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The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Wed May 06, 2020 12:24 am

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to the wonderful world of TES Skyrim. You know it by now, click the thumbnail to view the full-size screenhot and click the link to view the hidden screenshot I can't have displaued here. Have fun and enjoy the story. Let us begin...

My name is Bronkah Dovahkiir. This is my story. It Begins where it might have ended -- if fate had not intervened...
The Imperials had caught Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. The civil war could have ebded this day. But the black dragon had other ideas...

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Here we were on the road to Helgen, to our execution and on to Sovngarde...
"Sic transit gloria Imperii - So passes the glory of the Empire", I thought to myself. 

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I was called up to the block after the brave Stormcloak Soldier. But then, out of seemingly nowhere...

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The dragon saved my Life, but I was far from safe yet...

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I followed Ralof, the Stormcloak Soldier into the keep...

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We made it out together. Now we were on the road to the village of Riverwood...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:22 pm

They come and invade our children's dreams. In a stupor of nightmares they disappear into the night. Hammerfell has cried rivers of tears for the lost. One day you wake up to find they are gone. This happemed to Xenia.
I have made it my life's work to search in the hope I ight find her, and hunt down these monsters. The vampiric defilers believe the flesh of the little ones will bring them youth. I will bring them death.
My bow to burn them and cleanse their evil souls in the hellfire, and my silver arrows to drive into their black hearts. Xenia's Wrath shall never rest until the very last demon is naught but a pile of ash.
My ring to keep them out of my dreams, and to protect me from their sorcery. Finding her necklace will let me know, until I find it I cannot rest, and so I continue the hunt.
I have tracked them down rto their lair, the Bloodlet Throne. Here is the coven of witch devils infesting Hammerfell. Here is where they flee to bloody their lips and gorge on the innocent.
Here is where they will meet their deaths, and forever burn in the fires of Oblivion. I have found their place of abomination, their table, and I am close to their resting place, I can feel it in my bones.
Once the job is done, and I have found you, we will be reunited.
Not long now Xenia, not long my love.

We found the secret entrance to their lair. While Angi returned to the camp with little Sorella, the rest of us entered the vampire den...

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The neckbiters never expected us. We had the jump on them...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:29 pm

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Our surprise attack came as an initial shock, but the vampires quickly scrambled to defend themselves...

