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Lust Epidemic

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Lust Epidemic Empty Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Tue May 24, 2022 4:18 pm

Naughty story about a university student caught in a violent storm at a rival school. This story is followed by its sequel - Treasure of Nadia.
All NSFW screenshots will be hidden behind links but can be viewed if you know the password.
Click on images to view the ful-size picture.
Now, enjoy the story:

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"Damn! This storm is intense. I hope I can make it home in one piece. Wait... Shit! I left my keys in Val's office." "Hey! Brad! Where are you going?" "I'm going back inside." "I already locked the door." "Well, unlock it Simon!" Brad said. "I can't." "What do you mean you can't? Give me your access card." "My access has been revoked. I can't get back in after hours," Simon said. "How the hell did that happen?" "It's nothing. Just campus politics." "Well fudge this. You're giving me a ride home!" Brad said. "But I can't! I've got to go to Saint Dame University and I'm already running late!" "What? What possible business could you have at our rival school?" "You don't know? Valerie and my Mom are meeting there to discuss the libel lawsuit," Simon said. "Valerie went to SDU in this storm? I don't remember her saying anything about a meeting." "Well if you're coming with me, we're stopping by SDU first." "Fine. Val can just give me a ride home afterwards anyways," Brad said.
These thoughts went through Brad's mind...

"In this town, everybody is having sex -- except me!"

Last edited by Wotan on Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:01 am; edited 1 time in total

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed May 25, 2022 6:39 am

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"So are we really suing Saint Dame University?" Brad said. "I guess so. It's Valerie's call. she's East State Univerity president. If it were up to my Mom, of course we would sue them," Simon said. "That's why Valierie doesn't leave these decisions to Mrs. Bancroft. Your Mom can be a real bitch , you know that right?" "fudge you! Valerie's too soft. My Mom knows what she's doing. Plus, we've got a surprise up our sleeve." "Whatever. Just drive. I don't want to talk about it. Jesus! The roads are awful," Brad said. "I can berely see!" "slow down Simon! We don't want to end up driving into a flooded patch. Where the fudge is this weather coming from?" "You don't know? It's a hurricane. Took a big shift last night, veering away from Cape Vedra and now we're getting the brunt of it," Simon said. "Damn, I hope Val is okay," Brad said.

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"There is her car. She showed up," Simon said. "What? The merc? Whose car is that?" brad said. "It's Miss Harrison's. The one who fucked over our school with that fake news story." "Amber Harrison is here!? The Channel 4 news anchor?" "Yeah... So what. You do remember the story right?" Simon said. "You mean all that porn scandal nonsense? You guys worry too much. Our school is doing fine. The bigger issue here is that the sexiest news anchor in the world is in that creepy building." "Hey! We're suing her news channel, okay, right alongside SDU. Everyone's going down but us, so don't go fucking this up." "Calm down Simon. I'll see you inside," Brad said.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Thu May 26, 2022 2:35 am

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"You must be the kid everyone's looking for." "Shit! I'm late. Aren't I" Simon said. "Chapel's down the hall to the left. They're waiting for you. And no wandering around. The seminary building is off limits after hours. When your meeting is finished, you all need to leave. "Don't worry about that. I wouldn't want to be in this creepy place one second longer than I need to be," Brad said.

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"What a creepy looking dude," Brad said. "He's their priest. Come on! I'm already late," Simon said.

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"Please be quiet. Father Parker is working and doesn't want to be disturbed." "We won't be long lady. Was that a nun?" Brad said. "This is the eminary building. There is a full-time church presence here," Simon said. "She's hot for a nun," Brad said. "Just be quiet in the chapel Brad. Let us do the talking," Simon said. "Oh stop pretending you're anything other than mommy's errand boy." "Arg! Shut up!"

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"Sorry I'm late. The roads were awful," Simon said. "We all had to deal with the weater kid. I've got things to do you know," Amber said. "Hey Val." "Brad! What are you doing here?" Valerie said. "Do you know ech other?" Mendel said. "Of course. She is My Bro's Wife," Brad said. "You did remember the video, didn't you Simon?" Amanda said. "Oh yeah... Here it is Mom," he said. "Thank you Simon, you can take Brad home now. I'll be home shortly Brad," Valerie said. "Can I just ride back with you Vl?" Brad said. "This is outrageous! I don't believe for one second that your allege video even exists. I bet that thumb drive is empty," Amber said. "Oh you'll find out soon enough Miss Harrison," Valerie said. "You and your whole network are going to be exposed for the biased propaganda that you dare call news..." Amanda said. "Stick to the script Amanda," Valerie said. "Your video won't matter when we reveal what your school has really been up to. You can blame your students all you want but my investigation has uncovered a witness here who has told us all we need to know to justify the actions of the Channel 4 team," the PI said. "Holy shit. It's the kid from the porno that was filmed at our school," Brad said. "I bet you wish you never expelled me now Mrs. Bancroft!" Andy said. "That boy has no credibility," Amanda said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Thu May 26, 2022 7:22 pm

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"What is going on in here!? No one is supposed to be in here now." "Calm down Father Parker. We just needed a private place to meet," Mendel said. "You don't own the place just because you are the school president. The chapel is my territory!" "The school owns it and we're in the middle of a meeting. can you please leave," Mendel said. "Ahhhh!" Amber screamed. "Holy shit! The power's gone out!" Brad said. "Oh fudge!" Andy said. "What the hell!?" Valerie said. "I can't see!" Simon said. "Everyone make your way to the library. The backup lighting is not installed in the chapel," Mendel said.

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"The library is this way. Follow me," Mendel said. "This is crazy. We should leave. Before the flooding gets worse," Amber said. "As much as I would enjoy seeing Miss Harrison's face when we show the video, I think perhaps we should reschedule. What do you think Madam Valerie? Valerie?" Amanda said. "Of course. This is clearly not a good night to be doing this," she said.
"Simon, what is on the video you gave your Mom?" Brad said. "It's the video that proves the Channel 4 interview with my Mom was staged. Didn't Valerie tell you about this?" he said. "Valerie doesn't talk much about work stuff when we're at home."

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"Good evening folks. I'm sure you've noticed we're dealing with a power outage. Fortunately most of the building can be powered by a generator. The bad news is that apparently the river has flooded the bridge so I would not suggest trying to leave campus until the waters subside," Buddie said. "What!? How long will that take?" Amber said. "I'm not sure ma'am, but it is too dangerous to leave right now," he said. "Don't call me ma'am! I'm not an old lady like Mrs. Bitch face over there," she said. "You stay the hell away from me Miss Harrison. And I suggest you watch your tone if you know what is good for you," Amanda said. "I can't stand to be in this room for one more second," Amber said. "I should follow her. To make sure she is okay," Mendel said. "You're going down Mendel," Amanda said. "Since you are all going to be here for a while, it's imperative that you follow the campus rules. This building is closed. So keep to the common areas and stay out of the east and west towers," Buddie said. "What are you looking at twerp?" Amanda said. "Hey! fudge you lady!" Andy said. "Come on Andy, let's leave," Denny said. "God damn this storm!" Valerie said. "Come on Val. No need to get upset. We can wait it out here. Even if we are in enemy territory." "Oh Brad. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about our teoubles," she said. "Don't woeey Bradley. This is only delaying the inevitable. Our case is a slam dunk," Amanda said. "fudge SDU! I heard this place is haunted," Simon said. "Does this hell hole have a bathroom?" Amanda said. "Val. Can I get a ride with you once the weather subsides?" "Of course Brad," Valerie said.

