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Tales From the Unending Void

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Tue May 03, 2022 9:39 am

First topic message reminder :

This is a sexy space story. The NSFW content will be hidden behind a password. Click on images to view the full-size screenshots. Click on links and use password to view hidden screenshots. Let the story begin:

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"From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire... old age should burn and rave at close of day... length of the sideal year: fixed star to fixed star 365.26 days... Life's but a walking shadow, a Robin Red breast in a cage puts all Heaven in Rage Right... Petrus Plancius watched C-beams glitter in the ascension 12h 36m 25.46s Delcination +62deg 14'31.4"11.09..."

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"We passed the school where children played, their lessons scarcely done, the all-beholding sun shall see no more... I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters. She burns so brightly in the cleansing fire... In the dying light of triple suns... I hum a binary tune... My ears shatter as the great bear roars... And my feet touch dust and bone... As I walk across a ield of ancient hubris and conceit... In the abyss of birds... When the augur strikes the anvil of ingress... Hippolyta births the singularity... While chaos rides a metal warhorse... My desiccated mouth tastes of ashes... My aberrative mind shatters... As I abscind and coalesce... In the throes of supreme vicissitude... I awaken, foever toen... Between Tartarus and Cucaniensis..." "I've heard enough. Burn it all. "At once, milord."

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"It cleanses! It... It... cleanses!"

Last edited by Wotan on Wed May 04, 2022 2:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:12 am

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Thyia settled for sleeping in the engine room, the hum of the machines was supposedly soothing her, or so she told us.

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We immediately took off to find my aunt at the university on Ryujin Prime.

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"That Pit of Despair, how horrible was it?" Kit asked. "Not a lot of despair, to be honest," I said. "No?" "A cave full of horny R'o women isn't reason for despair, in my book." "Horny R'o women... Attractive women?" he said. "Very!" "Did you..." "You have to ask me that? I never fucked so many women in a single night in my entire life!" I said. "fudge, now I'm really jealous. Couldn't we do another cargo run for the R'o?!" "Hehe, I think we'd be out of luck. I helped one of the women escape to warn another tribe. So those caves might be empty when we get there another time." "Bummer," Kit said.

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"Hey little sis." "Hey," Lilly said. "About everything that happened..." "Sorry Cam, I already told you, I just can't, not now. Maybe we can talk later, but could you just leave me be." "Of course."

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After a series of tedious jump-gate crossings, we arrived as planned in orbit of Ryujin Prime where Aunt Nadya was supposed to live and work. As soon as we docked our ship's computer was bombarded with information about the planet. Ryujin Prime was a planet consumed by a vast metropolis, everything else was just a barren wasteland where nobody dared to live. Céline waded through all the offers about entertainment, ship repairs, jobs to find the address of the university. I decided on a small party consisting of Céline and Vess to go look for my aunt and cousin.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:31 am

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"I'm glad you chose me to come with you. I felt so cooped up in the Enfield and now in the Bastard," Vess said. "I can understand that. Have you ever been off-planet?" "No, I haven't, not since..." "Ryûjin is going to be an experience in that case. It's going to be crowded, loud and there'll be lots to see. Please stick with eitheer Cèline or me, because the streets might not be so kind to the lost." "Understod!" she said. "Ready to head out? I've loaded the coordinates on our communicators, it should be easy to find," Céline said.

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Even I wasn't fully prepared for the hectic experience that Ryûjin Prime was. The enormous flow of people, crisscrossing each other in some delicate battet, really took some time getting used to. Céline's locator signal provided us with the necessary directions and it didn't take long to reach the campus of Ryûjin Prime University.

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"Good day sir, how may I be of service?" "We're looking for Professor Nadya Valenmann de Lonval." "Residence 42-ZB. Shall I load the coordinated onto one of your devices?" the robot said. "Yes please."

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:51 am

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Following the locator signal provided by the concierge bot, we left the common area of the campus, missing out on most of the sights and entered the residential zones.
"This should be it."
I pushed the buzzer and we waited. Nothing happened for several minutes. I was about to hit the buzzer again when the door finally opened.

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"Hmm?" "Hi, we're looking for Professor Valenmann de Lonval." "Are you her students?" the woman asked. "No, we're not, we have a question for her." "She isn't here, try again later." "Wait! I'm her nephew, it's really important that we speak to her," I said. "I told you she isn't here, but you're weölcome to wait if you want to. Coffee?"

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After we shuffled into the small apartment, the terse woman got busy making coffee for us. Something about her was familiar, she looked vaguely like a raven'haired mix between Eva an Lilly.
"Here you go. Nadya is teaching at the moment, she'll be back in a few hours. I didn't get your names," the woman said.

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"Camran." "Cèline, pleased to meet you." "I'm Vess." "I'm Aven, Nadya's daughtrer. Hello cousin Cam..." she said. "Aven! It's been a while!" I said. "You can sure say that. I think the last time we saw each other was when we both were nine years old?" "I think so. I mostlt remember crying, because you were both gone one day." "Yeah, that was... sudden..." Aven said. "How have you been all these years?" "Good, Mom quickly established herself as a teacher here at the academy, eventually obtaining a profesorship. So I was raised here mostly." "You're a xennologist too?" I said. "Hah, not really. I know a little because of Mom. I accompany her on her travels, to keep her safe." "You're like... her bodyguard?" Vess said. "Something like that. I know how to handle myself in a fight, but I get to play the diplomat often too. Diplomacy is not one of my mother's strong suits," Aven said. "I don't remember her as being impatient," I said. "She isn't, except when it comes to her work, she can be very demanding... How are your sisters, Camran?"

