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Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 4:25 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of the Commonwealth, future Boston. You know the drill by now, click on the thumbnails to se the full-size screenshots. Sensitive nude scenes will be posted as a link only, click to see. Have fun and enjoy.

Sanctuary Hills, Boston, October 23 2077

story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20180114162705-1

Baby Shaun had just received a change when Codsworth called his masters to the living room. The news reporter on television gave the terrible news - the bombs had fallen...

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Nate carried the baby as he ran with his wife, Norma, to Vault 111...

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Nate's family had been listed entry to the vault. Many others were not that lucky. They barely made it to the entrance platform before the bombs fell...

story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20180114163414-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 7:59 pm

"Remember. To breathe. I keep thinking if I forget to do this, no more Curie. And suddenly all this excitement we do, there is an element of something new? What if my arm is blown off? It is not so simple to repair this now," Curie said. "Are you afraid?" Norma wondered. "I supposed it could be fear. But... something else, as well. It is a jumble. I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope. Just bear with me. I am sure my research will blossom with this magnificent new hardware."   story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20190306170522-1      story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20190306170951-1

Some time later, when passing through Red Rocket, Norma was apprroached by Curie. She desperately wanted to chat...
"Sure, I enjoy talking with you," Norma said. "As do I. I owe you so very much, and I do not mean to sound ungrateful. But I fear I am barely holding myself together," Curie said. "Go on." "Becoming a synth is just so much. At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera. But now I am full of inconsequential thoughts, feelings. How do you do everything with this whirlwind in the head?" "I hope some of those inconsequential feelings involve me," Norma said. "Yes. No. And see, now my head goes ever more. Spin, spin, spin. You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research. And inspiration is as elusive as ever. I fear I will never contribute anything to the world." "The world? Not so sure. But you've certainly made a difference to me." "More feelings. No words for them. The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot. I had much appreiation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal. But now I do this because I want to. Because you are... my friend," Curie said. "So just friends? Nothing more than that?" Norma said. "I feel... very funny. I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu," Curie said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:04 pm

The women arrived in Diamond City...
"You're never going to believe what happened! Sheng Kawolski tried to kiss me," Nat said. "No! What's you do?" Piper said. "What'd I do? I knocked him on his ass. Now I've got detention." "Oh, Natalie. Never change." "Uh, okay," she said.

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"I'm glad you're here. We got a new case while you and Nick were out. Ready to put on the detective hat?" Ellie Perkins said. "Who's our client?" Norma wondered. "A fisherman whose family lives on the edge of the Commonwealth. Kenji Nakano." "Nakano. That name takes me back. Hmm... My memory's a little fuzzy on the details, though," Valentine said. "Maybe if you bothered writing things down, Nick..." Ellie said. "Can't do that. Wouldn't want to put you out of a job," he said. "Huh. I'll remember that next time you need me to console a hysterical client. Mister Nakano didn't leave many details. Said he'd go over everything when you meet him. But if you want my guess? Missing person case. Guy had a worried look a mile long." "Anything you can tell me about Kenji Nakano?" Norma said. "Just some impressions. He was obviously upset but he was also in a hurry, like he couldn't stand just waiting around. I'm a friend of Nick's. He'll remember me. I need his help right away. And then he was gone. He was muttering something on the way out, but no... I'm sure it wasn't important..." "Come on, Ellie. Don't hold out on me. What did he say?" Norma said. "Well, I thought I heard him say something about a daughter and also a radio, but I might have misheard him. Not sure how the two would be connected." "I'll go check it out. Thanks Ellie." "The Nakano residence is up in the Northeast, near the coast. A small fishing house. He said that he and his wife will be waiting for you," Ellie said. "It's a long walk," Valentine chuckled. "That's how the hard cases always start..." he continued.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:07 pm

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As they neared the house, they heard voices...
"Dammit. Come in! I know you're listening on the other end! Where is she? Where's my daughter!?" "Kenji. Please! You've been at this for hours. Syop! You need sleep." "She's out there, Rei. Someone has her. They could be Raiders or Gunners or god knows what else!"

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"What? Who are you? I'm sorry, but we don't have time for visitors or caravans or wherever you're from," Kenji Nakano said. "I'm woth  Valentine's Detective Agency. You asked for help?" Norma said. "Oh thank god. You have to get working right away." "So what's the story with you and Nick?" "Ran with him on one of his cases a few years back. Searching for some sort of lost heirloom. He needed a boat. Things... didn't end well. Nick's client double-crossed us once we had what he was looking for. Still have some lead lodged into my hip. But we got out. And now my daughter's missing, and there's only one detective agency I know of in the Commonwealth," he said. "I'm here to help. Tell me what happened," Norma said. "It's all thanks to this damn radio," Kenji said. "Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project," Rei said. "Until she made contact with some kidnapper who lured her away from us," Kenji said. "Or maybe she left on her own. She's not a child anymore. Our daughter is nineteen. She knows how to survive, and she's capable. I... think maybe she left because she wanted her own life," Rei said. "No, she would've told us where she was going. She would've said... something! I know my daughter is in danger. I can feel it. Find her. Please," Kenji said. "Do you have any idea of where she could've gone?" Norma said. "We know she took one of the boats, but that's all. She could be anywhere," Kenji said. "Let's talk money. Investigations for the missing aren't cheap." "Of course. How does 350 caps sound?" "I'll find her. Don't you worry," Norma said. "Thank you. Her room is upstairs if that helps, and if you had any more questions about her, just ask," Kenji said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:09 pm

"I suppose you have questions about my daughter?" Rei Nakano said. "You and your husband don't seem to agree about why your daughter left," Norma said. Rei sighed. "We both want to find her. The world out there isn't a place where you want to be alone. But Kenji still sees her swaddled in diapers. He doesn't se a young woman with her own decisions to make. Maybe because it's more frightening. She wasn't tricked into leaving without telling us. That was her choice. she didn't want us to follow. Why?" "I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone." "My daughter is strong. Focused, careful. That's how I know she's still alive. But why would she leave without telling us? Maybe we... No... never mind... I don't want to waste your time..." Rei said. "Every detail is important, Missus Nakano. Don't hold back." "It's just that... we've been fighting a lot more. All of us. Eve since Kasumi's grandfather passed away. He was the only one that could really... talk to her. Kenji and I don't understand machines, but those two could work together for hours. She started staying in her grandfather's boathouse late into the night. I thought she was just trying to cope with the loss, but now I wonder what she was up to..." "Tell me about this radio your daughter was working on," Norma said. "I remember Kasumi was very exited about it. I figured she was secretly trying to make contact with Diamond City or another settlement. We're pretty isolated out here. She only has us for company, and Kenji can be... overprotective."

