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Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:17 pm

Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of New Vegas. Click the thumbnails to see the full-size screenshots. Short-links will be provided to any 'sensitive' screenshots I cannot freely post on a free forum. Have fun.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309153706-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309153714-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309153741-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309153754-1

Ursula was a young woman, barely twenty years old. She had been a courier for almost ten years, starting off as a young delivery girl and working her way up to more dangerous and profitable jobs. The mysterious Mr. House had hired a number of couriers to bring various items to the Strip. Each courier carried one of these items. Ursula, better known as Honey, carried a platinum chip. It didn't look like much, but the metal must've been expensive before the war. Now, though, it only had value to those who knew what it was used for.
The couriers were all ambushed and killed, Honey was no exception. She was tossed in a shallow grave the Great Khans had dug for him. Benny himself had pulled the trigger that fired the shot into Honey. She shouldn't have survived that, but Honey was blessed with an iron constitution. She woke up a few days later at Doc Mitchel's house in Goodsprings. After making sure his patient was doing well, the good doctor saw the courier off. But not before giving him something from the doc's past...
"They call it a Pip-Boy. I grew up in one of them vaults they made before the war. We all got one. Ain't much use to me now, but you might want such a thing, after what you been through. I know what it's like, having something taken from you. And put this on, too, so the locals don't pick on you for lacking modesty. Never was much my stule anyway." "Thanks for patching me up, Doc." "Don't mention it. It's what I'm here for. You should talk to Sunny Smiles before you leave town. She can help you learn to fend for yourself in the desert. She'll likely be at the saloon. I reckon some of the other folks at the saloon might be able to help you out, too. And the metal fella, Victor, who pulled you outta your grave. Anyway, you ever get hurt out there, you come right back. I'll fix you up. But try not to get killed anymore," Doc said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309154057-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309154247-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:21 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190309162744-1

"Howdy, pardner! Might I say, you're looking fit as a fiddle." "Thanks for digging me out of that grave," Honey said. "Don't mention it! I'm always ready to lend a helping hand to a stranger in need," Victor said. "How did you happen to find me?" "I was out for a stroll that night when I heard the commotion up at the old bone orchard. Saw what looked like a bunch of bad eggs so I laid low. Once they'd run off, I dug you up to see if you were still kicking. Turns out, you were, so I hauled you off to the Doc right quick." "Do you know those men who attacked me?" the Courier asked. "Can't say that I'm familiar with the rascals. Some of the fine folks in town might be able to help you out with that." "How did you end up in Goodsprings?" "I moseyed into town, oh, ten, fifteen years ago`Before that, I... hmmm, I can't quite seem to recall. Odd. Anyway, it's a right peaceful town and I reckon it's a fine a place to settle as any," Victor said. "I've never seen a robot like you before." "I'm a Securitron, RobCo security model 2060-B. If you ever see any of my brothers, tell them Victor says howdy."

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200123212704-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200123212721-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:24 pm

"I'm done being nice. If you don't hand Ringo over soon, I'm going to get my friends and we're burning this town to the ground, got it?" "We'll keep that in mind. Now, if you're not going to buy anything, get out."

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"Well, you've been causing quite a stir. Glad I finally got to meet you. Welcome to the Prospector Saloon," Trudy said. "I overheard your argument. What was that all about?" Honey said. "It looks like our little town got itself dragged into the middle of something we don't want anything to do with. About a week ago, this trader, Ringo, comes into town. Survivor of an attack, he says. Bad men after him, needs a place to hide. We figured he was just in shock, so we gave him a place to lie low. We didn't actually expect anyone to come after him." "Where is Ringo now?" "He's holed up at the abandoned gas station up the hill," Trudy said. "What are you going to do?" "Some of the others, like Sunny, will probably stand up for Ringo if he asks for help, which he hasn't. Personally, I hope he sneaks out of town one night and takes the Powder Gangers with him." "Powder Gangers?" Honey said. "Chain gangs, really. The NCR brought them in from California to work on the rail lines. Problem is, it turns out that giving convicts a bunch of dybamite and blasting powder isn't the best idea. Was a big escape not long ago. Some of 'em stuck together so they could make trouble. That's what we're dealing with now." "Who was that man you were arguing with?" "He's a convict. Just without the chains. Said his name was Cobb. Powder Gangers is what they call themselves. Plenty more like him out there," Trudy said. "What happens if I help Ringo?" "If you were able to get Ringo out of this mess, you'd have a decent reputation around Goodsprings. I'd even set you up with a discount. Of course, helping Ringo would also make the Powder Gangers mad, and they've got a lot of friends out there." "Do you know the robot that rescured me?" Honey wondered. "Good riddance to it is all I have to say. Never liked having it around." "Does Goodsprings get many visitors?" "Mostly traders looking to buy Bighorner meat and hides. The trafers are the main reason the general store manages to stay in business. Most travelers heading south on in the I-15 just push on towards Primm unless they're in desperate need of supplies," Trudy said. "I'm trying to track down the people who attacked me. Know anything about them?" "Not much, other than they're a bunch of freeloaders who expected a few rounds on the house. I was able to get them to pay up, though. Of course, one of the Great Khans did knock my radio to the flor, by accident, and it hasn't been working since." Did my attackers say where they were going?" Honey wondered. "They were having some kind of argument about it, but the guy in the checkered coat kept shushing them. Sounded like they came in from the north through Quarry Junction. If that's the case I can't say I blame them for not wanting to go back." "Why is that?" "That whole area is overrun with the kind of critters that only get mad if you shoot 'em. Merchants avoid that whole stetch of I-15 like it's radioactive. Which it could be for all I know," Trudy explained. "So where were they headed?" "I didn't hear exactly, but the leader was talking about the Strip. Fella wants to get there and avoid the 15, he'd have to go east. Take Highay 93 up." "Want me to take a look at your broken radio?" Honey said. "Sure. The outside looks okay, but I think something broke on the inside. There'd be caps in it for you. I do like to hear what's going on in the world. And that Mr. New Vegas sounds like such a gentleman," Trudy said.
Honey examined the broken radio, She quickly discovered that several parts had shaken loose when the radio impacted with the ground. It would be a simple repair job for her...
"I fixed your radio," Honey said. "Yeah, I heard it turn right back on after you got done tinkering with it. Here's some caps for the work," Trudy said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:27 pm

