling, then it went dark... I heard her sobbing again but I couldn't find her..." "What could she want?" I wondered. "I don't know. Maybe I never will." "Rigmor, are you sure you're okay?" "Dragonborn, I'm okay, okay? Come on, let's go see Casius," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:30 am

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"Hey Casius." "Well met Rigmor. So good to see you looking... better," he said.
Rigmor sat quiet on her chair.
"Is there something wrong?" "Rigmor hasn't been feeling too well, after everything she has been through," I said. "I see. I noticed you no longer wear your armour... or a weapon. I hope this isn't permanent. You'll be needing it shortly. Rigmor, there is the threat of an imminent invasion. Have you forgotten that? What if this young girl was to lead an army?" Casius said. "I won't do it. I can't do it," Rigmor said.

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"What's all this about Casius?" I said. "I don't know how, or why, but for the last few days scores of old Nord warrior have been arriving at Yngol's camp, from all over Tamriel. They want to se you Rigmor. They are your father's old brigade, the Sons of Talos. They have come to pledge their swords and lives to follow you. Like it or not, they have sworn loyalty to you and you alone. You need to get a grip on yourself, young lady. These men, we will need them in the coming battle. The fate of Skyrim, no Tamriel even, could depend on you," he said.

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"You need to sort this out Dragonborn. Whatever it takes, she needs to address these men." "Casius... enough, can't you see she's not well!?" I said. "I'm sorry, my child. Please forgive me. Hey, everything is going to be okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. How about we pretend. All you need to do is go to Yngol's camp, and say a few words, rally them. You can borrow some steel plate I have here, and a sword, only to help out. That's all. Could you do that?" Casius said.

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"Hey, we'll cross that bridge together when we come toit, okay? I'll be right back," I said.

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"Do you have any idea how long it's taken me to break through to her!?" I said. "I didn't realize she was in such a bad way Dragonborn. Please forgive me. I can only hope she recovers in time. We will need her," Casius said. "Well, we might have to do without her. sons or no Sons. Get used to that idea." "Of course. It breaks my heart to see her like that, truly. But she must address the Sons of Talos." "I'll prepare her the best I can, then I'm taking her home," I said. "Until next time," Casius said.

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"I swear by the Gods, the next one to upset you like that I'll cleave them in twain," I said. "Forget it. Let's just go, can we?" Rigmor said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Mon May 23, 2022 3:53 am

There was a light snowfall when we arrived in Winterhold...

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But the idyllic picture was soon broken as those bloodsuckers attacked...

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Fortunately, the only casualties in this skirmish were those vampires. I proceeded to lead thhe group into the College...

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We were looking for a mage by the name Jonte Malesam...

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"Ahhh! Rigmor's Guardian, and the famous, or perhaps I should say infamous, Rigmor of bruma. I am honored to make your acquaintance at long last," he said.

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Post by Wotan Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:24 pm

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"Hi, I'm hoping to find out anything about my ancestry?" "Aaah yes! Rigmor, why don't you go with Cerys. She will take good care of you, and explain a little about all that, and possibly might have some heirlooms left in good keeping at the College for your perusal," Jonte Malesam said. "Dragonborn?" "It's ok, you go ahead. I have some business to discuss, I'll be right over," I said. "Come this way Rigmor, there's so much to talk about," Cerys said. "This place is so cool, I love it already," Rigmor said. "Cool...? Are you cold?" "It means great. I made it up." "Oh! I never heard of that. How interesting," Cerys said.

