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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:14 pm

Anesia gave Vilja a long list of ingredients to collect. Vilja immediately gave me half of the list. I could see why she needed help. Some things were trivial to get, other required a bit of effort and luck to find. And then there was the part of the list Vilja kept. I had no idea of Everything on her part that needed collecting, but since she didn't say anything, I thought she would manage...

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Danica was a bit peeved at first, that we had not brought back sap from the Eldergleam to revive the Gildergreen tree in Whiterun. But when I explained what the pilgrim had said, she quickly apologized. I Think she was embarrassed she had shown such Little faith in Kyne at first. And in time, the little sapling will grow into a might new Gildergreen...

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I visited Jorrvaskr with my entourage. The Companions thought it was time for me to prove myself. Farkas would accompany me to Dustman's Cairn where we would retrieve a fragment of Wuuthrad. It is well to note Wuuthrad is the legendary weapon of the legendary hero, Ysgramor...

Songs of the Return, Volume 7, The Tale of the Jorrvaskr
When at last the rightful claim of Saarthal had been retaken, driving the murderous elves back to their lofty cities, did great Ysgramor turn and let loose the fearsome war cry that echoed across all the oceans. The Five Hundred who yet stood joined in the ovation for the victory and the lament for their fallen peers. It was said to be heard on the distant and chilling green shores of Atmora, and the ancestors knew their time had come to cross the seas.
As the reverberations echoed out and drowned to silence, all looked to Ysgramor, who bore the blessed Wuuthrad, for his next commandment. With his lungs that bellowed forth the fury of humanity, he bade them to continue their march, that the devious Mer might know the terror they had brought on themselves with their trickery.
"Go forth," he roared. "Into the belly of this new land. Drive the wretched from their palaces of idleness. Oblige them to squalor and toil, that they would see their betrayals as the all-sin against our kind. Give no quarter. Show no kindness. For they would not give nor show you the same." (Our great forebear gave this order as he did not yet understand the prophecy of the Twin Snakes, that he would be fated to die before seeing the true destiny of his line.)
Hearing this, the Circle of Captains gathered each their crews unto themselves. From here, they decreed, we will go forth. Let each ship's band make its own way, seeking their fates to the open sun. A night spent in feasting, the Oath of the Companions was sworn anew, with each of the Five Hundred (so they still named their count, in honor of the shields that were broken at Saarthal) swearing to act as Shield-Brother and Shield-Sister to any of the Atmoran line were their fates to ever again entwine.
As the red hands of dawn stretched from the east, so broke the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor, setting about their journeys, sailing now across the land with waves of stone and crests of trees flowing under their footed hulls.
The first to break from the grounded fleet was the crew of the Jorrvaskr, who had been formed of Ysgramor's closest friends. Their captain was known as Jeek of the River, so called by the Harbinger himself from their youths passed in glory. When assembling their glistening hull, he sought out the labors of Menro and Manwe, who now bore the native timbers across this new land of Tamriel. Among their fiercest were Tysnal (Who Was Twice-Named), and Terr, his twin and Shield-Brother whose girth was never spoken of to his face. There were others, too, in their band -- Meksim the Walker, Brunl (Who Fought with his Off-Hand), and Yust the Smiler. These and others were sworn to Jeek, and they pushed forth into the shadows where yet the sun had not reached.
Southwards they went, by beast and by foot. Elves they found, though none remain to tell what those battles entailed. The numbers of the Jorrvaskr never faltered, so shrewd were they in battle, with minds as sharp as their blades.
Once, as the sun beat from its high-home, Jonder the Tiny, the one who ran ahead, came over the hill to tell what was seen. Amidst a vast plain his eyes had met a monument of a bird, whose eyes and beak were opened in flame. When his brothers and sisters crested the hill, they too saw its glory, but they were afraid for no elven settlement could be seen to the horizon.
"But this is not seemly," said Kluwe, who went by Loate when hiding his face. "Is not this wide land fit for harvest? Why have not the elves, vile to their core, seen to exploit and tame it?" They asked of their elven captives (for they had many) what they found unfit about these plains. Yet even the captives who still bore their tongues could say nothing of the valley. They looked with fear at the winged colossus, and from their babblings did the warriors of the Jorrvaskr learn that it was older than even the elves themselves. Of those who wrought it solid from its mother-stone, nothing could be said, but it was known to drive a magic almost as old as Nirn itself, some remnant of the gods' efforts to render a paradise in Mundus before the shattering of Lorkhan.
This first of many, this crew of the Jorrvaskr, heathens and ancestors to us all, feared no stories or gods. Indeed, if there was something the elves feared, they would have it for their own. Thus began the labors, once more, of Menro and Manwe, whose eager hands again laid to the Atmoran wood which had born them all across the sea, and what was their ship became their shelter as this valley became their purview until the end of all their days.
Thus began the building of the Great City, circled by the running of the White River, as brought forth by these beloved of Ysgramor, yet but twenty-two of the glorious Five Hundred Companions.

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When we entered Dustman's Cairn, we found evidence that someone had already been there, digging for something. But who? And for what? We found no trace of who they might be - which was odd. You'd expect we would find something. They must've somehow avoided the draugr. Anyway, we soon found our route blocked by a locked portcullis. We started searching for the mechanism to operate it...

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I found the lever, but in the process of opening the path, the portcullis shut behind me. I was locked in with Anduniel, much to everyone else's amusement. Farkas said he'd find the release, but then there was a sound...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:23 pm

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The Silver Hand - a self acclaimed Group of werewolf hunters. The are the deadly enemy of the Companions. I can see why, now that we know the secret of the Companions, well the members of the inner circle at least. They are all werewolves - Wilkas and Farkas, Skjor and Aela and of course the Harbinger himself, Kodlak Whitemane. Those Silve Hand made no difference of Farkas or my followers. They attacked everyone. So, it was us or them. And as it turned out it was just them. Farkas made minced meat out of them when he transformed. Gave the Girls quite a frigght, too. But only briefly, as he quickly turned back after the first Group of Silver Hand had been slain. We would keep running into them, though, wherever we Went in the ancient ruin...

A Werewolf's Confession by Captain Philmont of the Oldgate Lancers, Daggerfall Covenant Army 
The prisoner called for me today, and I had the dubious privilege of listening to his confession. Separated from him by narrow iron bars that I knew would be insufficient to protect me, I took down his words with a trembling hand.
What follows is my best rendering, although he was so soft-spoken that at times I had to guess at the precise words. Nevertheless, I am confident that what follows accurately represents the substance of our conversation:
"I accepted this curse at a young age. I was impressionable. My packleader was a family friend and elder in our village. I wanted to be strong, and I relished the strength the curse gave me. I would not have called it a curse, then.
"But with youth comes recklessness, and I was not good at disguising what I was. Eventually they discovered my true nature, and I was driven from the village.
"My packleader failed me. He did not protect me. He cared too much about his own status to risk it for my sake. I was alone.
"Everywhere I went I heard the shouts of crowds, saw the bright torches of the angry mob. I never lingered long in one place before my secret was discovered.
"I came to hate them. The superstitious villagers. I came to resent what I couldn't have. I blamed them for my own recklessness. It was not the curse that plagued me, but the narrow-mindedness of these provincial men and women.
"I was afraid to hunt, so I was always hungry, and the hunger turned me feral. It was in this state that I came across them. A family of innocent farmers, just like the innocent farmers that had hounded me from village after village. My vision turned red and I flew into a fury.
"At last my hunger was satisfied.
"But when the rage subsided and I looked on what I'd done, my stomach turned. This was what all those villagers were afraid of, when they tormented me with their torches and sickles.
"That's when I acknowledged my curse for what it was. I have hunted many years since, afraid to turn myself in, but disgusted with my base impulses.
"You don't realize what a great favor you have done, capturing me."
And then having told his story, the creature, looking very much like a man, begged me to put him out of his misery.

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Finally, we found what we were looking for - a fragment of Wuuthrad...
Good thing we were so many 'cause the draugr put up a fierce resistance.

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"Quetsegol vahrukiv kiir jun Jafnhar, wo los og nahlaas naal yol do lot dovah Lodunost - This stone commemorates the Child king Jafnhar, who was burned alive by the fire of the great dragon Lodunost."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:27 pm

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The Companions were waiting for us as we returned from Dustman's Cairn. There was a brief ceremony in the yard, and then... I was a full-fledged member of the Companions.

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This time I remembered to talk to Lydia. She was honored and accepted the offer to become steward of Lakeview. 

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The weather wasn't the best when we inspected the latest additions to Anduniel's Meadery. Her Place was getting ready to open. We still had to advertise it to the public, though.
"At home, I had this wonderful book, Tamriel Flora Illustrated, with Pictures of almost every flower you could Think of," Vilja tells me. "Maybe we can find a new copy for you?" I said. "Do you Think so? Yes, maybe... maybe an alchemist store would have it for sale. What do you think?" she said. "I think you're reading my mid, girl," I chuckled. 

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It was time to return to the Bards College. Viarmo was anxious to see what we had brought back. Unfortunately, the text had been damaged beyond readable in places. But that doesn't stop a good bard. I suggested we'd just fill in the blanks. Viarmo was well versed in the history so it wasn't too hard for us to complete the verse...

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... and for Viarmo to present it to the Jarl. Jarl Elisif was indeed impressed by our work. She proclaimed the burning of King Olaf would become a weekly event, and she offered the College a nice stipend as well. Now we had a festival to prepare...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:33 pm

"My master has abandoned me! Abandoned his people. And nothing I say can change his mind. Now he refuses to eeven see me. He says I interrupt hi vacation! It's been so many years... Won't you please help?" Dervenin said. "How can I find your master?" I wondered. "Last I saw him, he was visiting a friend in the Blue Palace. But no one as mundane as the Jarl. No, no... such people are below him. No, he Went into the forbidden wing of the Palace, to speak with an old friend. Said it had been ages since they had last had tea. Oh and you'll need the hip bone... it's very important. No entering Pelagius' Wing without that," Dervenin said. "So you need me to bring him back?" I said. "Yes, but don't try to use force! He's far too Mighty. He'd crush you like a clay doll, or drop you from the sky, or simply eat your Brains right up! Oh, but he probably won't do these things to you. Probably. Just remind him to come home, and... there'll be no fighting or unpleasantness. Probably. He's just a Little confused at the moment, is all. Knowing my master, he may very well reward you for bringing him to his senses!" Dervenin said. "Who is your master?" I wondered. "He is a great man, but one rarely praised! He rules Twin empires that span the length and breadth of our minds! All know him, but few can name him! But... he has forbidden me from saying his name. He says it distracts him, and woe to those who draw his ire. But you will know him when you see him. He's the one who made me like this!" Dervenin said. "Why do you need him back?" I wondered. "Without his guidance, our homeland is falling apart. North wages war against South! The holy flame flickers and dies! We need his return. Oh, but... I'm sure he'll repay you when he comes to his sesnses! His favor is a powerful, powerful thing. And so very Worth any... inconveniences. He stays in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace. The doors are locked, and only Falk Firebeard can grant entry. But I hear the maids, Una and Erdi, know how to enter it for cleaning. Surely they can help for such an important matter?" Dervenin said.

