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Two Worlds

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Two Worlds Empty Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:05 am

This is my Two Worlds 2 playthrough...
Click the thumbnail to view the enlarged screenshot.

Two Worlds 20171029122243-1Two Worlds 20171029122250-1Two Worlds 20171029122256-1Two Worlds 20171029122258-1
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Two Worlds 20171029122319-1Two Worlds 20171029122321-1Two Worlds 20171029122322-1Two Worlds 20171029122324-1Two Worlds 20171029122326-1Two Worlds 20171029122328-1
Two Worlds 20171029122329-1Two Worlds 20171029122331-1Two Worlds 20171029122333-1Two Worlds 20171029122339-1Two Worlds 20171029122342-1Two Worlds 20171029122344-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:14 am

Two Worlds 20171029122347-1Two Worlds 20171029122348-1Two Worlds 20171029122349-1Two Worlds 20171029122352-1Two Worlds 20171029122355-1Two Worlds 20171029122359-1
Two Worlds 20171029122401-1Two Worlds 20171029122402-1Two Worlds 20171029122404-1Two Worlds 20171029122405-1Two Worlds 20171029122407-1Two Worlds 20171029122409-1
Two Worlds 20171029122411-1Two Worlds 20171029122413-1Two Worlds 20171029122414-1Two Worlds 20171029122415-1Two Worlds 20171029122416-1Two Worlds 20171029122419-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:19 am

Two Worlds 20171029122427-1Two Worlds 20171029122429-1Two Worlds 20171029122431-1Two Worlds 20171029122432-1Two Worlds 20171029122433-1Two Worlds 20171029122434-1
Two Worlds 20171029122437-1Two Worlds 20171029122439-1Two Worlds 20171029122441-1Two Worlds 20171029122443-1Two Worlds 20171029122446-1Two Worlds 20171029122451-1
Two Worlds 20171029122454-1Two Worlds 20171029122459-1Two Worlds 20171029122501-1Two Worlds 20171031193650-1Two Worlds 20171031193653-1Two Worlds 20171031193657-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:24 am

Two Worlds 20171031193721-1Two Worlds 20171031193729-1Two Worlds 20171031193735-1Two Worlds 20171031193737-1Two Worlds 20171031193738-1Two Worlds 20171031193740-1
Two Worlds 20171031193744-1Two Worlds 20171031193752-1Two Worlds 20171031193802-1Two Worlds 20171031193835-1Two Worlds 20171031193850-1Two Worlds 20171031193857-1
Two Worlds 20171031193859-1Two Worlds 20171031193903-1Two Worlds 20171031193906-1Two Worlds 20171031193908-1Two Worlds 20171031193910-1Two Worlds 20171031193916-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:38 am

Two Worlds 20171031193919-1Two Worlds 20171031193922-1Two Worlds 20171031193923-1Two Worlds 20171031193924-1Two Worlds 20171031193925-1Two Worlds 20171031193927-1

He looked at the corpses, dumbfounded. He had caught a glimpse of the archer, it was an orc. He thought their race had been wiped out in the war. Now a mysterious woman approached him. A female orc...?

Two Worlds 20171031193929-1Two Worlds 20171031193936-1Two Worlds 20171031193939-1

Her face was hidden behind a mask but he could see enough to make out she wasn't an orc. He features were that of an elf... but elves had not been seen for an age. They had withdrawn from the world and no one knew where they had went. He was baffled...

Two Worlds 20171031193941-1

"I,m not going to hurt you. We're here to help. Now let's go!" she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:52 am

Two Worlds 20171031194008-1Two Worlds 20171031194012-1Two Worlds 20171031194014-1Two Worlds 20171031194015-1
Two Worlds 20171031194017-1Two Worlds 20171031194020-1Two Worlds 20171031194026-1Two Worlds 20171031194032-1

