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Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 4:25 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of the Commonwealth, future Boston. You know the drill by now, click on the thumbnails to se the full-size screenshots. Sensitive nude scenes will be posted as a link only, click to see. Have fun and enjoy.

Sanctuary Hills, Boston, October 23 2077

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Baby Shaun had just received a change when Codsworth called his masters to the living room. The news reporter on television gave the terrible news - the bombs had fallen...

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Nate carried the baby as he ran with his wife, Norma, to Vault 111...

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Nate's family had been listed entry to the vault. Many others were not that lucky. They barely made it to the entrance platform before the bombs fell...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:52 am

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"There it is... ArcJet Systems. There shouldn't be any exterior security, so we'll head in through the front," Danse said.

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"It was corporations like this that put the last nail in the coffin for mankind. They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done," Danse said. "My systems are eager to absorb new data. I find this traveling agrees with me," Curie said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:16 am

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"Look at these wrecks. It appears as though the facility's automated security's been dealth with," Danse said. "I see that," Norma said. "Damn it. I was hoping to avoid this. Look at the evidence. There isn't a single spent ammunition casing or drop of blood in sight. These robots were assualted by Institute synths." "I'll be on the lookout." "Roger that. Let's move out," he said.

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"This place is a mess, but I stil see a few pieces of salvage that the Brotherhood might be interested in. After we're done here I'll have to mark this place for sweep and retrieve," Danse said.

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"See if you can find a way to get that door open. I'm hoining to reconnoiter the area," Danse said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 22, 2022 9:09 am

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Norma took the discarded ArjJet worklog and put in in her PipBoy's holotape player...
"Why the heck are they making us record this... oh crap, it's on isn't it? Ahem. Um, this is Technician Rand, ArcJet Propulsion Division... I'm here with Technician Janowski. Work log A-1190. Janowski and I have been working on the Mars Shot Project for about three months now, and I think we have the thrist calculations worked out." "Man, I wish I was headed up there with those guys. Be nice to get the hell away from our lousy planet," Janowski said. "Hey, easy... if we don't record these logs properly, we're going to get fired. The supervisor is already itching to get rid of us, especially since it's taking us longer than we promised," Rand said. "So what? We've been drafted anyway. We're shipping out in a few weeks, remember? Soon we'll be doing pushups, eating freeze-dried rations and just wishing we were spending our day inside a cushy private laboratory." "Of course I remember. But I'm trying not to imagine getting my head blown off when I'm at the front line, and keeping my mind on work is helping me with the problem. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you, but it's important to me, okay?" "All right, I'm sorry. Look, why don't you toss this tape and we'l start a new one," Janowski said.
Using the computer, Norma could open the locked laboratory door...
"Shh. I heard something," Danse said.
Then all hell broke out...

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"Your pulse and vital signs are still within acceptable parameters. It is hard to determine whether the surface is more or less susceptable to outbreaks. But a preparation plan is never a bad idea," Curie said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:43 pm

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"Never thought a reporter could consider themselves a success until someone threatened their life. Me? I'm very successful," Piper said.

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The synths seemed to be everywhere...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:46 am

"Damn synths have compromised most of the facility," Danse said.

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They pressed on...

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"Engine Cores's ahead. Should be our final stop," Danse said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:57 pm

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"Watch your footing... looks like the power's out in this section," Danse said.

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"The influx of data is hard to process. Apologies if I sometimes make little sense. I will work on this," Crurie said.

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"Scribes would have a ield day in here. The transmitter should be in the control room at the top of the core, but it looks like the elevators are dead. We'll have to keep heading down for now and find a way to get the facility's power back online," Danse said.

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"There has to be a backup system somewhere. Scout the maintenance area off of the main chamber. I'll remain here and watch our backs," Danse said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:39 pm

"I have so much data on the world before the atom bombs. I fear I may have to delete some of it to store my new observations," Curie said.

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Finding the controls and turning the power back on was the easy part. What followed was an assualt by wave after wave of Institute synths...

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The group held ground and beat the attackers back. They started fighting their path up to the control room...

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The synths were defeated.
"Fan out and check the synth remains. They may have been after the transmitter as well," Danse said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:39 am

"We'll take the service elevator to the surface," Danse said.
A radioactive storm was raging when they exited the place...