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Project Log. Radio. Correction: working radio! I'll finally have some news outside this house. My handle is going to be... Let's go with Ohm's Law. That should confuse the creeps, and if someone actually gets the reference, then we'll at least have circuitry in common..."
Norma found another of Kasumi's holotapes in her room...
Project Log. Dreams. Recording what I can remember when I wake up. I keep having the same one. I'm in a white room. People are talking about me like I'm not there, or maybe they just don't care. And then there's this... I don't know... Jolt. Like a spark of electricity to the back of my head. And then everyone turns to look at me. God... I hope I don't have it again tonight...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:14 pm

Project Log. Lamp. Yep. It's a lamp. Filaments plus power wquals light. I swear somwtimes I think my parents break these things just to keep me busy."

"Project Log. Kitchen mixer. The circuits are still good, but all the mechanical parts are rusted through. Maybe I can..." "All right everyone, I'll be back in a few days. Was there anything else we needed from the city?" "Wait, you're going now? *clang* Oww... Wait, dad, I could come with you!" "I... It's better if I go alone, Kasumi. Don't worry, I have your list." "You don't know what half that list is, dad. I can help you. Really! I'll be..." "I said no! I...,"
he breathes. "I'm sorry... You're sage here, okay?. Just stay put for me." "Okay," she sighs. "I know you're disappointed, but I won't be long. I love you." "I love you too, dad," she sighs.

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"Project Log. Radiation King television. Mom says these things actually used to broadcast pictures and sound back before the War. She also mentioned  that some of the ruins of the television studios are still around if you head into the city. Of course she wasn't too happy when I asked if we could make a trip out there, Kasumi sighs. I'm getting off track. I managed to repair the vacuum tubes and got the power working again, but, well it's not like there's any working signal for this thing to receive. I'm just going to start stripping this thing for parts moving forward,"  she continued
"Uh... Hello? Testing?"
she coughs "Project Log. Holotape player. Managed to strip out the parts from this thing and make something that's easier to move around. Granddad always said you need to make a record when you start something. You know, in case you have to go back to it. So... I guess I'm going to start doing that. Maybe I should start with an inventory of all the parts I found?" "Kasumi! Your father needs help with the boat." "I'll be right there! Oh... damn. Was I recording that?" she sighs.

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Norma found a note on the safe...

My Dear Kasumi
If you ever get locked out of the safe, then the answer is here in the boathouse.
Picture where the key is.

Norma found the key tucked away in the frame of a picture...
"Project Log. Um... Myself. I neve really thought about who or... what I am, but... God, where do I start? The radio. I was right about the range. I managed to get a signal. A strong signal, from up north. There's a group of people up there. They say they're all synths, synthetic people. Made by the Institute. They're trying to build a place for their kind. Where they can be themselves and be accepted for what they are alongside human beings. It sounds wonderful, but... then they started asking about me. And some questions came up. Questions I don't have answers to. I mean... I've always felt... off... like I'm not really supposed to be here, but then there are these things in my childhood I can't remember, and I've been having strange dreams... I... I'm going to go. To meet with these synths. I... I have to know the tuth about myself. They've told me to sail up North to a town called Far Harbor. I can make my way to them from there."

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They returned to the house...
"Have you finished your investigation? Did you find anything?" Kenji wondered. "Your daughter made contact with a group of synths. She thinks she's one of them," Norma said. "What? That's... that's crazy...!" "She's not a synth! She's our daughter. We raised her. I... I gave birth to her. She's flesh and blood, not a synthetic," Rei said. "Did you find anything?" Kenji asked. "I think Kasumi took off somewhere up North. Do you know what's up there?" Norma said. "Where, specifically? I've been up the coast, almost to where the waters start to freeze, but that's a lot of miles..." "I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor." "She went that far up North? God, that explains why she took the boat... You have to go after her! Please. Take my other ship on the dock outside. My father's design. It has a guidance system, and it's built for distance," he said. "What can I expect out there, Kenji?" she wondered. "I only made the trip to Far Harbor once, when I was a boy. All I remember is that my father didn't want to stay long. Something about the air being bad."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:17 pm

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"Are you lost? This is Far Harbor. We... don't get many visitors around here." "We don't need no freeloaders or more help, mainlander. So you can get back in your boat and leave." "Allen, this isn't your dock. It belongs to the whole town, and that means strangers are welcome," Captain Avery said. She sighed. "Sorry, you've caught us during a... difficult time. But Allen's got a point, not all visitors have good intentions. So, what's your business here?" she continued. "A young woman from the Commonwealth named Kasumi may have passed through here. Her family hired me to find her," Norma said. "Some sort of detective, huh? Well, she came through, all right," Avery said. "Dammit. Mariner's incoming," Allen said. "Something's coming through the Fog!" "You. Help us defend the town, and I'll answer any questions you have. Take a post at the top of the wall near the main gate. The Hull never lets us down. Now follow me! Be careful on the Hull, stranger! Don't fall off! ... Mariner?" Avery said. "There's no time. Look to the fog. They're coming," she said. "God. Defend yourselves!" Jared said. 

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:20 pm

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"And now you see what we're up against. The Fog and the creatures it spits out have taken the whole island from my people," Avery sighed. "But for your help when we needed it, you deserve this," she continued. "What's the Fog?" Norma wondered. "Where to begin? The Fog's radioactive, right? But there are pockets of it, the Deep Fog, that are hard fallout. And as deadly as that is, that's only part of the problem. Things live in the Fog. Thrive. You think what attacked Far Harbor's bad? There's far worse further inland." "You've lost the whole island?" "The Fog's been here forever. There are good years when it recedes and the island's almost normal. Then there are times where it spreads all over. And people have to cling to any patch of land free of the Fog. For the past... oh, eight years or so, it's been getting... as bad as it's ever been. Now, Far Harbor's one of the only places left that's safe," Avery said. "If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough." "Ornery, more like. I-" Avery chuckles. "I'm done cowering behind your damned Hull, Avery. Time you let me deal with the real problem. With the right people and my guns I can end those Children of the Atom cultists for good," Allen interrupted. "The Fog's been here forever. The Children didn't make it," she said. "Before the rad eaters came, the Fog was under control. They come and it all goes wrong. It's time to do something!" he said. "No need to burden the stranger with all this... nonsense." "What's the deal with the Children of Atom?" Norma wondered. "They're religious folk. Worship the power of Ato. Which is... radiation, I guess? If you want details you'd have to find and ask them. We used to have a peace with them, until a certain hothead menace named Allen Lee-" Avery said. "Now, that's enough. That preacher came into the harbor saying that it was Atom's will that we lost our land. That it was Atom's god damned will that we lost so many friends and family. And that the Atom would wipe this whole place clean of us," he said. "If it were up to me, you'd hang for what you did to that preacher, Allen." "What did he do to the preacher?" Norma wondered. "Allen pulled a gun on him. He claims the preache reached for his. We don't have police. Or really any law. Just custom and popular sentiment. And after everything the preacher said, it was abundantly clear doing anything to Allen would've made matters worse,"Avery said. "Have the Children made the Fog worse?" "Absolutely not. There's not one bit of evidence." "Geiger counters don't lie, Avery. The Fog's gotten more lethal year over year. And now the Fog's covering the whole island. But only after the Children came," Allen said. "You know as well as I do, that's happened before. Sure, people have theories the Children are involved. But no one - and I mean no one - has proof," Avery said. "Can we get back to business?" Norma said. "Sorry for all... that. You're here for Kasumi, right? she headed inland to the synth refuge, Acadia. Getting there will be dangerous. You'l need a guide: Old Longfellow. No one knows the Fog like him. But, word of warning, he's a bit of an acquired taste." "What can you tell me about Acadia?" "Ask Longfellow, he's the only one that's been there," Avery said. "What's Old Longfellow's story?" "He's the best hunter on the island. Fearless, some say crazy... If someone needs to get to Acadia, he's the only one that'll do it. But... People around here are known for being stubborn, willful, and other... less flattering things. But Longfellow's got a reputation even among us." "Thanks for the info." "Best place to look for Longfellow's at the bar," Avery grunted. "The Last Plank. And... Please... Lend a hand around town, if you're able. Even if it's slapped away, people like the Mariner and Cassie and others need help. And let me say something you might not hear again: thank you," she continued.