"This is it... We came here for this? I pray that our desperation hasn't clouded the Prophet's judgement," the Orc warrior said. "What's this all about?" the prisoner wondered. "There's no time! Everything will be explained once we reach Alsorna. Now go with Dar Pha." "I'm not leaving without my sister... not without Kyra." "Kyra is not the objective. You are. She is heavily guarded and the stakes are too high to risk losing either of you. Coming with us is the only hope you have of saving your sister," the warrior said. "This is suicide. You'll never breach Gandohar's defenses," the prisoner said. "We made it this far, didn't we? Now get on with it. It won't be long before Gandohar's army is made aware of our presence. If you reach the exit before us, take it."
The prisoner followed Dar Pha...
"We have to get to higher ground," she urged. "Hold on, who was that back there?" he said. "We don't have time for this. If you must know, Rogdor is the last General of the Orc Army." "But they were wiped out at the battle of Oswaroth! No Or survived." "Sadly, not many of us did," Dar Pha said. "How did he survive?" "Rogdor was inside the castle walls, on a mission to sabotage the main gate. He wa captured, tortured for days. All while our people were slaughtered by Gandohar and his army." "But they let him live?" the prisoner said. "They did things to him you could never imagine, before the Prophet intervened and set him free. We don't have time for this." "Just tell me who's responsible for this. Who is this Prophet?" "She leads what remains of Gor Gammar... the last of the Orcs," Dar Pha said. "How is that possible?" the prisoner wondered. "Look, a great deal of planning went into this and I'm not putting our lives in jeopardy so we can discuss like a committee. Now, come on."

Two Worlds 20210922214027-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:16 am

Two Worlds 20210922214118-1

"The second floor should be deserted," Dar Pha said. "How do you know all this?" the prisoner wondered. "Many gave their lives for the information to save yours. Now stay close, I'd rather their sacrifice not be in vain." 

Two Worlds 20210922214205-1Two Worlds 20210922214221-1Two Worlds 20210923224147-1Two Worlds 20210923224213-1

"This isn't right. There should be a door here," Dar Pha said. "The only door I see is the one we came in," the prisoner said. "We can't afford to find another route. We have to get on the other side of this wall. There must be a switch." "If there is, I'll find it." "I'll guard the door," she said.

Of Ancient Cults and Outlawed Orders
Of the cults of the First Age, one was so shunned and loathed that their enemies (who were even enemies amongst themselves) were united unequivocally against them. Those most unlikely of allies succeeeded in wiping out not only the cult itself, but obliterating almost all traces of its existence. Therefore (and unfortunately for us historians), not much confirmed information now remains about the cult. We know they called themselves the Tenebrae. We know the locations of two of their fortresses, though little more than ruins remai in those places now, their enemies having torn down the structures and torched them to the very foundations. And we have some of the schematics for the [quite evil] mechanisms they designed.
Based on that source material, we know that the first record of the Tenebrae came rom the Chronicles of Dathraia, where mention of a cult of warrior-anchorites appears, as do veiled references to unimaginable evils and perversions they committed. However, by that time the Tenebrae had already existed for decades, if not centuries, and thus there are no known sources that describe even their approximate origin.
We do know of the cult's astonishing technical skill. Though most of their designs were destroyed or lost to time, some of what remains still manages to baffle even the most experienced engineers today. For instance, no one has ever properly deciphered the theory behind their most infamous creation, the Oculus - and not only because the construction of such a device would nowadays be, of course, illegal. We do know the Tenebrae described the Oculus as a disembodied eye enslaved to its master, invisible and able to ente any place through even the tiniest of crack. It should be noted that there are reports of some who managed to replicate the Oculi, but these reports are dubious, at best.
Spoken accounts confirm that to obtain the primary ingredient used in the creation of the Oculus, the living eye, the Tenebrae would seek out and hunt down members of different races known for their keen eyesight: dwarves, elves, even dragons. Once captured, the victim's eyes would be removed for later transposition. The races targeted by the monks feared not only losing their eyes, but namely the ritual which the Tenebrae practiced during the removal process. They were convonced that for the artifact to work, the victims had to be alive and conscious while their eyes and nerves were carefully scraped clean of the sockets. Pain, the cultists believed, would purify the subjects senses, bringing him or her to as close to Light and Darkness as was humanly possible, thereby enhancing the strength and endurance of end device. For that reason, the Tenebrae also trained themselves in the techniques of tortiure and developed their own methods and instruments, with which to inflict maximum pain while preserving life as long as possible.
Those hideous practices are described in the unique surviving account of one of the cultists, the Notes of the Forty-Seventh (whose title and contents let us know that the Tenebrae only referred to one another by numbers - their birth names were forgotten and forbidden), but even the impassive mind of a historian shudders to quote them in detail.
It is also from the Notes of the Forty-Seventh that we know that those who 'drove' an Oculus would experience an instant change in perspective as their vision shifted from the corporeal to whatever unwordly mechanism gave the device its power.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 26, 2021 11:44 am