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"What have I gotten myself into? East State University has gotten a bad reputation as of late, but I didn't know Valerie was taking it so seriously. I should as around... See if I can figure out what exactly is going on. Who knows... If there is any truth to all the rumors, maybe I can get wrapped up in a sex scandal of my own. I mean... I'm trapped in a spooky building with three sexy babes... My childhood crush... A sexy nun... and my friend's hot Mom. This is sounding like the start of one of those kinky rumors that I've heard about. Actually. Now that I think about it... My Brother's Wife is here too... Oh fudge! That was a weird though," Brad mused.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Sat May 28, 2022 2:56 am

"I know that security guard is uptight about his job, but I kind of want to check this place out. I've never been to their seminary building. Supposedly it is the oldest building in town. Built in the 1800's"

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"This chest looks really old. I wonder if I can unlock it. ... What's this? There is a hole in the wall. Looks like someone was trying to get a peek at some catholic school girls. Actually, are girls even allowed in sminary? Should I take a peek?"

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"Oh my god! Look at that ass! Arg! This is driving me crazy. I want to fudge her so bad. Damn she put her skirt back on. Show's over. looks like she's leaving now. I can't believe that creepy wimpy kid with the glasses hooked up with two hot women, and s decent looking guy like me went all through college without getting lucky once. But I can't hit on Mrs. Bancroft. As much as I would love to fudge her brains out... It would be too weird. I mean my brother's wife is her boss. I don't want Valerie to get in trouble."

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"Hello there," Brad said. "I'm not supposed to talk to you," Andy said. "Hey!" "You better leave us alone," Denny said. "Who are you. some sort of investigator?" Brad said. "I'm a private investigator, hired by Mendel to keep tabs on your school. Valerie didn't tell you this?" Denny said. "I think she mentioned it. You're wasting time though. Nothing is happened at ESU apart from that sex tape that the dweeb her was caught filming." "I wasn't filming. I was the star," andy said. "An expelled porn star," Brad said. "fudge you."
"Looks like someone missed the trash can. It's an old newsletter."

February 27th 2018
ESU's Reputation Continues to Suffer
Three students were identified and expelled following East State University's interlal investigation into the pornography video that was filmed on ESU campus. The women seen in the video were identified as porn actress Lisa Stonewell and her sister Karen Breton.
The video, titled "Mother's Gangbag" was first discovered on Stonewell's website. Another man is seen in the video but is not identifiable. Some claim it to be an ESU staff member.

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April 4th 2018
Rival School Struggles for Excuses
Last night's broadcast on Channel 4 must have come as a chock to Amanda Bancroft, Dean of East State University, who appeared cornered by overwhelming evidence that her school has become a cesspool of inappropriate behavior. The interview was more than embarrassing for her as even newscaster Amber Harrison turned on Bancroft out of concern for her own college age son.
Sister Katherine, representative from Saint Dame University, offered additional critique of Mrs. Bancroft's school, painting SDU as a safet alternative for parents of future college students.

"Something's written on the chalkboard."

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Sun May 29, 2022 4:19 am

Brad went back to the library...
"So Val, what exactly is going on here?" he said. "Don't worry about it Brad. It's just work stuff," Valerie said. "seems pretty serious." "Mrs. Bancroft has good reason to believe that Saint Dame University might be slandering our school." "So Mendel is behind the Channel 4 news story about the naughty video that was shot at our school?" Brad said. "We think so." "Why would SDU do that?" "They want to take our students Brad. They are just fighting to survive. Can you blame them?" she said. "Yeah... They are just jealous of ESU." "We've been lucky. Our school is well funded compared to theirs. I can't deny that. Would you be a dear and find me a bottled water?" "Of course Val. Here you go," he said. "Oh thank goodness. You're a sweetheart Brad." "Looks like the rain isn't stopping." "Maybe I should call your Older Brother. Let him know we'll be late," Valerie said. "Well, my phone doesn't have a signal. Do you think My Brother will even notice we're not there?" "Don't be hard on him Brad. His work keeps him busy." "Your job is way harder and yet you still find time. Why do you even bother with him anymore?" Brad said. "Don't say that. It's complicated. Your brother is a lot younger than I. Our relationship is different than most." "You know at first I thought it as strange that my brother married a woman so much older than him. But you are a special woman Valerie." "Thank you Bradley. It's been nice living with you since I married your brother. It's nice to have someone else to talk to from time to time," she said. "Well, whatever you want Val. You have my support." "You're sweet."

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"What are you doing in here? I'll call Buddie," Sister Katherine said. "What?" "Security! I'll call security." "Calm down. I'm just exploring," Brad said. "Why are you still here?" "The bridge is flooded. We can't leave." "This is outrageous!" she said. "What the hell is wrong with you lady?" "You don't belong here." "I won't argue with that lady," he said. "Stop calling me lady! You will call me Sister Katherine." "Whatever you say sis. I'm Brad." "How rude!" she said. "Well good luck coping with a bunch of sinners tainting your house of worship." "Wait! Are you going to the library?" "Yeah. So what?" Brad said. "Can you bring me a book?" "What book do you want?" "It's a study of Matthew 5," she said. "Oh, I know that one! Great movie. I really love the Matthew franchise. Even though it went downhill after Matthew 3." "What are you talking about?" "It's called sarcasm. Just give me the name of the book and I'll get it for you," he said. "The book is called 'In Your Heart., But the problem is that it might not be in the right place." "How will I find it?" "I'm not sure, but it has a distinct purple cover. Hopefully you'll see it," Sister Katherine said. "Ok, I'll do my best." "Thank you Bradley. And don't tell anyone it's for me. Okay?" "sure thing Kat," he said.
After searching for some time, Brad did find the book...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Mon May 30, 2022 10:54 am

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"Please find my book. I don't know where I left it," sister Katherine said. "Here it is." "Oh! Thank you Bradley. That was very kind of you to help me out." "What is the book about?" he wondered. "It's... Umm... It's something that I need to learn more about." ""Why are you so embarrassed?" "Bradley... You are a man?" she said. "Of course I am." "Do you ever lust for a woman other than your wife?" "I'm not married Kat," he said. "Oh my! Do you lay with other men?" "No! I'm just way too young to get married. What the hell? Why do you care?" "i want to understand lust. I feel it is my calling," Sister Katherine said. "A nun trying to undertand sex... that can't be normal." "Normal? I'll tell you what isn't normal. The men in this town have become animals." "Hey! Don't let me stop you. You go ahead and learn all about fucking. I'm sure you'll be a great help in fighting whatever problem you think this town has," Brad said. "I have faith on my side. Your school, our school, and this whole town needs a cleansing." "Well don't try too hard. I've not gotten lucky yet." "Why are you not lucky?" she said. "No... I mean. I've not fucked any babes yet and I don't want you turning this place into a puritan town before I've had a chance to get me some pussy." "Oh my! You are so crude! I thank you for your help. But I must leave now. Please stay out of this tower. Father Parker and I do not want to be disturbed. Goodbye Bradley." "Damn. She probably has no idea how hot she is. I'd love to show her a thing or two about sex." "Hey! I told you to stay out of the towers. And stop bothering Sister Katherine," Buddie said. "We were just talking," Brad said. "Get out kid. Don't be a pain in the ass."
"The security guard must be keeping tabs on us somehow."

