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Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 2:17 pm

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of New Vegas. Click the thumbnails to see the full-size screenshots. Short-links will be provided to any 'sensitive' screenshots I cannot freely post on a free forum. Have fun.

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Ursula was a young woman, barely twenty years old. She had been a courier for almost ten years, starting off as a young delivery girl and working her way up to more dangerous and profitable jobs. The mysterious Mr. House had hired a number of couriers to bring various items to the Strip. Each courier carried one of these items. Ursula, better known as Honey, carried a platinum chip. It didn't look like much, but the metal must've been expensive before the war. Now, though, it only had value to those who knew what it was used for.
The couriers were all ambushed and killed, Honey was no exception. She was tossed in a shallow grave the Great Khans had dug for him. Benny himself had pulled the trigger that fired the shot into Honey. She shouldn't have survived that, but Honey was blessed with an iron constitution. She woke up a few days later at Doc Mitchel's house in Goodsprings. After making sure his patient was doing well, the good doctor saw the courier off. But not before giving him something from the doc's past...
"They call it a Pip-Boy. I grew up in one of them vaults they made before the war. We all got one. Ain't much use to me now, but you might want such a thing, after what you been through. I know what it's like, having something taken from you. And put this on, too, so the locals don't pick on you for lacking modesty. Never was much my stule anyway." "Thanks for patching me up, Doc." "Don't mention it. It's what I'm here for. You should talk to Sunny Smiles before you leave town. She can help you learn to fend for yourself in the desert. She'll likely be at the saloon. I reckon some of the other folks at the saloon might be able to help you out, too. And the metal fella, Victor, who pulled you outta your grave. Anyway, you ever get hurt out there, you come right back. I'll fix you up. But try not to get killed anymore," Doc said.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 3:59 pm

"What the hell? You're that courier Benny wasted back in Goodsprings. You're supposed to be dead," Jessup said. "Well, I'm not, and I believe you have something of mine," Honey said. "Yeah... about that..." "Where's the Platinum Chip?" "Don't have it. Benny stole it, right before he stabbed us in the back. He's probably back at the Stip by now, laughing at me," he said. "Let's talk about settling things between you and the NCR." "What's to negotiate? The NCR backs off, we walk out of here, nobody gets hurt." "Free the hostages now, and I'll have the NCR escort you out of their territory," she said. "I can't believe I'm doing this, but all right, the hostages can go. The NCR had better keep their end of the deal, though. Here - a souvenir for you. It's Benny's lighter. Shove it up his ass when you catch up with him."

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"I'm glad you were able to get my people freed, but there're a new problem. I just got orders to take out the Great Khans, hostages or not," Lieutenant Monroe said. "The Great Khans let the hostages go in exchange for their own freedom," Honey said. "My hands are tied. I can't go against orders... can I?" "If you have any integrity, then you will honor the deal." "You're right. The Great Khans are free to go."

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:02 pm

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"My brother, Chuck, wanted to fight for the NCR," Willow said. "What?" "The memorial reminded me of my brother, Chuck. From the time he was little all he wanted to do was join the NCR and become a Ranger. My dad wouldn't let him, though." "Why wouldn't you dad let him do it?" Honey wondered. "He didn't want Chuck to die fighting for the NCR. Dad wanted him safe at home, which it turns out he didn't get after all. Chuck's a caravan guard now. He loves it. I think he thrives on danger. He almost died a few years ago in a fight, but he has this big scar to show for it. The thing is, the scar's left him dangerous looking and he knows it, so he plays it up and acts tough. He's a handful, but girls love him." "Heh. Willow, you didn't stay home safe either." "Yeah, you're right. My dad did mention Chuck whe I told him what I wanted to do."

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"Welcome to the 188 Slop & Shop. How can I help you?" "Who are you?" Honey said. "Name's Michelle. My dad and me run this store. His name's Samuel. I take the day shift and he takes nights. We came here about a month ago, when Primm went to hell on account of the prison break north of there. Found a bin to call home and set up shop."