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"The Hull took a beating, to be sure. But she wouldn't be standing at all if it weren't for you. They call me the Mariner, shipwright, handyman, and the only one keeping the harbor afloat. Well, besides Captain Avery." "Why doesn't anyone help you?" Norma wondered. "Each Harborman is the captain of his own ship. Worked fine for generations on the homesteads. Your land, your rules. But when the island pushed them onto my dock, one-by-one, the ungrateful bastards expect me to look after my land. Even though they're squatting on it, like wretches." "If it's that bad, why put up with it?" "I couldn't very well toss them back into the Fog, could I? Bad luck, that. Surely their spirits would haunt me to my grave, and that's a fact," the Mariner said. "The town's lucky you're here." "You blowing smoke up my sails? Bah. But there is... I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do prope repairs I need tools. Specialized tools. And they won't be easy to come by. 450 caps if you can, though." "You've kept the walls together this long, why do you need special tools now?" Norma wondered. "I want to build the Hull up proper. Make it strong. And keep those blasted crabs our for good." "So I'd be risking my life for only 450 caps?" "I'm a bit short on caps..." the Mariner sighed. "But I have Old Jimmy's shotgun, I can give you. Heaven knows he can't use it any more," she continued. "Sign me up, I'll help," Norma said. "Eagle's Cove Tannery. Tools are certain to be there. Now git."

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"You're that mainlander who just got here. Better watch yourself, cause this island sees and hears everything you do. I should know. I watched the island tear down the greatest family that ever set foot in Fa Harbor. It's a tale of greed, blood and vengeance," Cassie said. "What family are you talking about?" Norma wondered. "I was just about to explain. My family, the Daltons, was the pride of Far Harbor for generations, even back before the war. It was lumber and fishing that made the Daltons rich, but they got greedy. Took too much from the island. The island's been getting revenge ever since, killing us off one by one. I'm the last Dalton still standing. Ah, but noe our story takes an unexpected turn. A mysterious stranger comes to Far Harbor, someone strong, someone capable. With the stranger's help, the last living Dalton finally has a chance to avenge her bloodline once and for all!" "Cut the bullshit and just tell me what you need." "Hmph, sounds like someone forgot to pack a sense of adventure when the got on the boat to Far Harbor. Now, on to the first chapter in our tale of vengeance! That would be the sad story of freckle-faced Petey. Petey was my cousin. He was a good lad, never caused trouble. He thought all those freckle brought him luck but... well, not so much. He was out foraging at the National Park campground when the island sicced some feral ghouls on him. Island' a sneaky bastard when it wants to be. Anyway, he made it back to town but died from his injuries that night. Course those ferals are still out there, waiting to kill the next poor fool who comes along. Damn shame, that," Cassie said. "Where did you say those ghouls were?" "National Park campground. It's pretty much straight west of here." "Those ghoul are as good as dead," Norma said. "Good, good! It's long past time those shamble paid for what they did to Petey."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:24 pm

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"Captain Avery  said you can get me to Acadia," Norma said. "Heard there was a scuffle out there. You get your hands dirty? Hmph. I'm done leadin' people to their deaths in the Fog. Last fella couldn't keep up. Didn't last five minutes," Old Longfellow said. "Some parents are worried about their runaway daughter. She went to Acadia and I need to find her." "If some's headed for Acadia, there's always a story. Your worth dying over? Eh?" "The runaway's name is Kasumi. You know about her?" she said. "Sounds like Captain Avery's been runnin' her mouth again. She should know better than to stick her nose where it's not wanted. Maybe I heard of her, maybe not." "I've done a whole lot more for a whole lot less." "Clever with words. are ya? I can get you to Acadia, but you've got to listen to me. Go where I say. When I say it. Still won't be easy. You stock up on necessities, Rax-X and the like. Then the real work can begin," he said. "Should I make any other preparations?" "Ammo, Stimpaks, maybe a rocket or three. Worse than Mirelurks out there." "Let's go, Longfellow," Norma said. "Follow me, then."

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"Stringing one more soul to their damnation, old man?" "Well, what have we here? Another rad-worshippin' lunatic, that's what," Longfellow said. "Your barbs do not harm me. I am shielded by my faith." "How 'bout bullets? Faith shield ya against those, too?" he said. "Who's she?" Norma said. "One of them Children of Atom preachers. started off as pests, now they're more like a menace," Longfellow said. "Do not sully this one with your blasphemy, old man. You. I suggest you go no further. Acadia is a nest of snakes. Beasts that subvert the will of Atom," she said. "What's Acadia done to make you distrust them?" Norma wondered. "They supply Far Harbor with the means to turn back Atom's holy Fog. You would do well to avoid such creatures and instead seek the only true master of this land," she said. "You do know you're crazy, right?" Norma said. "Watch yourself, outsider. You walk through Atom's kingdom now," she said. "If you're done wastin' time with the fanatic, let's move on," Longfellow said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:27 pm

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"And we've arrived. Acadia's already been watchin' us for a good spell. If you want to talk aa with them just go inside. They'll be waitin' for you. You need my help again, you come see me. Got a cabin outside Far Harbor. Good place to tool up your gear, get some rest, or get stinkin' drunk. Just make sure if you're bringin' a bottle of somethin' strong, there's enough to share," Longfellow said. "Leaving already? Don't you want to see what happens next?" Norma said. "You sayin' you want me to stick around an' watch your back?" "Maybe later, Longfellow." "All right, but I'm serious about the offer. You ever want to hunt the forests and waters of the island together, I could think of worse things to do," he said.