Honey entered the saloon, where Vanessa was waiting. The two women had met a couple of weeks earlier, Honey picking up Vanessa. They entered a lesbian relationship. Vanessa was with Honey when Benny and the Great Khans jumped them. Both women were raped and beaten before Honey was dragged off to the old graveyard and finally shot and buried. Fortunately, Victor had witnessed that and dug her up and brought her to Doc Mitchell who saved Honey's life. The Doc treated Vanessa as well -- she had been badly beaten by the rapists after all. When the Doc had performed a medical scan on the women, only Honey had come back as pregnant from the ordeal. Doc Mitchell offered to abort the pregnancy, but Honey was indecicive.

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The two women went to the old gas station on the hill...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190321204757-1

"That's close enough. Who are you, and what do you want with me?" Ringo said. "I'm not an enemy, if that's what you're asking," Honey said. "Sorry about the gun. You caught me off guard, that's all. We got off to a bad start. What say we start over with a friendly game of Caravan? You know how to play?" "What are the rules of Caravan?" "It's a two-player game, and the winner takes the whole pot. You build a caravan using the cards in your deck. The goal is to create caravan bids that beat your opponent's bids, so there's more strategy than luck involved. It's why you won't see Caravan in any casino - too slow pced, and more importantly, no house edge. Here, take this holotape - it goes into more specifics about the rules. You'll also need a deck, so take one of my spares. So... you feel like a game?" he said. "Let's play," she said. "Do't worry - I'm not that good of a player."
Ringo anted 54 caps and Honey met his bet...
"Did you know there's a man named Cobb looking for you?" Honey said. "Yeah. He doesn't look very tough, though. I hear he's afraid I'll shoot him down from one of the windows when I see him, and he's right. I'll have a much bigger problem once his friends show up. There's no way I could handle all of them in a gunfight," Ringo said. "Why are the Powder Gangers out to get you?" "My caravan was on the return trip from California and heading back up to the company branch in New Vegas when we got jumped. Not even a drop your weapons and hands up before the bullets started flying. We put up a good fight, but there was too many of them. I took a few of the bandit down before I ran, so I figure their friends are out for revenge." "What are you going to do about the Powder Gangers?" she wondered. "I'm going to lay low for as long as I can, assuming the town doesn't throw me to the wolves. I've got no chance against the gang on my own." "Maybe I can help." "We'd just end up sharing the same grave if it's just the two of us. Now, if some of the other people in town were also on board..." he said. "I'll ask around and see who I can round up," Honey said. "Start with Sunny Smiles. She's been friendlier than most around here."
They finished their game of Caravan and Honey won the pot.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:29 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200123221329-1