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The Madness of Pelagius by Tsathenes
The man who would be Emperor of all Tamriel was born Thoriz Pelagius Septim, a prince of the royal family of Wayrest in 3E 119 at the end of the glorious reign of his uncle, Antiochus I. Wayrest had been showered by much preference during the years before Pelagius' birth, for King Magnus was Antiochus' favorite brother.
It is hard to say when Pelagius' madness first manifested itself, for, in truth, the first ten years of his life were marked by much insanity in the land itself. When Pelagius was just over a year old, Antiochus died and a daughter, Kintyra, assumed the throne to the acclaim of all. Kintyra II was Pelagius' cousin and an accomplished mystic and sorceress. If she had sufficient means to peer into the future, she would have surely fled the palace.
The story of the War of the Red Diamond has been told in many other scholarly journals, but as most historians agree, Kintyra II's reign was usurped by her and Pelagius' cousin Uriel, by the power of his mother, Potema -- the so-called wolf queen of Solitude. The year after her coronation, Kintyra was trapped in Glenpoint and imprisoned in the Imperial dungeons there.
All of Tamriel exploded into warfare as Prince Uriel took the throne as Uriel III, and High Rock, because of the imprisoned Empress' presence there, was the location of some of the bloodiest battles. Pelagius' father, King Magnus, allied himself with his brother Cephorus against the usurper Emperor, and brought the wrath of Uriel III and Queen Potema down on Wayrest. Pelagius, his brothers and sisters, and his mother Utheilla fled to the Isle of Balfiera. Utheilla was of the line of Direnni, and her family manse is still located on that ancient isle even to this day.
There is thankfully much written record of Pelagius' childhood in Balfiera recorded by nurses and visitors. All who met him described him as a handsome, personable boy, interested in sport, magic, and music. Even assuming diplomats' lack of candor, Pelagius seemed, if anything, a blessing to the future of the Septim Dynasty.
When Pelagius was eight, Cephorus slew Uriel III at the Battle of Ichidag and proclaimed himself Emperor Cephorus I. For the next ten years of his reign, Cephorus battled Potema. Pelagius' first battle was the Siege of Solitude, which ended with Potema's death and the final end of the war. In gratitude, Cephorus placed Pelagius on the throne of Solitude.
As king of Solitude, Pelagius' eccentricities of behavior began to be noticeable. As a favorite nephew of the Emperor, few diplomats to Solitude made critical commentary about Pelagius. For the first two years of his reign, Pelagius was at the very least noted for his alarming shifts in weight. Four months after taking the throne, a diplomat from Ebonheart called Pelagius "a hale and hearty soul with a heart so big, it widens his waist"; five months after that, the visiting princess of Firsthold wrote to her brother that "the king's gripped my hand and it felt like I was being clutched by a skeleton. Pelagius is greatly emaciated, indeed."
Cephorus never married and died childless three years after the Siege of Solitude. As the only surviving sibling, Pelagius' father Magnus left the throne of Wayrest and took residence at the Imperial City as the Emperor Magnus I. Magnus was elderly and Pelagius was his oldest living child, so the attention of Tamriel focused on Sentinel. By this time, Pelagius' eccentricities were becoming infamous.
There are many legends about his acts as King of Sentinel, but few well-documented cases exist. It is known that Pelagius locked the young princes and princesses of Silvenar in his room with him, only releasing them when an unsigned Declaration of War was slipped under the door. When he tore off his clothes during a speech he was giving at a local festival, his advisors apparently decided to watch him more carefully. On the orders of Magnus, Pelagius was married to the beautiful heiress of an ancient Dark Elf noble family, Katariah Ra'athim.
Nordic kings who marry Dark Elves seldom improve their popularity. There are two reasons most scholars give for the union. Magnus was trying to cement relations with Ebonheart, where the Ra'athim clan hailed. Ebonheart's neighbor, Mournhold, had been a historical ally of the Empire since the very beginning, and the royal consort of Queen Barenziah had won many battles in the War of the Red Diamond. Ebonheart had a poorly-kept secret of aiding Uriel III and Potema.
The other reason for the marriage was more personal: Katariah was as shrewd a diplomat as she was beautiful. If any creature was capable of hiding Pelagius' madness, it was she.
On the 8th of Second Seed, 3E 145, Magnus I died quietly in his sleep. Jolethe, Pelagius' sister took over the throne of Solitude, and Pelagius and Katariah rode to the Imperial City to be crowned Emperor and Empress of Tamriel. It is said that Pelagius fainted when the crown was placed on his head, but Katariah held him up so only those closest to the thrones could see what had happened. Like so many Pelagius stories, this cannot be verified.
Pelagius III never truly ruled Tamriel. Katariah and the Elder Council made all the decisions and only tried to keep Pelagius from embarrassing all. Still, stories of Pelagius III's reign exist.
It was said that when the Argonian ambassador from Blackrose came to court, Pelagius insisted on speaking in all grunts and squeaks, as that was the Argonian's natural language.
It is known that Pelagius was obsessed with cleanliness, and many guests reported waking to the noise of an early-morning scrubdown of the Imperial Palace. The legend of Pelagius while inspecting the servants' work, suddenly defecating on the floor to give them something to do, is probably apocryphal.
When Pelagius began actually biting and attacking visitors to the Imperial Palace, it was decided to send him to a private asylum. Katariah was proclaimed regent two years after Pelagius took the throne. For the next six years, the Emperor stayed in a series of institutions and asylums.
Traitors to the Empire have many lies to spread about this period. Whispered stories of hideous experiments and tortures performed on Pelagius have almost become accepted as fact. The noble lady Katariah became pregnant shortly after the Emperor was sent away, and rumors of infidelity and, even more absurd, conspiracies to keep the sane Emperor locked away, ran amok. As Katariah proved, her pregnancy came about after a visit to her husband's cell. With no other evidence, as loyal subjects, we are bound to accept the Empress' word on the matter. Her second child, who would reign for many years as Uriel IV, was the child of her union with her consort Lariate, and publicly acknowledged as such.
On a warm night in Suns Dawn, in his 34th year, Pelagius III died after a brief fever in his cell at the Temple of Kynareth in the Isle of Betony. Katariah I reigned for another forty six years before passing the scepter onto the only child she had with Pelagius, Cassynder.

Pelagius' wild behavior has made him perversely dear to the province of his birth and death. The 2nd of Suns Dawn, which may or may not be the anniversary of his death (records are not very clear) is celebrated as Mad Pelagius, the time when foolishness of all sorts is encouraged. And so, one of the least desirable Emperors in the history of the Septim Dynasty, has become one of the most famous ones.

Night fell and the festival commenced...

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With the ceremonial burning of the effigy I was given full membership in the Bards College...

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Shortly after our visit to Solitude we Went to Markarth. At the stables we Heard about forsworn plaguing the area. We were given direction to their hideout. I decided we should go at once. And once we got there, we encountered a band of forsworn. We killed them all... except for a young girl pleading for her life. I reckon she was about 16 and I just couldn't bring myself to ending her life. But where could she go? I could only see one option - I brought the young forsworn girl, Shauna, back with us to Dragonstead. There she would make a fine addition to my harem I thought. Little did I know how soon...                 

We all stayed the night. The following morning I accompanied my other followers to Lakeview. I then returned to Dragonstead. Shauna was waiting for me in the bedchamber, eager to please. I just couldn't resist and the Days passed one after the other. Soon two weeks had passed. There could be no doubt that our frequent excercise in bed would bear fruit. But for now, other matters were pressing...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:39 pm

"What the... is going on in Markarth? There is a murder in the streets and people shout about the Forsworn, but the guards do Everything to quiet it down. Seems we've stumbled on a Conspiracy here..."

The "Madmen" of the Reach: A Cultural Treatise on the Forsworn by Arrianus Arius, Imperial Scholar
Since the legendary victory of Tiber Septim over the "barbarian natives" in the Battle of Old Hroldan, Imperial and Nord scholarship has cast the people of the Reach as little more than savages, prone to irrational fits of violence, worshipping old, heretical gods, and fetishizing beasts and nature spirits that any civilized person would best well avoid. In truth, these accounts are little more than "victor's essays," a perspective narrowed by the Empire's constant strife with the ancient, proud people that lived in this land far before Tiber Septim walked the soil of Tamriel. In light of this, I hope to create a more complete, accurate, and fair assessment of a group that has long suffered under the role of "enemy," "troublemakers," and "them."
Let us begin with the Forsworn, the so-called "madmen" of the Reach. The Imperial Legion classifies them as little more than brigands, noting their constant raids and ambushes within the Hold. But none of their military reports asks the question of "why?" If they were merely a group of bandits, surely they would be focused on acquiring gold and minimizing deaths among their own. But the opposite is true in Forsworn attacks. Large sums of coin are often left behind, and their fighters easily throw away their lives rather than risk capture by Imperial soldiers.
It is this incongruity that led me to Markarth, the capital city of the Reach, in search of answers. There, I met one of the native peoples, an old woman who preferred to not be named in my writings. She told me of her family's long history. How she believes they originally came from High Rock, home of the Bretons (which would explain the similar faces and stature of the two peoples). How the Nords came and took their lands, their gods, and their culture from them. When asked about the Forsworn, the old woman would say that they are the "real" men and women of the Reach: those that refused to give in to the Nords. Those that still practiced the ancient traditions that the rest of their people had abandoned in exchange for peace.
In time, I was able to create trust with many more natives in my search that corroborated the old woman's story. By chance, one of them arranged a meeting between myself and what I thought was an elder member of his village. I was shocked to find that I was led to a camp, filled with the animal skulls, severed heads, and still beating hearts that I had read about from the military reports back in the Imperial City. There, I met Cortoran, a Forsworn, who seemed amused at the prospect of me writing down his story. Which I quote in full below:
"You want to know who the Forsworn are? We are the people who must pillage our own land. Burn our own ground. We are the scourge of the Nords. The axe that falls in the dark. The scream before the gods claim your soul. We are the true sons and daughters of the Reach. The spirits and hags have lived here from the beginning, and they are on our side. Go back. Go back and tell your Empire that we will have our own kingdom again. And on that day, we will be the ones burying your dead in a land that is no longer yours."

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Searching for the local alchemy shop, known as the Hag's Cure, we overheard the conversaition between a young Breton girl and a strange man. She seemed in distress, but was very reluctant to divulge what her problem was. It took me quite some effort but in the end she asked me to recover her journal from her camp. For some reason this Young girl intrigues me. She isn't much older than Shauna.

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We found the Hag's Cure...

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"What have you got there? Oh... Could it be...? You have found Tamriel Flora Illustrated?" Vilja said. She was very happy when I gave her the book I had just bought. "Have you Heard of Countess Vanessa's Charm? It's an invaluable necklace that the countess used to make both kings and peasants adore her. When the Countess died, the necklace was buried with her. This was long ago, and no-one knows where she was buried. But a Little while ago, a half-dead adventurer had returned from a certain draugr tomb, claiming he had found it. However, he had lost it on his way out of the tomb. You see, the Counyess woke up when he grabbed the necklace and chased him out of the place. Unfortunately, he dropped the necklace while running. And, worse, the Countess put a curse on him, so he died a few Days after. I know which tomb he visited - I'll mark it on your map. Of course, I'm not suggesting that we should go there, but... Don't you Think you would have use for such an amulet? I'm sure I would. And if you don't want it, I would surely like to have it," Vilja said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:44 pm

We soon found the Breton girl's camp...

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In the tent I found her diary and started reading. Vilja protested, saying I couldn't read someone's private thoughts. But I told her this book might contain clues that would let me help her. Vilja relented and I continued Reading the book - aloud.
4E197, Rain's Hand, Morndas
I wanted to start Writing these things down to remember them. I don't remember much from when I was younger but I swear I've seen them Before. It's 7 in the morning and I just woke from the strangest dream.
I was lying on a bed... but it was extremely uncomfortble, it felt like I was lying on a huge slab of ice but it burned really bad. There was a strange man towering over me... he looked familiar... but I don't know, his face was mostly shadow. His mouth moved but no Words came out when suddenly the very last Word he said was so loud it woke me. I had no idea what it means, though, it sounded like... sauce? I don't know.
4E197, Sun's Dusk, Tirdas
Today was supposed to be a fun day, all of us together out to see Wayrest. But then Father was visited by some very tall men with strange masks. I've never seen my father act so... strange Before, all throughout the day he was so quiet and serious, almost anxious. I askem Mom about him and she seemed as worried as I was. I hope he turns back to normal soon.