Two Worlds 20210923224451-1

From the Notebook of Alistair of Vernaetia
The Fourth Design
As I feared, Sordahon again rejected the design of the tower.
'Rejected... what an understatement! But I suppose it's better to use that word than quote what he actually said: 'You will do better this time, bricklayer, or your femur will the the tower's flagstaff!'
Yikes! But... Bricklayer... really? I should have told him, right there: 'My ancestors were renowned architects when yours were still herding cows. And THEY never wore antlers on their head!' Oh, yes! The fire brims on the tip of my tongue. But, alas. My balls are not made of steel, and I bit back my words.
What's a man to do, anyway? I follishly accepted his invitation, impressed by him, when he came to my workshop in Vernaetia. Such power! 'Pay no attention to the cost, architect. Think only of your reward. The Emperor, surveying all from a tower of your design - and your weight in gold, if you can build it.'
His mood didn't change until I arrived. Sordahon's threats were subtle, at first - too late did I understand the meaning of his words: 'Everyone is an equal guest here, from the dungeons up.' - then, 'You were not ordered to build a privy tower! Redesign, or I'll have you whipped tonight!'
Do you have any idea how long it takes to engineer a tower?
I was little more than a prisoner. And, since then, it's been nothing but threats. Every day is the same. Yesterday Sordahon rejected my third design proposal. Unnervingly, he keeps leaving bizarre instructions (Trapdoors? Hidden switches? Concealed chambers?) and interfering even with my basic sketches. I still have yet to see the Emperor. In fact, I began to wonder... Could it be that he does not even know I'm here? Could it be that he has not even sen my designs? But then, why would Sordahon act in such a bewildering way? To what end?
No matter. I will complete their wretched tower. The fourth design - with which I began today's entry - will be the one. I can feel it. 
But, once I return to Vernaetia, not a single architect worth his salt will come to work in this castle when I'm done telling them how I've been treated. And they may yet see that it does not pay to mistreat the man who built their secret passages and designed their escapeways!
Note pad obtained during a routine search of the former architect Alistair of Vernaetia. Since the contents of the notepad were in breach of the confidentiality clause of the agreement (paragraph 14), as per Lord Sordahon's instructions, the contract and the contractor were annulled. Construction of the tower continues as planned, in accordance with the designs recovered from the ex-contractor's archives.
T.C Michailoff, captain

The Wisdom and Augury of the Prophet Tarayel
Faithfully Put in Writing by His Humble Student and Servant, Attheus
On Deities
Seven Gods of old there were, and seven worlds times seven they created, Antaloor being the last and final.
Of the Seven, four supreme beings remained after the First Uniclypse. A fraction of the worlds remained. Thus was Chaos controlled and Balance achieved.
-Maliel, benevolent Goddess of the Earth, as beloved as she is revered. Her shrines provide worshippers with the same power that her element brings after each winter - life and resurrection.
-Yatholen, gentle yet fearsome God of Water. Just as his element can bring serenity or fury, Yattholen can restore and bring life in times of peace, or punish and destroy when violence is needed.
-Aziraal, mighty and ambitious God of Fire, as fierce as flame itself - such was his undoing. In his desire to rule all, even the elder gods, Aziraal demanded that he be recognized as their lord and master. When he was cast down from his self-appointed position, Aziraal declared war on the other Gods, bringing havoc and despair everywhere there was flame. Only though the sacrifices of Yatholen and her worshippers was the renegade God banished to the nether realms. His altars, still scattered throughout Antaloor, provide the worshipper with that which Aziraal has always considered vital: strength and power.
-Throglin, the Lower God, the Trickster, master of invention and patron of inquisiveness. Though darkness is his domain, it is the darkness of solitude and contemplation, rather than the evil that infests a man's soul by doing evil. He is a challenger, not a creator of harm. And though most races looked for wisdom in the light, there were some that embraced the gentle darkness instead and seeked knowledge there. Those found themselves under Throglin's protection and, thankful, recognized him as their sovereign.
There still exists tales of he who once was the Eighth, and then, it is said, survived as the Last. The antigod, that permanent outcast known by many names, and whose true name was thankfully struck from the world aeons ago. Undoing of all being his only purpose, it was he who brought about the First Uniclypse and who vowed to not rest until everything again falls into chaos and entropy. Some say he never vanished, but hid from the sight of the elders; lying in wait, inhecting his unraveling into the world where he can do so unnnoticed. There, the tales say, he dreams of the time when he can awaken and incite the Second and Last Uniclypse, the End, the ultimate annihilation of all that is and ever will be.