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"You know, when I first climbed this mountain, above the fog, I thought to myself: now here is a metaphor worth taking in... You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're in Acadia, synth kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us," DiMA said. "I came here looking for Kasumi Nakano," Norma said. "Really? I'm impressed. Few would brave the kind of journey you've had for the sake of someone else. Kasumi is here. She's safe and unharmed, and you're free to see her, if you like. Before you do, though, tell me. Do you think Kasumi is a synth?" "She's human, and she has a family waiting for her." "But imagine what it means if you're wrong. If Kasumi is a synth, then she doesn't have a family. She never had one. Think about how she must feel. None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie. That someone stripped her very identity from her and nade her into something she isn't. I want you to understand that before you see her. She has a chance here to live as a synth. No hiding. Not pretending to be something else. One more question, if you indulge me. You're here for Kasumi, but I suspect there could be another reason you came to us. Tell me: Are you a synth?" the synth said. "I'm a human being, not a synth." "Are you sure? I don't mean to question you, but what's the first memory you have?" "I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor," she said. "No memories before that? Just a single day, and waking up alone? We so easily accept what's preented to us as the truth, don't we? In't it funy how a memory can feel like a whole different reality? People, place, even sounds and colours can change. Or someone else has changed them. I won't lie to you. There will always be other explanations. trauma, disease, the background radiation. They all take their toll on the mind. But I can promise you that we will accept you, no matter what you decide you are." "I've heard enough. Where's Kasumi Nakano?" "Of course. Kasumi is usually working down below. You can see her whenever you like. Acadia is open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase. Did you need anything else before you go?" DiMA said. "So everyone here in Acadia is a synth?" "Yes. Either they were escapees we managed to find before the Institute could , or they were victims of a mind wipe and we revealed the truth to them. You're from the Commonwealth, like Kasumi, yes? I'm sure you've had your own experience with my kind?" "I don't really have an opinion about synths," Norma said. "I suppose that's fair. Ambivalence is a step closer to acceptance than hatred. Well. at least I hope... Is there anything else?" "Who are you? What's your story?" "I came to this island over a century ago, hiding from my creators, the Institute. But after my escape felt secured, I was left with nothing. No programmed task, no false memories. I spent a year just sitting in a cave. Just sitting. One day, it finally occurred that maybe I could decide for myself what to do, who I was. I've been doing that ever since," DiMA said. "Tell me more about this place. Acadia," she said. "All I want is to bring as many synths here as I can, and give them a chance to know what they really are. To embrace it. Beyond that, we just want to live in peace. I don't have any grand plans for expansion. Just existing as we are is enough."

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"Kasumi Nakano?" "Sorry, I'm right in the middle of something..." "What's that you're working on?" Norma wondered. "Just trying to cobble some prewar junk into something useable. Now, do you mind telling me what you're doing here?" Kasumi said. "Your parents sent me. They want you to come home." "They... they did what? You came all this way... for me? Look, my mom and dad... I mean, those people that were taking care of me. They wouldn't want me back. Not if they knew the truth." "Kasumi, listen to me. You're not a synth," Norma said. "Believe me, I've thought about that. How you can never really know. But it just answers so many questions... I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway? I've been lying to you this whole time. Your real daughter is dead, and I replaced her?" Kasumi sighs. "You haven't replaced anyone. Kenji and Rei are still your parents," Norma said. "I... I really wish that was true. If I wasn't a synth, things would be so much simpler..." Kasumi sighed. "Acadia isn't what I thought it was. There's more going on here than just the refuge. But I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've been running long enough..." she continued. "What kind of problem is there in Acadia?" Norma wondered. "It's a long story. I just have to figure out how to... Wait... wait... you find things. Travk down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me? What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl." "What're you talking about?" "Where to begin...? You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both? Well, Faraday asked me to help do some repairs on them. And, you know, I got curious. There's like a century's worth of experiences in there. And that's when I see it. Dta models DiMA has been making. One was the Fog taking over Far Harbor. Another was a nuclear detonation on the island. Plus death counts. What if DiMA is so open and welcoming because he's actually hiding something from us? A plan to wipe out the rest of the island?" Kasumi said. "You don't trust DiMA? After you came all this way for him?" "I didn't come to Acadia for him. I came here because this place offered answers. And now that I've found a place I belong, I'd rather not lose it all if DiMA is secretly planning to destroy everything." "I'll help if I can, but that's not much to go on," Norma said. "I know. I've been working on that, but I haven't had much luck. I keep seeing DiMA, Faraday, and Chase head into the laboratory at the other end of the hall. Then they come out later, looking like they've been arguing. There's actually a storage space right next to there. It'd be the perfect spot to hide and eavesdrop, but it's ben locked up. I've also tried breaking into Faraday's terminal, since he and DiMA are so close, but the security on it is crazy." "Eavesdropping on the next meeting sounds like our best bet. I'll see if I can find a way inside that room." "Okay. Good luck, and come back as soon as you've found anything," Kasumi said.

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Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:36 pm

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"We need to accomplish this without bloodshed. Far Harbor an the children of Atom have a right to exist on this island. The same as us." "They're going to kill each other, DiMA. There's no stopping it. We need to pick a side now," Chase said. "Haven't we already picked a side? Building the Fog Condesers around Far Harbor wasn't exactly a neutral act," Faraday said. "We couldn't stand by and let the people of this island die to the Fog," DiMA said. "Just like you couldn't just leave the Cult of Atom without a home? Giving them the submarine base was a mistake. The Nucleus, as they call it, is basically a big fortified position," Chase said. "Far Harbor had cast them out. They have strange beliefs, but they have always accepted u for what we are. And Confessor Martin was a friend," DiMA said. "Well the new Confessor isn't. High Confessor Tektus is an unstable megalomaniac and he's going to keep threatening us as long as we're helping Far Harbor," Chase said. "Guys. Can we talk about the elephant in the room? We keep dancing aroun it," Faraday said. "My old memory banks in the submarine base," DiMA said. "I can't believe you never told me about those. Ihave to wait until they become a security risk," Chase said. "I know how it looks in hindsight, but at the time, it was an act of trust. I was honestly more worried they'd accidentally trip the prewar security and get hurt. Giving the Children my old home. Allowing them to safeguard my old memories. I thought our people would be working together," DiMA said. Chase sighed. "Just how secure are the banks? How long do we have? And what's in them?" "I've gone over this before, Chase. I don't know what's in them. That's how it works. It's as close to forgetting something as I have. But I've run some projections of... worst-case scenarios. If we do nothing, and the wrong knowledge falls in the wrong hands..." DiMA said. "So send me over there. I'll be in and out in a day," Chase said. "We can't risk it. They know you'r from Acadia. If you're caught or seen, then it's war," DiMA said. "We should at least prepare her to go in. We're running out of options. I say we tell her how to crack the memory banks," Faraday said. "You've been working on this without me?" "It came up in a private moment, Chase. But yes, we've been writing a program that will let you access and download my memories. It's not like a normal hack. You'll be breaking through a version of my own mental network. It'll conside you to be an intruder. I've loaded the program with some instructions I've recorded that will help guide you  through it. I'm afraid it's difficult to explain without seeing it for yourself," DiMA said. "I'm finishing up some tweaks on the program right now. I'll leave a copy of it for you on my desk when I'm done," Faraday said. "Ge the program. Use it to break into the memory banks. Got it," Chase said. "Hopefully you won't have to. We'll keep monitoring the situation. I only want you going in if we have no other choice," DiMA said.