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"No offence, but you look like you've traveled a long way down some bad roads. Where'd you come from?" "The Capital Wasteland. Most recently though - Goodsprings," Honey said. "Wow, you have come a long way, then. I've never been there, but I've met some traders who pass that way. Well, welcome, then. I'm Veronica. I live in a hole in the ground." "You live in a hole in the ground?" "Well, a bunker, if you want to get technical. I think it sounds more interesting my way. But I'm not there much anymore. I'm usually out here picking up food and supplies for my family. Whatever they need," Veronica said. "So uou just leave your family in the bunker?" "Yeah. I'm not worried. They can handle themselves. But somebody has to get the groceries, know what I mean? And actually these days I think they'd rather have me out here anyway. But that's a whole other story. So, listen, can I ask you something on the level?" "Go ahead," Honey said. "I had a run-in with this group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Steel. Pretty strange bunch. Do you know anything about them?" "They're usually harmless unless you use advanced technology around them." "Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that. Hey, so where are you headed, anyway?" Veronica said. "The Strip." "Ooo. Very exiting. Gonna strike it rich, huh? I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here who looks like she can really handle herself. There are places I've never been that'd be too dangerous for just me. What do you think? Maybe we could travel together, help each other out." "Where are you hoping to go?" Honey wondered. "Oh, nowhere in particulatr, really. Just hoping to see more of the world. Looking for a fresh perspective. I want to see how different groups have adapted to survive in the Mojave. See if there's something I can learn from." "Don't you have a family to feed?" "Like I said, they can handle themselves. And I'm not the only one getting supplie for them. It's a big family," Veronica said. "Okay, let's travel together." "Now you're talking. One thing you should know, first, though. I asked you about the Brotherhood of Steel because I'm one of them. I know, I know. But I had to know how you'd react when I told you. We've made a lot of enemies. You still okay bringing me along?" "As long as you're honest with me from now on," Honey said. "Sure. Just don't ever ask me if your outfit makes you look fat. Well, thanks for taking a chance on a naive young girl from California with stars in her eye and a pneumatic gauntlet on her hand. Let's hit the road, huh?" Veronica said.'
Honey turned to Willow...
"You should ask Veronica to train you. She loves punching things. I'm sure she could teach you a lot," she said. "I'm going to ask her about it right now," Willow said.
Willow and Veronica trained for hours. The next morning the group was traveling again...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:05 pm

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The women arrived at Freeside...

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:08 pm

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"Can I buy that gun from you?" Honey said. "This is the best gun in the whole galaxy. I paid a million caps for it. And it wasn't even brand new," Max said. 

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"This is where we should find what we're looking for," Honey said.

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"Hi, my name's Willow. What do you do around here?" "I'm really very boring. You'd get better stories out of a Freeside junkie," Arcade Gannon said. "I'm sure that's not true, but maybe you'll feel more like talking if we meet again," Wilow said.
Honey approached him...
"Hi. If you're looking for medical help, try the other doctors. I'm just a researcher. Not even a particularly good one," Arcade said. "What kind of research?" she said. "Oh, you know. Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries. Stimpaks out of barrel cacti and other fantastic improbabilities. As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims." "You don't sound too enthusiastic about it." "I'm enthisiastic about helping people, but nihil novi sub sole," he said. "Isn't that the language that Caesar's Legion speaks?" "Caesar can cite Cato to suit his purpose. Many people have spoken Latin. Some of them were quite pleasant. It's unfortunate the language is now associated with the gentlemen across the river." "Where did you learn that?" Honey wondered. "Not from the Legion, if that's what you're getting at. Books. Sheet music. Gladiatior movie holotapes. Bits and pieces here and there. The Followers have extensive libraries, but we all draw water from the same old well. Even Caesar." "Let's talk about something else. Why do you do research instead of providing medical assistance?" "Not all Followers are people persons. Besides, someone needs to do research. I have no problem with Julie sticking me back here. Out of sight, out of mind. There are worse things one can be, though I admit, it is a bit boring. Though it has a noble goal, I don't think this research will yield much fruit. No pun intended," Arcade said.
"Veronica, we have to do something about your outfit. It's tragic. You look like a potato with a face," Wilow said. "Why does everyoe always say that?" "Because it's true. We should do something about that. Get you something that fels and looks good. Right?"