Two Worlds 20210923224744-1Two Worlds 20210923224810-1Two Worlds 20210923224857-1

"We need to make our way through the throne room ahead. Stay close and stay quiet," Dar Pha said. "Right behind you," the prisoner said. "Just keep your head down."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:00 am

Two Worlds 20210923224906-1

"Await my return."

Two Worlds 20210923224915-1

"Understood, master." "My Lord! Something happened... the guards, they... they're all dead! Their bodies have been found in the dungeons... And... and he's gone!"

Two Worlds 20210923224939-1

"What!? You worthless fool. Find him, find him now or fall on your sword." "Yes, sire, as you command."

Two Worlds 20210923224956-1

"We can't trust them to take him alive. Sordahon! See to it that this is taken care of." "He will not leave this castle. Be assured of that." "I have matters to attend to. And Sordahon... He's not alone..." "As you wish, master."

Two Worlds 20210923225005-1Two Worlds 20210923225008-1Two Worlds 20210923225013-1Two Worlds 20210923225016-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:04 pm

"Who the hell was he talking to?" Dar Pha said. "Sordahon. Led Gandohar's army against the Orcs," the prisoner replied. "Then let's avoid an introduction." "I take it you have a plan?" "The Emperor has a teleport in the throne room. The others will meet us there," she said. "What happened to avoiding introductions?" "Never said the plan was perfect." "Suppose it's the thought that counts," he said. "Look, we need to get moving."

Two Worlds 20210923225112-1

Armours and Their Properties
'The best armour?' There is no such thing. The best armour is the one that saves your arse! There is no defense to fit all circumstances, except your own mind - meaning you must CHOOSE wisely. Thoughtful selection is the key.
So spoke Diego Sosa de Torrese-Ramirez, the unmatched master of swordplay, and when it comes to the selection of armour, nobody knew better than Diego. Proper armour selection has saved many a warrior's hide, and improper selection has certainly seen many and more meet an early, bloody end.
A pporly-made purchase could very well be one's last. There are many ways to tell the work of a gifted armoursmith from that of a novice. The best rule is to use the old afage: 'Trust the known names.' But that advice, while sound, can hardly always be used, for as in every craft there are many with skills not yet known widely enough for their names to be recognized. Armour making is no exception.
Furthermore, the craft has not managed to avoid the plague of forgery, and many have, unfortunately, found out too late that the Darandeel breastplate they purchased, having paid their hard-earned money for what seemed to be good merchandise, as nothing but a sham that broke immediately under the duress of battle - by which time, of course, its owner could hardly go back and obtain armour from a more reliable source.
And so the conclusion is clear. Only by carefully analyzing the properties of the armour can its efficacy be certain.
Resistance to Slashing:
Slashing is the most basic attack in a swordfight. Thus, resistance to it will be a primary expectation of any armour. Whether done by a sword, axe or other edged weapon, the effect of a slashing cut may be devastating. When wearing armour, one must never forget to tie it properly if it comes in several parts, and to protect the junctures - especially the neck, the groin, and beneath the arms.
Resistance to Bludgeoning:
A blunt wooden club may appear to be nothing to worry about, especially next to a razor-sharp sword, but blunt weapons are the leading cause of instant death on the battlefield - when hitting an unprotected body, that is. Armour that can protect against heavy impact from a blunt weapon is worth its weight in gold.
Resistance to Frost:
Worn to protect its wearer from the creeping death, Cold. This ytpe of armour is most effective against magical attacks, or to protect your bum while sledding. Usually made of toughened or enchanted metal so as to prevent shattering in the event that solid freezing does occur. It will require the wearer to be strong.
Resistance to Fire:
Fire can be one's best friend and his worst nightmare. Using fire-resistant armour is one way to make the odds fall overwhelmingly on the siide of that gamble that favours your survival. An armour that can tolerate heat will protect its wearer from attacks by fire magic, as well as damage from the environment.
Resistance to Shock:
Lighting has been the bane of a many tireless warrior seeking to defeat a mage. Therefore, shock-proof armour will be invaluable to one facing opponents adept at lightning magic. Such armours are usually built without metal parts. (in some commonly available variants, this comes at the cost of decreased protection, e.g. from piercing or slashing.)
Resistance to Poison:
Poisons can be sneaky killers. An armour that resists poison but not piercing will, for example, be of little protection against a poisoned stiletto! It will protect its weare in toxic environments and shield his or her body from the perils such as poison gas clouds, though. Just two uses of this incredibly valuable armour.
Rsistance to Spectral Damage:
Spectral attacks afflict the soul, making it difficult to imbue an armour in a way that will adequately protect you from it. However, some armoursmiths have figured out ways to create such protection, though proceed with caution - this will often come at the cost of another, equally valuable defense.