I stopped Reading for a moment. Men in strange masks? I wonder if they could from the same weird cult that attacked us in Ivarstead. I wish she had been more detailed, then there would have been no doubt. But if they were the same people - as I feared - then this girl was in danger. I continued reading...
4E198, First Seed, Sundas
I had Another strange dream and even though it's barely first light, I need to write this down Before I forget. The sky was... well, strange... a pale colour. I was on a large platform surrounded by water while a shadowy figure faced me at the end. I tried to walk towards him but my legs were Heavy, I tried to call out but only silence came. I looked around for any other clues to where I was but when I turned back to him he was gone.
That's when the water began to rise and ground began to shake, something was emerging and all I knew is I had to get away. As I managed to turn around the shadow was there and as soon as I saw him he shouted Another blaring Word at me. This time it sounded like... dust.
4E198, Frostfall, Morndas
I've Always liked the Cold, it feels like I'm Always more energetic during the Cold months. That and since it's been so long since I've had one of my nightmares I thought I'd make good use of this time.
Mother has Always said I should learn to defend myself to Father's disapproval but today I took her up on her offer. She was Always really good with magic but I was Always a bit nervous to learn. So she started with teaching me how to use a knife but I really want to focus on larning magic eventually.
4E199, Second Seed, Fredas
I was hoping I would stop having these weird Dreams. Every time I have one of them I feel... different. Not a bad different but... well I still don't like it. This time was a Little different at least. I was soaring high above the Mountains when all I could see was blue as far as the horizon Went. I felt free. But soon the sky started to turn dark, almost pitch black and soon I was surrounded by darkness.
Straight ahead a book surounded by light came into view. I don't know when I landed but I started Walking on seemingly nothing, lured to the sight like I was under some spell. But as soon as I got Close enough to grab it, it turned back to darkness and I started falling through the floor. Strangely calm, I looked back up and saw thar man again where the light once was and had now returned.
He shouted Another Word down at me, this time it was unmistakable... dovah

Dragon! The girl was definitely dreaming in Dovahzul. Could this mean she is a Dragonborn too? Now I knew I really had to get to know her more closely. I continued reading...
4E199, Last Seed, Tirdas
I don't know why, but every year Father gets visited by those men with masks and every time he does stop talking to me for the rest of the day. I want to know what they talk about... maybe I'll try and get closer next time.
4E199, Frostfall, Fredas
Mother and I ha been training in secret for Close to a year, almost nightly, when Father finally caught on. Needless to say he was furious and I felt he really overreacted. I feared for Mother when he started yelling at her, so to avoid escalating anything I promised to stop training. I didn't mean it. I'd just have to continue by myself.
4E199, Evening Star, Middas
Father caught me training alone outside our home... I suppose it was foolish of me to Think he would stop watching just because I had said so. He wasn't nearly as upset as Before but he was still adamant in getting me to quit. When I confronted him about why he simply said it was not becoming of a 'young lady.' As I protested he promised me we would go to Wayrest for sure for the new year. At least it's something.
4E200, Morning Star, Thurdas
He canceled again. I can't stand it anymore, I hate him. I'm going even if I have to go by myself.

That was the last entry. We should get back, the girl was waiting...

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"Is this what you wanted?" I asked, showing the book I picked up in the tent. "That's it, give it to me," she said. "First I have questions," I said. "Hmh, a demand after doing me a favor? Well, I can't say I didn't expect you wanted something. I guess I can't really refuse when you have my book with you. Fine, but you only get one, make it Count," she said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Oh, well that's easy enough. I admit I expected something a lot more personal. My name is Mirabelle," she said. "I thought I Heard something different earlier..." I remarked. "When? When you were eavesdropping? You must've misheard. My name is Mirabelle. Can I have my book now, please?" she said. "I looked inside it," I admitted. "I figured you would, I'm not surprised. I might as well ask then, what do you think?" she said. Are you still having Dreams?" I wondered. "Actually, no, I'm long overdue. I haven't had a Dream like that for Close to a year. Still, I feel they mean something so I don't want to forget them," she said. "What do you Think they mean?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe they're just Dreams and I'm obsessing over nothing. My mother was Always such a strong believer in signs from the Nine, I just knew I should pay attention to this. Look, this was a nice chat and all but I've said enough. It's really none of your business. Can I have my book now, please? Thank you... this is... very important to me. I know what you're thinking, Well why didn't you go get it yourself then? Well, that's really none of your business! It's not like it was going anywhere! I was just in a rush 'cus I remembered Shin was supposed to be back today. Either way... I really should take better care of it," she said. "Shin? Is he who you were speaking with earlier?" I wondered. "Uh... yeah. I've known him forever, he's an old friend of my mother's. He's been an... invaluable help, I don't know where I'd be without him," she said. "What has he been helping you with?" I wondered. "Uh... something. Hm... why don't you ask him yourself? You're all for doing stuff for free, right? Well, I sent Shin to Rorikstead to go find someone and... he's already done so much for me. He could probably use some help. Nevemind! Just go to Rorikstead and talk to him! He'll have something for you to do. Remember to take care of yourself, it's harsh out there," she said.
The girl should be safe as long as she stayed in Markarth. So, it was off to Rorikstead, but first a few other errands...

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Anduniel was waiting for my return at the Bards College in Solitude. She had finished her research and had composed a new piece with her friends. We returned to the meadery together. That night we spent sampling some of Anduniel's recipes. The mead must have gotten to us as we ended up in bed...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:49 pm

These dragons, do they ever learn?

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"I've given out all of the fliers. Anything else you'd like me to do?" I told Anduniel. "That's great news, thanks! I've sent for Valla and Tyrion at the Bards College. They should be here soon, and we can perform on the stage!" she said. "Are you nervous?" I wondered. "I sure am! I really want this to go well," she said. "Don't worry, you'll do great. I'm sure people will have a wonderful time," I assured her. "Oh, thank you for saying so! Well, I better go get ready!" she said.

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"Let me see... You have all the ingredients on your list now, haven't you? Oh, that is wonderful. Now I just have to find the ones remaining on my list. Anesia needs me to find a mushroom, a blood Dripping Crown. It looks very similar to a Bleeding Crown, but this one is very, very rare. I have been looking everywhere, but I can't seem to find one. However, Anesia mentions an alternate, but dangerous, way to get a sample... There is a necromancers' hideout called Boulderfall Cave, not far from Riften. Anesia writes that the necromancers in there have been collecting and cultivating the Blood Dripping Crown for their experiments. Maybe we could find a sample there? I know it is dangerous, and I don't suggest we should go there at once, but maybe we coud go there one of these days? I really need this ingredient," Vilja says. "I've never Heard of this mushroom... Necromancers and experiments, you say? I would not be surprised if the Blood Dripping Crown is the result of their experiments on the Bleeding Crown," I said.

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Another dragon down. With the beast handled, we could now do what we came here for - visit the inn in Dawnstar...

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 4:59 pm

We headed to Boulderfall Cave...

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"Finally! A Blood Dripping Crown! Blech... it really looks... blood dripping... But hopefully it will be useful for Anesia. Thank you so much!" Vilja said.

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"I have now only one thing left that I need to collect Before we can return to Anesia. Isn't that great!" Vilja said. "That's absolutely fantastic!" I said. "Yes, I'm so happy! Now we only need to find this last ting, though..." she said. "And what might that be?" I wondered. "It's a dragonbone. Hmm... you don't happen to have one somewhere? I mean, else we'll have to wait for a dragon to kill, won't we?" she said. "Oh, I have some dragonbone left. I never got around to crafting more than my dragonplate armour cuirass, still need greaves and boots. I've got the bones in the basement," I said. "You have? Oh, that's absolutely wonderful! Let's return to Anesia in the Eldergleam Sanctuary. I'm sure she'll be very pleased with what we have collected," vilja said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:13 pm

"Anesia, guess what! We have found all the ingredients now!" Vilja says. "All of them? That's good!" "Here they are. Do you Think you can do something to restore the content of that bottle now?" "Yes, I Think it should be possible. But it will take a Little time, and I need to be alone while working on it," Anesia says. "I understand. Is there anything you'd like us to do for you meanwhile?" Vilja says. "Yes, there is. I have completed a list of ingredients for my friend Jelena. If you could bring it to her, this would be a great help for our research," Anesia says. "Oh, I'm sure we can do that!" "Here. Give this note to Jelena. I Believe she should be in Windhelm by now." "But... I don't know what she looks like," Vilja says. "Your friend will recognize her. Give the note to your friend and then the two of you can go to Windhelm together," Anesia says. "I will do so. Oh, Anesia, this is so exiting! And I am so grateful for your help," Vilja says. "I am happy to help whenever I can. That is what I am here for."

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"I have promised Anesia that we will run a Little errand for her while she restores the content of my bottle. Here, take this ingredients list. It is for Jelena, the pilgrim you met earlier on. It's better you have it, as you can recognize her. Anesia told me that she is likely to be in Windhelm. We should go there and find her. And once we return, maybe, hopefully, Anesia has been able to restore the content of my mysterious bottle. Oh, it is so exiting! Don't you Think so, too?" Vilja said. "Yeah... I'd like to know what's really in that bottle, too," I said.

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We arrived in Windhelm by horse carriage. And after going to the second floor of the Candlehearth Inn, I spotted Jelena...
"Anesia has an ingredients list for you," I said. "Good... good... I have been waiting to hear from her. I dearly hope her work is proceeding well and that she has found all the plants she needed," she said.
I decided we should visit the Palace...

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"Only the foolish or the courageous approach a jarl without summons... Do I know you?" Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak said. "I was at Helgen," I said. "Aaaah. Yes... Destined for the chopping block if Iäm not mistaken." "I helped Ralof escape. He said he'd voich for me." "Ralof's alive? I hope that's true. He's a damn good man. But he hasn't returned yet, so I'll need to wait for his account. For now, speak with Galmar. I'm Always looking for able fighters. Not everyone can say they made it out of Helgen. Seems we're all branded villains these days...  So long as your criminal past stays in the past, and you fight for me with honor and integrity, we'll welcome you into our ranks," Ulfric said.
"Hmm. Helgen, eh? Ulfric told us quite the story. If you made it through all that, you're likely Worth something to me. But first, tell me. Why's a foreigner want to fight for Skyrim?" Galmar Stone-Fist said. "Skyrim is my home," I said. "Fair enough. But are you willing to die for your home?" "That's why I'm here. I want to join." "All right. But Before I put you to use, I need to know how much you can take. I have a Little test for you," Galmar said. "What kind of test?" "The kind men use to measure themselves. I'm sending you to Serpentstone Island. If you survive, you pass. If you die, well, you weren't going to be much use to me anyway." "What's at Serpenstone Island?" I wondered. "It's where men have tested their mettle for ages. There's a strange rock formation, built by the ancients. Something about that plave attracts the Ice Wraiths. You kill an Ice Wraith out there, and I'll have the proof I need about you." "Does every recruit have to do this?" "Only the ones I'm not sure about. This will prove your abilities, but more importantly, it will prove your commitment," Galmar said.
"Let's hurry back to Anesia! Oh, I am eager to see if she has been able to restore the content of my bottle!" Vilja said.

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"I am glad you are here. We need to talk about Vilja's bottle. I have managed to restore the content of the bottle. These are the good news. However... It wasn't exactly what I had expected. It was... worse... You better look for yourselves. Just follow the path to the stairs..." Anesia said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:16 pm

Needless to say, we were all exited to see what had been in the bottle. And did we get a big surprise!