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"What do you want?" "Who are you?" Brad said. "My name's Andy. I take it you're Brad." "Do you know me?" "No! Of course not. What do you want?" Andy said. "No need to bite my head off. Listen. I know Mrs. Bancroft can be a bitch, but me personally... I thought your video was pretty entertaining." "Ha! I would have taken you to be as tightly wound as Valerie." "Hey, they had no choice but to expel you. What did you think would happen?" Brad said. "I don't know... I didn't think ESU would have the balls to expel one of their top students." "Tell me. How did you do it?" "What do you mean?" Andy said. "Why would someone like you get that opportunity. I mean, you're a total dweeb." "Hey! I'm not a dweeb!" "That was one hell of a way to lose your virginity," Brad said. "I wasn't a virgin." "What!? No way! Who did you hook up with?" "Haha! You're jealous of me? Isn't that interesting. I suppose you want advice," Andy said. "Dream on dweeb! If I lowered my standards enough I'm sure I could have gotten laid too." "You're a virgin? Hahaha." "Hey fudge you!" Brad said. "Let me show you a picture of the woman I lost my virginity to." "Oh god. I don't want to see that. Don't make me throw up."

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"Holy shit! You lie!" Brad said. "Whatever you want to believe dude. It won't change the fact that I've been hooking up with her for months now," Andy said. "Ok... Now I know you're lying. See you around."

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Tue May 31, 2022 4:04 am

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"Hi ladies." "Bored Bradley? Maybe you can help us," Amanda said. "Oh, I don't know Amanda," Valerie said. "But Madam Valerie, this could be our chance to figure out just what Mendel knows." "Sounds sneaky. What do you want me to do?" Brad said. "I can do it!" Simon said. "Quiet Simon," Amanda said. "Well Brad. The SDU president has told us that his private investigator has a file on us," Valerie said. "So? What's the worst he can know?" Brad said. "We don't know what he's planning. We can sue them, and maybe even win... this time. But..." Valerie said. "Mendel is going too far. Something is up and he's getting desperate," Amanda said. "We can't get caught snooping around. It would make things worse," Valerie said. "I won't get caught. I can be sneaky," simon said. "Simon please. They know you. They've seen you around us too often," Valerie said. "I get it! They don't suspect I'd be involved. I'll see what I can dig up." "You're quite helpful Bradley," Amanda said. "Don't get caught," Simon said. "Be careful dear," Valerie said.
"Ok, let's be honest. I still think Valerie and Mrs. Bancroft are overreacting. But maybe if I help them out I'll be one step closer to getting some action... From Amanda... Not Valerie, of course. A woman like Mrs. Bancroft is turned on by competence. Or so the guys at school have told me."

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"Hello there." "Don't wander around kid. Especially stay out of the west tower. Father Parker and Sister Katherine don't appreciate your presence," Buddie said. "I can see a key in this fountain. Maybe I can grab it." "Hey! Don't reach in there. What's wrong with you?"
"I need someone to help me distract the security guard."

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"Don't screw this up brad. If you get caught, we don't know you," Simon said. "Are you really that stupid? Everyone knows you drove me here." "Oh... Yeah. I forgot." "Simon. Maybe you can help me out," Brad said. "Oh yeah? What's the plan?" "There's a key in the fountain. I think it might unlock something. But I can't get it." "I can get it! My meaty build allows me to float with ease!" Simon said. "Wait! Wait! All I need you to do is distract the security guard." "How will I do that?" "Just walk down the hall into the west tower. He'll see you on the security cameras," Brad said. "I don't want to get in trouble." "You won't. I got caught in there. He'll just tell you to leave." "Ok... I'll do it!" Simon said.

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"God damn it. Now the fat one is acting up. I better head over there before Father Parker gets on my case."
"It worked! Let's get this key and see if it opens the office desk where Kat's book was," Brad thought.
He found a cheap digital camera in the drawer.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 01, 2022 11:53 am

Lust Epidemic 20220526195414-1

"I thought you and Mendel were hooking up?" Denny said. "Nevermind about Mendel. Don't pretend you don't want it," Amber said. "Now's not the time lady." "What the hell!? Are you gay or something?" "I'm here on work. Mendel is paying me to keep tabs on those ESU people, not fool around with you," he said. "Woah... I better get out of here before they spot me."
"It sounds like the President of Saint Dame University is fooling around with Amber. That means mendel was totally influencing Amber when she interviewed Mrs. Bancroft. I need to tell her! Although, how can I prove it? If I can figure out how to catch them in the act I could video... Damn! I just remembered my camera lens on my phone is busted. But... I did find this old digital camera. I can use this. Mrs. Bancroft wil be mighty impressed by my sleuthing skills."

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"Did you find out anytjing Bdradley?" Amanda said. "I did! It turns out Amber and Mendel are an item." "Oh really? So Mendel is using Amber. That explains a lot. How do you know?" "Well I overheard it from their private investigator. And with a bit more time I might be able to get them on video." "Good work Bradley. I knew you could help me," Amanda said. "Always happy to help Mrs. Bancroft." "You've grown into quite the young man."

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"Oh yeah! There she is. What is she...?"

"She's so horny. Maybe I have a chance with her after all."

"Oh god, she looks tasty." "Hey! What are you looking at?" Andy said. "Oh! Uhh..." "Wow! That's one hot mama. You want to fudge her, don't you?" "Of course I do, every guy wants to fudge Amber Harrison," Brad said. "If I really wanted to, I could fudge her." "Here we go again." "You don't think I could?" Andy said. "No! Clearly the answer is no! But I would love to watch you try and fail." "Oh you'll see! I just need to... Wait... Where did I put my car keys? Oh shit! I must have dropped them somewhere." "Stalling?" Brad said. "No! I just need some time." "That is what stalling is idiot!" "I'll be balls deep inside Amber before sundown. You'll see!" Andy said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:32 am

Lust Epidemic 20220526200057-1

"What is it?" Mendel said. "I'm hungry!" Amber complained. "Can't it wait? I'm sure we won't be here much longer." "What!? I want something to eat now! You can't expect me to starve here." "Amber please!" he said. "Oh Brad. I didn't see you there," she said. "Hi Brad. What do you need?" "I couldn't help but overhear Amber asking for something to eat. Does this place have a kitchen?" "Look... If you two are hungry, ask Buddie. I don't know what is in thi building to eat," Mendel said. "Of course! The security guard can probably help give me what I need. He's clearly in charge around here," she said. "I'm not in the mood to argue Amber," Mendel said. "Fine! I don't want to be around you either," she said.
"Damn. I was hoping to get some evidence to impress Mrs. Bancroft. But if Amber and Mendel keep fighting I won't get the evidence I need to prove they're together."