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"Paladin Danse?" "Well, that could have gone smoother, but mission accomplished," he said. "Smoother? I thought we did fine," Norma said. "That sweep was sloppy. We were caught unprepared more than once, which is unacceptable. However, your extra guns gave us the edge we needed. I'm not certain I could have accomplished the mission alone." "I don't need an evaluation." "Accepting constructive criticism is the best way to improve ourselves both physically and mentally. However, this doesn't diminish your tole in the operation. Without your assistance, it coul have been in jeopardy. That being said, I believe there are two important matters to discuss. First and foremost, if you'll hand me the Deep Range Transmitter, I'd like to compensate you for your assistance during the operation. I think you'll find this weapon useful. It's my own personal modification of the standard Brotherhood laser rifle. May it serve you well in battle," Danse said. "Don't you need to keep it?" "This isn't the only weapon at my disposal. Brotherhood soldiers always carry a backup. Now... as far as the second matter goes, I wanted to make you a proposal. we had a lot thrown at us back there. Our op coud have ended in disaster, but ou kept your cool and handled it like a soldier. There's no doubt in my mind that you've got what it takes. When we met at the police station, you told me you wanted to join the Brotherhood of Steel. Is that something you're still willing to do, or should we just say our goodbyes." "What would be expected of me if I joined?" she said. "You'd be under my command, and I'd expect you to follow orders. No more mercenary work... this is the real thing. You'd have access to advanced military weapons, as well as your own personal suit of Power Armor. Most importantly, you'd have the Brotherhood at your back... ready to spill its own blood to keep you alive. Offer still stands. Can we count on you?" he said. "I don't know," she said. "I say we're fine on our own... but it's up to you," Cait said. "It's a big decision, so I understand your hesitation. If you decide you want to become one of us, you know where we are. Good luck," Danse said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:31 pm

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"Are we in luck, sir?" Rhys wondered. "Mission accomplished... we have the transmitter," Danse said. "Finally... some good news for a change. Nice work, sir." "I didn't do it alone. Had some help from our new friend. I've offered her a place on our team, but I'm not sure she's willing to accept. In the meantime, she's welcome to take shelter here as long as she doesn't get in our way."

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Back at Sanctuary, Norma couldn't help but notice something was different about Curie...

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Before Norma could convince the synth to come with her to Vault 81, there was a distress call from one of the settlements. Norma and the team rushed to the scene...

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Now that the raiders had been defeated, Norma could set the course for Vault 81 with Curie in tow. Well there, they went straight to the clinic and waited for the doctor...

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Curie got fully undressed for the checkup. Though it was still early, her secret could no longer be hidden. There was a little bump on her belly...

The doctor confirmed what Norma already knew - Curie was in the early second trimester. Both mother and fetus were found to be in good health.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:56 pm

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"There's still a place for you in the Brotherhood... if you want it," Danse said. "I'd be honored to join," Norma said. "Haylen, Rhys... it's time to welcome our newest recruit to the Brotherhood. she shows a lot of promise, and with the proper guidance, I think she has the potential of becoming one of the best." "I'm only in it for the spiffy uniforms." "Oh yeah? And here I thought you joined up for a sense of purpose and meaning," Haylen said. "So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run," Rhys said. "You upset that I'm staying?" Norma said. "Maybe. Got enough trouble stompi' muties and ferals... I don't need somethin' else to worry about." "Rhys, that's enough. Like it or not, you're going to have to learn to work togethe. And you, you need to understand what it means to be a part of the Brotherhood. We're not soldiers of fortune. We're an army, and we've dedicated our lives to uphold a strict code of ethics. If you intend to stay within our ranks, you need to obey our tenets without question," Danse said. "You gonna teach me this 'code of ethics`'" Norma said. "If you were pying attention in Arcjet, you should have learned some of it already. The rest will become apparent as you spend time with your fellow soldiers. Now, since I know you're eager to get started, I'll get right to the point. I only ask for two things from anyone under my command. Honesty and respect. You fall in, you stay in line. I give you an order, you follow it. It's as simple as that. There's one last order of business I wanted to get out of the way. I'm going to recommend you to be awarded the rank of Knight. Now, nothing's official until you speak to Elder Maxon, but I wanted you to be the fist to know." "Does this mean I'm one of you now?" "s far as I'm concerned, yes," Danse said. "Ad Victoriam, Knight." "she doesn't know what that means, Hylen," Rhys said. "'Ad Victoriam' means 'To Victory.' In our eyes, defeat is unacceptable because we're fighting for the future of mankind. Our rallying cry is more powerful than any weapon you could ever carry. Remember that. Now... I've received orders that we're both to report to the Prydwen. However, if you want to run a few ops for Scribe Haylen or Knight Rhys first, they could certainly use your assistance. I'll leave the choice up to you. Let me know when you're ready to mount up," Danse said.