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"What on Nirn... Who on Nirn are you??" Vilja said. "That's what I ask myself, too. I know who I am, but right now, I feel like a green-haired, red-eyed midget from a deep and mysterious underworld. Tell me, how long have I been in this bottle?" the mystery woman said. "Well... I inherited the bottle from my grandmother, who had inherited it from her grandmother... Several hundred years, I would think..." "Several hundred years? Your grandmother? Tell me, who are you?" "I'm Vilja. I'm from Solstheim, but my grandmother told me to bring the bottle to Eldergleam Sanctuary in Skyrim in order to get help to restore it," Vilja said. "Vilja... Ah, I see... Then you must be the great-great-granddaughter of an old friend of mine. The friend who took care of me when I, well, became fluid... My name is Heneri Hlaalu, by the way. Morrowind witch living in Cyrodiil. Well, at least I was living in Cyrodiil Before my... accident," the woman said. "Uhm... may I ask how you ended up in that bottle?" "It was my daughter's fault of course! Falanu, pfuii... She never had more Brains than a mudcrab. I shouldn't have used her recipe for a potion of Eternal Youth and Beauty. Well... guess at least I shouldn't have doubled the strength of it in order to get the right effect. But how was I supposed to know it had side-effects? There was absolutely nothing in the recipe indicating that one would become fluid!" "Well... doubled strength might add some odd effects to any potion, that's what my mother told me," Vilja said. "Bah... You just take a Little of this and a Little of that and then you mix it and then you drink it. It really should have worked like a charm. Can't understand what Went wrong... But it did help, didn't it? I mean, I do look Young and Beautiful, right?" Heneri said. "Well... uhh... Maybe. But the main thing is of course that you aren't fluid anymore, isn't it? Tell me, how are you feeling now?" "Feeling? I'm the size of a midget and I am still making splashing sounds whenever I try to move. How would that make you feel? So, even if I'm out of the bottle, I wouldn't exactly call myself cured." "Can we help you in any way?" Vilja wondered. "Yes, of course you can. I need something to stabilize myself, and something to bring myself back to normal size. And I need something to drink! Can you imagine being trapped inside a bottle foe what appears to be an eternity without being able to drink at all?" "So, tell me, what do you need?" "I have some ideas of that... but first, I want to thank your friend over there," Hereni said.
"I assume the two of you have been working together on getting me out of this bottle. Hello there. There is no reason to be shy. Come over here and talk for a while with an old Dunmer lady," Heneri said. "What's on your mind?" I wondered. "What's on my mind? Well, I want to thank you of course. After all, it isn't only thanks to Vilja that I finally got out of this bottle. And it won't be all thanks to her if I manage to regain my normal size and get rid of this feeling of... splashing... whenever I move around. She'll need your help to help me. And I do hope you will help her?" "Of course I will help her!" "Good! Good! Then I will tell you what I need to regain my full Health and strength. I... need... BLOOD! Yes, that's exactly what I need. But, not any blood will do, of course. In order to regain my size, I need at least 10 drops of blood from a blood relative. A blood relative from the great house Hlaalu. I'm sure that somewhere in skyrim, there must be someone who carries my Beautiful surname. And I'm sure that someone as charming as you can convince this relative of mine to provide me with the blood I need to recover. If you can't charm them, maybe you can just torture them a Little? Or something like that. use your creativity. Just make sure you bring me the blood," Heneri said.

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Back at Dragonstead after a long absence. Unna, my and Shauna's little son had grown into a little boy. While we were at the mansion, I crafted a Little leather armour for him.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:19 pm

We made for Rorikstead...

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"Are you shin?" I asked. "Shin? Only one person calls me that. Who are you?" "Mirabelle sent me to help." "Mira-who?" he said. It was obvious the girl had not given me her correct name, but I recalled the name I had Heard Shin call her in Markarth. "The little blonde breton in Markarth?" I said. "Ohhh... yeah, of course... Mirabelle," Shin said. "Mirai sent me to help." "Mirai sent someone to help me? I thought something was different today." "Why is that surprising?" I wondered. "I've known Mirai for a long time and when she sets her mind on something, nothing will keep her from getting what she wants." "Determined, I like that." "Hm, at least you see the good in her where others would be quickly put off by that same personality. Mirai could use some friends like you. Anyways, we're getting off track. I don't know who you are but if Mirai told you where and who I am you must've spoken with her. I knew this was a long-shot when Mirai told me her plan, but I really didn't want her to lose hope. This is probably her last chance. I was supposed to find an Orc who goes by the name Junan, a friend of her father's. From what Mirai remembers, he lives in Rorikstead or Falkreath. I've looked around Town several times and spoke with several people, as well as the guardsmen, and no one has sen any Orcs here. I Think you know where I'm going with this. I'm exhausted and I could use Another pair of Eyes in Falkreath. Mirai wants to speak with him, personally. You can either bring him back to me and I'll take him or bring him to her yourself. I've personally never met this Orc Before so I don't know how cooperative he'll be. How you persuae him to Mirai is up to you. Not too bad, right? But if there's anything else, I'll be at the Inn here in Rorikstead if you have any questions. I need a break," Shin said.

Vilja then recalled she had seen a Hlaalu farm near Windhelm. And off we went...

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"Welcome to the land of eternal snow and gloominess. I'm Falanu Hlaalu, originally from Cyrodiil, but nowadays on indefinate holiday here..." "Heneri Hlaalu sent me to find a blood relative of hers," I said. "My mother is alive? After all these years? It must have been Three hundred years since I gave her that recipe of Eternal Youth and Beauty. Of course that crazy old witch doubled the potion, and as a result she had some, well... bad side effects. I did warn her, actually! I Heard that a friend of hers bottled her up. But I Always thought the bottle had been buried. Or that someone eneded up drinking the content. Nords, bah! Give them a bottle, and they wil sooner or later drink the content." "I need ten drops of your blood." "Are you out of your mind? I nee my blood, myself," Falanu said. "But she is your mother!" "Yes... that is true. I need to Think on this a Little. And I Always Think better after a bottle of good Alto Wine and a Honey Nut Treat. I tell you what... You bring me a bottle of good Alto Wine and a Honey Nut Treat, and I'll ponder on whether or not I should help her," Falanu said.
It was good that Windhelm was so Close by. It was also good that the city had a sizeable population of Dunmer. This made it easy to find Alto Wine for sale in the tavern. With the order filled, we returned to the farm. "I've brought you Alto Wine and a Honey Nut Treat," I said. "Exellent! And I have made up my mind. You see, we may have argued for decades, but Heneri is still my mother. A crap mother, if you ask me, but still... She can have ten drops of my blood. It would be really nice to meet her again - there's nothing like a good arguing between mother and daughter," Falanu said. "Let's hurry back to Henei with the blood. Oh, I bet she will be happy when she hears that we have actually met her daughter!" vilja said.
We hastly returned to the Eldergleam Sanctuary...

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"We have found your daughter, Falanu," I said. "My daughter Falanu? In Skyrim? I thought she was busy cooking up nasty potions in Cyrodiil. Oh, I guess the Citizens of Skingrad finally got fed up with her and chased her out of Town. So, what is she doing in Skyrim?" Heneri said. "She is on vacation, visiting relatives on a farm outside Windhelm." "So, she is on vacation, huh? Visiting relatives? And they haven't thrown her out yet? That's odd! I bet she is spending her Days relaxing in the garden and picking flowers while the relatives have to serve her with food and wine. And I bet she was not willing to give you ten drops of blood to help her old mother." "Actually, I have a bottle blood from Falanu," I said. "Hmm... And you are sure it is really her blood? Not horse blood, or imp blood, or something even worse?" "I'm convinced it is her own blood." "Good! Good! Then give it to me, please," Heneri said. "Cheers!" "Yes, cheers!"
Heneri quaffed the blood. She regained her normal size, but... "It helped!" I said. "Yes, it did help! Now, if I could just get rid of this funny glow... Well, I guess it will wear off sooner or later. Funny... it must have been Falanu's blood. I have misjudged her. Either that, or she is just bored and needs something to do. After all, there's nothing that will raise ones spirit like a good old-fashioned mother-and-daughter argument. And my daughter loves arguing," Heneri said. "Will you make a full recovery now?" "Absolutely not! I still feel kind of splashig whenever I move around. And there's only one thing that would help me cure that." "What would that be?" I wondered. "More blood of course! But, not any blood will do. It has to be very... special. I need blood from someone Dragonborn. Quite a coincidence, don't you Think so?" "I have no idea what you mean by that." "Oh, don't be silly! I know you are Dragonborn. And I have literally spent my time in a bottle! Everyone knows that you are Dragonborn. So I reckon you must know it, too. Right? So, what do you say, Dragonborn, will you let a poor old woman have a sample of your precious blood?" Heneri said. "I can't say no, can I?" I said. "Wonderful! That's what I thought to myself. Someone who can kill a dragon single-handedly wouldn't be afraid of a Little pain and blood. So, give me your hand, please. This won't hurt much," she said.
The cut actually stung pretty bad. It must've been something with the dagger she used. The enchantment, it burned like fire. "Oh dear! What happened? How are you doing? You don't look well at all," Vilja said. "Such fuss for a tiny blood sample! And you are supposed to be Dragonborn?" Heneri said.
The old Dunmer woman drank my blood. "Ah... That's exactly what I needed. Now I feel as good as reborn again. Now, let me just relax a few minutes and then we'll talk again," Heneri said.
"Now, I have been thinking. I Think it would be a good idea if you escorted me to my daughter. But not yet," Heneri said. "Are you tired?" I wondered.

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We left Heneri at the Eldergleam Sanctuary to relax and recover while we Went back to Wilbert in Dawnstar...
"Wilbert Thinks I'm actually good enough to perform in front of an audience. Dunno... I'm not too sure, myself. What do you Think?" Vilja said. "Maybe you could play at an inn?" I told her. "You Think so? Well, maybe you're right. Tell you what... when we're in an inn and you Think the time is right, just ask me and I'll play something," she said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:23 pm

"I'm as you know, not so familiar with the Skyrim roads. As you obviously know where my daughter is, I Think it would be a good idea if you escorted me to her. I'm really looking forward to seeing her. I've missed her ugly looks and her bad temperament. And I Think I deserve a holiday after all that I hve been through. I'm looking forward to spending my Days relaxing in a countryside garden, Reading a book and maybe pick some nice flowers," Heneri said.
"Is it alright with you if I don't come with you and Heneri? You see, there's something I need to do... I have received a letter from Wilbert. He will soon be leaving Skyrim., but Before doing so, he has something important to talk to me about. I'm not sure what this is about, but I feel I should go and see him," Vilja said. "Don't worry, I'll Escort Heneri alone," I said. "Great! And once Heneri is safe at the Hlaalu farm, I'll be waiting for you in Dawnstar," she said. 

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"So this is the pleasant farm where my daughter is on her so-called vacation? I better have a Word with her, myself... So, my dear daughter, tell me... Are you surprised to see me after all this time? And what do you Think? Did it work?" Heneri said. "Good day to you, Mother. I'm sorry... what do you mean by, did it work?" Falanu said. "Well, the potion of course! Your recipe! Don't you Think I look, well, Young and pretty?" Heneri said. Falanu coughed. "Uhm... well... at least you're not fluid anymore..." she said. "Well. whose fault is it that I became fluid?! Why didn't you tell me about the side effects of your recipe?" Heneri said. "I told you not to double the recipe! And I told you not to mix a Little of this and a Little of tha like you usually do! Actually, I did a potion for myself as well. And it worked just as it should!" Falanu said. "Well... I wouldn't say that... But let's not argue about this now. I want to hear all about what you have been doing, and how you ended up in this... Place. It's not exactly what I would call a good Place for a nice vacation," Heneri said. "Alright... I will tell you. But maybe you should first say goodbye to your friend, who I Believe has other things to do than listening to us," Falanu said. "Yes, you are right about that, of course. Just a moment."
"Look, there's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute? Thank you so much for bringing me here! It's a ghastly Place, of course, but that's not your fault," Heneri said. "I hope you will like it here," I said. "Like it here? Are you insane? It's Cold, it's dusty and generally awful. But, I am loking forward to having a good talk with my daughter. And you, my friend, should return to Vilja as soon as possible. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about her leaving. If I were you, I'd hurry to her immediately," Heneri said.
What Heneri had said had me worried. But Before I could go to Dawnstar I felt I had to drop by my home. While we had been away, Anduniel had given birth to a little boy. Ber was now big enough to come along with his brother, Unna, and big sister Haspina. Together with the Children, I made for Dawnstar...