"Hi there. Sticking around Goodsprings for awhile longer?" Sunny said. "I'm going to help Ringo take on the Powder Gangers. I might need your help," Honey said. "Say no more. I'm in." "Well, that was easy." "Joe Cobb talks about leaving us alone if we hand over Ringo, but I know his type. He and his friends will come after the town eventually. However, between you, mem and Ringo, we aren't exactly a force to be reckoned with. A lot of people around here look up to Trudy. If you could convince Trudy to join up, some of the other folks in town might decide to help out as well. I know Easy Pete's got a stock of dynamite somewhere, and Chet just got a shipment of leather armour we could borrow. Talk to them as well. Finally, there's a good chance we'll all end up with extra holes in us, so if Doc Mitchell could cough up some extra stimpaks, that'd be great," Sunny said. "Any idea how to convince Trudy to join us?" "A silver tongue would help. Convincing Trudy that we had a good plan to win the fight would also help." "Would Chet be willing to give us his supplies?" Honey said. "I don't think give is in Chet's vocabulary. Even with the town at stake, he'd still make you barter with him." "How can I get easy Pete's dynamite?" "Easy Pete's pretty protective of his dynamite. You'd have to convince him you know a thing or two about explosives before he handed it over," Sunny said.
Olivia walked over to the bartender...
"So, you're planning on taking on Joe Cobb's gang. It's a big risk, but I suppose you have to do what you think is right," Trudy said. "Near the saloon and store are good spots to stage an ambush - if I had the help," Honey said. "That sounds like a good plan. All right, you seem to know what you're doing, so you can count me in. Let me have a word with a few other folks and I'll see if I can't round up some more members for this militia you're creating. While everyone does own a gun, we could stand to be a little better equipped. The general store probably has what we need in stock."
Outside the saloon, Easy Pete was sitting in his regular place. Honey had no problem talking the old man into giving up his stash of dynamite. After all, Ursula wasn't called Honey for no reason - she really knew how to use her tongue to her advantage. Given the chance, Honey might even had talked the women out of their fate when they were attacked.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20190321210500-1

"You must be the ones Doc Mitchell was patching up. The way I heard it, I didn't think you'd be walking out of that office. I've got plenty of supplies for sale. Even got some weapon mods and special ammo - well worth the caps, if you ask me. If you're hurting for caps, I've also got boxes of surplus ammo in the miscellaneous section. They're not great, but you get what you pay for," Chet said. "I need supplies to fight the Powder Gangers," Honey said. "Now just hold on. I never voted to take on the Powder Gangers. That's a thousand cap investment you're talking about." "Let them take over town, then. I'm sure your business will be much better off." "You made your point. I can provide people with some leather armour and extra ammo. I sure hope it's worth it. And, uh, I'll be guarding the store while all this is going on. I have to put my business first, you understand," he said. "Do you know anything about the people who attacked me?" "The leader was a New Vegas-type, typical city boy. He had a bunch of Grat Khans with him, probably hired guns. The Great Khans normally stay in their own territory way up northeast, on account of them being enemies with the NCR." "Have you ever been to New Vegas?" Honey wondered. "Twice. Both times, I drank a lot of liquor and lost most of my caps at the card tables. In that order, now that I think about it. If you ever go to New Vegas, be sure to visit Gomorrah. It's the best casino in the city. You won't regret it. Word of advice - behave. Between the NCR military police and Mr. House's robots, you don't want to be causing trouble on the Strip," Chet said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:35 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200123235344-1

"So, what's going on? Did Sunny agree to help us?" Ringo said. "Sunny's with us," Honey said. "Well, I gues that means we're ready to go. Unless you think there's something else you can do?" "Let's do this." "All right, I'm ready. I hope," he said.
Sunny burst through the door...
"Time to look alive. The Powder Gangers are here to play," she said. "How many are there?" Honey wondered. "At least six, Joe Cobb included. They look pretty mean." "I'm ready. You'd better be, too." "Oh, Easy Pete came through with the dynamite. Here's your supply. I really hope I don't blow myself up. I'll be set up near the store. Let's hope that the gang doesn't manage to make it that far," Sunny said.

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"I owe you a huge favor for this. Here - these are technically Crimson Caravan funds, but I know they'll understand when I explain things," Ringo said. "Didn't I hear you say something earlier about not being able to pay me now?" Honey said. "I did have what was left of the Crimson Caravan money, but I wasn't sure if it was my right to just give it away. I owe you more than that, though, so look me up at the Crimson Caravan camp in New Vegas if you ever visit."
"That was a hell of a fight. Let's hope it doesn't bite us in the ass later on," Chet said. "I'm glad that business is over. I like it when Goodsprings is nice and quiet," Trudy said. "That'll teach the Powder Gangers to avoid Goodsprings in the future," Sunny said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124000116-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:38 pm

"Let's talk about the areas around Goodsprings," Honey said. "Sure. What do you want to know?" Sunny said. "What other towns are nearby?" "Southeast of here is Primm - can't miss is since it has the giant rollercoaster right in the middle of town. The NCR got an outpost there. If you follow the road north, you'll eventually hit Sloan and Quarry Junction. They mine rocks or something, but I heard they got troubles lately. I wouldn't head in that direction if I were you, though. Got critters up there that don't take kindly to getting shot." "What kind of creatures are out there?" Honey wondered. "Around here, mostly coyotes and geckos. The coyotes are pretty dangerous i large packs, but otherwise they're nothing to really worry about. The geckos aren't too tough, but they've got a nasty bite. I've heard of bigger, nastier versions out in the wasteland, but I've never seen them. Stick to the roads when you can, and teer clear of the hills north of Goodsprings. The critters up there are big and poisonous," Sunny said.