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:10 pm

"Victor... This little robot is obviously hiding something. We need to learn what it is, soon," Vanessa said. "Alright! We have the book!" Honey said. "Great! Let me take a lok at it. Hm, it talks about a German robot. Its name is ironically creepy... I can't wait to see this. We could go, if you want." "Sure, let's go." "Thank you. It's nice of you, really," Vanessa said. "But first we need a heart. Shall we just kill someone?" "Uh... You know, even if it means being butchered by a robot with a nauseating penchant for scientific experiments worthy of the worst freak show... I'd rather have the finest piece of meat of the Mojave!" "I'm all up for that. And where could we find the best human meat in the Mojave?" Honey said. "Ultra-Luxe?" "You're well-informed..." "No, I'm not. Well... yes. Actually... I can't prove it. But I'm not stupid... even if I pretnd to be. People talk, you know? Especially in bars, and especially when they try to drink with me. Alcohol turns guys into limp dicks. But it also loosens tongues... It depends on how you see it, I suppose. Personally, right now... I know I don't look like much... sexually. With this damaged heart... I would die on th spot. Pleasant death, indeed... The result is that I listen more than I act. And I learn interesting little secrets. Can we check the kitchens of the Ultra-Luxe restaurant?" Vanessa said. "If you want." "It's... strange. I don't know how to say this, but... I feel... hope. I had forgotten that feeling... Having hope. Imagining a future that would not stop overnight. It took me three years to get back to Nevada. I felt the symptoms appearing slowly... The beings of flesh get used to everything. Even the worst. Nature is surprising. Resignation comes... gradually. It's barely noticeable. But... today, I feel weird. I think I'm... happy."

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:13 pm

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"You look new to Freeside, so here's a little advice, friend. Don't go past the south gate greeter without talking to it first." "Thanks for the advice. Who are you?" Honey said. "The name's Old Ben. I've been living in Freeside since the day I was born," he said. "Why wouldn't I want to go past the greeter?" Willow said. "Those bots are programed to vaporize anyone who enters the fenced-in area without authorization from the greeter," Old Ben said.

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"Submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeeding to the gate. Trespassers will be shot," the Securitron Gatekeeper said.
It only took a moment...
"Thank you, madam. You may proceed," the robot said.

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"Howdy pardner! You've come a far piece, haven't you? Welcome to New Vegas!" "Not now, Victor - I'm busy," Honey said. "Sure you are, rambler. I know you're fixing to serve up some vengeance, but I'm gonna have to point you to the Lucky 38 first. Mmr. House, the head honco of New Vegas, is itching to make your acquaintance. He'll help you serve that cold dish of yours extra-chilly," Victor said. "Why is a robot passing on his invitation?" Willow wondered. "Well now, it was Mr. House who made Securitrons like me. Seems the leat I can do is pass on his message. Don't dawdle. He'll be waiting," Victor said.

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:18 pm

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Honey took a seat at one of the black jack tables. She quickly started raking in the chips...

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.. Up the the point she was banned from the tables. The White Glove Society did give her the key to the luxury suite, though - hoping she would stay and spend all her winnings...

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They had come here for a good reason. And the luxury suite was the perfect base of operations...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:22 pm

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The women were set in the luxury suite. It was time to get hold of the key to the kitchen...

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Everyone getting in, though, was trickier not to get seen. They eventually all managed to sneak inside, one by one...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:26 pm

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You! What do you think you're doing?" "Water main burst upstairs. They sent me down to survey the damage," Honey said. "Curse it all. Your timing couldn't be more atrocious. Just make it quick, all right?"

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They found a human heart in the cold storage. Now time was of the essence to get it and Vanessa to the surgeon...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:30 pm

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"Amazing, but what do I see here? Some sick people!" Doc Mengele said. "Yeah... According to a book, you're the best doc for heart surgery...," Honey said. "Yes I am, I'm simply awesome... I haven't used my skills for such a long time now." "So, are you ready for a surgery? Right here, right now?" "Of course I'm ready. I've always been ready. Where is the body?" the robot said. "Fine. It's for Vanessa... Vanessa, come here, please," Honey said. "Perfect. Lay on that bed Vanessa... and don't worry." "Alright. My life is in your robotic claws, Doc. So... try not to kill me," Vanessa said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:34 pm

Honey presents the heart from the kitchen in the Ultra-Luxe...
"Hmm, this looks and smells like burgundy pork, a deliscious meal. If you want the recioe, it would be my pleasure to give it to you!" Doc Mengele said. 

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"I've been simply awesome. She's fine, except for a litle liver problem... but who needs a liver, hahaha? Oh, by the way, inside this bocal, you'll find a little part... I don't know exactly where it was... Anyway... she looks fine... But if she vomits some green liquid or has some spasms... send her back here," Doc Mengele said. "I'm like the drunk in the bar who want just one more for the road," Vanessa said. "Vanessa, are you okay? You just woke up. Keep calm, please..." Honey said. "Oh, my God..."

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Vanessa regained her senses and composure fairly quickly. The women decided to explore more of their immediate surroundings...

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Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 4:58 pm

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"Ah, shit, that's just disgusting..."