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Sun's Dawn Book Two of 2920 The Last Year of the First Era by Carlovac Townway
3 Sun's Dawn, 2920 The Isle of Artaeum, Summerset
Sotha Sil watched the initiates float one by one up to the oassom tree, taking a fruit or a flower from its high branches before dropping back to the ground with varying degrees of grace. He took a moment while nodding his head in approval to admire the day. The whitewashed statue of Syrabane, which the great mage was said to have posed for in ancient days, stood at the precipice of the cliff overlooking the bay. Pale purple proscato flowers waves to and fro in the gentle breeze. Beyond, ocean, and the misty border between Artaeum and the main island of Summurset.
"By and large, acceptable," he proclaimed as the last student dropped her fruit in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the fruit and flowers were back in the tree. With another wave, the students had formed into position in a semicircle around the sorcerer. He pulled a small fibrous ball, about a foot in diameter from his white robes.
"What is this?"
The students understood this test. It asked them to cast a spell of identification on the mysterious object. Each initiate closed his or her eyes and imagined the ball in the realm of the universal Truth. Its energy had a unique resonance as all physical and spiritual matter does, a negative aspect, a duplicate version, relative paths, true meaning, a song in the cosmos, a texture in the fabric of space, a facet of being that has always existed and always will exist.
"A ball," said a young Nord named Welleg, which brought giggles from some of the younger initiates, but a frown from most, including Sotha Sil.
"If you must be stupid, at least be amusing," growled the sorcerer, and then looked at a young, dark-haired Altmer lass who looked confused. "Lilatha, do you know?"
"It's grom," said Lilatha, uncertainly. "What the dreugh meff after they've k-k-kr-krevinasim."
"Karvinasim, but very good, nonetheless," said Sotha Sil. "Now, tell me, what does that mean?"
"I don't know," admitted Lilatha. The rest of the students also shook their heads.
"There are layers to understanding all things," said Sotha Sil. "The common man looks at an object and fits it into a place in his way of thinking. Those skilled in the Old Ways, in the way of the Psijic, in Mysticism, can see an object and identify it by its proper role. But one more layer is needed to be peeled back to achieve understanding. You must identify the object by its role and its truth and interpret that meaning. In this case, this ball is indeed grom, which is a substance created by the dreugh, an underwater race in the north and western parts of the continent. For one year of their life, they undergo karvinasim when they walk upon the land. Following that, they return to the water and meff, or devour the skin and organs they needed for land-dwelling. Then they vomit it up into little balls like this. Grom. Dreugh vomit."
The students looked at the ball a little queasily. Sotha Sil always loved this lesson.
4 Sun's Dawn, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil
"Spies," muttered the Emperor, sitting in his bath, staring at a lump on his foot. "All around me, traitors and spies."
His mistress Rijja washed his back, her legs wrapped around his waist. She knew after all these many years when to be sensual and when to be sexual. When he was in a mood like this, it was best to be calmly, soothingly, seductively sensual. And not to say a word unless he asked her a direct question.
Which he did: "What do you think when a fellow steps on his Imperial Majesty's foot and says 'I'm sorry, Your Imperial Majesty'? Don't you think 'Pardon me, Your Imperial Majesty' is more appropriate? 'I'm sorry,' well that almost sounds like the bastard Argonian was sorry I am his Imperial Majesty. That he hopes we lose the war with Morrowind, that's what it sounds like."
"What would make you feel better?" asked Rijja. "Would you like him flogged? He is only, as you say, the Battlechief of Soulrest. It would teach him to mind where he's stepping."
"My father would have flogged him. My grandfather would have had him killed," the Emperor grumbled. "But I don't mind if they all step on my feet, provided they respect me. And don't plot against me."
"You must trust someone."
"Only you," smiled the Emperor, turning slightly to give Rijja a kiss. "And my son Juilek, I suppose, though I wish he were a little more cautious."
"And your council, and the Potentate?" asked Rijja.
"A pack of spies and a snake," laughed the Emperor, kissing his mistress again. As they began to make love, he whispered, "As long as you're true, I can handle the world."
13 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
Turala stood at the black, bejeweled city gates. A wind howled around her, but she felt nothing.
The Duke had been furious upon hearing his favorite mistress was pregnant and cast her from his sight. She tried again and again to see him, but his guards turned her away. Finally, she returned to her family and told them the truth. If only she had lied and told them she did not know who the father was. A soldier, a wandering adventurer, anyone. But she told them that the father was the Duke, a member of the House Indoril. And they did what she knew they would have to do, as proud members of the House Redoran.
Upon her hand was burned the sign of Expulsion her weeping father had branded on her. But the Duke's cruelty hurt her far more. She looked out the gate and into the wide winter plains. Twisted, sleeping trees and skies without birds. No one in Morrowind would take her in now. She must go far away.
With slow, sad steps, she began her journey.
16 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Senchal, Anequina (modern day Elsweyr)
"What troubles you?" asked Queen Hasaama, noticing her husband's sour mood. At the end of most Lovers' Days he was in an excellent mood, dancing in the ballroom with all the guests, but tonight he retired early. When she found him, he was curled in the bed, frowning.
"That blasted bard's tale about Polydor and Eloisa put me in a rotten state," he growled. "Why did he have to be so depressing?"
"But isn't that the truth of the tale, my dear? Weren't they doomed because of the cruel nature of the world?"
"It doesn't matter what the truth is, he did a rotten job of telling a rotten tale, and I'm not going to let him do it anymore," King Dro'Zel sprang from the bed. His eyes were rheumy with tears. "Where did they say he was from again?"
"I believe Gilverdale in easternmost Valenwood," said the Queen, shaken. "My husband, what are you going to do?"
Dro'Zel was out of the room in a single spring, bounding up the stairs to his tower. If Queen Hasaama knew what her husband was going to do, she did not try to stop him. He had been erratic of late, prone to fits and even occasional seizures. But she never suspected the depths of his madness, and his loathing for the bard and his tale of the wickedness and perversity found in mortal man.
19 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Gilverdale, Valenwood
"Listen to me again," said the old carpenter. "If cell three holds worthless brass, then cell two holds the gold key. If cell one holds the gold key, then cell three hold worthless brass. If cell two holds worthless brass, then cell one holds the gold key."
"I understand," said the lady. "You told me. And so cell one holds the gold key, right?"
"No," said the carpenter. "Let me start from the top."
"Mama?" said the little boy, pulling on his mother's sleeve.
"Just one moment, dear, mother's talking," she said, concentrating on the riddle. "You said 'cell three holds the golden key if cell two holds worthless brass,' right?"
"No," said the carpenter patiently. "Cell three holds worthless brass, if cell two --"
"Mama!" cried the boy. His mother finally looked.
A bright red mist was pouring over the town in a wave, engulfing building after building in its wake. Striding before was a red-skinned giant. The Daedra Molag Bal. He was smiling.
29 Sun's Dawn, 2920 Gilverdale, Valenwood
Almalexia stopped her steed in the vast moor of mud to let him drink from the river. He refused to, even seemed repelled by the water. It struck her as odd: they had been making excellent time from Mournhold, and surely he must be thirsty. She dismounted and joined her retinue.
"Where are we now?" she asked.
One of her ladies pulled out a map. "I thought we were approaching a town called Gilverdale."
Almalexia closed her eyes and opened them again quickly. The vision was too much to bear. As her followers watched, she picked up a piece of brick and a fragment of bone, and clutched them to her heart.
"We must continue on to Artaeum," she said quietly.
The Year continues in First Seed.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:35 pm