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"Lilly is fine, she couldn't come along unfortunately. Eva is... she..." "fudge... She's all right, isn't she?" Aven said. "We don't know. We were on a training mission and ran into an ambush, Eva got taken..." "fudge. By whom?" "Unclear. We hope Aunt Nadya can identify the creatures that took Eva from us," I said. "She just might, let's hope she comes back soon," Aven said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Wed Dec 14, 2022 3:10 pm

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Aven poured us more coffee while we waited another two hours. Finally, the door opened and a woman stood in the doorway looking directly at me.

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Disregaring the girls in the room, Nadya ran towards me and tok me in her arms.
"Is it really you?" she said. "Yes, Aunt Nadya, it's me."

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"It's been so long. Why did you decide to come and visit? How are your sisters? Are you still at the academy?"
I was a little unsure which question I should answer first, so I started telling her about Eva, her other questions would be answered soon enough.
"Abducted... Dreadful... How's Lilly coping with al this?" she said. "She's a strong girl, Aunt Nadya, you know that," I said. "Yes, she was always feisty." "That hasn't changed." "Eva was always more cautious... What a terrible situation," Nadya said. "We were hoping you could shed some light on the situation. Maybe you've heard of a race of humanoid warrior women. The ones we saw were really muscular and using very old weaponry, swords and stuff. They looked just like human women, just more angular and very aggressive." "Never heard of anything like that, but maybe the university's library has more on the topic. Why don't you head back to your ship while I research some things. As soon as I have news, I'll come find you at the docks." "Sounds good. And thank you, I kno this is coming totally out of the blue and..." I said. "Nonsense, you're family. Of course I'm going to help you, no matter what."

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3559
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:05 pm

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We left the apartment and headed back to our ship where another round of waiting began. Very late in the evening, after eating a quick dinner, we received a signal.

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Nadya was standing outside, together with Aven.
"Hi! Did you find anything?" I said. "Unfortunately, no. But I have an idea who might help us further. Having researched the warrior women, I've come to the conclusion they might not be a different race. They could be augmented humans, or something like that," Nadya said. "Augmented humans? That's illegal, right?" "Not everywhere... There were several clandestine research programs dealing with experiments on humans. Information is scarce, but that's where my source comes in. The guy I know is a little peculiar and he always insists on contact through me personally. So Aven and I are coming with you, if that's all right." "That's fantastic!" I said. "I have some savings so I can pay for our ipkeep for some time, but my university salary isn't much, so I'm not sure how long I can manage." "We'll figure something out." "That's the spirit!" she said. "Aven, you're looking a little doubtful." "No, it's fine. I'm just a little overwhelmed by the suddeness of Mom's decision. But I'm stiking with her, no matter what," she said. "In that case, welcome aboard!" I said.

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"Hi Camran." "Hi Aunt Nadya, just checking to see if you're okay," I said. "It's an old ship, but not the worst vessel I've travelled on," she said. "Maybe we can improve some things on the Bastard as soon as we have the funds." "That would be nice." "I wanted you to know I'm really glad you and Aven came with us. I really didn't expect that," I said. "What else could I do when you told me the terrible news about Eva? After all these years, my love for you and your sisters hasn't diminished. I can't wait to speak to Lilly some more." "I think she'd be happy to." "When we're together, we should talk some more about the past, relive a couple of those happy moments," Nadya said. "I'd like that." "Good!"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:46 pm

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"Are you okay here in these quarters?" I asked. "I'll manage. I've slept under worse conditions," Aven said. "On those expeditions with Aunt Nadya?" "Yup. There's never enough funding from the University, so we mostly had to make ends meet." "Ever been in dangerous situations?" I asked. "Plenty! Mom has successfully contacted several hostile races and profiled them. The initial contact is always a little scary, but so is staying among an alien race you know would eat you for breakfast normally." "My guess is that in those cases your combat skills aren't any good." "Hah, no. Bluffing, lying and sweet-talking are better tools when it comes to that," she said. "I'm glad you came with us." "I'd never leave Mom alone." "I don't remember much about our time together on Tuolovi," I said. "I remember some things. We played a lot together. There was this time where we'd hidden Lilly and Eva's favorite toys. They were absolutely furious, especially when we made them do a scavenger hunt in order to find their toys." "Ha! I remember that. The fury on Lilly's face." "Yeah, that made it all worth it," Aven said. "So we played together much?" "We did, but I was close with Lilly and Eva too, just liked to mess with them from time to time." "Do you know why it went all wrong?" I wondered. "No... Mom never talks about it. I'm pretty sure it's something between her and your Mom and Dad. She obviously still loves you and your sisters. That look on her face, when she saw you first back on Ryùjin Prime, never seen her so happy," she said. "Yeah, I noticed. Glad she doesn't hate me." "Why would she? You were always her favorite nephew. If there's anybody she hate, it's her brother, or should I say uncle Agust..." "It doesn't take a lot of effort to hate him," I said. "Well, Mom was very close to him once, or so she told me." "You don't get to choose your brothers and sisters." "True, but you can also just ignore them, that wasn't the case with Agust and Mom," she said. "Maybe he changed for the worse over time." "Could be."