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Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 5:01 pm

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"Well howdy, pardner! Good to see you again. Boss is waiting upstairs, so get a move on!" "Thank you, Victor," Honey said. "I see you brought some friends! Sorry, pardner, but they're gonna have to stay outside," Victor said. "No problem, I'll head up by myself." "Come back soon, now!"

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"This meeting has been a long time coming, hasn't it? You've come a long ways, literally and, I suspect, figuratively as well. I have to ask - now that you've reached your destination, what do you make of what you see?" Mr. House said. "What the hell are you?" Honey said. "A crude quwstion, crudely asked. I'll be happy to satisfy your rambunctious vuriosity at a more appropriate moment. But now, I'll repeat my question... What do you make of what you've seen?" "Can we get down to business?" "Oh, by all means - yes- That's refreshing. The business is this. One of my employess has stolen an item of extraordinary value from me, and I want it recovered. Simple enough?" Mr. House said. "What do you propose?" "My only concern is the recovery of the Platinum Chip. What happens to Benny, I leave to your discretion. When you bring the Chip to me, I will pay you four times the delivery bonus stipulated in your contract. How's that?" "I accept your terms," Honey said. "Well enough. Return to me when you have the Platinum Chip in your possession. Any final matters for us to discuss?" "I'll return when I have the Chip." "Until then," Mr. House said.

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"Congatulations, pardner! The boss has instructed me to comp you to the High-Roller Suite! You can bring your friends, too! Be like a little clubhouse for the gang you put together! Just bear in mind, you're the only one gets to see the boss! Any friends you got, they can wait in the suite. Enjoy the digs, pardner! They're plenty fancy!" Victor said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 5:04 pm

A NCR trooper immediately approached as Honey exited the Lucky 38...
"Hey, you there! I have a message for you. It's from Ambassador Crocker. Very important. Here you go," he said.

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"What'd you think of Mr. House? I was surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves," Veronica said. 

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After exploring a bit of the Lucky 38, they all retreated to the Presidential Suite...

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Mon May 04, 2020 5:09 pm

"You know how you've been helping me fight better with my fists? Well, I think I'm good enough to do it for real now. And look what I've been saving to use someday. So, I can fight now, any time with them. Pretty exiting, huh?" Willow said.
She showed Honey her spiked knuckles...
"Great!" Honey said. "Oh, if you ever want to borrow Beauty, feel free to ask. I can use these now," Willow said.

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After spending the night in the bungalow in Novac, they made their way to the old REPCONN facility...

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Thu May 21, 2020 5:04 am

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"I'm no threat. I'm not feral." "Great. Can you answer some questions for me? Wow, you have unusual hair for a ghoul," Honey said. "I take great care of my appearance. I was a performer on The Strip for quite a long time before I came here to be with Jason and the Followers. Back then, my looks kept me employed... and busy... and near the bright lights and interesting people... but I shouldn't go on about that. I'll just say, thank you, as a lady should. I really think it's my best asset after my smile. Don't you agree?"
Honey laughed nervously. "Have you seen a tall ghoul in a cowboy hat?" she asked to change the subject. "Yes, he comes by every day to se me. Well, not me, he's looking for that Jefferson fellow. But I like to think he's looking for me. I have such a crush on him. He's so big and tall and handsome." "You mean Jefferson isn't here?" Honey said. "I told him that Jefferson had gone out into the Mojave, as other Followers have done before him, but he had never returned. We assumed he had died." "Do you know why he keeps coming back every day if Jefferson is dead?" "No, I don't know why he keeps coming back. But, I like seeing him so I haven't tried to make him stop," the ghoul said. "When do you expect him today?" "I really don't know. Some days I don't see him until three or four in the afternoon. I do know he stays at that camp by the gate. There's a bed. He sleeps there." "Ok, thanks. What is this place? Why are you here?" Honey said. "This is the home of the Bright Followers. Jason Bright is the leader. I'm tired of Jason, and this place, and the Followers and would love to run away with him. But, I don't know if he'll take me. I haven't the courage to ask him." "Would you like me to talk to him for you? I can ask him to take you with him when he leaves." "Yes, that would be wonderful," the ghoul said. "Oh, what's your name? I'll be sure to ask him when I speak to him." "It's Jessica, and thank you for helping me."
"The wasteland can be beautiful and horrible at the same time..." Willow said.
The women looked around shortly...

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... Then they went back the way they had come. And they met The Big Guy - as Willow called him...