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"Feel free to say whatever is on your mind," DiMA said. "I know you left some of your memories in an old submarine base. That you're worried the Children of Atom will get to them," Norma said. "You've been... busy. I was hoping you were taking your time learning more about us. Huh. I suppose you have... Maybe this is an opportunity for both of us. I can't send any of my people without risking the Children of Atom linking them back to Acadia. But you. You're new to the island." "What are you planning, DiMA?" "Before I begin, how much do you know. Did you have any questions for me? About Far Harbor, the Children of Atom, or my memories?" he said. "You're keeping Far Harbor safe, is that it?" "Not exactly. They're fiercly independent, but the Fog was starting to choke more and more of the island, so I proposed a trade. We would give them technology to keep the Fog at bay, in return for them being a lifeline to the outside world. A safe dock and a place to buy supplies. Unfortunately, the Children of Atom view the radioactive fog as a holy potent, and their bloodied history with Far Harbor puts us at odds." "The Children of Atom on this island. You were helping them?" she said. "Yes. I know their faith in radiation as a god is a bit... different, but who am I to judge? I was using a submarine base as a home when Martin and his followers stumbled inside. They had been cast out of Far Harbor for their beliefs. When I left to found Acadia, I knew the base would be in safe hands. They needed a home. A place to belong, just like I did. But now Martin is gone, and his successor, Tektus, wants to finally end the feud with Far Harbor, by letting the Fog swallow them." "You left memories behind? How does that work?" "As a prototype synth, my... raw data capacity is limited. I began using computer banks to expand. To give me room to ponder. See new things. I had to leave some of my earliest memories behind when I left the sub base to the Children of Atom. I thought they were safe," DiMA said. "I know all I need to." "Then my plan is simple: Pose as a recruit and infiltrate the Children of Atom. Gain access to their base. In the old command center, guarded by some prewar measures, you'll find my memory banks. I'll give you the program you need in order to access my memories. Bring me anything you find. It's not going to be like a normal hack. You'll be breaking into a version of my own mental network. It'll consider you an intruder. I've loaded the program with some instructions I've recorded that will help guide you through it. I'm afraid it's difficult to explain without seeing it for yourself." "Actually, I already have the program. I was thorough," Norma said. "Well I guess that just means I've picked the right person for the job. One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assualt the Children of Atom directly. Our ultimate goal must be to bring peace. If you attack them, they'll consider themselves at war with the outside world."

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"Turns out DiMA's ealiest memories are in the hands of the Chldren of Atom. He's afraid of what they're going to find," Norma said. "So is this what those death projections were about? It wasn't DiMA planning to destroy the island. He's worried the Children of Atom will? Or is he still hiding something? What could be in those memories that he would leave them behind? Is there really something in them that's... dangerous? Do you have a way in? Into his memories? Assuming you can het past the Children of Atom, of course..." Kasumi said. "I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks." "Really? How would that work? When I was taking a peek in the computers he has here, DiMA was hooked up to his chair. I was just tapping into it. I wonder if you'll need to, you know, connect to the old banks the way he does? Some kind of connection between your head and the computer. I'll bet that's it! And then Faraday's program would be translating DimA's thougts and data. Helping you through any security  guarding it. I'm sorry. I'm making assumptions. It's just... well, it's a little exiting, isn't it? You'll let me know what you find? I'll keep an eye on things here." "So say I get the memories. What then?" Norma said. "If it's something that really would threaten the island, then it's better out of the hads of the Children of Atom. Or Far Harbor, even. And if DiMA can't be trusted, we'll have his own memories to confront him with." "I'll get DiMA's memories, and then we'll figure out things from there." "Goo luck," Kasumi said.

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Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:41 pm