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The NCR had set up an outpost outside Primm...

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"Hey, where the hell do you think tou're going? Primm is off limits," a NCR trooper said. "What's going on in Primm?" Honey wondered. "Some convicts from the prison up the road have taken over the town. Everyone inside is either dead or in hiding. What's more, there are two tribes of raiders causing trouble in this area as well. You'd be safer heading back up to Goodsprings." "Shouldn't you be protecting the town or something?" "We'd love to, but they don't fall under NCR jurisdiction. Even if they did, we're in no shape to protect them," the trooper said. "Why can't you protect them?" she wondered. "We don't have the equipment to take out the convicts, and even if we did we need some extra hands for backup. You should talk to Lieutenant Hayes. He's in a tent down the road. Just stay on the west side of the overpass if you don't want to get shot," he said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:43 pm

The warning was like an invitation to the adventurous duo...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130112-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130121-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130230-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130336-1

The Powder Gangers who attacked the women quickly regretted it as Honey and Vanessa slaughtered them. They found the body of Courier 4, then entered the Mojave Express office...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130535-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124130735-1

A damage Eyebot - With Honey's advanced mechanical skill, she had little difficulty repairing it...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124131238-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124131410-1

The Bison Steve Hotel was crawling with more Powder Gangers...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124131435-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132027-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:47 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132249-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132336-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132427-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132450-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132659-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124132721-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133005-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133059-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133232-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133311-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133405-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124133842-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:51 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134000-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134139-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134153-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134212-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134232-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134244-1

The Powder Gangers had a hostage. Honey and Vanessa didn't see him when the bullets started flying, though.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134322-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134426-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:53 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134442-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134452-1

Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124134939-1

"Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes. Don't suppose you'd care to trade? I'm missing a few essentials and - oh, screw this. Lying just ain't in my nature. I'll tell it to you straight. I've been following you for a good bit now," he said. "Go on," Honey said, giving him a quizzing look. "It started pff innocently enough. I was traveling, as I often do, and happened to observe you picking up one of those blue-star caps. You didn't show any reaction to it, so I figured you didn't know what you'd gotten your hands on." "What's so special about these caps?" "There's an old wasteland legend that says somewhere out there is a fabulous treasure from before the war. Those caps with the blue star on them, the tale goes, are the key to that treasure. They're called Sunset Sarsparilla Stars," Malcolm said. "Where can I find more of thee caps?" "All over the place. The easiest place to find them is unopened bottles of Sunset Sarsparilla. You'd think they'd all have been picked clean by now, but somehow new bottles keep appearing in the machines. Some say it's old Festus that does it, hoping someone will finally collect enough caps to earn the treasure. Other than bottles, you'll just have to scavenge. You can find caps in the unlikeliest of places, and blue-star caps are no exception." "You mentioned someone named Festus. Who's that?" Honey said. "It's said that the treasure is guarded by a man named Festus, and he's the one who asks for the blue-star caps. It's also said that he's been around since before the war, standing a lonely vigil, waiting for someone to come and take the treasure off his hands. That'd make him pretty damn old, but I've met a few people in my travels who claimed they actually met him, and they weren't the lying type either." "So you collect these caps too?" "Nah, I gave it up years ago. Too dangerous. And even if I did still collect them, I'd tell you the same. There's people out there so mad with the idea of treasure that they'll attack strangers just on the suspicion that they have some of those caps," he said. "What kind of treasure are we talking about?" "No one knows. Money? Weapons? Water? It is, or was, something of value, and that's enough to get people motivated." "Thanks for the info, but I'll be going now," Honey said. "No problem. If you do end up trying to collect more stars, watch out for a man named Allen Marks. He's killed several people for their stars already," Malcolm said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124135040-1

"I don't suppose you came to rescue me? I'd vross my fingers but my hands are numb." "Who are you," Honey wondered. "Why, I am Deputy Beagle, and I am being held hostage. Can you imagine? I'd be most grateful if you would set me free," he said. "How'd you end up being a hostage?" "I must say it's been the low point of my career in law enforcement... The Powder Gangers stole into town at night and murdered my sister and her husband, the sheriff, in bed, while I was sleeping in the office. I watched them for a bit, waiting for the right moment to pounce and arrest the lot of them. Taking careful notes as I watched. To my dismay, they founf me while I waited in the shadows and brought me here." "I'd better cut you loose," she said. "Oh that's just marvelous. I think I'll be making my way outside now. The air's a little close in here." "Sure, run away. You don't look like you'd be much help." "Then I'll defer to your superior appraisal of character and prowess in contest of arms and see you outside!" the deputy said and made a hasty exit...