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"Yeah, what is it?" he said. "Willow and I are traveling together and we've tracked you down to see if you have her teddy bear," Honey said. "Yeah." "Do you have it? Will you give it to me? You know that girl, Jessica, the Bright Follower? The one who aits to see you every day? She's madly in love with you and wants to run away with you." "Yeah, I know," he said. "So are you going to take her with you when you go?" "Yeah."

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:43 am

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"I have Chester," Honey said. "Thank you for helping me. It means the world to me that you took the time to do this," Willow said.

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"Some gamblers came in saying they'd seen you enter the Lucky 38. I have to say I'm impressed. I don't know of any other living person who's been in there," Francine Garret said.
"A beer, cheers! What do you want to eat?" Honey said.

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While her companions were eating, Honey employed her skills at the card table...

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It didn't take long for the young card shark to win enough to get banned from the table. Honey returned to Vanessa's table...
"You know, I like the Atomic Wrangler. For people looking for a little peace and quiet, this is an ideal place!" "Vanessa, tell me about yourself," Honey said. "Myself? Well, lemme see... I was born not far from here. My father left when I was a kid... I searched for him from coast to coast. I eventually found my way to Washington, DC... There I found friends, adventure, and money... But not my father. Or my sister. Then, a friend helped me with my research, and we were able to locate her. So, I came back here..." "So, you have a sister?" "Yeah, I have a half sister. Same father, different mothers," Vanessa said.

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Honey rented a room...

"Well, that was... intense as fuck. It was awesome! I assume we're a bit more than friends now..." Vanessa said. "Yeah, I suppose. I'll... um... I'll find a present for you..." Honey said. "You'll do that for me? Thank you!"

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:35 pm

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"Hello. Lovely to meet you." "Who are you?" Honey said. "I haven't the time to speak to commoners such as yourself," Lady Jane said. "I was hired by the Garrets to track you down," "In that case, I suppose you're here to collect. I apoligize, but I simply do not have enough caps on me to cover the debt. If someone were to recover my caravan from that cave, I could easily pay in full, but who would bother with such a mess?" "Perhaps there is something else of value you could put toward the debt?" Honey said. "I'm short 90 caps or so, but I have a few cartons of cigarettes and some sensor modules I could put toward my debt. At this point I'll have to return to California and start anew. I haven't got a cap to my name."

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There were still two people left on the list. While looking for them, Honey and her gang came across a store...

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"If you're looking for guns, talk to Mick. Otherwise, I've got a nice selecton of general supplies," Ralph said. "What do you have in stock?" Honey said. "Take a gander." "Do you offer any other services?" "I only offer services if the King gives the okay. Impress him and we can talk," he said. "A resourceful fellow such as yourself must have something on the side." "All right. Yeah, I've got a little side business going, but what I'm about to share with you does not leave this room, eh? Over the years, I've gradually perfected my craft to the point of perfection. No one can distinguish between my work and the real thing. What I'm referring to is passports. If you've got the caps, I can whip up a Strip passport which will foll even the most well-trained eye." "Ah, now I see why you want to keep this low key," she said. "Hey, if you're interested and have the caps, they go for 500. Any less and it ain't worth the risk of getting caught. What do you say? You game?" "I've already got enough caps to pass the credit check." "No problem. If you need one later, just drop in," Ralph said.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:27 pm

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"How are you today? Santiago is fabulous!" "You owe the Garrets a bunch of caps," Honey said. "Santiago does not owe anyone. Santiago is a Freeside VIP." "Santiago is dead if he doesn't cough up what he owes the Garrets." "Sir, Santiago does not know what he has done to offend, but he can explain everything," he said. "I'd rather not kil you, but Francine put a bounty of your head," she said. "I didn't think she was upset enough to have me killed... Here are the caps I owe. I do the Santiago act to get out of paying for services every once in a while. I didn't think it could possibly get me killed."

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"Hey man, can you spare a few caps?" Grecks said. "Collecting money to pay back the Garrets?" Honey said. "Whoa, yeah. I guess the Garrets sent you after me? Look, I've got the caps right here, just don't hurt me." "You don't cheat the Garrets and walk away. Cough up the rest or you're rat bait." "Okay! Here. That's everything I've got except the clothes on my back. I'm sorry about this," he said. "That'll do. Mess with the Garrets again and you're dead," Honey said. "I won't. Thanks for not killing me."

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The women returned to the Atomic Wrangler...
"I think I have all of the debts collected," Honey said. "I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well," Francine said. "If I see McCaffery on the Strip, I'll be sure to take care of him." "Good. Just stop on back when he's dea and you'll be rewarded handsomely. Bring his hat as proof of the kill."