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"So, you've talked to DiMA. You know why we're here. I certainly hope that you'll consider helping us. DiMA's vision is worth fighting for," Faraday said. "You're right, it is a good cause. Synths definitely deserve to be safe, just like everyone else," Norma said. "It's good to hear that. Very encouraging. Plese make sure DiMA knows that as well. He's put so much of himself into this... All his time and energy, devoted to helping others. He never stops to thin about himself. Sometimes I worry about... Well, if I wasn't here to make sure his equipment is all functional... And that's not even mentioning maintaining the fog condensers... So many things to keep track of." "You do all this work yourself?" "Mostly, yes. I get help from the others when I can, but no one else really understands DiMA the way I do," he said. "Can you tell me about the Fog Condensers?" "Oh, those? DiMA and I designed them when it became clear the fog was only getting worse. They're effective, but have such a limited range. DiMA insisted we provide them to the people of Far Harbor, and I'm so glad we did. Without the condensers, I'm not sure they'd have anywhere left." "DiMA looks like he's had a lot of work done," she said. "Well, that's certainly an understatement. Between the two of us, we've made so many modifications... He was just a prototype, never built for all this. It took a lot to overcome the limitations of the original design and expand his memory. It really is remarkable, isn't it? He's overcome so much... he's become so much more than he once was. And all he thinks of is others." "If there's anything I can do to help out, just let me know." "Well, if you're determined to help, there is something you could do... It's likely somewhat dangerous, though, so I understand if you'd rather not. There's a boat along the coast of this island. It was transporting some hardware we needed. Storage drives. The boat never finished the trip, you see. So the drives are still out there. I could really use them here, for extra parts if nothing else. My understanding is that the boat wrecked southwest of here. So, does this sound like something you could handle?" Faraday said. "What happened to the boat? Why didn't it make it?" "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Trappers, Fog Crawlers... there's no end to what's out there. And what might still be out there. The point is that we already lost someone once. I don't want to see that happen again. So, are you up for it?" "I don't do much for free, Faraday," Norma said. "Ah, right. Of course. I should've thought of that. How does 100 caps sound?" "Didn't you say this might be dangerous? 100 caps sems a little light if danger is involved." "Well yes, there is that possibility. Uhh, would 200 caps be more agreeable?" he said. "Faraday, come on. I want to help you, I really do. 200 caps is just... I mean, it's a little insulting." "Oh, oh dear. I'm so sorry, insulting you was not my intention. Is 300 caps less insulting? That's really about all I can spare." "Sure thing, Faraday. I'll get the drives for you," she said. "Thank you. I really do appreciate it."
"You tracked Kasumi here. I'm impressed. Perhaps not as quietly or efficiently as possible, but thankfully she was never in any real danger. I'm afraid your journey was unnecessary," Chase said. "I'm not convnced she is safe," Norma said. "By all means look around. Investigate. We have nothing to hide. Acadia is a safe haven for synths. Were it not, I would not have aided anyone in reaching it. Every synth I've tracked down, every synth convinced to come here, has been assure that he or she will come to no harm. My job is to make sure they all remain safe, no matter what. Understand?" "How do you manage to track down synths and bring them here?" "I... have a network of contacts throughout the area. Some from my time with the Institute, some after. I know the Institute's tactics, and use that to my advantage. You have DiMA's blessing, so by all means, make yourself cmfortable," Chase said. "So, what's your story?" "I used to work for the Institute, returning synths thsat had escaped. I was tracking a synth, and instead I found DiMA. He... convinced me of the truth, and the errors of my ways." "Tell me about Acadia," Norma said. "DiMA's told you most of what you need to know. It's as safe as we can make it, for now. With every synth we rescue, we're better able to defend ourselves." "I'd like to help you all. Is there anything I can do?" "Actually... As a metter of fact, there is. If you're serious about contributing... well, we've got a situation I need someone to look into. You've had some experience traveling around the island, so you may be decently equipped to handle it," Chase said. "That depends on what you need me to do." "That's fair. If I were in your place, I would want as much data as possible. We were expecting a new synth to arrive, and he should have been here by now. There's been no sign of him, and I'm concerned that he may have become lost on the way here." "You have any leads on where he might be?" Norma wondered. "You should start by talking to Brooke in Far Hsrbor. He's one of us, a synth. He's the one who meets new arrivals and gets them started on the journey here. Of course, he's not likely to tell you anything without proof that you're working for me. If he doesn't cooperate, tell him that his designation is L7-92. That should convince him, That's as much as I can give you for now. Please hurry. If that synth is out there alone, he won't last long."

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"I need to talk to you about a missing synth," Norma said. "Yeah? Well that's not something I talk about with outsiders, so you can either buy something, or move along," Brooks said. "I'm working with Chase. She told me your designation is L7-92." "Okay, I believe you, but keep it down, alright? That's real private information. I know the synth you're talking about. He's a younger guy, maybe early twenties, with white hair. Goes by the name Derrik. Thing is, he showed up way earlier than he was supposed to. Thought a Courser was on his tail so he rushed the timetable. To be honest, the guy was a wreck. He was scared shitless, looking over his shoulder every five minutes and attracting unwanted attention. I tried to calm him down, but he panicked and ran off into the Fog. That was the last I saw of him." "Can you tell me anything else? I'm going to need more information than that if I'm going to find this synth," she said. "I wish I had more to give you. He disappeared into the Fog, and I haven't seen him since." "You let him run off alone?" "What the hell was I supposed to do? I'm on my own here. Look... if you're really going after that synth, I'm pretty sure he took the road south out of town. Maybe you could head that way. Just be careful out there. And... thanks. There aren't many who'd go out in the Fog to help a syth, especially one they don't even know. I feel like shit about what happened. I really do. I hope you can make it right," he said. 

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"Hmm... there's a trail of blood," Norma said.

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"Fresh meat crawling in from the Fog? Don't care if it's Mirelurk or man..." "You're cannibals?" Norma said. "We... survive..."

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"Your missing synth was jumped by cannibal trappers. He didn't survive," Norma said. "That poor bastard. That synth came here to live in peace, and we failed him the worst way possible, It's my fault. I should have gone out there to meet him. Damn it all. I'm glad you were able to bring some closure to the matter. You deserve this, and... shall we say 200 caps?" Chase said. "You said this wasn't the first time a synth has gone missing?" "Of course not. For someone without weapons or field training, crossing this island is deadly. Thanks again for your help. Be safe out there."

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Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:44 pm

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"Listen... Do you gave a minute? I've somethin' to say," Cait said. "Is it important?" Norma wondered. "Yeah, I'd say it is. Got a lot to do with our little partnership. What do you think?" "Of course. What's on your mind?" "Appreciate it. We've been on the road together for a while, and we've taken some hard knocks. But through all that crap, I noticed you've always been stickin' by me. You know, watchin' me back and makin' sure I don't do anythin' stupid. I think maybe it's time to tell you a little about who you're travelin' with. There's no reason for us to keep actin' like we're strangers," Cait said. "I appreciate your trust." "Well, you're the first to earn it. It all starts with two wastes of humanity I suppose you could call me parents. I'm convinced I was a mistake, because I can't remember a single moment that they treated me like their daughter. I was yelled at and beaten. Everythin' I did was wrong. Nothin' but a nuisance in their eyes. The whole time I was tellin' meself that they had to love me, even if it was just the tiniest bit, because they never kicked me out. Then me eightenth birthday arrived, and I found out why they kept me around. They slapped a shock collar around me neck and sold me to slavers. They didn't even care enough about me to say goodbye. Eighteen years of sufferin' through that shite and all I was worth to them was a pocketful of caps." "Why didn't you run away?" Norma wondered. "I tried. Twice. The first time I did, they locked me in a shed outside the house where we lived. The second time, they broke one of me legs." "Life can be harsh." "You don't know the half of it. It would be easy to blame me charmin' personality on me parents. But they didn't make me this way, I did. I was with those slavers for five years. Roughest five of me goddamn life. The things they made me do... the way they used me for their amusement. It sickens me to my stomach even thinkin' about it. But I bidded me time and learned to use their own methods against them. Stealin' a few caps out of a sleepin' man's pocket is a piece of cake... as long as you don't get greedy," Cait said. "I don't know how you survived." "That makes two of us. It took every ounce of patience I had, but after five years I had finally pocketed enough to buy me own way outta there. But instead of headin' off to try and repair the shambles of me life, I gave in to me rage and headed home. You can imagine the look on me parents faces when I kicked open their door. What you can't imagine is what they looked like after... after I emptied me gun into them." "Sounds like justice to me," Norma said. "Was it justice or was it murder? When I close me eyes, all I can see is their faces twisted with fear. And then me mind starts wanderin' and I start judgin' myself. And it's rippin' the me the fuck apart. You think I inject myself with all that shite and drink myself drunk because I'm a togh Irish gal? I do it so I can forget and move on with me miserable life. So there you are. The entire flawed package known as Cait, stripped bare for your perusal," she said "Don't worry, I haven't lost faith in you." "I knew I was takin' a chance tellin' you all this. I'm just glad I haven't disappointed you." "I'm always here for you, Cait. There's nothing you could say that would ever change that," Norma said. "Oh! I... ummm, well... that's... that's not what I expected you to say. Sorry, I didn't realize you cared that much about me. And here I thought I was bein' stupid, botherin' you with me problems. It feels good to know if I need you, you'll be there for me... and I'll always be there for you too," Cait said.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 8:49 pm