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"Have you seen Vilja?" I asked Wilbert. "Yes, she was here, and we talked for a long time. In fact, we were discussing the future. I'm planning to leave for Cyrodiil, and have asked her to come with me. She is fantastic with her flute, and she handles the lute quite well - I Think she has the potential to become a really good bard. Well, if she can stay away from dancing on tables, that is," he said. "Where is she now?" I wondered. "Well, I'm actually a bit concerned over that... You see, shortly after she had left, a Group of big broad barbarian-looking Nords came in here and asked about her. One of them, I Think his name was Halvdan, said he was a relative of hers, and as I thought it was her brother, I told him what I knew. But then I saw a glimpse in his Eye, and I didn't like that glimpse at all... He looked downright... cruel... And as they left the inn, I Heard him say something to his friends about teaching the wild cat a lesson she won't forget. Frankly, I'm concerned. But I'm not brave enough to deal with a bunch of big barbarian Nords," Wilbert said.

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We ran into a Group of hostile Nords just a stone throw South from Dawnstar. One of them was carrying a note...

Bring Vilja to the wreck of the Brinehammer as planned. Then return to Dawnstar and hire a ship that can take her to Solstheim. I'll be waiting for her - and you - at Fort Moonmoth in Solstheim, with fresh mead and some gold to show my appreciation.
Now, remember that I want the girl alive. It's alright if you beat her up a Little, but try not to leave any bruises on her face. After all, it's my future bride we are talking about and I don't want her scarred and ugly.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:26 pm

We made haste north...

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Entering the wreck, I quickly ran into Vilja. "What happened?" I asked. "Oh, that bastard Halvdan! He had convinced some of his dumbest adoring fans to kidnap me and bring me here. After I had met Wilbert in Dawnstar, I was heading for Whiterun. I... well, there were some things I felt I needed to Think over on my own... As I was so Deep in my own thoughts, I didn't hear them coming until they were right behind me. I didn't even get a chance to draw my weapon! They knocked me unconscious and dragged me here. When I woke up, my arms and legs were tied up and I didn't know where I was. Eventually, I managed to roll over the floor until I found a Sharp edge, and somehow I managed to untie the ropes. That was only a few minutes ago. I still don't know where I am... but it appears to be some kind of shipwreck, right?" she said. "We're at the wreck of the Brinehammer," I said. "The wreck of the Brinehammer? But... that's really far up in the North! I must have been unconscious for quite some time! And to Think that you managed to find me here... Oh, my dearest, dearest friend, I'm so grateful that you have come to rescue me. I... all the time I was trying to untie my rope, I was thinking of you... hoping that a miracle would bring you here. And now you are here... I have no idea how you found me... but I am so happy that you did..." Vilja said. "I found a note on the body of one of Halvdan's goons, telling me where you were..." I said. "Let's get out of here as quickly as possible. And then we'll talk later," she said. I couldn't argue with that.

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We made for Whiterun. It was dark when we arrived so we Went to my Little house in Town - breezehome...
"Dearest friend... There are some things I need to talk to you about... Some things that need to be said..." Vilja said. "Please, go ahead..." I said. "Before I continue, I just want to thank you again for rescuing me... I don't know what would have happened with me if it hadn't been for you... and then I want to thank you for Everything else you have done for me. Thanks to you I have managed to fulfill both my missions in Skyrim - I have my flute back, and Heneri is released from the bottle. And therefore I guess... well, I guess it is time for me to move on..." she said. "What do you mean?" "While you escorted Heneri to the Hlaalu farm, I Went to Dawnstar, to talk to Wilbert. It turned out he wanted me to come with him to Cyrodiil, to work as a bard." "You want to become a bard, right?" I said, feeling my voice tremble with anxiety. "It has Always been my dream to become a bard. And I have always dreamt of going to Cyrodiil. Still, I'm not sure..." she said. "How come?" "You see, this time in Skyrim has been the best in my Life. I have so much enjoye our adventures, to explore Skyrim together with you. And I have been so happy for our friendship... Never Before have I had a friend like you. Of course, it sounds tremendous to go to Cyrodiil and become a bard. It's what I used to Dream of. It's just that... well, my Dreams have... changed..." "Please, stay with me," I said. "Do you mean that? You want us to stay together? I am so happy to hear these Words from you... I have been secretly wishing, but I haven't dared to put my hopes too high... You see, I do love playing Music, but... our friendship is even more precious to me. If this is where you want me, then I want to be here, too. It doesn't matter where we are - as long as we are together," Vilja said. I was so happy hearing her say that. "Just one more thing..." she said. Then she unbuttoned her dress...

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We probably kept the children awake for quite some time. It was late in the morning when we finally woke. Haspina had made breakfast, I am so proud of her. We then set course home to Lakeview. Vilja and I spent several days making sweet love...

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:30 pm

I traveled back to the Hlaalu farm, to talk with Heneri about a cure for Draknurd's unique problem...
"Oh, that big dumb Nord, you mean? Who stole the bottle and tried to drink me? That's the problem with Nords and bottles. If they see something that even slightly resembles mead, they have to drink it. I'm sure a donkey tail will remind him to stay away from bottles that don't belong to him," Heneri said. "The poor man regrets his actions very much. Could you please help him?" I said. "Well, if you insist. Myself, I Think he deserves that tail. I mean, just imagine what would have happened to me if he had been dinking the bottle! Now, in order to make a cure I, of course, need a few ingredients. Let me see... Nightshade... Blisterwort... bone meal... butterfly wings. Hmm... I Think I better make a list for you... Just a moment..."
Heneri mumbles as she jots down a list of ingredients on a piece of parchment. "Now, here you go. Bring me the ingredients and I'll find a cure for the donkey tail problem. Just one thing... As a side effect, he might develop donkey ears instead. Is that alright?" she said. "NO!!!!" "Hmm, you really are picky, aren't you? Well, I promise I will do my best to avoid side effects. Now, you better hurry up and find the ingredients." "I must admit that I'm a bit fed up with collecting ingredients," I said. "Yes, you are more into killing things, aren't you? Well, there is of course Another way to do this. I was out collecting ingredients the other day, and I had all the ingredients for a donkey tail cure in my satchel... But then I found an interesting cave... Well, let's just say the inhabitants were not very friendly. I must have lost my satchel when I ran out of that Place. If you could find it for me, it will include all the ingredients I need for the cure. I'll mark the location on your map. Don't bother with the satchel itself, just bring the ingredients," she said.

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I Went back home for some backup. Vilja and Haspina were eager to come along. Of course, we just had to run into a dragon on our way. I'm impressed by Vilja. When the opportunity presented itself, she quickly took it and jumped up on the dragon, whacking its head with her weapon.

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There were a bunch of evil conjurers in the cave. But with Vilja and the kids along, dealing with the spellcasters were easy enough. Finding the satchel, though, proved more of a chore. It was Haspina who finally found the thing, with all the ingredients left inside. I Think the mages had found it earlier and brought it to their base. Well, now we had Everything Heneri had asked me to get. It was time to return to the farm outside of Windhelm...

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:36 pm

"You have all the ingredients? Good, good! Now you must give me some time to prepare an antidote. There's actually a Little favor I would like you to do for me meanwhile. I'm sure you wouldn't mind that, now would you?" Heneri said. "Of course!" I said. "Good! I just knew I could Count on you. You see, this daughter of mine is getting more and more Moody. I know what will cheer her up - Honey Nut Treats and Alto Wine! Now, I want you to be a dearie and go and get five honey Nut Treats and five bottles of Alto Wine. That should keep her happy for a while. Another thing... I want Vilja to stay with me. There are a few things I want to talk to her about. Now, off you go! I'll make the potion while you are away," she said.

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I Went to nearby Windhelm for the wine and treats. The inn was a very good source.

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"Guess what! Heneri has taught me to cast new spells! Isn't that great?! You'd better talk to her first, but then I'll tell you all about it," Vilja said with great exitement.
"You have the Alto Wine and the Honey Nut Treats? Good, good! Give them to me, please. I have the potion ready for you now. Not that that dumb Nord deserves it of course. And I have Another surprise for you as well! I have taught Vilja some spells. Not anything spectacular. After all, she is a Nord, and when it comes to spellcasting everyone knows Nords are... Well... let's put it this way. Teaching Vilja is quite dfferent from showing a Sharp Dunmer girl a few tricks. But she has done her best, and she now knows some basic but not too dangerous spells. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it, herself. She of course wanted me to teach her how to cast fireballs, but I refused. I bet she would have had you fried by accident. Anyway... You better move on now. Your thirsty bottle-thief Nord is probably very eager to meet you," Heneri said. "Do you Believe he will recover?" I said. "Ha-ha-ha! I am sure he will recover. I will let you in on a little secret. He will get well, because there is no curse! It is all in his own head. He imagines that he is cursed, and he imagines it so badly that he can even feel that tail growing.! "He doesn't need the potion then?" "Oh heneeds it! It's the only way to convince him he will be fine. Of course, the potion is just water, ale and some ingredients to make it taste really bad - he surely deserves that!" she said. "But why did I then have to get you all these ingredients?" I wondered. "The ingredients? Oh, they were not for his potion, silly! They were for a new experiment I'm working on: Heneri Hlaalu's Special Beauty Moisture. Once I'm happy with the mixture, you'll be the first to have a potion of it. Or the second... if I can convince my daughter to be my first guinea-pig."

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On our journey back home, Vilja told me about the spells she had learnt. It was nothing fancy, but she was proud of her achievements. Among the most useful was Sparks - a basic shock spell. 

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Vilja stayed behind while I and the kids Went to Riverwood. I gave Draknurd the potion Heneri had prepared. He made quite a funny face when he drank the contents - it must've tasted really bad. Before we left, though, he had one last request. Draknurd told me he was going back home to his mother, but she didn't like dogs. Therefore, he asked me to take care of Leifur. How could I refuse, the dog would make a good pet and the children would have another playmate.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:39 pm

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I spent some time with my family, but soon I returned to my quest - finding the Orc Mirai wanted to talk to. I went to Falkreath alone, and started asking around. I found the Orc in question imprisoned in town. I paid the fee for his release. He was quite happy and thought his emplyer had sent me - someone he callen Zan'nen -  Could that be Mirai's father?
Outside of Town, we had a little talk. Junan quickly realised I awasn't one of Zan'nen's men. But when I mentioned Mirai, he immediately became interested. I was hesitant to bring him to her, but it was the only way to get any answers. I'd better watch this man, though...

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"Junan? I don't Believe it, you found him!" Mirai said. "Mirai! Haha! How did you manage to get the Dragonborn to help you find me?" Junan said. "The Dragonborn? What are you talking about? Junan, shut up for a second, do you know where my parents are?" "Is that what you wanted to speak to me about? Mirai, your father... Your father has been worried sick about you! He'll want to know I found you!" "Found me? I wasn't hiding! I've been waiting here for months, exactly where he told me to! You're telling me he didn't Think to look for me here?! Why are you acting so strange? You've never called me by my name Before, it's Always the girl, or skeever, or runt. And your attitude is different. Everything... is different about you," she said. "But you're still the same paranoid girl. Can you drop that act for a second? What would I lie for? What do you have that I could possibly want, runt? Just keep your mouth shut and I'll take you to him." "Wait, where's Shin?" "Shin? You mean Collin? That worthless sack of meat your mother calls a friend?" he said. "Shut up! He's more of a man than you'll ever be! Wait... is my mother with Father?" "Yes! They're not far, I can take you to them right now but we could also use your friend's help." "She is...? Then yes! Take me to them right now!" Mirai said. "That's what I like to hear, and when your friend is ready to come we should go," Junan said. "Okay, I'm coming... but first..."
Mirai turned to me...
"Hey... uh... thanks for your help so far... but I need Another favor. I, uh... I'm a Little nervous going alone anywhere with this brute, and well... er... I don't do this very ofter, alright?! Just come with me!" she said. "I'll see this though to the end," I promised her. "I'll say it again, you're a really strange person doing all this for me. but... thanks," she said. "Let's go," I said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:42 pm

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After long trek we stopped...