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"Do you have a minute? I have something I want to talk to you about," Willow said. "Yeah. What's going on?" Honey said. "I told you when we first started traveling together that it wouldn't be for very long, but I'm having so much fun with you. And, you've become very special to me. I think of you as a friend, a best friend actually, and I don't want to leave you or the Mojave. So, what do you say? Should we make it official? Shall I stay and keep following you around?" "I very much want you to stay with me." "Great! We'll be best friends forever!" Willow said. "What's wrong with you leg?" "Would you look at it for me? I don't think it's healing right. It's still bothering me a lot." "Sure, I'll look at it for you," Honey said.
Willow took her pants off and Honey could take a look at the wound. She noticed it had not been cleaned properly. Honey removed the remaining pieces of debris, cleaned the wound and administred some antibiotics for the infection...
"That should do it," she said. "Thank you so much!" Willow said.

Last edited by Wotan on Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:14 pm

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"Vanessa, I have a present for you. A dress," Honey said. "Holy shit! This is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen! Actually... that's the only one I have seen... But it's simply gorgeous! Thank you so much! You've been so nice to me! Let me give you something. It's my 8-ball! With it in your bag, you'll be the luckiest in the wasteland!" she said. "Hm... well, let's go eat somewhere, now that you've got that dress." "Eat somewhere, with you? What a perfect idea!"

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"Here we are. Be my guest," Honey said. "The Gourmand? Thanks, mademoiselle! Follow me!" Vanessa said. 

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"The meat is fabulous! I wonder what they used to season it..." Vanessa said.

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On thei way back from the Ultra Luxe, the women ran into Caleb McCaffery...
"Heh, so the Garrets sent you to track me down? What a joke," he said. "Nah, just thought I'd say hi," Honey said. "Piss off." "Give me a share of the caps and your hat and you can go free." "Now why the hell should I do that? You're below me, kid. I've been killing scum twice your size since before your mother squeezed you out," he said. "All I need is your hat, and you're a free man. I'll tell Francine you're dead," Honey said. "Well, that sounds like a bit of a bargain. I get to walk free with the Garrets thinking I'm dead. Sure, you can have my hat. I can always buy another with the caps I've got left. It would have been more fun fighting it out, though. See you later, kid."

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:05 pm

The women returned to the Atomic Wrangler...
"I took care of McCaffery," Honey said. "Yes! Where is his hat?!" Francine said. "Right here." "This is great news. No one screws with the Garret Twins and gets away with it. I need to find a place on the wall for this. And for your reward... Here's 150 caps. I trust there were also some valuables on McCaffery. Also, we would like to set you up with a room. You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's.Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us."
They returned to their suite at the Lucky 38...
"Now that we're best friends do we have some things to talk about?" Honey said. "Yes, absolutely!" Willow said. "Are we going to celebrate? Do I get a present or something special from you?" "Yes, you do. So the first present is I made you a sweetroll to celebrate. But I'd also like to do something for you from now on as your friend. I can cook for you, you know? Anything you want. You'll need to bring the ingredients, but I'll do the rest. What do you think?" "Thank you, Willow, that's very sweet," Honey said. "Oh, good. It'll be fun." "You've mentioned that you have a collection. What do you collect?" "When I scavenge stuff to sell I look for special little things that I might like to keep. I have a collection of those things. I haven't shown them to you because, well, a girl likes to have some privacy. And besides, not everyone I've traveled with has understood," Willow said. "What haven't they understood?" "That it's fun to find prett or interesting things and keep them, and a couple of the people I've traveled with have made fun of me for it." "I like to collect things too," Honey said. "I'm so exited you collect stuff too. What's tour favorite thing to collect?" "Things I think are special. If an item catches my eye and it interests me I'll keep it." "Those are my favorites too," Willow said.

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It was time to get even. Smuggling a gun into the Tops was no problem. Now to find Benny...

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"What in the goddamn...? Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. Smooth... Hello! That broad everyone saw go into the Lucky 38, that was you? Oh shit." "When you shot me, you ran off so fast I never got your name," Honey said. "You making a pass at me, sister? Because I'm out of your league." "It is wrong to want a guy who'd shoot me in the head?" "Did those bullets scramble your egg? Or have you always been a naughty broad...?" he said. "Girls like bad boys. And you've been downright awful." "You're one sick pussycat, baby. There's quins and then there's... I don't even know what to call you." "I'm saying I dig you, despite it all. What do you say?" Honey said. "I hear dig from you, babe, and all I can think of is a shovel. How can this be? This ain't forgiveness, it's something... wrong." "I'm a courier, remember? Don't you want me to handle your package?" "All right, honey baby, this is all kinds of wrong, but to my suite it is. Thirteenth floor. Don't keep me waiting," he said.