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"Ok Malesam, you said there's something important I should know about Rigmor," I said. "It's a rather long story, do you want the complete version or just the facts?" he said. "I want to know everything." "A long time ago, 200 years to be precise, there was a mercenary by trade known as Rigmor of Cyrodiil. She had a pretty uneventful early life, taking petty contracts until she joined an army of outlaws. The very same army led by the Colovian warlord Titus Mede, who marched into the Imperial City in the seventeenth year of the fourth era, wresting power from Thles the Jibbering. It was a sad tragedy then, that after giving birth to a baby girl three years later, she became gravely ill and died shortly after at the age og 38. Physicians attribute her death to the unwanted accidental pregnancy at a late age." "And the child?" I wondered. "Titus Meded was beside himself with grief and arrangements were made for the child to be adopted by the College of Winterhold by royl decree. The infant was duly adopted and her belongings kept in storage therein. The child was named Morgan. At her coming of age, Morgan of Winterhold was summoned to the Imperial City, to become court mage to the Mede dynasty where she later was to become a very powerful influence. Before she left to take up her newly appointed duties, it is rumoured she had taken her late mother's armour and crafted an amulet of Talos from it. She also took a Daedric ceremonial blade her mother had kept as a souvenir to strengthen the bastard sword with its blade increasing its properties." "She must have been a very powerful woman." "The Emperor would always seek her guidance in affairs of the Empire. Overshadowing the Heir to the Dysasty, Attrebus Mede, who was fiercly jealous of this foreign 'witch.' So much so, at the event of the Emperor's death, Attrebus Mede struck. Morgan and her husband, a palace guard captain, were accused of a plot to usurp power. Her husband was slain and Morgan escaped fleeing Cyrodiil with their only child. Her disappearance only served to confirm the rumours Morgan was the bastard child of Titus mede I and Rigmor of Cyrodiil. She and her child, Morganna, were never heard of again," Malesam said. "Then..." "Then one day Morgan's heirlooms miracously surfaced. The Thalmor had found them in a chest belonging to one Ragnar of Bruma. The identity of Rigmor, his only heir and her history became known to the College. Unfortunately we were too late to intervene. The College, you see, is duty bound to protect the descendants of Morgan of Winterhold." "I'm not sure I like where this is going," I said.

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Post by Wotan Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:29 am

"Before she leaves here, it is my duty to tell her of her ancestry. The Emperor Titus Meded II is to restore her name, and accept her family as part of the Mede dynasty. He is also offering her the position of the recently vacant, countess of bruma, if she desires it. All she has to do is accept it, and it's hers. so now, Guardian, here we are," Malesam said. "She's too fragile. Now would not be a good time to tell her," I said. "I'm afraid this doesn't concern you anymore Guardian, tell her I must." "I am duty bound to protect her, I will tell her when the time is right." "I shall ignore the threatening undertones Guardian. You see, killing me would serve no purpose. She will eventually come to know, unless of course you intend to lock her away in some dark dungeon, or gallivant around the wilds of Tamrial like a common bandit. Also, I like you. I have a lot of respect for you and you achievements, and you have protected her well. In fact, I cannot think of anywhere else I would Rigmor rather be at this... troubling time. With an imminent invasion looming and all that, it would be prudent to await the outcome of such an event. We would after all need to make sure the Emperor is still in residence at the Imperial City," he said. "Agreed, no point in telling her just yet." "So I will relent, and leave the decision when to tell her up to you. But I must have your word. Give me your word of honor, Guardian, that as soon as she is fit and well, you will deliver to Rigmor her legacy." "I don't have much choice, do I?" I said. "I am afraid not." "You have my word of honor." "I think our business here is done. Anyway Guardian, it's obvious now is not the time. Take care of her..." Malesam said.

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"Dragonborn, you have gotta see this. Come on, this way," Rigmor said. "I think we had better see what the commotion is all about," Malesam said.

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Post by Wotan Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:39 am

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"What's all this?" I said. "This armour was left by Morgan of Winterhold, she was an ancestor of mine. Cerys says it belongs to me, isn't that wonderful?" Rigmor said. "It looks fantastic, why don't you try it on?" I encouraged her. "Do you thing I should?" she hesitated. "Please do my child, we await with anticipation," Malesam said. "Go ahead. You can take it off again, don't worry," I encouraged her again.