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:57 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124135330-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124135447-1

The NCR soldiers had placed proximity mines on the overpass...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124135506-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124135612-1

ED-E went ballistic when the gangers got too close..

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:05 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124140705-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124140922-1

Inside the tent, they met a young woman...
"Hey, did you see a couple of guys on the road just now? They robbed me! Bastards." "No, I didn't see anyone. Are you alright?" Honey said. "No, I'm not alright. They took my favorite rifle and some other stuff. I do hve a pistol with me, but I've no ammo for it and my leg is hurt." "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" "I have my reasons. I'm not thrilled about being alone, but I wasn't going to sit around in the Mojave Outpost because of it," she said. "Maybe you should have stayed put. Sounds like things didn't work out like you planned." "No. I didn't plan to lose my favorite rifle, run out of ammo and get injured. I have never been this unlucky on the road before." "Have you been traveling for a long time," Honey wondered. "Nearly two years. Usually I talk my way out of any problems, but these guys jumped me from behind. I didn't get the chance. "You're in a really tough spot. What can I do to help you out of this?" "I want to go after the guys who took my stuff. They dropped this. Will you come with me? Maybe give me some ammo or a different weapon?" she said. "So you want me to supply you for this little adventure and come with you?" "I'd love it if you came with. As for ammo I'll say this: I'm crap with a knife and only slightly better with my fists. So, it's up to you. But I'm willing to earn what you give me. I'll travel with you for awhile if you like. I'm a great shot and I'm great company. What do you say?" "Alright. That sounds good. Let's get the equipment all sorted out and we can leave," Honey said. "Okay, thank you so much. My name is Willow, by the way. It's nice to meet you. But, please do hurry. I'm anxious to get going," she said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173236-1

"I need to see that pistol of yours. I don't know if I have ammo for it or not," Honey said. "Great! Listen! I want to tell you exactly what I lost so you'll know what to look for, okay? You know about my rifle, Beauty. That's what I call her. And therey are two other things. Chester, a teddy bear I've had forever, and Moira, a doll. I hope we find the toys. I'm embrrassed to admit it and know it sounds stupid, but I do love them," Willow said. "Is there something else?" "I forgot to ask. What's your name?" "My name's Honey," Honey said. "Thanks, again, for your help."

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173532-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:10 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173645-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173740-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173901-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124173914-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124174011-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124174126-1

The desolate still of the Mojave wasteland was once again broken by gunfire...

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"Thanks for the help. That crazy bitch just atacked me out of nowhere," Tomas said. "Did you know her?" Honey wondered. "Not for long. I met her on the road a few days ago, and we've been traveling together since. We'd actually been flirting a little when she suddenly pulled a gun out and began yelling at me to hand my caps over. Now that I think of it, she laughed when I threw her my money. I think what she really wanted was my lucky charm necklace." "What lucky charm necklace?" "Yeah, every once in a while you can find a cap with a blue star on it. They're pretty rare, so I started collecting them. Once I had enough, I made a necklace out of them, since I thought they were lucky. And maybe they are, since you managed to show up at just the right time," he said. "All sorts of nasty people are looking for caps like those. You'd be safer if you got rid of them." "Really? I had no idea. And here I've been carrying them all this time, never knowing how dangerous they were. What do you thhink I should do with them? Buty 'em or something?" "I can hold onto them for you. I'm not worried about the people who are looking for them," she said. "They're all yours. I sincerely hope they work better for you than they did for me," Tomas said.

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The town of Nipton had clearly been raided. Best be vigilant in case the marauders were still around...

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:16 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124174828-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124174838-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124174947-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175013-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175027-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175145-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175209-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175300-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175313-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124175334-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:20 pm

The fighting was over, the women had won.
"Um, the... the crosses. Should we help those people?" Willow said.
Honey took a look at one of the victims. He was near death, she detrmined he'd die if they cut him down from the cross.
"Pointless," she said. "They're more dead than alive. And... besides, why would we want to help raiders and thugs anyway?"

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"Coming from the North? Must be crazy to brave those roads," Sgt. Kilborn said. "What are those statues of?" Honey wondered. "Those two? Represents unification. Mostly good for shade. Won't do much else when the Legion reaches us." "Any work around here?" "Nothing I know of, but if you've come from the North, means you can travel freer than most around here. Might check the Barracks, someone might need you to hoof it somewhere. Just be careful if you go up on the roof - got a sniper watching the road. If your gar's in need of repair, HQ's also worth checking out - talk to Major Knight, he can help. Provided you got a pen and plenty of ink," he said. "I'll be going now," she said. "Watch yourself."