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I called everyone to the cockpit to hear the plan for our next destination.
"So, Nadya has an idea who we should contact to get more information about those warrior women." "I do. It's my strong suspicion that the women aren't alien at all, but rather augmented human beings. Of course I could be wrong and you were ambushed by an undocumented race of humanoid women, but it seems unlikely. Several clandestine laboratories have existed over the years, experimenting on humans," she said. "That illegal, right?" Cèline said. "Experimenting on any sentient life form is illegal. but that hasn't stopped people from doing it, the Sovereignty included. Most of those experiments never leave the lab or are hunted down and destroyed very quickly," Nadya said. "To keep things under wraps," Kit said. "Exactly. If those women are the result of experimentation, it seems they have somehow successfully escaped that fate. Research into these kinds of experimentation programs is virtually non-existent in academic circles," Nadya said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:19 pm

Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 20221212161014-1

"Why?" I said. "Because you quickly deal with rumors, hearsay and outright conspiracy theories. And if you hit upon the truth, it could become very dangerous as the parties involved in the experimentation might take an interest in your research," Nadya said. "So you have to be either very daring or mad to research those topics?" "Exactly. And Karan Hreir is both. He's the one we're going to visit. The journey isn't going to be easy, because his home is located inside an asteroid field and the man is notoriously paranoid." "Great..." Thim muttered. "Well, at least we were warned beforehand. I'm sure Mr. Hreir will listen to reason," I said. "I sure hope so," Nadya said.
We set course to the asteroid field, ready to meet Karan Hreir.

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As we made the final jump to our location, the ship suddenly shuddered and alaems started to go off...

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"What is happening?" I asked. "We were hit by something! Asteroid!" Cèline said. "Damage?" "Minimal, our armour took most of the beating. But there's a whole field of those buggers right in front of us."

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Cèline then pulled up the image of the asteroid field and we were shocked by the whirling mass of rocks before us.
"How the fudge are we going to navigate in that?" I said. "Dumb luck?" Kit said.
For some time, we floated just outside the asteroid field, our armour pelted by small debris coming from the field.

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"Can we fly through manually?" I asked. "An experienced pilot could... Maybe..." Cèline said. "So we have a chance?" "Cam, you know I'm far from an experienced pilot. I'm still figuring out what half of the damned console does. Maybe if the flight computer assists with some of the more difficult manoeuvers... And I could use your help as a co-pilot too." "Of course," I said.

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"Would shooting at those asteroids accomplish anything?" Kit asked. "The smaller ones, probably. If you hit one of the larger rocks the resulting debris might still hit our ship and cause a lot of damage," Cèline said. "That might be worth the risk. Let's do it," I said.
We strapped in and Cèline asked everyone else on the ship to do the same.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:03 pm

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As soon as we increased our forward thrust and crossed the treshold of the field, the ship was hit by larger debris, sending shockwaves throughout the hull.

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Cèline gripped the steering control firmly, while her brother monitored the field through the ship's combat sensors. The journey appeared to go smoothly, until possible collision alerts suddenly started clogging the flight interface.

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A debris field loomed before us. Several large rocks were hurtling towards us. On my command, Cèline tried to bank the ship to avoid most of the heavy debris that was about to hit us. On my command, Kit started shooting at the debris field in front of us. Several large rocks shattered before we reached them and we were showered in a rain of dust and small pebbles.

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Once we were through the field a passage between asteroids opened up.

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The corridor was small and the asteroids spun ever so slightly. Fotgoing any carfulness, Cèline kicked the engine in hight gear and we punched through the corridor.

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A terrible screeching resonated throughout the ship, but we escaped the corridor relatively unscathed.

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Escaping the corridor, Cèline screamed as a big boulder hurtled towards us.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3559
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:08 am

Cèline yanked at her flight stick to make a hard bank port side, narrowly avoiding the large asteroid.

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The move took everyone by surprise, but nobody got hurt and the ship escaped mostly unharmed. After an excruciating couple of minutes, several risky maneuvers and some lucky shots fired from the ship's cannon, the collision threats slowly cleared from the monitors.

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"I think we did it!" Cèline said. "That was too fucking close," Kit said. "Hull integrity 87%" "Nothing we can't fix when we dock at a larger port," I said. "Seems like it, unless we need to exit the same way we came in..." Cèline said.

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While I brought the crew up to speed via the internal comms, Cèline brought us close to the asteroid base. Pulsing lights at the entrance of a docking bay indicated we were cleared to enter the base.

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After completing the automatic docking procedure and making sure there was a breathable atmosphere, I went out with Nadya and Aven to find Hreir. Or, barring Hreir, any form of life.

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As we approached the far end of the docking bay, a set of large doors opened, revealing two security bots. Blocking the way, they pointed their rifles at us and we were subjected to a weapons scan.
"Please follow."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:02 am

Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 20221212161831-1

The bots led us through a serie of corridors, deep into the heart of the base. We passed several closed doors, a lot of empty rooms and an occasional patrol of sentry bots, much like our armed escort. The base seemed utterly devoid of sentient life.