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"I never thought I'd be sayin' this, but... well, I really need your help." "Anything you need, Cait," Norma said. "I was hopin' you'd say that. We're friends now, which means I can trust ya with anythin'. I'm also hopin' it means you've got me back... 'cause I need it now more than ever. I'm... I'm sick... and I don't think I can hide it from ya anymore." "Okay, calm down and take a deep breath. If you're sick, I want to help you." "Okay, okay... it's like this. Ever since I left home, I been usin' Psycho. I dunno qhy I'm still takin' that crap, but I can't stop... and believe me, I've tried. I can't even go a day without it anymore and I'm fuckin' sick and tired of it. I've even been doin' it behind your back... sneakin' doses when I think you aren't lookin'. Worst of all, it's been makin' me sick. I'vee been spittin' blood and I don't feel right inside. I need to get this shite out of me system before I wind up dead," Cait said. "Can your Psycho addiction be cured?" "Normally, a wasteland doc could handle it, but I've been usin' the stuff so damn long they can't help me anymore. There's only one other way I know, but it's not gonna be easy. There's supposed to be a vault somewhere out there... a place called Vault 95. I've heard that Vault-tec used it for some kinda social experiment... stuck a bunch of junkies inside to poke and prod. Well, they supposedly had some special method to clean up those blokes in there... some kind of machine or somethin'. If we could get inside, maybe that machine could help me." "No problem, we'll get you there," Norma promised. "I can't believe how kind you're bein' to me, even when I'm lettin' you down. Look, I don't want you think I'm some kind of lowlife junkie... a stupid girl who's harming herself for no good reason. From one frien to another, all I'm askin' is for your help. When you're ready, take me out to Vault 95 and help me put an end to me pain," Cait said.
Norma spent some time at the computer terminal... searching the data banks about Vaults. Finally she found the location of Vault 95 and the next day they set off...

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"I can think of better things to get excited about," Norma said. "Oh, that's so... No, I will not let you derail me. I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough. Using a new strain of mutfruit, I have discovered a way to greatly improve the restorative properties of stimpaks. I realize this is not earthshaking, but it means that inspiration does exist," Curie said. "I know it wasn't easy, but you did it." "I find my head full of notions. Experiments. Many wil fail, but maybe I will make more discoveries. And you have given me this capacity. And beyond that, so much more. The world is full of life, pssibilities. You are very dear to me. My close friend. And I hope I can return the many favors you have given me." "What we have between us is deeper than friendship," Norma said. "My first thought in all this excitement was I must tell you. It wouldn't feel real until I shared it with you. You know... You mean very much... Oh, I am so terrible at this." "It's OK. You mean a lot to me, too." "I dared not hope. When we are apart, I guess and second guess. I should be only thinking about this achievement. Instead my thoughts... they linger on you," Curie said. "I love you, Curie," Norma said. "And I love you. The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this."

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"Let's head inside and find the clean room... that's where we can get the crap of of me body," Cait said. "Perhaps there is some modicum of new technology to learn here," Curie said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:01 pm

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"Looks like they had their support meetin's in the overseer's office. Sittin' around and tellin' everyone else my problems isn't my idea of fun," Cait said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:06 pm

The three women and their dog companion continued to fight their bloody path through the defenders.

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And locked doors were not a problem - when there were computer terminals for Norma to hack...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:11 pm

The search continued, they still had not found what they were looking for...

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The Gunners did their best to repel the invaders, but they were a mere nuisance to Norma's team...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:14 pm

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"The answer to me problems is sittin' in that room, but I dunno if I should go through with it," Cait said. "We've come so far. Don't turn back now," Norma said. "I know you risked your life gettin' us down here. But what if the Psycho's the only thing keepin' me together? What if this opens me eyes and I don't like what I see. There were reasons I dulled the pain. Things I didn't want to face... things I was tryin' to forget. I'd rather be spittin' blood than relivin' the past." "We'll face that pain together." "You... you've already done so much, but you keep offerin' to do more. Well, who the hell am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I'm gonna sit in the chair. Whenever you're ready, you go ahead and throw the switch," Cait said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:22 pm

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"Strange... I feel really strange. Everythin' feels... different. Everythin' feels... clearer. Colours... sounds... smells. Nothin' is like I remember. I... I can't believe it worked. The cravings, the pain... hell, even the rush... they've disappeared. Was I really that far gone?" Cait said. "I'm glad that's over with," Norma said. "I'm bettin' you're not the only one. I have a feelin' Tommy had this in mind all along. Clever old bastard kicked me out of the Combat zone so I'd clean meself up... and somehow he knew you'd be up for the challenge. I gues he saw somethin' in you that I missed." "I take care of my friends." "I know you do. Look... I'm never gonna forget what you did for me today. You stepped up and helped when everyone else cashed out. I know I suck at thak you's, but that's the best you're gonna get out of me. Now, how about we get out of here... and leave this place far behind," Cait said. "The influx of data is hard to process. Apologies if sometimes I make little sense. I will work on this," Curie said.

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As soon as the women returned to Sanctuary, they were joined by Piper and the three of them set off for Vault 81...