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"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. 'Semper Invicta.' That means 'Always Undefeated.' I did pick up some Latin as part of my law studies in college," Norma said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:23 pm

"Rhys still giving you the cold shoulder?" Haylen said. "Why does he hate me?" Norma wondered. "He doesn't hate you. Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life. If anything else comes into the picture and gets in the way, he shoves it aside." "Is there something between the two of you?" "When I first joined up... Rhys was the one who sponsored me. He took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. I thought there was a little more between us, so I asked him if he cared about me in that way. He told me the Brotherhood of Steel was all that he cared about, and there was no room for anything else in his life. We never spoke about it again. Look, I... I need to get back to things. If you're worried about Rhys, just keep doing what you're doing. He'll come around soon enough. So, are you ready to take on your first assignment?" Haylen said. "What exactly does a scribe do for the Brotherhood?" "We do everything that the pilots and soldiers need to keep their operations running. All the scientific research, the repairs, the technical planning, tou name it... We do all the technical work. Of course, I'm a field scribe, so I'm boots on the ground with the soldiers... but I kind of like pullin' the trigger every once in a while. Anyway, I won't bore you with any more details. You ready to head out on your assignment?" "Ready," Norma said. "Great. Let me explain what I need you to do. One of the Brotherhood's most important duties is the recovery and preservation of technology that was lost when the bombs fell. I have a list of locations that contain artifacts we need you to recover in order to have the cataloged and studied by our scribes. Here, this should cover all the information you need to find your first artifact. Good luck... and be careful."
Norma had mixed feelings about taking Curie along on the mission - for obvious reasons - But the pregnant young synth refused to take no for an answer...

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Running into feral ghouls with old cars around... of course things got a little heated up...

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They made it to their destination and began a sweep of the place to find the artifact...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:42 pm

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"Good job. Hope it didn't give you any trouble. I'll always want more tech, so believe me, I'll never run short on missions," Haylen said.

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"All right, out with it... what's your game?" Rhys said. "Game? What do you mean?" Norma said. "I can usually size people up at a glance, but you... you're different. And it's bugging the heck out of me. You're not the military type, you're a loner. So I can't figure out why you're sticking around. You got what you wanted, so why don't you hit the road?" "The Brotherhood might be the best chance I'll ever have to find my son." "Well, as far as reasons go, that's a pretty good one. Look, I'm gonna cut you some slack because Danse trusts you. But if you step out of line and put any of my brothers and sisters in danger, I'll make sure you regret it. So... ready for your assignment, hero? Like it or not, one of our most important duties is to keep the Commonwealth clear of the trash. I'm talking about mutants, ghouls, synths... the abominations the damn eggheads caused when they started playing with their toys. This op is simple. I'm gonna send you to a target and you're gonna terminate everything that calls it home. All the details you need are right here. Don't come back until the job's done," he said.

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"And the subways are not working, as well? The maymor has something to answer for," Curie said.

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Norma stayed some time in Sanctuary. It soon became obvious why...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 7 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:16 am

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"Excuse me, Paladin Danse? Why did the Brotherhood send it here in the first place?" Norma said. "I'm not sure, but I think it might have something to do with the data on the Commonwealth my team gathered before it arrived. We call our ship 'The Prydwen.' She's loaded with enough troops and supplies to mount a major ofensive. If she's here, Elder Maxson's here. And that means we're going to war," he said. "After rolling that thing in, you certainly started a war." "What else is the Brotherhood supposed to use? Sticks and stones?" Cait said. "If history's proven anything, it's that an overwhelminmg show of force has a chance of halting a conflict before it begins. Besides, why should we hold back when we have something like that at our disposal? That being said, you're about to get to know the Prydwen up close and personal. I've received orders that we're both to report to her immediately. Follow me up to the roof of the police station... we're going for a little ride," Danse said.

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"That minigun in front of you is loaded and ready to fire. If you spot anything hostile during the flight, I suggest you put it to good use. Make sure you properly identify your targets before you start shooting. We don't want to have any mishaps and fire on the locals," Danse said.

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"The Commonwealth looks different from up here, doesn't it? It never ceases to amaze me how drastically your perception of the battlefield changes from the air. We're gonna need that edge when we take on the Institute. They've already proven that they're technologically superior, which means there's no telling what types of weapond they'll have in their arsenal. Hopefully, our air superiority and tactical know-how will make the difference. Now all we need to do is find them... and I'm betting that Elder Maxson will have a plan already in place by the time we arrive," Dance said.

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"We're on final approach to the airport... the Prydwen should be coming into view just ahead. We'll be meeting Lancer-Captain Kells on the Flight Deck. Just stick close to me and answer all of his questions," Danse said. 

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"There she is. It's been far too long since I've been aboard. All right, soldier... this is the moment when everything changes. I hope you're ready," Danse said. 

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