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"What?" "Hey Buddie, where can I get some food around here?" "You sure are annoying," he said. "Come on man. Tell me. I'm starving." "During off hours all food is packed away in the kitchen." "Where is the kitchen?" "The kitchen is in the basement... In the west tower. Do you know what else is in the west tower?" Buddie said. "A map to the priest's buried treasure?" "Haha kid. No. The west tower is where Sister Katherine and Father Parker live. Which means, right now, it's their kitchen. And they're not welcoming of you or any of your friends. So if you're hungry, you can swim to the burger joint on the other side of the bridge," Buddie said. "Hey! It's not just me who's hungry. The sexy news lady is hungry too. You don't want to starve a sexy woman do you?" "You mean that babe with the silver hair and glasses? If she's hungry, tell her I've got some ptotein she can have." "Haha! No man. That's Valerie." "I don't care who she is or isn't. If I see anyone in the west tower I'm kicking them out into the storm," Buddie said.

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"Maybe you should stick to your side lady," Denny said. "I just want to talk to Andy," Valerie said. "Don't listen to her Andy." "You're not a lawyer Mr. Gropper. Let the boy speak for himself." "Andy told us everything. It's too late," Denny said. "What's going on here?" "Oh, nothing Brad. I was just leaving," Valerie said. "It's not over Mrs. Faye," Andy said. "Andy, just let it go," Denny said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:31 pm

Lust Epidemic 20220526200507-1

"Brad. I don't want you talking to Andy," she said. "What's wrong Val? I already know what happened at our school. It sucks he's teaming up with SDU, but he seemed pretty upset about getting expelled. What did he do exactly to get expelled? Was there more to it than the porn video?" he said. "He's not a good person Brad. We've had our share of bad apples at our school, but he's the worst I've ever had to deal with." "What is it? What made him the worst?" "Brad, Brad. I really don't want to talk about it," Valerie said. "Do you want me to see if I can figure out what he told the investigator dude? Will that make you feel better?" "Mr. Gropper? No. No... It's not necessary. I just want you to be safe. Don't do anything I wouldn't want you doing while we're here." "Okay Val," he said. "Thanks Brad."
"Val is way too protective of me. Even more than my Older Brother. I wonder what Andy did? Maybe there is more to that kid than I'm giving him credit for."

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"What do you need?" "People are getting hungry Buddie. Is there anything we can do?" Mendel said. "No. Kitchen's off limits. Father Parker's orders," Buddie said. "I'm in charge around here. Not Father Parker. Ultimately, you work for me. Let's not make a big deal out of this." "When's the last time you ever set foot in here? I don't wrk for you." "Don't push your luck Buddie. No one's going to disturb Father Parker. This storm is loud enough he woth even hear us. I'm going to get some food, and I don't want any trouble. Understand?" Mendel said. "Look, if you're dead set on getting something to eat, I'll do it myself. But that means you have to stay here and watch the entrance." "Why does anyone need to watch the entrance?" "Everyone currently in this building is accounted for. And I want to keep it that way," Buddie said. "Fine. I don't want to argue. I'll watch the door."
This gave Brad the opportunity to slink into the east tower basement,,,

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He found wire cutters in the chest...
"There's something written next to this electrical box... This must control the power to the 1st floor tower rooms. This might be powering the security cameras. If I cut a cable, maybe Buddie won't be able to watch us on the cameras anymore... Well. I hope it worked!"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:37 am

Lust Epidemic 20220527231220-1

"Did you find my keys?" Andy said. "No luck. But Valerie doesn't want me talking to you... So..." Brad said. "Yeah, no shit." "What is it with you? Why is she so afraid of you?" "She's afraid of me? I guess that makes sense," Andy said. "What did you do?" "You know that woman I told you I was fucking?" "Yeah." "I made her pregnant," Andy said. "Ok, if it's true... It's not that fucked up. Even if she does look 20 years older than you." "Oh... It is. Believe me." "There has to be more than that," Brad said. "Not that I'm going to tell you." "Tell me!" "God Andy. Can't you keep your mouth shut fot two seconds?" Denny said. "Hey! It's my loose lips that gave you all that evidence against coach Tillman," Andy said. "Wait? Coach Tillman?" Brad said. "Oh shit!" "He's the ESU staff member behind your school's porn video scandal," Denny said. "I thought Andy was the one behind it," Brad said. "Nope. It was Tillman. He orchestrated the whole thing," Andy said. "Oh fudge! Why haven't we fired him?" Brad said-"A good question for Valerie. The girls volleyball coch, and a secret porn producer," Denny said. "What are you implying? You know his daughter is on the team, right," Brad said. "It looks bad... It is bad," Denny said.
"No way. Something isn't right here. I ant to ask Val about Tillman, but then she'll know I've been talking to Andy. Does she even know? Maybe if I tell her she can fire him and save our school a bit of embarrassment."

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"Where's the food?" Mendel said. "We've got a problem?" Buddie said. "A problem?" "Power went out to the lift. I just about got stuck in there." "Oh, uh... It was probably just the lighning strike from earlier," Brad said. "No. It wasn't. It just went out. Same with everything else on the 1st floor over in the west tower," Buddie said. "Well at least it's just the one area. It won't affect us," Mendel said. "Oh it will soon enough." "Why is that?" "Quiet... Do you hear that?" Buddie said. "I don't hear anything." "Exactly. The air conditioner is out too. Everything in zone 2 is out." "Wait, did you say the AC is out?" Brad said. "Yeah kid. It's going to get a little stuffy in here." "Then we should let people in the basement. There is food and cooler air down there," Mendel said. "At this point I'm not going to stop you. I can't keep tabs without the camera anyway. Father Parker is normally working now, and I didn't see him in his office. However, you need to tell people to be quiet. And the west tower only! No one sets foot in the east tower," Buddie said. "Fine." "No wait. Stay here." "What? Why?" Mendel said. "Where is he going?" Brad wondered. "Beats me," Mendel said.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:53 am

Lust Epidemic 20220527231712-1

"What are you doing?" Mendel said. "I'm going outside to check the electical box," Buddie said. "In this weather?" "I'm wearing a rain suit. I'll live." "So... Mendel. Why does Buddie care so much about the towers?" Brad said. "I haven't the slightest idea. I barely know the guy, but from what I've seen, he's got a few loose screws."
Brad went back to the west tower...
"What a creepy looking portrait... This must be Mother Superior. She's pretty sexy for an old lady. Nice big jugs."