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"Benny is gonna show you the Tops! I hope you're built sturdy, you crazy broa!" he said.
Benny was ready for some nooky, but Honey pulled her concealed gun and fire. He didn't stand a chance.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:49 am

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Deciding to look around, Honey discovered a secret room...

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"Hey! Hi there, good to meet you! What can I do for you today?" "What are you doing here?" Honey wondered. "Good question! My function is to monitor Mr. House's data network and decode his encrypted transmissions! Allow me to introduce myself! I'm a PDQ-88b Secruritron, but you can call me Yr Man!" "Yes Man? What kind of a name is that?" "It's what Benny always called me. Probably because I'm programmed to be so helpful!" "Benny stole a Platinum Chip from me. Do you know what it's for?" Honey said. "Sure! Benny had me look at it a bunch of times! It's a data storage device, kind of like a holotape, but a lot more advanced! As for what's on it, well... Some of Mr. House's data transmissions made it sound like the Chip could upgrade his defenses somehow! That's just a guess, though! The Chip's a proprietary format! You'd need special hardware to read the data on it! There are two locations with non-standard hardware on the network - the Lucky 38 and an underground facility at Fortification Hill. I'd look there!" "Benny reprogrammed a Securitron? All by himself?" "Oh, he ha some help - a lady friend of his! She said something about living in a fort ove in Freeside... but that's all I remember," Yes Man said. "What was Benny planning to do with the Chip?" "Oh! He wanted to kill Mr. House and use the Platinum Chip to copy my neuro-computational matrix onto the Lucky 38's mainframe! That would give me control over all of Mr- House's defenses, most prominently his Securitrons. And then I gues I just do as I'm told!" "You're very... fotyhcoming with that information," Honey said. "I was programmed to be helpful and answer any questions I was asked. I guess nobody bothered to restrict who I answer questions for. That was probably pretty dumb, huh?" "Say I wanted to take over New Vegas myself. What then?" "Then I'd have to help you! I mean, it seems pretty obvious Benny wouldn't have wanted me to, but not my fault I can't say no!" Yes Man said. "What are the details of the plan?" "Again, goal number one is to eliminate Mr. House and install my neuro-computational matrix on the Lucky 38's mainframe! Given how you're a new arrival, I also recommend that you get to know some of the region's tribes, so you can decide how you feel about them! By the time you've finished up all of that, the Legion should be close to attacking Hoover Dam and we'll execute the last phase of the plan!" "Say Mr. House was going to suffer an accident. How would that happen?" Honey said. "It makes me feel really dumb to admit this, but I don't actually know! I've never been inside the Lucky 38. N one has! Mr. House is in there, though! It's the cenral node of his entire network!" "I've been inside the Lucky 38." "You have? That's amazing! You can murder Mr. House whenever you want! I mean, Benny was always scheming about how he was going to get into the Lucky 38, but you already took care of that. Wow! The other thing you're going to need is the Platinum Chip. You know, the one Benny killed a courier for, over near Goodsprings?" Yes Man said. "I don't have the Platinum Chip. Maybe it's on Benny's corpse." "Hmm. You should probably check on that, huh? I hope that didn't sound conscending. I didn't mean to be! The Platinum Chip is the key to overriding and exploting Mr. House's defenses! Did I just say exploting? That's not a very nice word!" Once I get the Platinum Chip, what then?" Honey said. "I'd take it straight to Mr. House if I were you! He'll think you're helping him out! Then when he's not looking - KER-POW! The big question is whether to give him the Chip before you do him in! He's the only one who'll know exactly what to do with it, after all! He might upgrade his defensive capabilities straight away! Or even unlock new ones! But then those defensive upgrades might make it harder for you to finish him off! Hard to say! It's up to you! Let me know when it's done and I'll roll over to the Lucky 38. If I'm right about the Chip, I should be able to install myself on House's mainframe! This is going to be great! I'm going to help you accomplish so much, whether I want to or not!" "So I should ask these tribes if they'll support an independent Vegas?" "Oh no, I didn't mean that! Who needs their support? The Securitrons wil be all the support you need! What I meant is, you should get to know these tribes and decide which ones you like and which ones you don't! You know - shape the future of Vegas! Choose your neighbors! If you like a tribe, leave it alone! Or if a tribe is nasty, or going to be a problem - go ahead and exterminate it! It's whatever you want to do!" Yes Man said. "Which tribes should I get to know?" "There's a bunch! Some of them you've already met - like the Chairmen for instance! I think you should visit the other families on the Strip, the Omertas and the White Glove Society, so you know what makes them tick! And there are some important groups farther from the Strip, too, like the Boomrs, the Great Khans, and the Brotherhood of Steel." "What is this place?" Honey asked. "This is Benny's workshop. When the Tops got renovated, he had this half of the floor blocked off for his own use. I guess you could say it's my entire world! I don't think I've ever left this room! But that's ok - I'm not complaining!" "You said something about a bunker at the Fort?" "Right, it's one of two locations on Mr. House's network with non-standard hardware. My guess is that it has a reader that can decode the chip, and who knows what else? Maybe a giant robot or something!" Yes Man said. "I'll go check it out," Honey said. "Neat. Let me know what you find out!" "Lucky you! I've never found a robot in a closet who offered to help me take over the world" Willow said.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:19 am