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"How does it look?" Rigmor said. "Remarkable. It's a fine example of antique armour forged by the famous Khajiit armourer Zeezee'Jay. This particular piece was worn by your great, great grandmother Morgan of Winterhold when she accompanied Emperor Titus Mede I on campaign," Malesam said. "What the hell are these?" she said. "Oh, those, uhm, yes, those dear girl are breasts." "Why would anyone put breasts on a cuirass?" "Ahhh! Well you see, men wear the cuirass and women wear what's called the, uhm, 'breastplate.' Yessss! It's used as a combat tactic. When the enemy approaches and raises his weapon, you would dazzle him with your [cough] breastplate, giving you the advantage. Then you strike," Malesam said. "Yeah right! Dragonborn?" she said. "He's making fun of you Rigmor. It's a custom cuirass made for a Warmaiden," I said. "What...? Oh har har, very funny. I guess I could get used to it though. I love it," she said.

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"Nice try back there," I said. "She really does have a wonderful innocence, and is quite loveable, isn't she?" Malesam said. "Yes... yes she is." "Anyway Guardian, I think our business here is done. Don't forget to tell the girl when you think she is ready. It's obvious now is not the time. Take care of her, who knows, one day our paths might cross again."

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Post by Wotan Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:39 pm

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"You ready to head out to Yngol's camp?" I asked. "Yeah! Let's get this over with. Can you carry the armour for me?" Rigmor said. "Sure, no problem." "Dragonborn, there's a sword too." "I'll look after it for you, don't worry," I said. "Thank you."

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"So, did you learn anything about your ancestors?" I asked. "Well, Morgan was my great, great, great grandmother, and her mother was also called Rigmor. But she died, and the Collgege adopted Morgan, and when she came of age became the Court Mage to the Mede dynasty. How cool is that, Dragonborn?" she said. "Very cool, Rigmor." "So, the heirlooms I had, when I first met you, Morgan made those from her mother's armour and weapons. But after the Emperor died, she came back to the College, and disappeared. She took the heirlooms with her but left behind what we have now." "Come on, let's get this over with," I said. "What am I going to say to them?" Rigmor wondered. "You'll think of something. I'll be right beside you, ok?" "Ok, let's do this."
We arrived in Kynesgrove...

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Post by Wotan Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:04 pm

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"Are you sure you're okay about this?" I asked. "Just pass me Morgan's armour," Rigmor said. "We can ride on by." "Now pass me her sword." "You don't have to do this," I told her. "Yes I do. Just... just give me the sword," she said.

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"How do you feel?" I asked. "You really want to know? I feel invincible. I am an unstoppable forece. A born killer, a widowmaker. A true Nord warrior, and my enemies' worst nightmare. And the scariest thing of all... It exites me, it invogorates me, it is all I have known, and I feel good. But once this is done, know this... It will be over. So don't ever ask me about it again. Do you understand me?" Rigmor said. "Completely." "Just so you know, I' not doing this for Casius, or Yngol, or... or you. I am doing this for my father, it's what he would have wanted. I at least owe him this much, considering the failure I have been so far. You never know, he might even forgive me," she said.
We made our way over to Yngol's camp...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 14 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:20 pm

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"Back off, let her through. Back off, let the child through!" Yngol said.

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"She wanted to come, she insisted on addressing the Sons," I said. "By the Gods, she truly is her father's daughter. Silence! Silence, let the child speak," Yngol said.

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"You asked for me to come. Here I am! I know you all loved my father, and most of you here, sons and daughters of Talos, will have followed him and fought alongside him with loyalty and honour. You are here today because a new wind blows from the north. And on it rides a new danger ready to sow the seeds of war. This homecoming is a testament to your love for your homeland. This calling to arms, my brothers and sisters, a testament of your love for our people. This truce, between our former enemy, is a tstament to the peril we face. For a short time, the enemy of our enemy shall become our friends. Because, from the north a new enemy is coming. Waiting to strike at our homeland. A new danger, never seen before where no one is safe. A New Order, which comes not to take away our freedom. A New Order comes, not to occupy and enslave us... BUT TO ANNIHILATE US! OUR CHILDREN, OUR PEOPLE! TO DESTROY AND BURN OUR LANDS! TO DESECRATE OUR SHRINES AND TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING WE HOLD DEAR! WELL I SAY TO YOU... LET THEM COME... WE WILL FIGHT THEM... WE WILL THROW THEM bACK INTO THE SEA... I SAY TO YOU..." Rigmor said.

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"Rigmor, I..." I said. "Can you please take me home now," she said.

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