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"Is this the place?" I wondered. "I've never seen this Place Before, but Junan insists he's here. I don't know, this is all so suspicious. But why would Junan lie? I know how much my father trusted him. Whatever. We're already here, right. What could go wrong? I doubt any of my father's friends would hurt me. But you on the other hand... Just kidding, I'll make sure no one lays as much as a finger on you. If my parents are in there I promise you'll be safe, just stay Close. Junan, what is this Place. Why is my father here?" Mirai said. "Always so many questions, like a Child. Your father and I invested in several mines in Skyrim, this is just one of the older ones. You know how many people your father employed, this was just the easiest way to keep them all in one Place," Junan said. "Father never mentioned any mines..." Mirai said.

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"Zelrig, I've brought the girl, get out of the way," Junan said. "You brought her here?" Zelrig said. "Things have changed. I'll explain myself to Zan'nen, not you," Junan said. "I hope you know what you're doing, Junan, for your sake. Mirai, it's good to see you again. Your father has been searching for you," Zelrig said. "So I've Heard," Mirai said. "Who is this you brought with you?" Zelrig said. "A friend, and he's coming with me," Mirai said. "Huh? Oh, he's the one who found the girl, Zan'nen will want to see him, he'll want to reward him," Junan said. "Zan'nen is not going to like this, Junan," Zelrig said. "Let me worry about it, just open the door already. Your father is going to be very happy to see you," Junan said. "He has a lot of explaining to do," Mirai said.
As I passed through the gate, Zan'nen's men closed in behind me. I felt a Heavy blow on the back of my head. "Do not kill him! He may have some valuable information for Zan'nen," Zelrig said. "I'm so sorry," Mirai said. Then all went dark...

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:43 pm

"Junan, what is the meaning of this? Why didn't you just dispose of the vermin? Does it look like we have food to spare?" Zan'nen said. "He was helping her, Zan'nen, and they were getting Close. I had to stop the girl from digging around any further," Junan said. "That girl's perseverance never ceases to amaze me, but that still doesn't explain why you simply didn't get rid of him when you had the chance." "There's one more thing, sir, he's the Dragonborn." "What? The Dragonborn? Him? Incredible! Perhaps I can even forgive your earlier imprudence with this. What luck, maybe we won't need the girl after all. Stay with him and tell me when he Wakes up. I need to speak with him," Zan'nen said. "Right."
Zan'nen left the room. "Hey. get up. They barely touched you, that's not all it takes, is it?" Junan said. 

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It was very strange they had not taken my Equipment Before tossing me in this cell. It semed obvious, I wouldn't get out of here without the key. "Mirai was right not to trust you," I said. "Hah, Mirai isn't the easiest person to manipulate but you both seemed to trust each other so easily. I just had to get one of you to come along and I knew the other would follow." "Where's Mirai?" "You're the one who got her in this mess, Dragonborn. If you left her alone she would've kept wandering around aimlessly. Forget about her, you won't be seeing her again. You have bigger things to worry about. I can't wait to walk over your corpse," Junan said.
Junan left and shortly after a man clad in vampire armour appeared. "Who are you?" I asked. "Who am I? I'm Mirai's father, didn't she mention me?" Zan'nen said. "She didn't mention you're an abductor." "My apologies, Dragonborn, I had not planned any of this, it just sort of... happened. What is she to you anyways, Dragonborn? Why are you helping her? Why go through so much trouble for a little Breton brat? Has she promised you riches? Or perhaps you were swayed by the batting of her eyelashes?" "I can't resist a pretty face," I admitted. "The Power of a pretty smile is undeniable when it puts even the Dragonborn under its spell so effortlessly. Despicable. Whatever your reasons, you have intruded on something far greater than you could have ever imagined. You can make this easier on yourself if you simply answer me honestly. Were you the only one helping her?" "I was the only one." "Hm, we'll find out if you're lying soon enough. I hope for your sake it's the truth. Very well, Dragonborn. You have been cooperative and as such I'll keep my Word. You shall be treated accordingly. You should sleep for now, Dragonborn, as for tomorrow will be an eventful day for you," Zan'nen said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:47 pm

"Psst, hey, are you awake? I'm so sorry about all this... I have no idea what's gotten into my father! They didn't hurt you too bad, did they? I promise I'll get you out of there, just come here, I have a plan," Mirai said. "Are you okay?" I wondered. "Me? I'm fine, you idiot! You're the one with a bump on your head. How can you be worrying about me at a time like this? Oh, and... when were you planning to tell me you're the Dragonborn? I thought Junan was trying to pull something when he told me." "What's going on in here?" "I have no idea! As soon as Junan took me to my father he didn't say more than a few Words to me. He locked me in his room and left me there," she said. "What about your mother?" "she's not here... at least, I don't Think so. I didn't get a chance to ask, but if she's not with my father, I doubt she's here." "How did you sneak past everyone?" I wondered. "My father left with Junan and a whole bunch of his men, the halls were practically empty aside from the one at my door. One guy is not enough to Watch me. Anyways, I thought this is probably the best time to get you out of here. We should be able to easily sneak past what's left of my father's men, but if we're caught... we should just be careful." "Okay, can you get me out of here?" "Oh, right. I got this key from my dad's room. This should work," Mirai said. 

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I was out of the cell. Now to get out of this place...

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Of course, we were discovered as we tried to find the exit...

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However, in a large cell we made a big discovery...
"A very different smell from the ones that usually feed me, tul koven malmindok," the dragon said. "You hear that too, right? I'm not imagining this? It's speaking to us!" Mirai said. "Eh, nu Zu'u koraav, kiir do diist. I'd recognize that stench anywhere." "H-hey! I've been running around in this nasty Cave! It's not my fault!" "Ol zent nol kiir do diist, able to understand our tongue. What is it you seek, Young one?" the dragon said. "Um... are you not speaking Tamrielic? Because that's all it sounds like to me. But uh... honestly... I just wanted to see a dragon up Close and... you're... so big! Can I ride you?" "Ful stahraal ahrk smolinaal, if it were not for your smell I would never gues you were his daughter." "Can we stop talking about how I smell now?" Mirai said. "If you seek to aid me in my freedom, the sky door is the only manner of escape." "Why haven't you tried to escape on your own?" "The small ones are very deceitful. If I were to try and break down any of the walls, the cavern would crash down upon me. If you are able to free me, perhaps I can return the favor in some other way," the dragon said. "A dragon owing us a favor might come in handy. So, let's see if we can get that door open," Mirai said.

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I learned Mirai is a capable spellcaster. Once we had slaughtered the bandits and found the lever controlling the sky door, we returned to the dragon...
"Zu'u nox hi fuh hin hiif, pus gein. I'll await you outside if you wish to speak more of your reward," the dragon said before taking off.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:51 pm

"Ah, the freedom to stretch my wings once more! Nox hi, pus gein," the dragon said. "About my reward..." I wondered. "I see patience is not your forte. Yes, of course. As I said, so it shall be. I invite you to meet more of my kin, there I may properly reward you. Travel south-east and look upon the peak where pus gein are hiding nearby. I shall wait for you there," the dragon said.

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Before returning to Mirai's home in Markarth, we found an interesting Dwemer ruin to explore a little...

What's up with the word 'Dwemer'?
Dwemer is the real (Elven) name for the Dwarves. It is pronounced: DWAY-mare. Some translations are "Short Folk", "Smart Folk" and, what is probably the best translation, "Deep Folk". Probably "Deep" as in "intelligent and multi-levelled" as opposed to a reference to some kind of physical depth.
The name "Dwarves" is used mostly by non-Elven races and has misguiding connotations. There have been rumors that the name "Dwarves" was given by the Giants that lived in Morrowind when the Dwemer first lived there. Thus (possibly) the confusion. A variation on the rumor suggests that the ancestors of Men and Mer, described as the "titantic" Ehlnofey (also known as the Earthbones), named the Dwemer. In this model, the name is actually a play on words, implying both shortness (relative to the "titanic" Ehlnofey), and intelligence. Both of these possibilities introduce what I view as possible factual inconsistencies that are beyond the scope of this guide, but they are still possible.
The most referenced possibility is that "Dwarf" is simply mistranslation of Dwemer, and that it's proper use is in the "Deep Folk" sense, but that Dwe was mistranslated by humans into "Short". Thus "Short Folk", or Dwarves.

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Someone was already there Before us...

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"Mom...? Mom! What are you doing here? Mom, what happened?! What are you doing in Skyrim and why aren't you with father?" Mirai said. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry about all of this... but I had no other choice! You shouldn't have left for Wayrest on your own like that! When you left... I discovered something. Something horrible," Renai said. "What do you mean? What's going on? Does this have to do with why Dad is acting so strange?" "Do you trust this person?" "Yes, of course. Don't worry about it, I trust him," Mirai said. "Okay, Mirai. Uh... I suppose you had to find out sooner or later... but Mirai, there's something you need to know about your father and me. Mirai... we're not... your real parents." "What...? No...! No way! There's just no way! You've always been there! For as long as I can remember...!" You were very, very Young when you came to us... Your father and I... we couldn't have Children of our own. So when you came into our lives... a Little miracle, I Always loved you as one of my own. Whose blood you shared made no difference to me! I know this is all so sudden, I knew I'd have to tell you some day, but... things have changed," Renai said. "What do you mean? What's wrong?" "It's your father... he's... he's the reason I had to get away, the reason I had to get him away from you. I had to lure him away, so I took something from him I knew he'd follow me for. Then I ran to the only place I knew with friends I trusted. I didn't want to leave you alone but I couldn't stay in High Rock, I thought you'd be safe as long as I lured him away from you. I thought I'd be able to come back for you within a month but... things got difficult! With civil war breaking out and then even an invasion of dragons...?! I couldn't believe my luck. Then I found out you were here, in Skyrim and being led directly to your father. Things got complicated... I had to act. I set up a diversion to lead your father and his men away and give you a chance to get out of there. I wanted to keep you safe, I wanted to resolve this on my own without you ever knowing, but it's too dangerous now and you need to know what's going on. Mirai, your father... he's planning something. I think... he's trying to kill you." "... I break someone out of prison, I find out I'm adopted, and now my father has some plan to kill me? There's just no way this is all real," Mirai said. "This isn't a joke, Mirai! When you ran off I discovered terrible things about your father." "I know this isn't a joke, Mom, but what am I supposed to say? I knew he was acting different than usual but you're saying he wants to KILL me? I'm sorry, but this is all a bit overwhelming! How did you discover all of this?" "When you had left I found... a room next to yours. A room I never knew we had. It had ways to look into your," Renai said. "What...?" "I don't know, Mirai! I Always thought he was just a little over-protective like any father is. I thought he was just looking out for you, but this... There's more... there were these books, some sort of record that kept track of Everything you did. Who you spoke to, what your ambitions were, what you liked, what you despised. My stomach dropped, I was so confused, then there was a different book. The journals kept mentioning this... special book -- this black book. I found that he wanted to get you to read this book, but he didn't specify why. Just that you had to do it willingly. There it was, just looking at it gave me this terrible feeling. It was locked with magic so I couldn't read it, I knew I had to get rid of it. So I did the next best thing, I tore it into pieves and managed to sell some of it to delric. The rest I gave away to anyone who would take it. Then a page I hid away myself." "This is all so... I just can't believe it!" Mirai said. "I don't want to Believe it either, Mirai, but it's the truth. I've known that man for twenty years and I never knew he'd be capable of something like this. I don't know what he's planning, but I'm scared. I needed to warn you, to stay away from Junan and away from your father. I need more time to fix this, I just need you to be safe." "No, Mom! Let me come with you!" "No, Mirai! If he catches us both together that's the end of it! You should be safe within the city walls if you just stay put!" Renai said. "But...!" "I know this is hard but just please promise me you'll stay safe. Your father will be back soon, I can't stay here and argue with you." "I...! I promise..." Mirai said. "Please listen to me, Mirai. I promise this will all be over soon and this nightmare can end. I love you, okay?" "I love you too, Mom."