Two Worlds 20210923225251-1Two Worlds 20210923225307-1Two Worlds 20210923225311-1Two Worlds 20210923225313-1

"Orcish filth. Soon all that is left of your dying race will be washed away. Your genocide will be complete, and be forgotten with your fallen bothers and sisters," sordahon said.

Two Worlds 20210923225329-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:11 pm

Two Worlds 20210923225333-1

"You sound certain, sordahon," Rogdor said.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:19 pm

Two Worlds 20210923225411-1Two Worlds 20210923225415-1Two Worlds 20210923225416-1

When Sordahon grabbed Rogdor's sword, the fight seemed over...

Two Worlds 20210923225418-1

"Yes... I am. I'll make it quick... You deserve as much. We're done here... take the others," Sordahon said.
Two Worlds 20210923225420-1Two Worlds 20210923225422-1Two Worlds 20210923225424-1Two Worlds 20210923225435-1

Sordahon's arrogance gave Rogdor the opportunity he needed...

Two Worlds 20210923225437-1Two Worlds 20210923225439-1Two Worlds 20210923225446-1Two Worlds 20210923225459-1

"No... Now we're done. Mankind will bleed out from their own arrogance before their words will afford them credence," Rogdor said.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:18 am

The soldiers hesitated a moment, then they stormed in...

Two Worlds 20210923225502-1Two Worlds 20210923225504-1Two Worlds 20210923225505-1Two Worlds 20210923225508-1Two Worlds 20210923225511-1Two Worlds 20210923225516-1

"Ghortarius is waiting," Rogdor said. 

Two Worlds 20210923225522-1Two Worlds 20210923225525-1Two Worlds 20210923225527-1Two Worlds 20210923225534-1

"Hurry! Through the teleport!" Ghortarius said.

Two Worlds 20210923225536-1

"There they are! Get them!"

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:35 pm

Two Worlds 20210923225542-1Two Worlds 20210923225544-1Two Worlds 20210923225546-1Two Worlds 20210923225548-1
Two Worlds 20210923225552-1Two Worlds 20210923225555-1Two Worlds 20210923225559-1Two Worlds 20210923225606-1

"Can you walk?" he said. 

Two Worlds 20210923225610-1

"Don't worry about me. We have to go!" she said. "They sealed the teleport!" he said. "There's another way, in the dungeon. We can make it if we hurry."

Two Worlds 20210923225654-1Two Worlds 20210923225705-1

And so, the prisoner was once again running to catch up with Dar Pha...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:57 pm

Two Worlds 20210923225707-1

"Watch out!" he cried out. "That was close," she said. "Not close enough. Now what?" "Try the door to the right." "And if it's locked?" he said. "Then pick the damn thing." "Fair enough." "Here, take these lockpicks," she said. 

Two Worlds 20210923225709-1Two Worlds 20210923225714-1

"Thanks. Guess I'll see you on the other side," he said.
Picking the lock turned out to be child's play...