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All three were found to be at good health and so were their unborn babies...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:27 pm

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"What's on your mind?" Norma wondered. "I've been thinkin' about this for a long time. Just try to bear with me, this isn't easy for me to say and I want to get it right," Cait said. She sighed deeply before continuing. "Where do I begin? Did you know I spent three years fightin' at the Combat zone? Three years of gettin' beaten to hell by a bunch of losers and lunatics. After the matches were over, I'd spit out the blood, stitch me wounds and do a couple of shots of Psycho to keep me goin'. I fuckin' hated it. I hated the crowds, I hated the other fighters and I hated meself. I never understood why I put myself through all that. Until now. It's because I was alone. And I think deep down I wanted to die... I wanted one of me opponents to crush the life out of me. The easy way out." "Well, that's the past. You're not alone anymore." "Then maybe you know what I'm tryin' to say to you. My life's been nothin but one huge failure after another. You've heard all me stories and you know the prices I've paid. There were a few ti,es... when things got really bad, that I... I found meself starin' down the barrel of me own shotgun. I don't knowwhy I didn't pull the trigger. I guess I was prayin' that I could find a singl decent scrap of humanity in this fucked up world. And then... what you did for me back there at Vault 95... it was like the answer to those prayers. That's the first time in me life I fully depended on someone else and they didn't le me down. Foddamn it, I'm makin' a mess of this..." Cait said. "You're not messing anything up. You're doing fine." "I'm tryin' to hold it together. Maybe I should just get to the point. The longer we've been spendin' time together, the more I'm beginning to realize what you mean to me. And I'm not just talkin' about watchin' me back or sharin' a drin together, I mean more than that. Before we met, I'd never let me guard down around anyone, I didn't dare. But with you, I feel I can let you in and see me for everythin' that I am. For better or for worse. Look... I can't go back to the way things were before we met. I won't. But what I need you to do is look me in the eyes and tell me you feel somethin' too." "Of course I do. I'm in love with you, Cait," Norma said. "You... you're what? You said... you're in love with me... I... I didn't know. I mean, I felt somethin' between us, but I thought it was somethin' else. Why? Why would you fall in love with someone as srewed up as I am?" "Does it really matter?" "No... I... I guess it doesn't. This has to be the first time I put all me cards on the table and didn'rt end up losin' everything. You don't know how uch this means to me. To have someone special in my life. I promise you, I mean to kame the most of it," Cait said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:31 pm

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"It's about the child inside me. I need you to take a DNA test," Norma said. "I guess after what we've done, it's the least I can do. I'll follow your lead," Elijah said.

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"Me and my friend are desperate and need to know if this baby is ours," Norma said. "You poor thing. Alright, bring your partner and follow me," Dr. Sun said.
The physician ran the tests...
"Let's see here... It's a match. He's the father. Congratulations!" he said.
"I guess you want to talk to me about that belly... So, the baby inside you is..." Elijah said. "It's yours. And you should take responsibility for it," Norma said. "Well, I don't know what to think right now..." "We should at least start an exclusive relationship. What is our kid to think about us otherwise?" "Fine, I guess. As long as you promise to be a faithful girlfriend, I'll treat you and the baby the best I could," Elijah said.

story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20191003115430-1story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 20191003120631-1

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:35 pm

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 9:40 pm

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Vault 88, it was time to see what the new city leader had done with this place. Norma had assigned him before she gave birth...

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There was still a lot under construction. But the settlers were enthusiastic and happy. Codsworth had done a good job...

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Leaving Vault 88 behind, they wondered how it would look the next time they visit..

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 10:04 pm

Norma's Pip-Boy picked up an emergency broadcast...

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There were people under assualt by feral ghouls at the Cambridge Police Station...

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 10:07 pm

"We appreciate the assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?" "Pest exterminator. I heard you had a feral problem," Norma said. "Evading my questions is a surefire way of getting yourself ejected from the compound. Are you from a local settlement?" he said. "I'm from Sanctuary Hills... on the other side of Concord." "I've seen the location on our maps, but I've not visited the area myself. There isn't much over there for us to collect. If I appear suspicious, it's because our mission here has been difficult. If you want to continue pitching in, we could use an extra gun on our side." "I want to help but I don't like the secrecy. Who are you? Really?" "Very well. I'm Paladin Danse, Brotherhood of Steel. Over there is Scribe Haylen and Knight Rhys. I've been trying to send a distress signal to our vessel at Boston International Airport, but the signal's to weak to reach them," he said. "Sir, if I may?" "Proceed, Haylen." "I've modified the radio tower on the roof of the police station, but I'm afraid it just isn't enough. What we need is something that will boost the signal," the scribe said. "Our target is ArcJet Systems, and it contains the technology we need... the deep range transmitter. We infiltrate the facility, secure the transmitter, and bring it back here. So, what do you say? You willing to lend the Brotherhood of Steel a hand?" Danse said. "Who are the Brotherhood of Steel?" Norma wondered. "Our order seeks to understand the nature of technology. Its power. Its meaning to us as humans. And we fight to keep that power from those who would abuse it," he said. "So you steal technology and keep it for yourselves." "You're implying that we do this to benefit ourselves. I can assure you, our motivation is quite the opposite. So, what do you say? Will you help us?" "It's a good plan, if we make it back," Norma said. "I can assure you that I wouldn't undertake this mission unless I had confidence in your abilities. Haylen, take Rhys inside and bind his wounds. Rhys, once you're on your feet, I want you to make certain the perimete is secure," Danse said. "I'm on it," the knight said. "Head into the police station and resupply yourself, then let me know when you're ready to begin. Let's move out, people!" "All right big guy, let's go," Haylen said. "Yeah, yeah... I'm comin'," Rhys said.

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"Paladin Danse?" "You ready to move out?" he said. "Why establish an outpost at the police station?" Norma wondered. "Given the nature of the facility, we felt it would be tactically advantageous to search it for weapons and ammunition. The radio tower on the roof was an unexpected boon, but obviously has its shortcomings that need to be rectified. It might not be as imposing as the Citadel in the Capital Wasteland, but it suits our purpose. That's all I'm willing to divulge at this point. Are you ready to proceed with the mission?" "I was born ready." "Follow me and try not to lag behind," Danse said.

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"We'll take this alley. Follow me," he said.

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story - Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story - Page 6 Empty Re: Boston Tales, a Fallout 4 story

Post by Wotan Tue May 05, 2020 10:14 pm

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"ArcJet is a short hike to the west. If we take this road, we should be able to avoid the larger packs of ferals infesting Cambridge," Danse said.

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Traveling this far from the police station is a risk, but getting that transmitter up and running needs to be our top priority," Danse said.

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"If it was up to me, I'd relocate my team, but Scribe Haylen detected some disturbing energy readings that need to be investigated. We don't know much about them, except that they're short-lived and broadcast on a frequency only obtainable with a high level of technology. We're concerned that whoever or whatever is creating those energy readings might be a potential threat, so it's our job to investigate," Danse said.

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"It might surprise you that my recon team isn't the first to visit the Commonwealth. Over the last seven years, two other teams were sent here by the Brotherhood. The first team's mission was a huge success. They came back with crates full of pre.war artifacts and historical documents. The second wasn't so fortunate. shortly after they arrived, we lost contact with them and they haven't been heard from since," Danse said.

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"As far as my team goes, we've lost four good men to this godforsaken wasteland. We've been a target from the moment we arrived. But despite the setbacks, I don't intend to give up and head home... or end up missing," Danse said.

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