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"Buddie is that you?" Katherine wondered. "No, it's me. Brad." "Bradley? What are you doing up here?" "Buddie is outside messing with the electricity for some reason. And since the security camers are out I thought I'd pay you a visit," he said. "Well I was busy reading. But I could take a break. Meet me in the kitchen," she said.

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"Okay. Let's see what we have in the fridge to eat... Not much to eat. Just yogurt, and some carrots. Which should I take? Oh, and there's some ranch dip, and some strawberry jam. What would be good with the carrots? Carrots and strawberry jam... The snack of champions."
Brad closed the fridge.
"I think there's something on the top shelf. But I can't jump high enough to reach it."

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:37 am

March 6th 2018
Public Sex Charges Dropped
Local business owner Phil Yu avoided indecency charges after allegedly performing public sex acts on a teenage girl behind a small movie theater in Westerville county.
When asked for a comment, the unnamed teenager said "He took me round back and womper-bumped my patooie before jelly poppin' my puff-pie."
It is believed the charges were dropped when the judge and jury determined her testimony to be indecipherable.

Lust Epidemic 20220527232321-1

"Hello Bradley." "Hi Katherine. So, how long have you been in this town?" he said. "I've only been here a few years. I was in England before moving here." "What brought you across the pond?" "It's... It's nothing," she said. "You can tell me Kat. Are you running from the law?" "What!? No! Of course not." "Then what is it?" Brad said. "I needed to get away from someone." "Well, did it work out?" "I'm better off here. But I do miss him," she said. "Him? So you were in love?" "My only live is God!... I just didn't need the temptation. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you." "Woah! Sounds a bit extreme," he said. "Do you know who wrote that?" "No clue." "It was Matthew..." she said. "I don't know what you're talking about, but okay." "From your joke. Remember? You told me a joke. You said you liked the book of Matthew. But you were joking. Remember." "Yeah... It wasn't that funny," he said. "You are a funny person Bradley. You know I do like jokes from time to time." "Are you the only nun here?" "No. There are others, but they are away on a mission trip," she said. "Why didn't you get to go on the mission? Still completing your training?" "It's not like that silly. Someone just needs to stay behind, and this time it was me. The others live in the rooms on the other side of the far door there." "And you get the penthouse suite upstairs?" he said. "Mother Superior lets me use her room when she is away." "You know, if it keeps raining we might have to stay the night." "Oh my. I don't think you can use the bedrooms. We've never had outsiders here in the living quarters," she said. "Well thanks for the offer." "But I did not offer it! I said I don't think you can. You are not allowed." "I was being sarcastic again," he said. "You are such a jokester Bradley." "You know, if things get cramped, and we all need to sleep somewhere... Just how much room is on Mother Superior's bed?" "What!? Bradley! You joke too much! I will not let you fill my head with such thoughts," Katherine said. "So you thought about it?" "No! I mean!... You made me do it! I must get back to my book. Good night Bradley."
"She's pretty damn cute. I'm definitely not done bothering her."

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"Did you find anything to eat around here?" Amber said. "If I did, why would I share it with you?" Brad said. "Because I'm hungry! And you should be a gentleman. Oh my god. Where did you find this? It looks disgusting. I'd rather starve." "Hey! It was a lot of trouble getting this!" "What do you want me to do? Give you an award? Stupid millennial," she said. "It's a good thing you're sexy Amber, otherwise no man would ever put up with you," he said. "How rude!"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:37 am

Lust Epidemic 20220527232850-1

"Just as I suspected," Buddie said. "What's the problem?" Mendel said. "It's the transformer." "Struck by lighning?" "No. It's been opened," Buddie said. "Are you suse? By who?" "It's not a matter of who... but what." "Come on now Buddie. You're not suggesting raccoons can open a locked transformer, are you?" Mendel said. "It's not raccoons Mr. Steedly. It's something bigger." "Oh for crying out loud Buddie. Now's not the time to add to our problems by concocting bizarre explanations to basic weather related problems." "You don't believe in it, do you?" Buddie said. "What are you talking about?" "The Dame Woods Demon." "Hahaha. Are you serious? That sounds so lame!" Brad said. "What's going on? Why is it getting so stuffy in here?" "Hey Simon. It turns out a demon shut off the air conditioning system," Brad said. "What!? I knew it! What the hell are we going to do? We're no match for a demon," simon said. "I've got guns that can take it down," Buddie said. "Ok everybody shut up! This isn't helping. A lighning bolt caused a few electrical hiccups. It might get a bit warm in here, but apart from that everything is fine. There is no need to start a panic over nothing," Mendel said. "You can believe in your lighning theory. I'm going upstairs to keep watch on the woods," buddie said. "Why the woods? Did you see it run into the woods?" Simon said. "That's where it lives kid. The flood water must be driving it out," Buddie said. "Buddie. Please go upstairs and look at the woods. But whatever you do, don't tell anyone what you've just told me," Mendel said. "Oh I get it. Don't want to start a panic," Buddie said. "I want to help! I'm not going to be a sitting duck," Simon said. "Come on kid. I could use another set of eyes," Buddie said.

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"I guess I need to let everyone know the AC is out," Mendel said. "I heard there are bedrooms down in the basement. Do you think we'll be here overnight?" Brad said. "If we are, we'll need to make sleeping arrangements. Let's hope the rain stops and the waters subside. Although at this rate, I don't see that happening. We're in for a long night," Mendel said.
"Should I go outside in the rain? I wonder what the hell Buddie thought he saw."

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Brad found some car keys...

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"It's locked. I bet this is Andy's car... What the hell is that purple flask thing? Asthma medicine or nerd juice? Might as well take it."
Before heading back inside, Brad took a look at the electical box outside...
"The wires look torn up. But I know I was the one who caused the AC to go out. So what is this all about?"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:44 am

Brad went looking for Andy...
"What?" "I found this in your car. What is it?" he said. "You opened my car? Did you find my keys?" "What is it Andy?" "It's my medicine. Give it to me!" he said. "There's plenty of them in your car. Go get one from there," Brad said.

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"You better be careful with that purple flask," Andy said. "This isn't medication. Is it?" Brad said. "Just don't drink it. You're the last person here I'd want running around with that in your system." "Is it alcohol?" "It's nothing! Just throw it away if you're not going to give it back to me," Andy said.
"This stuff smells bad. But I kinda want to see what it does. Maybe I can mix it with something."

Lust Epidemic 20220527233513-1

"I know it's awful, but there apparently is nothing we can do. The AC is out and we're all going to be a bit miserable," Mendel said. "I can't take it. It's humid too," Valerie complained. "Are you sure you can't fix it?" Amanda said. "Hey ladies. I see you're getting comfortable." "Very funny Bradlet," Amanda said. "It was a huge mistake coming here," Valerie said. "You can go to the kitchen. It is cooler there. Also, there are bedrooms in the basement. We may be here a while," Mendel said. "Fantastic," Amanda said. "I'll check with Buddie and get everyone room access cards," Mendel said. "I hope we don't end uo here after nightfall," Valerie said.
Brad made his way to the kitchen...
"Let's see what we have in here to mix with this nasty purple shit. Orange juice will do."