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"You're sure Karan is still alive, mother?" Aven said. "I haven't received any information that told me otherwise," Nadya said. "Not very reassuring..." I said. "I wish we brought guns. And lots of them," Aven said. "The sentries would have ripped us to shreds already. The fact that Karan allowe an armed ship in the vicinity of his base is proof enough that he didn't deem us a threat," Nadya said. "The base is well-armed then?" I said. "I counted several rail gun turrets on the surface of the base. And there are probably several other defense measures Iwasn't able to spot. So pretty well-defended, I say," Aven said.

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At what must have been the heart of the base, the bots stopped us.
"Wait here."
The guards took their positions, flanking a large metal door.
"Will Mr. Hreir see us now?" I asked.
The bots remained mute, frozen in their defensive position. After several minutes, something clicked and the door started sliding sideways.

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The room beyond was dimly lit and occupied by two more sentry bots, guarding a solitary man at a computer console.
"Enter," he said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:43 am

Large containers containing alien creatures in clear liquid dominated the room It didn't take a genius to realize we had entered the laboratory of Karan Hreir.
"Karan, old friend, how nice of you to see us," Nadya said.

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"Nadya, what brings you here?" Karan said. "We were hoping that you could help us with a very difficult problem," she said. "I might." "My sister, Nadya's niece, has been captured by a band of warriors. They appeared out of nowhere, ambushing us on Lanan P-10. We're desperate to get her back. Can you help us?" I said. "Family. I see. Could you describe those warriors to me, as I suspect they weren't regular mercenaries?" Karan said. "They were all women, possibly humans. Very tall, muscular, commanding. I guess you could even call them beautiful, if you're into sharp-featured bodybuilders. The most peculiar thing about them was the clothing they wore and the weapons they carried. Large swords, ancient-looking armour." "Peculiar indeed. What makes you think I have any information about a species like that? My area of expertise is genetic manipulation, you know this, Nadya."

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"I do, Karan, but something about Camran's story made me think of those manipulation programs from the early days of the Sovereignty," Nadya said. "You think they're spliced humans?" Karan said. "Possibly." "Intriguing." "Will you help us?" I said. "Possibly. What do you offer in return?" "I-" "Come on, Karan, just say what you want from us," Nadya said. "Always to the point, Nadya. Very well. If you want my help I'd like you to find me a healthy specimen of boverine." "We are to transport some unknown alien creature aboard our ship? We're not equipped for that," I said. "Don't worry, I just need a larva. I'll provide you with a storage container for safe transport," Karan said. "Aunt?"

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"I don't see that we have another choice," Nadya said. "Fine, let's do it," I said. "Good, I'll provide you with the likely location of the specimen and a storage canister. Be advised though, hunting boverine is dangerous. I'll provide you all with some basic information about the creature," Karan said. "You drive a hard bargain, Karan," Nadya said. "I'm sorry, but there's not a lot that excites me these days. Examining a boverine would be a very diverting experiment though," he said. "I'm sure... I think we know enough, Camran, let's find that boverine." "Just make sure you have the information about those warrior-women ready when we return, Hreir," I said.

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"I will," Karan said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:05 am

We returned to the ship where Nadya filled me in on the species Hreir wanted captured.

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"Don't think for a moment that hunting the creature Hreir want is in any way easy. He didn't lie when he said it was dangerous," she said. "Have you ever seen one?" I wondered. "Just pictures. But I've read about them, they're a popular research subject and also feature a lot in the folklore of certain alien species." "The info Hreir sent us tells me they're aggressive predators, living only on Sagueliath." "They are indeed ferocius hunters, even more so when it's their mating season," Nadya said. "Great, let's hope they're not in the mood for love when we're about to steal one of their kids..."

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"Leaving the asteroid field should be a little easier than entering," Cèline said. "Oh?" "Hreir sent us navigational charts for the field, the ship's autopilot should take us through smootly." "Good, but I'm sure Kit will be sad he doesn't get to shoot any more rocks," I said. "He'll live."
I received a comm signal from Thyia so I left Cèline to steer the ship from the asteroid fiel and headed to the engine room.

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"Hey," she said. "You buzzed me?" I said. "Yeah, I thought you wanted to assess the damage." "We avoided most of it." "Luckily we did. We have to get that damage fixed at some point," Thyia said. "Understood." "I'll get Cèline some coordinates for space ports with good workshops." "That would be great," I said. "Thanks."
I asked Cèline to set a course for the station Thyia located for us.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:32 pm

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The journey would take several hours, so I retired to my quarters to get some sleep.

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"Camran? Are you there Camran?" "Eva? Eva?! I thought you were gone?" "I'm not, Cam. I'm right here. Come with me, I want to show you something," she said.

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"Wh-" "Look, over there! Just a little further," she said.

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"Eva! Look out!" "Don't try anything stupid," the warrior said.

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"Eva! No!" "I'll take my leave now," the warrior said.