Two Worlds 20210923225755-1Two Worlds 20210923225841-1Two Worlds 20210923225901-1Two Worlds 20210923225928-1Two Worlds 20210923225949-1Two Worlds 20210923230022-1

"Welcome to plan B..." Dar Pha said. "Where the hell are we?" he wondered. "There should be an alchemy lab on the other side of this door. We can use the supply teleport." "Hope you're right..."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:30 am

Two Worlds 20210927160714-1

Reflections on the Art of Alchemy
By Doctor Ambrosius Me'rime'e
'What is alchemy?'
To some, alchemy is little more than the art of transformation, its ultimate - if not only - purpose being to change one substance into another, the substances usually being precious metals.
But to me, alchemy is a philosophy of life. I see it as a way to find enlightenment, to eliminate those of my faults that I can, and to improve myself, by acquiring as much knowledge as I can. Only then do I consider alchemy's traditional aspects, Transmutation and Creation.
When I think back on the days of my youth, I see an empty shell. Thankfully, the Art fille me with knowledge of the world and the substances and proportions which form it. This understanding is the core of every good alchemist's goals.
Transmutation, in its own fashion, is spiritual. It represents the change we all face as the world imbues us with its various parts - our drama, our passions, our violence - therefore alchemy is not only a physical change in an item, but a change in that item's very soul.
Make not the mistake of thinking this is any simple science.

Observations on Certain Herbs and Their Applied Use
By Doctor Ambrosious Me'rime'e
I have spent the last two weeks attempting to find and research any other plants than those with which I have already experimented, but there seem to be none left (I feel slightly ashamed to admit that I have also noticed that some of the previously plentiful edible plants nearby are now lacking, too. Blaming the animals. It had nothing to do with my stew-making. None whatsoever.)
Here is my final list of plants and their properties - now, I suppose, I should return home!
Here, then, are the herbs which I encountered in these areas:
Yellowroot: Immediately upon taking, I observed what I felt was increased dexterity and reduced fatigue. The effect lasted about two minutes. In my experience, the herb was usually found in marshy areas and forests with regula rainfall.
Hemlock: the reduction of fatigue was considerably quicker than that achieved by yellowroot. I observed healing properties when a poultice of this herb was placed over my scratches. Picked from the small bog behind my summer cottage.
Bloatroot: Felt healthier upon taking this root, but, my feeling of fatigue increased - not as if I needed sleep, but as if I had just woken up from having too much. Further research confirmed its healing qualities, so I would recommend administering this herb in stressful situations.
Hot Rot: increased my strength substantially and seemed to give the feeling I was healing. Did a number on my memory, though. Where have I heard this before...?
Blue Eye: temporarily incresed my vitality, but little else.
Adder Brother: this herb, uncommon but to the grassland regions, can be used to fight organic poisons. I first observed this property after an encounter with a prticularly aggressive wasp.
Traveler's Joy: temporarily increases one's resistance to some forms of physical damage.
Saffron: permanently increases physical strength.
Might of Nine: regenerates one's bodily power quickly, albeit temporarily. I was, in fact, quite surprised to encounter it in this region, for it is supposed to grow mostly in heigher mountain areas.
Arborusia: incredibly rare, but belongs in every alchemist's chest! An essential panacea.

Two Worlds 20210927161012-1

"Good. It's still here," Dar Pha said. "Can you get it working?" he wondered. "It'll take some time..." "They can't be far behind us." "Then find a weapon and guard the door," she said. "Right."

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:24 pm

Two Worlds 20210927161044-1

"This part of the dungeon is sealed, there's no way out. They couldn't have gone far... Spread out and find them!"

Two Worlds 20210927161056-1Two Worlds 20210927161059-1Two Worlds 20210927161101-1Two Worlds 20210927161103-1

"Look what we have here... There's nowhere left to run. You're mine." "Who said anything about running?" the prisoner said. 

Two Worlds 20210927161112-1

The soldier was no match for the prisoner, a former mercenary...

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"Is he..?" Dar Pha said. "Just unconscious. He's only a soldier, he's just following orders," the prisoner said. "Heh. Anyway, portal's ready. Let's go."

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:22 am

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"Wrong place," she said.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:19 am

Two Worlds 20210927161243-1

"Well, at least it's the right island. Hazards of trusting an Orc mage. We should get to the camp. This way..." Dar Pha said. "What is this place?" the mercenary wondered. "Home. A little island northeast of Elkronas, called Alsorna." "Lovely."
Not watching her step, Dar Pha got her leg caught in a bear trap...