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"You a Courier? If so, this might be your lucky day... if you don't mind walking a bit and your eyes are good," Ranger Ghost said. "Depends on the work," Honey said. "I think there's trouble in Nipton - no traffic from there on the roads, and while I can explain that away, the smoke from the town I can't. I'm sure it's been hit - what I need to know is if they survived it. Might be Powder Gangers with all that smoke in the air. If there's anybody left, they'd be in the Nipton Town Hall. Go there, check it out, let me know what you find." "Already been there. Legion turned that sinkhole into a graveyard." "Legion this far West? You're fucking kidding me. That's not outside the border, they're moving in - and fast. Nipton wasn't the most friendly town, but... All right, thanks for checking on that, wish it set my mind at ease, now I'm more on edge than ever," the ranger said. "If that's all you wanted, I'm done." "Well, thanks for hoofing it there and back, even if it was bad news, Wish we could spare the troops to go hunting, but... orders are to stay put. Fucking Mojave's going to hell, and all I can do is sit here and watch."

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:22 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124181011-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124181022-1

"Caravan, citizen, pilgrim, or...?" "Courier," Honey said. "Just need something for the logbook, keeping tabs on traffic through the Outpost... although mostly just in, not out thse days. If you're looking for the commanding officer, he's in the back. Although... he's got a lot on his plate, so if you speak with him... keep it short. Also, you need any gear checked, we can get you up and running again... once you fill out the work orders, and sign for the parts, of course." "Who are you?" "Me, I'm Knight - Major K ight. I've been stuck here dealing with these caravans for ages now, but somebody'd gotta do it," he said.
Honey walked i the back to speak with Ranger Jackson...
"Looks like we got a new visitor in the ol' Brahmin pen. Not many people coming here in a hurry, only passing through. And if you're passing through, you picked a bad time. Road north has gone to hell, and if I let a caravan through, they won't make it," he said. "You sure seem like you have enough soldiers," she said. "Soldiers, no, recruits, yes. And the Mojave Outpost has been ordered to have a standing force at the NCR perimeter at all times. So sending anyone out reduces the Outpost's numbers and would be in direct violation of my orders from back West." "Is NCR sending more troops?" "Sending more troops, yes, to reinforce the Outpost, no. Troops head through here on their way to McCarran or to the frontlines at Forlorn Hope. Or they're on leave, on their way to New Vegas to piss away their pay. All of them, passing through," Ranger Jackson said." "You sound frustrated." "Frustrated? No. I have my orders - signed and approved all the way up the chain from Kimball. And I understand the reasons. The Outpost isn't a Legion target, yes, not like Vegas or the Dam - but if the caravans get chokes here, that's going to bite NCR hard. Anyway, didn't mean to talk your ear off. Some days... just feel like more rquisition forms and daily reports come across my desk than results." "Any way I can help?" Honey wondered. "Help? No, look, I apprec... You know, what, yes, I could use the help. And you look like you can handle yourself. I need to get the caravans moving again, that means clearing a path north. There's too much crwaling he asphalt up the road to allow it." "Sounds like a deal." "Thanks, I appreciate it. Come back when you're done, I might accidentally lose some supplies to pay you with," Ranger Jackson said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124181403-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124185735-1

Having cleared the road of giant ants, the women continued on their way to Nipton. Their goal was to explore the area for things to scavenge, and the town hall seemed like the place to start...

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:26 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124185814-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124185954-1

The women quickly ran into the Legion's hounds, left behind...

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Nipton Town Hall was soon cleared of hostiles...

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124191352-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124191505-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:40 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192021-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192309-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192316-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192444-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192707-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192740-1

"The Caesar has marked you for death... and the Legion obeys. Ready yourselves for battle."

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192843-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124192850-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:43 pm

Vanessa suddenly groaned. Then, clasping her chest, the young woman collapsed. Honey did her best to bring her back. She found a letter in Vanessa's pocket...

Dear Jessi
How are U?
My heart problems...
I had almost forgotten them when I was in DC. Sadly, they've come back thx to this heat...
I definitely have the family's heavy heritage. With the swelling and edema. Don't I just feel so sexy? Last week, I thought the Grim Raper was gonna get me for sure. I was trying to track down a bunch of junkies...
But I was sweating so bad that one of them had the gall to jokingly ask if I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms...
I felt dizzy, everything was a blur...
My chest ached so badly that I had to cling to a wall to keep myself from falling. I must've brought back some memories because that jackass decided to dangle a dose of Psycho in my face...
I could hear his sarcastic laughter tinkling in my ears as he walked away from me. And I just stood there, leaning against that wall in the ruins...
After that, I decided to find a safe place to stay for a while. I found a nice little town with a nice little bar that sells nice little bottles of whiskey. I kept enough caps and medicine on me, just to be safe, but there is a doctor here, Doc Mitchell. He helped me as much as he could even if he didn't have the skills for the heart surgery I need. Though he did tell me about a guy in Freeside who kept a pre-war book on advanced surgical methods and robots in his bag...
Here's hoping I don't have a new crisis by then...
Vanessa story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Smiley

"Are you okay? I will find a way to heal you, don't worry!" Honey said. "God... Dammit," Vassesa groaned. "Yes. I still need to find how, but... I will help you." "You'll do that for me?"