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"Hmm... What if it kills me? Why would Andy be carrying around a bunch og bottles of poison? This is a bad idea. I shouldn't drink this." "Oh! It is a bit cooler down here. And less stuffy," Valerie said. "Isn't this kinda fun Val? I mean... It's like an adventure." "I wish it was an adventure Brad." "Do you remember the time we got lost in the big park out west?" he said. "Oh, you mean Hightree Park? I do remember. We didn't thing we'd make it home before sundown." "I wanted to go camping so bad." "I know! You walked so slow I had to carry you," she said. "I wanted the sun to go down so we could build a campfire." "I'm sorry Brad." "What for?" he wondered. "I was too busy with work all the time to ever do anything that adventurous with you. My marriage with your Older Brother suffered too." "My Brother never liked camping anyway. And I guess I just liked the idea of being somewhere different." "You know... I do like being here. I like being here spending time with you," Valerie said. "I'm glad you're happy Val. So Katherine told me there are bedrooms on the other side of this door." "The nun? I guess we'll probably be spending the night here." "It's locked though. So Mendel will have to let us in," he said. "Is that juice? At least it's not tap water."

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"No wait!" "What is it Brad?" Valerie wondered. "Oh, umm, nothing. Are you feeling okay?" he said. "Of course I am."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:48 am

"I mean... I do feel a bit... Where did you get that juice? Is it fresh?" Valerie said. "Oh, uh. It's fresh," Brad said. "I thought it was cooler down here, but mow I'm feeling hotter." "Val! What are you doing?" "It's too hot in here for a shirt," she said.

"What's wrong Bradley? Are you embarrassed to look at Valerie's tits?" she said. "I guess not. It's just not like you to do this. What if someone else comes down here?" he said. "Don't you think they'd like the view too?" "What about Mrs. Bancroft? What if she walks down right now?" "Then she can stare at my breasts too. You know, I think Amanda might like it," Valerie said. "What!? What are you talking about?" "I'm just joking Brad. What's the matter? Don't want to picture me rubbing my pussy all over Amanda's face?" "Huh?" he said. "Give Valerie a kiss!"

"Are you getting hard? I want to see it if you're getting hard," she said. "Holy shit. This has to be the purple stuff doing this," he said. "What did you say?" "Oh uhh... I think that orange juice might have something nasy i it Val." "Bradley!" she said. "Yes Val?" "Oh my god. I'm sorry Brad. I don't know what came over me. All this talk about being adventurous..." "It's okay Val. You're under a lot of stress. Umm... If you'll excuse me, I need to ask someone a few questions," he said.
"What the hell was that? I can't believe Valerie did that. But I also can't believe how nice her tits were. God damn it. I shouldn't think that. I need to find Andy. I need to know more about this purple stuff."

"Come on! Use your tongue more! This is going to take forever at this rate," she said. "Amber?!" "Brad!" "Hey! What the hell?!" "Leave us alone!" Andy said.

"Hey! We weren't finished yet!" Andy said. "Get on the floor Brad!"

"Oh sh..."

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"Oh yes! Use your tongue!" she said. "Oh my god, you taste amazing Amber!" Brad said. "Of course I do!" she said. "Hey! You were supposed to be mine!" Andy said. "You were taking too long!" Amber said.

"Oh yes Brad! You're a natural!" she said. "Beginner's luck," Andy said. "Almost there! Keep going!" she said.

"Ugh..." "That was fun boys. But enough is enough. Don't either of you tell a soul. Understand?" "Uhh... Sure Amber," Brad said. "We'll be quiet," Andy said.
"What the hell is that purple stuff? You need to tell me!" Brad said. "What are you talking about? I seduced Amber fair and square," Andy said. "No you didn't! I saw the effects first hand! Valerie drank it just now. What is it?" "Ok, I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone okay?" "Ok sure. I won't say a word," Brad said. "There is a scientific reason why men are always down to fudge." "Ok, Im listening." "When I was at ESU, I came across some research done by a former student that led me to discover a way for women to become as sexually charged as a horny man. I call it Serum. And it's the perfect love potion," Andy said. "Hey. I'm not like you. I can get laid without any weird suppliments." "Fine. If you're not interested then just leave me alone." "No wait! I'm interested. What are the side effects?" Brad said. "No side effects. But it does wear off unless you keep drinking it." "Give me another bottle." "Why would i share any with you?" Andy said. "Because I'll spill the beans if you don't!" Fine! You have to promise not to tell anyone. Promise?" "Of course. I'll be in just as deep as you if I go along with this," brad said. "Not as deep as me. Trust me on that." "Fine. I won't tell anyone. Where are the flasks?" "Follow me. I hid them," Andy said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:06 am

Lust Epidemic 20220528193903-1

"Ok, I hid them in this trashcan. What!? Where are they? I put them in here," Andy said. "You put them in a trashcan?" Brad said. "Yes! No one would look in a trashcan." "Unless they were throwing something away." "Damn! Why did we make the bottles look so pretty. We need to find out who took them," Andy said. "Looking for something?" "Buddie! Umm... We're just..." Brad said. "I saw you trying to hide your liquor vollection nerd boy," Buddie said. "That wasn't liquor!" Andy said. "Yeah... Uhh, it was his medication," Brad said. "You two are clearly lying. You aren't the first kids to try and sneak alcohol onto campus," Buddie said. "Give them back!" Andy demanded. "Are either of you 21?" Buddie asked. "No." "No sir." "Then I can't give them back to you," he said. "It's not alcohol stupid! Andy said. "Look Harry Potter. You aren't getting your shots back. So I suggest finding some other way to pass the time. In the meantime, I've got important surveillance work to do," Buddie said.

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"Well this is just great! He took the whole batch!" Andy said. "Tough luck I guess," Brad said. "Don't say a word about any of this." "I know, I know."
"This could work out. If I find the stash first I won't have to share any of it with Ansy and the girls and I can use it all."