Two Worlds 20210927161253-1Two Worlds 20210927161330-1Two Worlds 20210927161334-1

"Take a It's no use. We need tools for this. Follow the path to the teleport up ahead. Rogdor will know what to do. Go! Wait! Watch out for Groms. They're all over this part of the island. If they see us... we're both dead," she said. "How should I handle this?" he wondered. "Just try to stay out of sight. If you find yourself with limited options... approach from the rear and dispatch them quickly and quietly with this dagger. Here." "Don't worry, I'll be discrete."

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The mercenary reached the teleport...

Two Worlds 20211002110640-1

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Sat Oct 09, 2021 2:19 pm

"Finally..." Rogdor said when the mercenary emerged from the teleport. "We used the other teleport, dropped us near the peninsula... Dar Pha..." "Where is she now?" "Caught in a trap, near the edge of this island. Killed a few Groms on the way..." the mercenary said. "Groms, a parasite infesting the east of Alsorna. Probably another hunting party. Ghortarius, find Dar Pha! Nortar, cover the rear!" "What's the plan?" "Time to assemble our own hunting party. Follow me!" Rogdor said.

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"Take the lead. It's time to see what you're capable of," Rogdor said. "Any advice?" "Remember to block. Now go!"

Two Worlds 20211007053923-1Two Worlds 20211007053944-1

"I see you havn't lost your touch completely," Rogdor said. "Yeah... I was expecting worse," the mercenary said. "It's not over yet. Remember that once you've blocked your opponent you can easily counter his attack with a quick, decisive strike. Keep that in mind during your next engagement."
The mercenary had to trouble defeating the next Grom...
"Not bad but not all your opponents will leave themselves so open to attack. You'll find that a strong defensive stance can be difficult to break," Rogdor said. "What do you suggest?" the mercenary said. "Force. Swing down on your opponent, breaking his footing and opening up his defenses."
A ravine was seprating them from the Groms. A fallen tree was the only route across...

Two Worlds 20211007054150-1Two Worlds 20211007054200-1Two Worlds 20211007054257-1

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:20 am

Two Worlds 20211007054329-1Two Worlds 20211007054349-1

"I'm impressed. Now, let's finish this. Trip the log, and stand back. The distraction should give Nortar and Ghortarius enough time to make their move," Rogdor said. "I'm on it," the mercenary said.

Two Worlds 20211007054405-1Two Worlds 20211007054421-1Two Worlds 20211007054425-1Two Worlds 20211007054427-1
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Rogdor was gone when the mercenary crossed the log, but...

Two Worlds 20211007054534-1

"You've been followed. Take this bow and finish them off," Nortar said. "Thought you went with the mage?" the mercenary said.
The mercenary shot the Groms easily enough as they crossed the log.
"I've seen worse. This time, try taking down two at once," Nortar said. "How do you suppose I do that?" the mercenary said. "Draw two arrows..." "Huh...

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Thu May 05, 2022 9:41 am

"Fall back to the camp," Nortar said. "Lead the way."

Two Worlds 20211007055027-1

"Not bad. Looking forward to seeing how you handle yourself after a meal and some rest," Rogdor said. "And Dar Pha?" the mercenary said. "Ask her yourself..." "Seems unsafe to let Groms get this close. These attacks happen often?" "Groms are scavengers preying on the weak and wounded. They keep to their side of the island. If not, we remind them..." Rogdor said. "They have any equipment worth salvaging?" "In your state, they'd tear you apart. Spare yourself the embarrassment of another rescue..." "Fair enough. How's the ankle?" he said.

Two Worlds 20211007055406-1Two Worlds 20220505145432-1Two Worlds 20220505145739-1

"I've lived through worse. As long as we're still breathing, Ghortarius can usually keep it that way. I heard Rogdor put you to work..." Dar Pha said. "Least I can do," he said. "We'll see if you feel the same way in a couple weeks." "Don't hold me to it." "We should get moving. She's been waiting for you," she said. "The Prophet? I almost forgot..." "Be grateful she didn't..." "Fair enough. Lead the way..." the mercenary said. "You ever stop talking?" Dar Pha said. "You ever take off the mask...?"