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124193850-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124193939-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124194032-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124194053-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:45 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124194209-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124195130-1

"I have Moira," Honey said. "I'm thrilled to have moira back, but I'd still like to find Chester," Willow said. "I don't know where Chester is, we've followed the trail we had. Do you have any ideas?" "Uh, well, yeah, I do, atually. It's kind of embarrassing. I think the guy I was traveling with might have him. He was helping me carry my stuff. We parted ways at the Mojave Outpost. He was the big, strong, quiet type. Great for carrying stuff, but not a lot of fun. He didn't talk much. I have an idea where we might find him. He wouldn't say much about himself, but he did talk a little bit about where he was going." "Are you suggesting we track him down to get Chester?" Honey said. "Well, yeah, I am. If you decide you're interested, I'll tell you everything I know about where he may be." "I've found Beauty." "Thank you!" Willow said. "You're welcome." "I promised I would travel with you if we found Beauty. So, should we talk about this? Iron out some details?" "Yes, let's do this. I'd like to be very clear about how we're going to do things," Honey said. "Oh, good. I can't fight with anything other than a gun. I'm lousy at anything else. Okay, I can fight with my fists if I'm cornered... by a radroach. I'd love to learn more, and would be willing to study, but for now I'm pretty useless. I just wanted to be really clear about that." "No problem, Willow. I don't really care. I prefer guns myself." "Oh, I'm glad you don't mind. I read books and magazines about boxing to learn what I can. But, they're hard to find. I've only ever found a couple. Oh! Oh, oh, oh! You know what would be even better? If we found someone to train me! Are you any good with your fists?" Willow said. "No, sorry I can't train you. I don't have the skills." "Oh. Well, maybe we'll find somene else who can." Alright, if that's everything, I guess we shoud consider ourselves partners on the road for a whle," Honey said. "I can't think of anything else. Let's go," Willow said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124195153-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124213009-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124213125-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124213233-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124213351-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124213429-1

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:48 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124214001-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124214045-1

"Well. Welcome to you. You look tired from the road. Why don't you relax a spell, let this fine town take care of you?" "We haven't met yet," Honey said. "Oh, what am I doing? I got to thinking about making a god first impression and plain forgot to tell you my name. I'm Jeannie May. I take care of folks here at the motel. Long as they aren't trouble makers." "I', looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that?" "Well he might've been wearing a fancy outfit, but he wasn't any kind of a gentleman to me. Had his nose stuck so high in the air, you couldn't se it above the clouds. City folk, they always think they deserve better than what they got. Those hoodlums he was with seemed to know Manny for some reason. He's our daytime sniper, up in the dinosaur's mouth." "I'd like to rent the deluxe bungalow," Honey said. "Well, I think that's a fine idea. I'll give you a flat rate, and you can stay as long as you like. Least till the busy season comes. Sound good?" Here's 150 caps." "I'm glad you can stay with us," Jeannie May said.

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"Welcome to the Dino Bite Gift Shop. My name's Cliff. If you're here for the t-rex figurines, you're just in time. There's still a few left." "Has a tall ghoul in a cowboy hat been in here asking questions?" Honey asked. "Sure, but he didn't buy any souvenirs if that's what you're wondering." "No, I wasn't wondering that. He would have asked about ghoul activity in the area." "Oh, that. Lately there's been talk of ghouls just a bit west of Novac up in the mountains," Cliff said. "What do you sell here?" "Well, there's t-rex figurines, of course. That's our bread and butter. We also have an assortment of the REPCONN factory souvenirs - rockets, things of that nature." "Tell me about the souvenir rockets," she said. "They're scale replicas of the real thing. Very detailed. Got a liquid in them that makes them glow. From what I hear, REPCONN use to give them out on tours of their HQ up in Henderson. But I guess they had to stop after the first few kids thought they were filled with Nuka-Cola and dran it down. The papers had a name for the condition and everything. They called it the REPCONN Shakes. Those were bad tmes for RobCo." "How did they end up here?" "Well, they unloaded what they had left on the Dino Bite as a tax write-off. But that was before my time. Plenty of demand for them, seeing as how they're one-of-a-kind collectors items. But I might still have some in back," he said. "What about supplis? Do you sell those?" Olivia wondered. "Guns? I, uh, well... yeah, I guess I might have a few. Darn it. No one ever buys the t-rexes."
"What's not to like about a place that has a giant statue to greet people when they come into town?" Willow said.