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"That's when the dreams really took a turn for the worse. Unable to sleep any more, I decided to pester some of my crew mates until we arrived at our destination.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Feb 02, 2023 1:21 pm

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"Does the engine need this much maintenance?" I said. "No, but it doesn't hurt either. Just making sure everything runs smoothly. The Bastard is an old beast, but wiyj a little care she can keep running forveer," Thyia said. " "Why don't you take a break?" "I like tinkering, why would I need a break?" "I have a feeling that we maybe left a couple of things unexplored back on Vulpes," I said.

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"Right. Perhaps I should have been clearer, but that was strictly a one-time deal," Thyia said. "Oh." "It's much cleaner that way. Both parties have a good time, feel all relaxed and there are no messy feelings afterwards." "Right..." I said. "fudge, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's just... I'm not built for long-term relationships, believe me." "If you say so." "So, there was this one part of the engine I'd really like to inspect, if you don't mind," she said. "Of course, I'll leave you to it."

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"I thought we were done for back in the asteroid field," Vess said. "Yeah, we cut it close," I said. "We're heading to a space-station now?" "Yes, for some repairs, maybe hit the bar as well and get a decent meal." "That sounds nice, but will it be as crowded ar Ryûjin Prime?" she said. "Probably not, but space stations are a lot more ramped, so you might have the same feeling as on Ryûjin. I'll be there for you. To be honest, I feel bad for dragging you along across all those worlds. Must be hard, coming from that quiet rural life and being thrust into all this." "Don't worry, it's for a good cause. It's quite exciting so far and I think I'm even starting to like it." "Well, I'm sure there's more to come, so you better brace yourself," I said. "Haha, I will. Hey Camran?" "You can call me Cam if you want, everyone does it." "Okay, Cam, what's it like growing up in the more crowded part of the Sovereignty?" Vess said. "I spent most of my youth on Tuolovi, not exactly a bustling metropolis." "You grew up on a farm too?" "No, but there are farms on my parents' estate though," I said. "An estate? So your parents are rich?" "I'm sure they see it otherwise, but yeah, they have money. I think that's the second-most important thing in their lives, besides influence." "I'm sure your parents love you," she said. "If they do, they sure as shit know how to hide it well." "Oh..." "Yeah. Growing up on Tuolovi was nice, but part of me is very glad we eventually got sent away to the academy. But enough about me, what was it like on Lanan?" I said. "Nothing much to tell really. I mean, you've seen the place." "Some would call it quaint." "Right. It was mostly muddy and dreary to be honest," Vess said. "And your folks?" "My... I... Sorry, Cam, it's still hard for me to talk about." "It's okay if you don't want to," I said. "I know... It's just... Whenever I think about them I see them taken away by those women. I was so scared."

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Vess started crying and I held her while she sobbed. Once she calmed, the girl said a teary goodbye, wanting to rest for a while. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:14 am

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"Hey Cam," Lilly said. "Hi, you seem to be in a good mood," I said. "I am." "How are you holding up?" "Better. Though there are times where I feel completely empty," she said. "Because of Eva?" "Yes. I lie awake sometimes, just thinking back about what happened on Lanan. Maybe I could have done something different... I could have tried to fight that sword-wielding bitch!" "That would have been suicide, look what happened to Kit," I said. "I know, I just feel so helpless. We're going to get her back, aren't we?" "That's the plan. Are you still angry with me?" "No, I don't think I am..." Lilly said. "You think..." "It's difficult, you know. You've always tried very hard not to play by the rules. Acting before thinking... And I'm not like that. Choosing to desert like that, it closed off a whole lot of options." "What options?" I said. "Letting the Sovereignty deal with it, for example." "The Sovereignty doesn't give a shit about a few recruits, their actions made that pretty clear." "I guess you're right. Maybe you see these things clearer than I do, or maybe I'm just too careful..." she said. "Diving headfirst into things isn't always the best approach. So please, tell me your doubts when I'm about to do something stupid and rash again." "I will, I don't want to lose you too. Asking Aunt Nadya to come with us turned out to be a good idea." "You really think so?" I said. "Yes, you were right, she can help us. And it's nice to have family aboard. Aven and I already talked for hours on end, we had so much to catch up on." "And Aunt Nadya doesn't seem to hate us at all." "No, on the contrary. A little weird that she never contacted or visited us after leaving. But whenever I mention Mom or Dad she gets that look in her eyes. Something really bad happened between them, I'm sure of it," Lilly said. "Yeah, I think you're right. Maybe she'll tell us, eventually." "Maybe. But for now I'm just glad she's with us." "Aven told me you wanted to come hunting on Sagueliath," I said. "Yes, I want to come with. Why do you ask?" "No reason, just glad to have you along." "Might as well see the sights while we're at it," she said. "I know what you mean." "I thought you were going to sleep, by the way." "I was, but I couldn't sleep," I said. "I have trouble falling asleep too, the noises of the ship are still so new to me." "I hope the Bastard grows on you." "Very apt name that, she's really ugly," Lilly said. "I'm sure insulting the ship you're on is considered bad luck." "Luckily we're not supersticious." "If you say so..." I said. "Anyway, I'm going to try and rest, if the ship doesn't kil me out of spite in the meantime." "I'll monitor your life signals from the bridge." "Haha, you do that," she said. "Night, Lilly." "Good night, Cam."