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"Feeling any better Val?" he said. "Much better Brad. I hope I didn't scare you earlier," Valerie said. "Of course not. I mean, to be honest you do have nice breasts... Don't tell My Brother I said that." "Oh my. I hope we're not being too naughty." "Don't sweat it Val. We're just goofing off," he said. "I know," she said. "Hello Br," Amanda said. "Any word about the weather?" Valerie wondered. "I heard some chatte upstairs. I doubt it's looking good," Amanda said. "If you hear anything, let me know right away," Valerie said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:55 am

Lust Epidemic 20220528194318-1

"I see you've found ur kitchen," Mendel said. "Hello Miss Harrison." Amanda." "I've got some bad news. Buddie and I were listening to emergency broadcasts on the radio and it looks like the flooding has spread farther than any of us likely anticipated," he contunued. "How bad is it?" Valerie wondered. "The entire west end of town is underwater. Rescue operations are underway," Mendel said. "Has that ever happened before?" Brad wondered. "I doubt it. We've never had a hurricane before," Amanda said. "When will the rescuers get to us?" Amber wondered. "We're not technically in danger. So we're low priority. However, some good news is that the rain will lighten overnight and the waters should recede enough to allow us to cross the bridge," Mendel said. "That means we'll be here overnight," Valerie said. I'm afraid so," Mendel said. "This is the worst day ever!" Amber complained. "At least you don't have a home that's underwater," Amanda said. "Come on ladies. You'll need to find a way to get along for one evening," Mendel said. "There won't be a problem. Right Mrs Bancroft?" "Yes Valerie. We'll make the best of our situation," Amanda said. "great. I've discussed it with Denny and Buddie, and we agree that the men will sleep upstairs. There are various couches to sleep on, so we'll get by. Ladies, you can stay in our living quarters down here. Here are your access cards. Mrs. Faye. Mrs Bancroft. There is a large double bedroom at the end of the hall. Amber, there is a single in the middle for you. The restrooms are on the left," Mendel said. "are you sure there isn't another place to sleep?" "Amber... I'm sure. This isn't a dorm building. We're lucky to have this." "Fine," she said. "Brad. Here is your access card," Mendel said. "Woah! Am I staying down here with the ladies?" "Haha. No Brad. This is for the storage closet in the east foyer." "Storage closet!?" Brad said. "It's not as bad as it sounds. Think of it as... cosy," Mendel said. "Wonderful." "If there is anything you ladies need, don't hesitate to ask Buddie or myself. We'll be on the 2nd floor in the north foyer," he said. "Are you going to leave me alone with them?" "Amber. You'll be fine." "But..." she said. "Be nice. Make small talk," Mendel said. "Umm... So... Lovely weather. In't it?" Amber said. "No... Not lovely," Amanda said. "Oh yeah. I guess not. If you'll excuse me. I need to use the restroom," Amber said.

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"Brad. I need your help." "What is it Amber?" he said. "It's my overnight bag. It's in my car." "What do you want me to do about it?" "You're going to get it for me," she said. "Huh? What makes you think that?" "Don't be a jerk Brad! I'm not going to go out in the rain." "Why do you think I should go out there?" he said. "God damn it Brad. Please! I need my bag! I'll owe you one." "Fine. But I'm going to cash that in before we leave here." "here are my keys. It's the pink bag in the trunk," she said.

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"What do you mean Father Parkr isn't in his office? Where is he then?" Mendel said. "Don't worry about it. I know his evening routine. I'll find him and let him know we'll be having gusts tonight," Buddie said. "Fine. I'd rather not confront him about it anyways. Just let him know we didn't have a choice."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:02 am

Lust Epidemic 20220528194946-1Lust Epidemic 20220528195005-1

"Did you plan to spens the night?" Brad wondered. "What do you mean?" Amber said. "You brought luggage." "It's my overnight bag. And I was going to visit a friend... until all this shit happened." "Overnight? How many outfits are in there?" Amanda said. "Oh, umm. At least eight. And toilettries... if anyone needs anything," Amber said. "That's nice of you," Valerie said. "Hey! Everyone is getting along," Brad said. "Brad. There was some frozen pizza in the feeezer. Would you like to stay down here and eat supper?" Valerie said. "If you ladies don't mind," he said. "Not at all," Amanda said.

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"I could smell pizza from upstairs!" "Simon. It isn't for you," Amanda said. "It's okay Simon. You can have a slice when it's ready." "Thanks Valerie! But I'll have to grab a slice later. Buddie and I are on a secret mission" he said. "Simon, stop acting like you're twelve," Brad said. "And what mission would that be Simon?" Valerie said. "We're going to hunt down a monster!" "Simon! That security guard isn't going to give you a gun is he?" Amanda said. "No Mom! Don't be silly... He only has one gun," Simon said. "What the hell is going on up there?" Amber said. "It's probably best not to know," Brad said. "Got to run! Bye!" Simon said. "He's not serious is he?" Valerie said. "I don't know and at this point I don't care," Amanda said.

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Brad saw Buddie pass through the door...
"I wonder where he is going?"
He found a naughty picture...

Lust Epidemic 20220528195539-1

"Why would there be a Kamasutra book at a Catholic school?"

Lust Epidemic 20220528195328-1

Brad went to the storage closet assigned as his sleeping quarters. He found a bottle of red wine.

June 18th 2017
SDU Tenn Outreach Program
As our town's teen pregnancy rate (and reports of runaways) has hit an all-time high, SDU is offering an outreach program for those in need. For more information contact Sister Judy.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:20 pm

Lust Epidemic 20220528200057-1

"Dinner is almost ready. Will you be a sweetheart and find something for us to drink? Oh my. Red wine? Where did you find that?" Valerie said. "It was in the storage room. Probably confiscated by security," Brad said. "Lucky us," she said.

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"Som Miss Harrison. I don't know if Brad told you, but he used to watch your news broadcasts every night when he was younger," Valerie said. "I think he mentioned he was a fan," Amber said. "She was your first crush, right Brad?" "Val! Not my first... But certainly my most memorable," he said. "You know Amber. It's a shame we have to be enemies. A woman like you must have everything she's ever wanted in her life. Why did you do it?" Valerie said. "I don't know what you're talking about," Amber said. "Miss Harrison. We have the video. You were clearly coached by Mendel before you interviewed me," Amanda said. "Come on Amber. Just tell us. What was your motivation?" Valerie said. "I... I did it for someone else," Amber said. "For Mendel? But why?" Valerie said. "I'll have you know, I don't have everything I want in my life," Amber said. "You'd slander our name just to hook up with a weasel like Mendel?" "Amanda! Give it a rest!" Valerie said. "I wanted him to like me," Amber said. " "He was using you Honey," Valerie said. "You don't know what it's like to have your son leaving to go to college and your husband... ex-husband having run off with some bimbo," Amber said. "How can a woman like you have trouble finding another man?" Brad said. "I can only imagine," Amanda said. "Amanda lives in a pretty full house. Did you know Amanda has 3 kids?" Valerie said. "Only one who still lives with his Mommy," Amanda said. "And let's face it. You'll be stuck with him for a while," Brad said. "Hahaha Unfortunately so," Amanda said. "And when exactly are you moving out mister? Your Older Brother would sure like to know," Valerie said. "Hey! I'm working on it! Give me a break. My Brother only has to put up with me for one more year, tops," Brad said. "That's right. You're still not old enough to be drinking that wine. Are you?" Amanda said. "I will be in a couple of months! Why are you all giving me such a hard time?" Brad said. "You're cute when you're on the defensive Brad," Amber said. "You hear that Brad? Your crush thinks you're cute," Valerie said. "Well Brad. If it makes you feel better, I always thought of you as more handsome than cute," Amanda said. "Hahaha. And your other crush thinks you're handsome." "Val!!!" Brad said. "What!? Everyone knows Brad," Valerie said. "Don't embarrass the boy," Amanda said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:48 am