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"Are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess.... I mean, I don't Think it's actually hit me yet. This all feels like some bad Dream. Just... what am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do? I feel so helpless. I'm sorry, I need some time by myself. Just... please leave me alone," Mirai said.
I felt bad for her. I wanted to comfort her, but there was nothing I could say. Perhaps just giving her some personal time would be enough. And I needed to check on Vilja back home...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:55 pm

Her pregnancy gave Vilja a huge appetite. Of course, their first pregancy was Always a surprise for the women, how quickly it progressed and later how quickly the infant grew to a child. The reason behind it - Corprus Disease - it runs in the family ever since the Nerevarine.

I come to you today to discuss corprus. What Lord Fyr likes to call the "divine disease". First off I think that this title is a little misleading, while its effects early on in the process are disease like we all know that diseases can be cured yet there is no cure for corprus. I recently spoke to Lord Fyr about this and he claims he "cured" one outlander who claimed to be Nerevar reborn of all things. When I asked him to demonstrate the potion for me it killed both inmates that he tried it on, therefore I believe the "curing" of this Nerevarine was either a fluke, was completed with the unknown help of the Divine, or a story made up by Divayth to gain attention. It should be noted that corprus can bring on disease such as the blight's many forms yet I do not believe that corprus itself is in fact a disease.
Corprus victims seem to have two paths to take once infected, they either become mindless corprus monsters or they become the powerful servants of Dagoth Ur. I do not know what exactly is required of the victim to not become a mindless zombie nor do I want to know but I would imagine it either has to do with the victims own strength that would allow them to control corprus or some kind of "blessing" from Dagoth Ur. That being said this is how corprus seems to progress. At first it looks similar to a normal disease the victim has corprus growths all over their body and looks heavily diseased. Then the victim either becomes what is known as a "Corprus Stalker" or an "Ash Slave".
Corprus Stalkers look mostly humanoid except for the disgusting corprus growths that cover their skin and are the lowest form of the mindless beast form of corprus.
"Lame Corprus" are poor souls who have been with corprus for a long time. The growths on their body rage out of control making it difficult to move, these same growths also make them incredibly powerful and are very dangerous to the common mer or man.
Ash Slaves are the lowest rank of Dagoth Ur's personal servants. They are covered in corprus and their faces appear to be covered in ash. They have limited magic abilities and can be very dangerous.
The next step in the evolutionary process of one of Ur's servants is the "Ash Zombie". During this faze the Ash Slaves face becomes brittle and falls off leaving a gaping hole. During this time the servant loses its magical ability but gains considerable strength.
Next comes the "Ash Ghoul". After a certain amount of time the corprus inside the Ash Zombie starts to grow a strange tentacle like appendage out of the hole in the zombies face. In this form they gain a consideral amount of magical ability and are also very strong fighters. Some of Dagoth Ur's closest compainions are Ash Ghouls.
The final step would seem to be the "Ascended Sleeper". The tentacle growths inside the ghouls head eventualy completely emerge and a new head is grown where the old one was. These beings are incredibly strong and are the pinicle of what a servant of Dagoth Ur can achieve.
In a seperate catagory from the creatures above are the "Ash Vampires". They are Dagoth Ur's closest kin of old house Dagoth. They share the most of Lorkhan's hearts power with Ur, apparently even if killed they can be brought back to life by Dagoth Ur.
Also of note are "Ash Poets". I am unsure exactly what these creatures are except that they are more of Ur's corprus servents. I have never seen one of these beings nor have I heard any reliable reports, save the name. It is possible that Ash Poet is just another name for the Ascended Sleepers.
Many believe that corprus was created by Dagoth Ur after he gained the power of Lorkhan's heart. I on the other hand think that corprus is in fact the gift/curse of a divine like Divayth would suggest, it is the gift of a true divine, Lorkhan. I think that this is the reason for Ur's unusual connection with Lorkhan's heart.

In 1E 415 Indoril Nerevar and Dumac Dwarfking united their people, the Chimer and the Dwemer, into one powerful nation called Resdayn. However the principal differences between Chimer and Dwemer were too numerous. The construction of the Numidium by Kagrenac and utilization of the Heart of Lorkhan for fueling the Numidium made the two Elven races finally clash in the War of the First Council.
The Dwemer were nigh invulnerable due to their connection with the Heart. However, a clever trick done by Nerevar made him and his small troop able to infiltrate the headquarters of the Dwemer, bested the leaders of the Dwemer, and snatched Kagrenac's Tools. They are the tools used by Kagrenac to tap the divine power of Lorkhan's Heart. According to "Nerevar at Red Mountain", Nerevar summoned Azura, asking what to do with Kagrenac's Tools. She told Nerevar how to use the tools to separate the power of the Heart from the Dwemer people. When Nerevar used the tools, all the Dwemer vanished from mortal world. There are many controversies on this issue, though, and it is not the scope of this section to discuss it. What is important here is according to "Nerevar at Red Mountain" Azura is responsible for the disappearance of the Dwemer.
After the War of the First Council and the death of Indoril Nerevar, the Tribunal used the tools to tap the divine power of Lorkhan and emerged as gods. The Tribunal broke all ties with the three Daedric Princes. Furious by this action, Azura cursed the Tribunal and the rest of the Chimer race. Their skin changed from golden-hue to ash-color, and their eyes turned to the color of fire. From that moment on, they were known as the Dunmer. Azura prophesized that Nerevar would come back to punish the Tribunal - The Nerevarine Prophecies.
Although the Dunmer broke all ties with the three Good Daedra, they still accommodate the ancient worship of the Daedra by stating that the three Good Daedra are the anticipations of the Tribunal. As mentioned above, Azura is the anticipation of Sotha Sil, Boethiah is the anticipation of Almalexia and Mephala is the anticipation of Vivec. Please note that, the term Anticipation is just the political/doctrine term that is used by the Dunmer, as is the term of "Good Daedra". There is no absolute good or evil in the world of The Elder Scrolls.
The book "Azura and the Box" tells of how Azura was tricked by a Dwemer in simple test of "what is in the box?" Being a goddess she knew exactly that there was flower with red petals inside the box; but when the box was opened, there was nothing inside. Azura was furious and according to some this triggered her hatred toward the race.

In 3E 427, the Emperor Uriel Septim VII released a slave with uncertain parents and born on a certain sign, to uncover the prophecies of the Nerevarine. Somehow, Azura blessed this slave and guided his path. After a long perilous journey in Vvardenfell, the slave was acknowledged as the Nerevarine by four Ashlander Tribes and selected as Hortator by Houses Redoran, Hlaalu and Telvanni. With the help of Vivec, he eventually fulfilled the Nerevarine prophecies by destroying Dagoth Ur, the patriarch of resurfacing ancient House Dagoth. The Nerevarine severed Dagoth Ur's connection with the Heart of Lorkhan, effectively destroyed him and the new construct called Akulakhan. With this action, he also removed the blight that had been haunting Vvardenfell settlements for centuries, through the use of Kagrenac's Tools. Unfortunately, severing Dagoth Ur's connection to the heart also severed the connection of the Tribunal to the heart, thus leading to the undoing of their godhood. Azura showed up and congratulated the Nerevarine. More of this is told in the Story of Morrowind.
Shaken by the changing of power in Morrowind and mostly the loss of her godhood, Almalexia loses her sanity kills Sotha Sil. She lured the Nerevarine to the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil in order to finish him there and return as the only god to be able to unite the Dunmer. But, she failed and was killed by the Nerevarine. Azura showed up again after this event, and congratulated the Nerevarine. Some scholars believe that Azura was the mastermind of this undoing of the Tribunal, while the Nerevarine was just a puppet. More of this is told in the Story of Morrowind - Tribunal subsection.
Recently there has been news that the Daedric realm of Azura, Moonshadow is inaccessible. Whether this has to do with the unlawful incidents at Hogithum Hall in the Capital City or mere whim of Azura herself, no one can say. For more information about this unlawful incident please read the Trial of Vivec.
During the Oblivion crisis, Azura was summoned by the Champion of Cyrodiil in her shrine north of Cheydinhal. She asked the champion to help her end the suffering of her followers that were infected by Vampirism. By slaying these Vampires, Azura expressed her gratitude and rewarded the champion Azura's Star. A powerful artifact that can be used to store soul and may be used multiple time, unlike standard soul gems.
She once gave the same artifact to the hero of Daggerfall, after slaying a priest who offended her. She also rewarded it to the Nerevarine. At that time Azura and Sheogorath placed a bet that for 100 years, one of Azura's priestess could live in solitude without madness. When the time had almost passed, Sheogorath cheated. He sent his Golden Saint named Staada and her host of Daedric creatures to break the solitude. The Nerevarine killed the Golden Saint and took her ring as a proof for Azura to confront Sheogorath. 

Knowing that Vilja was fine, my worries returned to Mirai. I had to find her. I knew she had left her home in Markarth, but I had a good idea where she went...

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"What are you doing out here?" I asked. "Didn't I tell you I wanted to be left alone? Did you think I meant come annoy me some more?" Mirai said. "You looked like you needed to vent." "You're so persistent...! But... that's what I like about you. This is all such a big mess, I thought coming here would help clear my mind. I've always liked visiting Dragon Bridge, it was one of the first places I got to see in skyrim. I remember the first time Father took me out here, I was so exited! It was the first time I've ever gone so far outside my home. The majestic mountains, the crystal clear water of the river below, the big fluffy clouds in the sky... everything was beautiful. I never wanted to leave. But this was also the first time I started realizing something was different about me and how I was treated. I saw all these other kids having fun... playing with each other. Running around with their dogs, or whatever, without a care in the world. My life was never like that, I was always forced to stay inside with only my mother to keep me company. I never really questioned it until then. If I ever got a chance to go outside it was under close supervision." "Did he ever mention why?" I wondered. "When I asked my father that day why I wasn't allowed to play like those kids? He answered so brazenly that I was special and that the outside world was too dangerous for a girl like me. It made me so mad. I didn't want to be different or special, I just wanted to have fun as a normal kid. But no matter how I protested, that was the end of it. I couldn't argue with him. I had no idea what he meant then... and I still don't today. Why am I different? But now, no I have a chance to find some answers. I want to know what's in that book. I need to know what he's been grooming me my entire life for! I want to know why I'm different!" "You should listen to your mother." "I know I should but I can't! You heard how horrified she was, she's never going to give me the answers I want. If I'm going to find out what this was all for, I need to do this. I know what my mother said but I can't just let her do everything for me on her own. I need to confront him myself. I'm sorry you got involved in all of this but... it's your own fault! So take responsibility! Now that my father is after you too, you should come with me as well," she said. "I'll come if you want." "Don't get any dumb ideas, it's just easier this way." "So where do we start?" I wondered. "My mom mentioned she sold a piece to Delric, I know him... my dad would buy things from him all the time. He should be in Winterhold, near the College. We should look for him there and see if he still has it," Mirai said.