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"We haven't met yet. You must be new in town. I'm Andy." "You're with the NCR, right?" Honey said. "Was. Was with them. That was back when my arm and leg used to work better. I still pretend I'm a Ranger, though. I'll check in with the guys up at the station pretty regular on the ham radio. Sometimes they stop by, tell me they're paying their respects, the smug bastards. They haven't been responding to me, last couple of days. I guess they got tired of hearing me talk, but it's still got me a little worried. Hell, listen to me talk. Like some damn mother hen." "A station full of Rangers ought to be able to handle themselves." "Yeah, who am I kidding? It's funny, you get stuck in your room for weeks, you start to worry the world's gonna fall apart without you. Those guys are fine. They don't need me looking over their shoulders," he said. "What do you do here, Andy?" "Right now? A whole lot of sitting on my keister and counting cracks in the ceiling. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. On better days I help to keep the peace. Boone and Vargas watch the road, I watch the town. Tell myself I'm doing some good." "Did you do something to your leg?" Honey said. "Yeah. Twice. Actually the first time it was more like half my body. Knocked me out of the Rangers. This time it's mostly just reminded me how useless I've gotten." "What happened?" "A few years back, we get a tip that some Legion slavers were holed up in this burnt out house a few klicks from where we were stationed. We get there and it's deserted. No sign anyone's been there. I mean nothing. As we're leaving, I hear something behind me. I turn around and there's this kid, just skin and bones,  and he's looking up at us and he's scared half to death. Been hiding in a closet," Andy said. "What did you do?" "I go to grab him out of there and I notice he's holding something in his hand. Somethig metal. He shuts himself back in the closet and that's when I see the grenade he's left by my feet. They do it a lot, the Legion. Using kids. They know we'll hesitate. Anyway, that was the first time. Second time I fell down those staris in front of the motel. Just in case I got to thinking I'd put it all behind me." "Your body is injured, not your mind. You're kidding yourself if you think you're useless," she said. "Heh. People don't exactly line up to find out what's in my head. Can't remember the last time someone suggestedI knew something worth knowing. You know, maybe there's something I can do for you. Since you've gone to all the trouble of flattering a crippled old soldier. There's a move we have in the Rangers for knocking an opponent off his feet. Saved my butt a bunch of times, maybe it will do it for you too. Let me show you how it's done," he said.
Ranger Andy showed Honey and Willow how the Ranger Takedown is performed. Both women quickly soaked up everything the seasoned soldier taught them. Even Vanessa might have learned something from watching them.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:50 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124221117-1     story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124221900-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124222127-1

"Tell me about Chester. Where is this guy you were traveling with," Honey said. "He wouldn't say much. Mostly when I asked him something all he said was, Not your business. But, I did get a few details out of him. Apparently he has a brother, or maybe it's a friend, who's a ghoul, who came here to join some cult. The Bright Followers or something. Near Novac. He's going there to find the brother, or friend, to take him home again, I guess. That wa all I coul get out of him. He wasn't much of a talker," Willow said. "Let's go find your friend. What's his name?" His name. Yeah, well, I just call him The Big Guy. He never told me his name in all the time we were together. Weird, isn't it? So, I guess you'll need a desription. He's very tall, and he wears a cowboy hat with a feather. Oh, and he's a ghoul," Willow said.

Last edited by Wotan on Tue May 05, 2020 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:54 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124222757-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223002-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223026-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223246-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223256-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223537-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223547-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223728-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200124223905-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125130929-1

"You here to pay your respects, too?" Private Kowalski said. "What is this memorial?" Honey wondered. "It commemorates the Battle of Hoover Dam. The Rangers lured the best of Caesar's Legion into Boulder City, then blew the whole town up. The NCR still lost a bunch of troops in the fighting, though. My older brother sacrificed himself so they could evacuate some of the wounded." "I'm sorry to hear that." "Don't worry about it," the soldier said. "Where are you normally statoined?" Camp McCarran, but I'm on leave at the moment - heading back to California to se my folks. I'm supposed to join up with the caravan heading that way up at the 188, but they're not due to arrive for awhile yet." "Goodbye," Honey said.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:57 pm

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131125-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131558-1

"We've got a situation with some Great Khans right now. The brass at McCarran has ordered me to lock down the ruins until it's been resolved," Lieutenant Monroe said. "What's going on with the Great Khans?" Honey wondered. "One of my patrols was on its way back from Novac when it came under fire from the Great Khans. They radioe for reinforcements, but instead of waiting for us, they chased the Khans into the ruins where they were caught in a crossfire. No deaths, but not all of the squad got out. The Khan have Private Ackerman and Private Gilbert as hostages." "I may be able to negotiate a deal with the Great Khans." "Normally, I'd turn you down since I have no idea who you are, but considering that the hostages are as good as dea when we attack... All right, I'm going to give you a chance to talk to the Great Khans. Their leader is a man named Jessup. If we hear shooting, we'll be coming in, but it'll probably be too late for you," he said. "I understand," she said. 

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131641-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131705-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131808-1story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story 20200125131830-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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