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:31 pm

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"Oh, sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting." "Not at all, we were just talking about our homicidal parent," Kit said. "Don't fucking joke about that..." Cèline said.

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"Right, Calista..." I said. "I was just saying to Kit that I haven't really been able to process what happened at that moment. Partly because we haven't had time to catch our breath, really, but on the other hand..." Cèline said. "She fucking pushed the button..."

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"She was ready to blow us up. Or actually, she very nearly did. Being the children of a commanding officer never did us any favors, but I didn't expect her to be that ruthless. Coldhearted bitch," he said. "Come on Kit, maybe she..." Cèline said. "She tried to fucking murder us, Cè! I know what you're going to say and I don't fucking care if she was coflicted when she gave the kill order." "She's still our mothe." "Unfortunately..." Kit said. "Do you think it would be possible to get a message out to her?" "Why would you want to do that?" "I really want her to know we're okay," Cèline said. "I honestly don't know why you'd bother. At any rate, she's as good as dead to me, so I don't care if she knows." "Do you think it would be possible, Cam?" "Maybe, but we should be careful. We can't have them tracking that message back to us," I said. "Of course. I'll ask Thyia or Jade if they know of a way," Cèline said. "Good idea."

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:42 am

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"Cam," she said. "Hey Aven. What did you make of Hreir?" I said. "He's not the craziest person mother has dealt with. But he ranks fairly high." "He seemed quite paranoid." "Yeah, he did. Guess that come with the job. His specialization is genetics, but he has an unhealthy interest in clandestine research programs. Sometimes people just don't want you poking around in their business," Aven said. "Would that army of robots protect him?" "Not sure, but it makes him feel better. Mom is staying on the ship once we touch down on Sagueliath." "She's not coming with us?" I said. "I told her not to. We've done these things often enough together, so I know what to do." "So just you and me then?" "Lilly wants to come too," she said. "Lilly?" "Yes. I told her about the work I've done and I guess that got her excited. Why, do you have a problem with it?" "No, of course not. It's just that I didn't think she'd venture into the wild again after what happened on Lanan..." I said. "Ah, right. I'm going to get some sleep now, if you don't mind." "Not at all."

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"Is there something you need, master?" Jade said. "Yes, maybe... Have you made an inventory of the ship's systems?" I said. "Yes, as soon as we took off from Vulpes Velox." "Good, so do you know if this ship has a VR interface?" "It's an old bucket, but one of its previous owners did have one installed, yes. It's in a separate room in the lower crew quarters," she said. "Thyia didn't mention it during our tour." "Probably didn't think it was that important. It's an outdated interface, nothing like what's currently on the market." "But it works," I said. "Yes, it does. Why the sudden interest in virtual reality, master? I thought you always preferred physical interaction when it comes to pleasure?" "Those VR interfaces weren't just intended for porn simulations, you know that?" "Of course, master, but that's what 90% of those simulators are used for nowadays," Jade said. "Right... Do you have Eva's digital profile on hand?" "Mistress Eva... Yes, I have her profile." "Could you load it so that it's accessible via the interface?" I said. "Yes, I can. I'm assuming nobody needs to know about this?" "I think it's better that way. I just want to talk to her... to see her again." "I understand. You do realize it won't be the same as it is in real life," she said. "Yes, I'm aware, but it's better than nothing." "I'll set it up for you." "Thank you," I said. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:21 am

Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 20221221103457-1

Verdant Station turned out to be a rather busy port, so we had to wait for several hours until a docking bay was available for our ship. Once we docked, I asked Cèline and Thyia to arrange the necessary repairs. The others were free to explore and soon flocked one of the many bars on the station. 

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When I checked up on the Bastard, Thyia and Cèline were doing a visual inspection of the hull.
"Back already? Have you found someone willing to do the repairs?" I said. "We have, seems like a reliable sort," Cèline said. "It's not going to be cheap though," Thyia said. "I thought we sustained minimal damage," I said. "We did, but the damage is to a few critical parts of the hull," Thyia said. "So critical means costly." "Generally, yes. We need to arrange for food and supplies too." "I'm sure we can manage that, can't we?" Cèline said. "The money Nadaya brought in certainly helped, but we're burning through it fast. I guess we need to go look for work," I said. "There are jobs posted on a board on the station's internal network," Thyia said.

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"Here, have a look," she said.
The list of jobs wasn't very long and several of the requests involved hauling supplies that would never fit in our cargo bay. In the end, two jobs semed like viable options. The first, was pretty straightforward and involved collecting someone from a nearby planet in the system. The advert listed someone named ziv as the official contact. The other one, from a company called ConVitae was a lot more vague, but the pay was exeptionally good.
"I think we're pretty much done here, so we're going to the bar where the others are," Thyia said. "Come join us if you want," Cèline said.

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Using a map of the station I headed out to the address of the company from the advert. The offices turned out to be locate in a perfectly nondescript corridor, it's presence only denoted by an equally nondescript sign with the company's logo. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon May 01, 2023 1:32 am

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"Can I help you, sir?" the receptionish said. "I'm here about the advert," I said. "You'd like to participate in our test program?" "That depends on what the program is. I'm not participating in any medical experiments or anything." "Don't worry, sir, this is not a medical examination. If you sign up, you'll be entering a test simulation. Your responses will be recored and evaluated as part of a larger research effort on the impact of simulated realities," she said. "So you're not hoing to take any tissue samples?" "No, the Verdant branch of ConVitae is working exclusively on simulations. It's all in the contract. I have a copy for you if you'd like to be sure of our intentions." "I'd like that," I said.