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"Bradley has always been fond of older women. Probably why he hasn't found a steady girlfriend his own age," Valerie said. "Come on, Val.I'm getting ganged up on here," Brad said. "Oh oh! I know... Amber... Put these on," Valerie said. "Your glasses?" she said. "Yes!" "Oh, I know where this is going," Brad said. "What? What is it?" Amber said. "I found Brad's search history... and let's just say Bradley has a fondness for glasses," Valerie said. ""Jesus! Red wine may have been a mistake," Brad said. "Hahaha. How do I look in them Bradley?" Amber said. "Tell her Brad. I want to hear your opinion," Valerie said. "You look hot," Brad said. "Haha. Oh God. That is so weird Brad," Valerie said. "Oh Bradley. That is a bit pathetic. I must say," Amanda said. "You try them on Amanda!" Valerie said. "No, Madam Valerie, I'd rather not," she said. "Come on! Lighten up. We're just having fun," Valerie said. "Ugh..." "I don't know. She still looks like a bit... Umm... I mean... like she's mad about something," Amber said. "I wonder what it could possibly be," Amanda said. "So, what's the verdict, dear? Amber or Amanda," Valerie said. "You know, Mrs. Bancroft really pulls off the look," Brad said. "What?" Amber said. "Oh god. Remind me to never wear glasses," Amanda said. "Well I don't see it," Amber said. "I mean, you look good too Amber," Brad said. "Whatever," she said. "I think we've all had too much to drink," Valerie said. "Are you kidding? I can go all night!" Amber said. "I don't doubt you think you can," Amanda said. "What's your problem?" Amber said. "Oh nothing. I just grew out of my party phase 20 years ago," Amanda said. "Don't act like you're better than me. You know how much I'm worth?" Amber said. "Who are you trying to impress? A boy half your age?" Amanda said. "You're jealous of me! "Stop it you two! We were getting along fine," Valerie said. "You know what. I'm not hungry anymore," Amber said.
She got up and left the table...
"Well... That was certainly interesting," Brad said. "We've got her. She all but admitted she's with Mendel. SDU reeks of desperation. Using a vulnerable news anchor to get to us. Pathetic," Amanda said. "It's not her fault," Brad said. "That's true Brad. But she may need to admit it in court. I will say though... Mendel's desperation scares me," Valerie said. "I think the opposite. His desperation confirms we're untouchable," Amanda said. "Maybe," Valerie said. "Well... Is the party over?" Brad said. "I believe so Brad. You should probably head upstairs," Valerie said. "Goodnight ladies," he said. "Goodnight Brad," Amanda said. "Sleep tight Brad," Valerie said.
"That was a bit embarrassing, but kind of fun. I wish I was staying down there tonight. And not just because of the coller temeprature."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:10 am

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"Any luck finding your bottles?" Brad said. "I found one," Andy grinned. "Really? Where was it?" "It was in this decorative plant. Maybe the security guard dropped it in there by accident." "Give it to me," Brad said. ""What!? No! Why would I do that? I found it!" "Well you're not going to use it! All the girls have gone to bed and don't even think about sneaking down there." "And why shouldn't I?" Andy said. "Because Valerie is down there!" "Oh! So it's not okay if I share it with Valerie, but no problem if it's Amber?" "Hey! You're not getting anywhere near Valerie," Brad said. "Are you going to stay up all night to make sure I don't go downstairs?" "fudge! What is it going to take for you to give me that bottle?" "Hmmm. I'll give it to you if you sneak down there and get me some nud pics," Andy said. "You want me to sneak into the basement and take pics of Amber?" "No Brad. I cant pics of Valerie." "What!? I can't do that!" Brad said. "Then you won't be getting this bottle of Serum." "Arg. Fine! It's better than trying to sleep knowing you have that bottle of horny juice on you."
Brad snuck back down into the basement...
"Sounds like someone's in the shower. I hope it's Val. I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Oh shit! It's Mrs. Bancroft. Wow. She's got a gorgeuos body."

"Look at those yummy tits. Almost as big as Val's. Oh fudge I'm getting hard looking at her. What if she catches me? How many more opportunities will I have to jerk it to a fully naked Amanda Bancroft?"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:09 am

"What are you looking for?" "Amber! I was just... I needed to use the bathroom," Brad said. "You were masturbating! Oh my god. Masturbating to Amanda. You naughty horny boy. Were you hoping to find me in there?" she said. "Do you think you're prettier than Mrs. Bancroft?" "Of course I am." "Eh... Amanda is in fantastic shape," he said. "What!? You've seen me naked, Brad. You know I'm in better shape." "Remind me again what you look like naked." "Come on, Brad. Get in my room before you get caught," Amber said.

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"Not so fast, Brad. I'm not that type of woman," she said. "What?! Not what type of woman...? I might have a solution to that later," he said. "What are you talking about?" "Umm... I'm just saying, you should see my dick."

"Oh my! That is big, I won't lie," Amber said. "What are you going to do about it?" Brad said. "And what exactly do you think I'm going to do? You've got some nerve..."

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"Okay Brad. We're not going to fudge, so get that out of your head," Amber said. "Well we're going to have to do something," he said. "You're quite bold, aren't you?"

"Okay, you can put it between my tits," Amber said.

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Lust Epidemic Empty Re: Lust Epidemic

Post by Wotan Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:00 am

"How does this feel?" Amber said. "Oh yes! Your tits are fantastic!" Brad said. "They're real too, I've had my share of cosmic enhancements, nut not these babies."

"Bradley! You're really getting into this," she said.

"Gross!" she said.

"Wait, wait! Maybe you should clean up," he said. "Haha. Of course," she said.

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"Amber must have dropped this on her way to the bathroom." "Brad! What are you doing down here?" Valerie said. "Val! You're not wearing... Well... I was just bringing Amber down something for her car," he said. "That's nice of you. But you shouldn't be down here. We're not dressed. If you were a few minutes earlier you might have startled Amanda." "Oh right. Sorry Val." "Amber, are you finishing up or just starting?" Valerie said. "Oh! I'm just... finishing up. One moment," she said. "Okay, I'll wait."
"Now's my chance to snap a pic of Val. She's not nude, but hopefully this is enough for Andy," Brad thought.

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"I can't believe I'm doing this. I never realized how fit Val was. I guess I see why Andy wants pics of her. Val looks damn good in her bra and panties. Ugh. I need to stop thinking these thoughts."

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"Did you sneak downstairs?" Andy said. "I sure did," Brad said. "Where are the pics?" "Well... They are not nudes, but a few shots of her in her bra and panties." "Sweet! You know Valerie has an amazing body. You must jerk off all the time at home," Andy said. "What!? I don't jerk off to Valerie! Are you crazy?" "Don't tell me you've never sniffed her panties or stared too long at her after a shower." "I've never done anything like that!" Brad said. "Why not?" "Huh? What kind of question is that? This is my Bro's Wife we're talking about." "So? I would have done it. Do you think she's ugly?" Andy said. "No, of course not. She's beautiful." "Whatever. You're weird."
Andy copies the images and hands Brad the bottle...
"Take it. I'll find another," he said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
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