The women left floor 13 and returned to the casino floor. Honey decided to do some gambling...

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The courier quickly amassed chips and got banned from the tables...

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They left the Tops...
"The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you. He admires your accomplishments, and bestows upon you the exeptional gift of his Mark. Your crimes against the Legio, including the death of the fearless Vulpes Inculta, are hereby forgiven. Caesar will not extend this mercy again. My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will gurantee your safe-conduct through our lands," Alerio said. "You said Caesar has an offer for me. What kind of offer?" Honey said. "Caesar chose not to give me that information. I was only told to find you and bring you this message. Seek Caesar by Cottonwood Cove, south of Nelson. The Cursor Lucullos will be waiting."
"The Legion wants to see you? That's serious business. We need to be careful," Vanessa said.

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The women went for a stroll...
"Hi! I'm Sarah, Sarah Weintraub. Welcome to the finest Vault hotel in the whole world!" "A Vault hotel? Was it like this before the war?" Honey wondered. "No, silly! Of course it wasn't always a hotel. I grew up in it - my favorite place in the world! Not that I know much of the world - I never left this place, come to think of it... but it is the most special vault, ever!" Sarah said. "What is so special about this vault?" "My vault is pure New Vegas. Everyone has a chance and Lady Luck smiles if you play your odds right!... Okay, it was like that before we had to leave. Vault 21 had very smart ways to help people get along. All arguments and fights got solved through gambling. I'll give you a quick tour of my home! Oh, yeah, if you like." "Sure. I would like that." "Righty-o, daddy-o. Let's do it!" Sarah said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318133901-1

"All right! Please, follow me. We'll head into the vault right away," Sarah said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318133945-1

"This bunker protects the entrance to the vault - solid stone outside and thick steel on the inside!" Sarah said.

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story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 Empty Re: Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story

Post by Wotan Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:38 am

"Above us there's the contol center for this level of the vault's life-support systems, electical grid, radioactive shields and all that jazz. Don't get lost! My vault has many corridors and rooms - although it is no longer symmetrical, after Mr. House threw us out," Sarah said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318134125-1

"This is the main game-hall. Here we settled the big disputes among the vault's levels. Chosen reprsentatives gambled against each other here. The winner earned the right to settle the dispute as wished by the collective," she said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318134236-1

"This hall leads to our geust rooms. You can use the first room on our left. But no snooping next door! That's my room, always was," Sarah said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318134346-1

"Down there is the game room! Each side of the vault had one... but the other is filled with concrete now. Okay, that wraps it up. I'll see you soon!" she said.

story - Courier Six - a Fallout New Vegas story - Page 2 20200318134425-1

The women followed Sarah back to the gift shop...
"What kinds of things do you seel in this gift shop?" Honey wondered. "I have all sorts of things. Vault souvenirs, vault wares, vault machines, vault mementos and vault suits! And, well, lots of other vault things, too. Okay - I got these great lunchboxes, they are super! What else? Oh! Look at these toasters! You like toasts, right? If they are crunchy even better! What about a vintage Vault-Tec toy car? Or-" "Sarah, stop right there. Do you actually have any vault gear?" "Okay, I do, but who wants a lame sensor module, or a nitrogen canister, anyway? All the popular stuff has been sold - especially the vault suits. I need to find more because people buy them like hot cakes. Leather suits are good times! Thinking about that just blows my top!" Sarah said. "I'll help you out." "You would? You really would? That would help me, a lot!" "All right. Consider it done," Honey said. "Thank you so much! You are an angel. I can't wait to see you again!" Sarah said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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