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As I expected, the contract was a thick bundle of mind-numbingly boring legalese. Supposedly, most of the tect only made sense to a lawyer, but the important parts seemed to check out. The participant would be subjected to a test in one of ConVitae's simulators and the responses in the simulation would be recorded. The contract didn't stipulate any requirements regarding the age of the test subject, but would be required to pass a simple health scan. The results of the scan would be destroyed after the completion of the simulated test. The last paragraphs of the cntract dealt with a waiver on any risks voluntarily incurred by the participant. It seemed a straightforward contract, just like the secretary had told me.

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"I'm ready to participate, so I'd like to sign the contract," I said. "Excellent, just sign your name in all the indicated places," she said.
Signing took a while and after filing the paperwork the secretary took me to another room.
"Please wait here, I will be with you shortly," she said.
Most of these simulation rooms look the same, white walls and nothing else to bump into, this one was no different. A few minutes after I left the receptionist, she reappeared. 

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"Are you ready?" she said. "I think so," I said. "Good.
She gave me a full inspection with her medical scanner and promptly left the room, satisfied with the results.

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The shift between reality and the virtual is always a little disorientating, this time even more so because I was suddenly standing on a moss floor wearing unfamiliar clothe. I was standing in a forest, blue sky over my head and birds chirping happily all around me. While some part of me wanted to explore the wilderness instead of taking the obvious path, I decided to play along with the rules of the simulation. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:43 am

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A small farm completed the pastoral scene and it was pretty obvious what my destination was. walking in Medieval finery along a muddy road isn't the most comfortable experience and it took me a while to reach the front door.

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The sound of my knocks against the wood of the door echoed throughout the valley. After some commotion inside, the door creaked open to reveal a girl.

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"Yes? Oh... Mom! The tax collector is here!"
An edge of panic was noticeable when the girl called for her mother, who appeared not long after.

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"Please sir, we've done all we can. The harvest was poor this year, we'll be able to pay in the coming season. Please let the Duke have mercy on us!" 
Just my luck to be thrust into a poor man's fantasy of what life in the Middle Ages must have been like.
"Might I come in?" I said. "Of course, milord," she said.
The woman stepped aside and I was allowed to enter the small building.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 03, 2023 5:52 am

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The farmers were obviously dirt poor, so I wondered what kind of dickhead the Duke I supposedly worked for was.
"Tax collection is the same every year, you cannot be surprised by this," I said. "We're not, good sir, it's just that the rains destroyed all of our crops and our last pig died just last week," the woman said. "I'm not an unreasonable man, so if there's anything you can think of to pay me with? I might be able to give you a few moths respite, if we can reach an agreement. I'm going to have a hard time selling it to the Duke, but I'm willing to do that for you." "There's nothing left but the house and our health." "Well, the house is worthless... But you and your daughter look very healthy indeed," I said. "Thank you, sir. Oh! You don't mean?!" "Yes, I think you know what I mean." "You want to... bed me, milord?" the woman said. "Not just you, your daughter as well." "Sir! You cannot ask this of us!" "I think I just did," I said. "We're honest farmers." "The alternative is paying what you owe the Duke. It's up to you, but time is running out."
The distraught woman looked from me to her daughter, who had been present for the entire conversation.

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I decided to put some pressure on her by standing up and walking towards the door.
"Milord, please wait," the girl said. "Berit?! What are you doing?" the woman said.

When I turned to face the women again, the youngest was already undressing herself.
"It seems your daughter is eager to begin," I said. "Berit, you don't have to do this," the woman said. "What's the alternative, mother?" she said.
The daughter stood fully naked before me, the other woman still wracked by indecision. When she finally started to unlace her clothing my heart skipped a beat.

The prospect of having power over those two women aroused me, even if it was in a simulation. I knew all the pleasure, up to my own orgasm, would only exist in my mind, carefully orchestrated by whatever current was hooked up to my neural pathways. I just didn't care, the desire to fudge the farmer's wife and her daughter became too overwhelming. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:31 am

"Tell me your name," I said. "Leda, milord," the woman said. "No need for that, call me Camran. You and your daughter are very beautiful, Leda." "Thank you, mi... Camran, I hope we please you." "You do indeed," I said.

Berit came up to me and kissed me on the mouth as her mother undressed. The girl undid my belt and helped me get out of the many layers of clothing I was wearing.
"You're to be my first, Camran," Berit said.

The feeling was so very real, I could sense the roughness of her calloused hands brushing my skin.
"That's it, Leda," I said.

"You like what you see, Berit?" I said. "Hmmm, yes Camran," she said. "In that case, don't be greedy Leda, let your daughter have a turn."

"Let's go to your bed," I said. 

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The mattress turned out to be a hemp sack filled with straw, but I'd have fucked the women on the dirt floor if need be. It was just a matter of deciding who had the honor to go first. I didn't hesitate and pushed the older woman's legs apart.

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:27 pm

The bed creaked, her moans filling the small living room.