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Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 5:59 pm

I took Mirai first to Dragonstead where I introduced her to Sofia, Shauna, and Anduniel.

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"You can understand Dragons?" I said. "What? No! Whatever he was saying sounded normal to me. Could you not understand him...?" Mirai said. "I could, but I'm surprised you can too." "Well I can't. I wouldn't even know how to say hello in Dragon! Like I said, it all sounded normal in my head. Maybe he was using some sort of spell on me, I don't know. Maybe it's something we can ask him about later," she said.

Vilja wanted to visit Whiterun, so we went there.
"There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute?" Vilja said. "For you, always," I smiled. "I have received a letter from Wilbert. He didn't leave for Cyrodiil after all. Instead he has been appointed as a teacher and researcher at the Bards College in Solitude. And, guess what! He writes that he Thinks it is time for me to prove myself to be worthy to join the Bards College, too!" "This has Always been your Dream, right?" "Absolutely! But, don't get me wrong. I don't want to work there. I want to stay with you. But if I am allowed to join the College, I will earn the right to call myself a bard - a real bard. And that has Always been my Dream," she said. "So, how are you to prove yourself worthy?" I wondered. "Wilbert says he has the perfect mission for me. Well, for us, actually, because he seems to Think I will need your help. He wants us to visit him at the College as soon as we can, and there we will receive further instructions. So, as soon as we don't have any other important tasks to do, maybe we could go and talk to him?" Vilja said. 

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I changed our plans for Vilja. I'm sure Anduniel wouldn't mind to see her bardic friends at the College again and Mirai would just have to be a little patient. She didn't complain about the change of plan, which was a good sign. It was late when we arrived in Solitude. We visited the Winking Skeever and stayed the night. Vilja was wearing a fur brassier when we entered town but, with her constant lactation, she had to  switch often and most of the time she would be topless.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 6:04 pm

"You have a mission for Vilja?" I asked. "I take it Vilja has told you about my letter? I have already talked to my superiors and they are willing to let her join the College. But in order to be approved, she must first help us with some interesting research that I am part of," Wilbert said. "Tell me about your research." "How much do you know about Bard Chants? Hmm... probably not a lot, I can see that from the expression in your face. The chants are in a way similar to both spells and shouts. By chanting during a battle, a bard can encourage his allies or even scare the enemies off. Through the chants, a bard will become a valuable asset in any battle. The chanting tradition was once used by bards in other parts of Tamriel, especially among elves. However, during the later eras, since bards got more focused on popular songs and new instruments, the tradition has faded away. Today, only a small clan of Woodelf bards from Valenwood has a true knowledge of how to use the battle-chants in a powerful way. And this Little clan refuses to share their secrets." "Please, continue," I said. "However, some time ago a bard from this clan arrived at the College. He was in bad shape - both wounded and badly poisoned. shortly after his arrival, his condition worsened and he died. When we looked through his luggage, we found a very interesting letter." "Tell me about the letter." "The letter explained why the Woodelf bard had come to Skyrim. He was here in order to search for chanting books with old Skyrim chants that are since long forgotten. The letter even indicated the proposed locations of thse books. And here's where Vilja and you come into the Picture," Wilbert said. "You want us to find the books?" "Exactly. To learn about thse long-lost chants would mean a lot for our research. But, it is a dangerous task. If Vilja, with your help, could track down the books, it would surely earn her the right to be accepted at the College. I'm sure we will also be able to reward you for your efforts. So, what say you? Will you help here?" "Absolutely!" I said. "Good! I knew you wouldn't let Vilja down. I'll mark the location of the first book on your map. Good luck!" Wilbert said. "Oh, this will be fun! Shall we start searching for that book immediately?" Vilja said. "Haha! We could, but you're not coming with is - in your condition!" I said.

The location of the first book of chants was in the neighborhood of our home. We went back to Lakeview and the plan was to set out on the quest the following morning. Vilja would have to stay at home, can't risk a pregnant woman get hurt. But at the breakfast table, Vilja wasn't herself...
"I'm sorry if I'm a bit off today, but I have slept so poorly. I had such a terrible nightmare, you see," she said. "Poor you!" I said. "I dreamt that we were in a fort with undead creatures, fighting for our lives. Just when I thought the battle was over, a huge new crowd arrived, and they were all attacking you! I was stuck in a corner, and I couldn't help you... and my magicka was drained, so I couldn't heal you... They just kept attacking, I screamed and yelled to draw their attention, but they didn't notice... they just kept going for you. You were down on the floor and... and I knew they were going to kill you..." "And then... what happened?" "Then I woke up, and I was crying... I cried my pillow all wet, unable to stop. The dream was so real, you see... I really thought you were dead... that I had lost you for good. And that made me realize something... it made me realize how much you mean to me," Vilja said. "You mean a lot to me, too..." "I have been so silly... When we first met, I kept on whining over that idiot, Halvdan, and how he had wronged me by stealing my flute... And then I kept going on about not believing in love, only in friendship. But, to tell the truth... I DO believe in love. I do believe that... someone... can become so important that a life without this person would be empty and barren. I understood that fully when I woke up crying from my nightmare." "I love you," I said. "And I love you, too. I really do. I understand it now. This is not a young girl's obsession or a romantic dream. This is... this is for real. You and I... we have shared so much already, we have experienced so much together. And I don't think I have ever been as happy before as I have been together with you. At this point, I don't even want to think of what it would be like to live here without you," she said.
I gave Vilja a big hug before we set off, promising we'd be back before she knew it.

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The cavern turned out to be a sizeable necromancer lair. It took us a couple of hours before the book of chants finally was found. We made a brief break to eat and drink before returning to Vilja with the good news. The following morning, after breakfast, all of us set out for the Bards College. Wilbert was happy to see us and rewarded our efforts with a pouch of Septims, then he marked down the location of the second book of chants on my map. Vilja was happy to visit the College, she seemed to be getting along very well with Sindra...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 6:08 pm

Vilja and her big belly quickly became the focus when she walked into the class...

I hope I'm not neglecting Sofia and Shauna too much, but I can't say no to Vilja.
"Wouldn't it be nice to spend a romantic evening together, you and I? I mean, we could go to an inn, have a nice meal and listen to the bard. And matbe dance a Little on the tables. Oh, scratch that... dancing on tables isn't exactly romantic, is it? But it is fun..." she said. "Let's dine out tonight," I said. "What a Lovely idea! How sweet of you to Think of this. I'm hungry, let's go there immediately."

A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun by Mikael the Bard
Welcome, good sir, to this indispensible guide. Within these pages, I, your humble author and guide, will describe to you the great city of Whiterun, the Jewel of the North.
Whiterun offers numerous diversions for the man in search of adventure, fortune and companionship, whether for a night or for a lifetime. The city is graced with not one, but two worthy taverns and there are maids and wenches aplenty.
The city is located rather centrally in Skyrim, and this is well, for it is not far from anywhere. Perched high upon a rocky hill, Whiterun dominates the grassy plains that surround it. High wooden walls protect its denizens from the wolves, mammoths, bandits and other dangers lurking beyond.
When you first enter through the city's main gate, you will find yourself in the Plains District. This is so named because it is the lowest of the city's three neighborhoods.
Ah, but here can be found the Bannered Mare, which I count among the finest taverns in all Skyrim. The scenery within is quite compelling, if you have an eye for the fairer sex.
A stout lass named Hulda tends the bar. Don't let that stony Nord exterior fool you, for she is possessed of that same fiery passion that all Nord women try so hard to conceal. Saadia, the barmaid, is an exotic Redguard beauty. She is quite mysterious, and your humble author is determined to learn her secrets.
Outside the Bannered Mare is a modest marketplace, and here is where I found true love. Though I would never deter a fellow hunting hound from the chase - for indeed, why should I author these tomes, if not to provide guidance in this very matter? - I must ask that you do me this one kindness.
Her name is Carlotta Valentia, and she is a magnificent beauty who makes a modest living selling bread and produce in the daylight hours. By the gods, I will make that feisty beauty mine someday!
And of course, there are other services to be found in the Plains district. Belethor's General Goods offers various and sundry wears for the adventurous traveler, and Arcadia's Cauldron offers what tonics and herbs one would expect from an apothecary's shop.
Arcadia herself is an amiable sort. I often visit her to make conversation, as she is a fellow Imperial far from home. She is, however, a bit old for my taste. A gentleman of advanced years might find in her a worthy companion.
Should you need your blade sharpened or your armor hammered, Warmaiden's offers smithing services very near the main gate. The smith is a pretty Imperial named Adrianne Avenicci, but she is married to a great hulking Nord brute named Ulfberth War-Bear.
Adrianne is quite fair, but I should not want to find myself being introduced to the keen edge of that husband's war-axe. If married ladies are your preferred sport, then have at, but don't say that you weren't warned!
Near to the smith is the Drunken Huntsman. Here, some of the wealthier gentlemen gather to share both drink and rumors of the wide world. If you prefer a more distinguished class of company while you sip fine wine, you'll be well at home here.
Of the Wind district I have little to say. Most of the buildings in this second tier of the city are residences, though there is also a Temple of Kynareth and Jorrvaskr, the mead hall of the Companions.
There are some intriguing prospects to be found in the mead hall should you favor a strong and fearless warrior-woman. You will find little game at the temple, however. The priestess, Danica Pure-Spring, is interested almost exclusively in spiritual matters.
At last we come to the Cloud District, exclusive domain of the Jarl's castle. I have had some merry adventures within the stone walls of Dragonsreach, let me tell you. The serving girls are most easily impressed by a well-spoken Imperial. After all, the nights in Skyrim do grow quite cold, if you take my meaning.
And I will not deny that I have visited the town's jail once or twice, which can be found in the lower levels of the palace.
As for the Jarl and his court, take pains to avoid them. I find that they lack any sense of humor or appreciation for the Imperial culture. Besides which, they are all wealthy men and so must be viewed as your most serious competition. These Nords are simple folk, after all, and too easily swayed by the sight of fine clothes and a purse full of septims.
Now I will conclude this work by wishing you great success in your pursuits of women and wine. Spare a moment in your revels to think of me, your humble author, and the risks I have taken to bring you this most thorough report on all thing of interest to the discerning gentleman in the grand city of Whiterun.
Ah, but I will not lie and say that it was all a hardship. After all, who could want to sleep alone in such a cold and hard land as this? Not I!                                  

"Thank you for a Lovely evening. I have enjoyed it so much. I hope we can do it again soon. But right now I am a bit tired," Vilja said. "Let's leave, shall we?" I said. "Of course! Isn't it romantic how Aerin rescued Mjoll outside that ruin and nursed her back to Health? I wonder... would you do the same for me?" "Of course I would." "Oh, sweetheart! I just knew you would say that," Vilja said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 6:11 pm

"Are you serious about me... about us? I mean... do you Think of me as your girlfriend?" Vilja asked. "Of course you are my girlfriend!" I said. "Well, the thing is that I don't feel that I am your girlfriend. You see, in Solstheim we have certan traditions... When a couple is going steady, the girl will traditionally make a special fur armour, the Wolfcry armour, for her loved one. Please don't laugh at me, but I would really, really love to make such an armour for you. Only then, I would feel like your proper girlfriend." "I would love such an outfit." "You would? Oh, you're such a sweetheart! Now, I'll tell you what to do... You have to kill five wolves and bring me their pelts. Then I will make you a Wolfcry armour. And once this armour is ready, then I'll be your proper girlfriend. According to all the old Solstheim traditions," she said.

"Look what I have for you! I have completed the Wolfcry armour, I'm sure you will love it! And now... now I am your proper girlfriend," vilja said.
I was amazed at how quickly she had completed this. And it was of great quality, too. I had to make some minor adjustments to it to make it fit perfectly, but once I had worked on the armour a little at the workbench, it came out perfect. 

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