Two Worlds 20220505145811-1

"This is it... This bridge leads to the Prophet's chamber," Dar Pha said. "Bridge?" "Stand back!" Ghortarius said.

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"Well... Got any fight left in you?" Ghortarius said. "What's wrong?" the mercenary said. "Necris. Dark energy known to wear human bones as armour. Their magic interferes with my own. Ever used a staff before?" "Not lately." "Better than never. I... there! Stand still for a moment..." Ghortarius said.

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:29 am

"I'll let you take it from here. You'll need to deal with our guests. Use this staff. I recommend Fire Bolts... personal favorite," Ghortarius said. "Thanks."

Two Worlds 20220505145946-1Two Worlds 20220505145949-1Two Worlds 20220505150016-1Two Worlds 20220505150035-1

"Good. But you won't always have the luxury of a vantage point. Necris will often swarm, leaving little time for a precise response. When you find yourself surrounded, rely on an area of effect spell, like Fire Blast. In fact... why don't you head down to the pentagram in the center of the room and give it a go," Ghortarius said. "Souns easy enough..."

Two Worlds 20220505222037-1Two Worlds 20220505222050-1

"You did well... for a human. Time to head back," Ghortarius said.

Two Worlds 20220505222206-1Two Worlds 20220505222245-1Two Worlds 20220505224048-1Two Worlds 20220505224134-1

"Let's try this again..." Ghortarius said. "Take your time."

Two Worlds 20220505224142-1Two Worlds 20220505224146-1Two Worlds 20220505224152-1Two Worlds 20220505224155-1Two Worlds 20220505224159-1Two Worlds 20220505224205-1
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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:36 pm

Two Worlds 20220505224253-1

The mercenary crossed the bridge...

Two Worlds 20220505224315-1Two Worlds 20220505224318-1Two Worlds 20220505224321-1Two Worlds 20220505224325-1Two Worlds 20220505224328-1Two Worlds 20220505224335-1

"At last, you're here. Please, rise. You look much different than I'd imagined. The years have been kind to you." "Shouldn't a prophe... Thank you..." he said. "While you require little introduction, my name is Cassara," she said. "I... how long have I?" "Years, I'm afraid. The world has changed much in that time. Your enemies have prospered much in your absence." "Is that why you freed me?" he wondered. "We've come to understand that your sister is in fact the chosen vessel of Aziraal - fire lord of Antaloor. Gandohar has been drawing power from her since your capture. He has used this power to seize the throne and declare himself Emperor, decimating all that stand to oppose him." "If Kyra is so important, why leave her behind?" "Such an attempt might have cost us dearly. Gandohar is not yet aware of your role in the events that lay ahead... an advantage that will prove to be quite valuable," she said. "Will we be able to help her?" "That remains to be uncertain. The process Gandohar uses to draw power from Kyra is quite destructive. He has been able to offset the strain on he body using dark magic to make your strenth her own. But one can only take so much. Removing her from the castle is an omen... she may not have much time..." "You better have a better answer than that." "Forgive me. While my gifts allow me to peer into the future... I am often not given the comfort of choosing what it is I'm shown. I saw great danger lurking within the walls of Castle Vahkmaar. If Gandohar is allowed to continue down this path, your sister's life won't be the only one lost," Cassara said. "You've seen this?" "Come forward and allow me to show you."

Two Worlds 20220505224338-1

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Two Worlds Empty Re: Two Worlds

Post by Wotan Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:08 pm

He approached the Prophet...

Two Worlds 20220505224618-1
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Two Worlds 20220505224715-1

"What... What was..." he said. "The end," she said. "What makes you think we can stop it?" "This is but a path... not destiny. I... I'm afraid we'll have to continue this later." "Are you alright?" he said. "I'll be fine. Dar Pha will lead you to your quarters. The Orcs have assembled some equipment for you on the table to your right. Do take it with you?" "I will. Thank you." "Welcome home," she said.

Two Worlds 20220505225114-1Two Worlds 20220505225124-1

"Cassara mentioned you might have somewhere for me to put my things?" he said. "Let's get you settled. Take this, it'll be dark soon," Dar Pha said.

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