Berit was eagerly clinging on to me.

Leda looked a little worried when I turned my attention to her daughter.
"Please be gentle with her," she said. "fudge me, Camran, don't hold back," Berit said.
Aroused by the mixed messages I received from the both of them, I hungrily pulled Berit towards me.

"Is it going to hurt?" she said. "Maybe a little..." I said.
I started pushing and the young girl bit her lower lip.

"It's too big!"
Berit's cry of fear turned into a surprised gasp as soon as I was fully inside her wet vagina.

The bed creaked as we copulated, her moans illing the room, a virgin no longer.

The gurl got up on all fours and I pulled her towards me. Then I began thrusting even harder than before. Any mention of pain forgotten, Berit seemed fully entranced by the act of love-making. I wanted Berit so badly I just kept going until I erupted inside of her.

"No! He came inside me!" she cried.
Her mother looked aghast as Berit stopped her protests and came to savor the warm feeling of my seed spilling inside her vagina.

"Consider your debt paid," I said. "Thank you, Camran," Leda said. "That was something truly special. I won't forget you," Berit said.

Leaving the naked women behind, I walked through the door. All went black and the simulation ended. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Thu Oct 26, 2023 5:36 am

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I found myself alone in the white room again.

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The door to the reception area opened automatically and the receptionist beckoned me in.
"That's it?" I wondered. "Yes," she said. "Did you monitor the whole thing?" "I'm not at liberty to tell, sir." "I understand. Have a good day," I said. "You too, sir."
Getting a drink sounded like a great idea at that time, so I went to look for my crew.

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The music of the bar was inescapable, but didn't drown out conversations completely. Other than that it wasn't what you'd call an upscale place, the scantily clad squirming alien near the entrance being a first hint. Still, everyone seemed to have found a place at one of the many tables. 

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"Cam, this is Ziv. Ziv, this is Cam," Thyia said. "Hi. You're the one from the advert, aren't you?" I said. "I am," Ziv said. "You found an alternative source of income?" Thyia said. "I have, it should cover our expenses." "Well, the head mechanic just messaged me and the repairs are more extensive than originally budgeted. So I hope you earned a lot with that one job." "Well fudge," I said. "Yup, I managed to haggle a discount, but still..." "How much more?" "3000," Thyia said. "fudge. Well Ziv, looks like I'm listening," I said. 

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"I need someone collected from Verdigris V. We are to touch down on the surface at a specific location and retrieve someone," Ziv said. "We?" "I'm going with you." "Right," I said. "And you're not to speak about this to anyone."
The simple retrieval mission suddenly sounded a lot less simple...
"We're not abducting someone, are we?" I said. "No, she wants to leave the planet out of her own free will," Ziv said. "But someone doesn't want her to?" "Look, do you want the job or not?" "We're not kidnapping a local princesss?" I said. "She's not a princess." "All right, you have a deal Ziv." "Good, I'll make sure I'm on your ship as soon as you depart," she said. 

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Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 Empty Re: Tales From the Unending Void

Post by Wotan Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:10 pm

Tales From the Unending Void - Page 3 20230210212743-1

"Nobody wants to drink with a cripple?" I said. "I was waiting on you, of course. And nobody wanted to sit close to the pole dancer, which is a damn shame because she's an artist," Kit said. "Ever the art lover. Well, I don't have any problems with exotic dancing. So, how are you holding up?" "Never a dull moment, it seems. Didn't know space was so exciting outside of the Sovereignty," he said. "Me neither." "The few stories didn't do reality any justice." "What do you think of the new crew members?" I asked. "Thyia is fun, Vess I don't know..." "Oh, how so?" "I don't know, she seems so cagey. But that may just be her lack of confidence. I still prefer her over Thim though," Kit said. "Me too." "You know anything more about her?" "Not much," I admitted. "I think she's the daughter of some local bigwig back on Lanan or something." "Why do you think that?" "It's just the way she talks," he said. "So it's just because she has a bit of an accent?" "Yes, and the fact that she wore much nicer clothes than those two other villagers." "I'll admit you have a point there," I said. "See, all my theories are always airtight." "Yeah... Well, maybe I'll ask Vess once she opens up a bit more." "Maybe she turns out to be the Queen of Lanan, in that case I'd marry her if I were you," Kit said. "I'm pretty sure Lanan falls under the jurisdiction of some faceless beaurocrat back on Proxima Centauri Orbital." "A boy can still dream. You're never any fun, you know that?" "Still, you've put up with me all thee years," I said. "True, it's an ongoing challenge." "Didn't I see you talkinmg to a girl earlier by the way?" "Yes! The whole wheelchair thing is finally paying off," Kit said. "How so?" "Well, as you said, a very pretty girl approached me and handed me a leaflet." "Some random girl smiled and dumped a flyer on you?" I said. "It always sounds much less glamorous if you tell the story. Not sure why she handed it to me though, it's a flyer for some party and I can't dance for quite some time. You should go though, it looks like fun." "I'll think about it." "Maybe you could ask Thim to come with you, I'm sure he'll love it," he said. "I could also wheel you into an airlock and throw away the key." "Low blow!"
We made fun of each other until Kit became very distracted by what was happening at the pole, so I left him gawking at the dancer. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

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