With the girl child's necklace returned, the ghost of mother and child were reunited...

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We returned to Angi's vcamp...

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"How's Sorella, is she ok?" Aster said. "Angi is with her. The little girl is still terrified, poor thing," Sigunn said. "I had better talk to her, make sure she's ok." "She saw those people get murdered, Dragonborn. They told her they were keeping her for a special feast. She says she keeps hearing voices, terrible voices inside her head."
Aster entered the hut...
"Sorella, how are you feeling? Are you ok?" he said. "Yes, I think so. I'm sorry, I just wanted to find Rigmor," she said. "I know you did. Everything is going to be alright." "Will they come to hurt me?" "No! No-one is going to hurt you, not from there anytime soon," Aster said. "I won't run away again, I promise." "And I promise to find Rigmor and bring her home, ok? Sorella, can I talk to you a little about what happened back there? Why didn't the wolves hurt you in the pit, do you know?" "I don't know, but I just knew they wouldn't. The bad guys said they were hungry, and pushed me into there. Then the bad guys got all angry at the wolves because they wouldn't hurt me, and they got all angry at the bad guys. So I knew I was safe. Then you and Angi came for me," the little girl said. "Here, I want you to put this on. It'll make the scary voices in your dreams go away. Don't ever take it off, ok?" Aster said, giving Sorella the necklace. "Ok." "Over here, we have visitors!" Angi said. "This is not good," I said. "There's only one of them. I bet I could take him out from here with my bow," she said. "Angi, I think you'll be needing this bow. Hold on to it for me. It's for Sorella," Aster said.

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The enemy Angi had spotted was just the enemy's scout. The rest of them were not far behind...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:44 pm

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:47 pm

Captain, New Order Security Guard
It has come to my attention that that accursed Rigmor and her Guardian were given a safe haven at some worthless huntress' camp south of Falkreath. Now the Guardian is dead, and Rigmor in captivity, we need to eliminate any lose ends. Take a tracker and a detachment of my troops and find this camp, and burn it to the ground. Execute anyone you find there. Leave no stone unturned.
General Tilar Aedriath

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"Tendril Sethri! Thief, messenger, disciple and... mage!" "Greetings Dragonborn." "Don't tell me, all will be revealed. Right?" Aster said. "Not all! Some, yes, some will be revealed." "Rigmor. Do you know where she is?" "Not exactly, but I know a man who does," Sethri said. "Ok Sethri, where is she?" "She is being kept at the same location as the Portal Gate. My Goddess cannot sense its location, there is a powerful force blocking her insiht. But she can sense Rigmor is there and safe at the moment. But there's something else. They are looking for something. Azura doesn't know what, but whatever it is, it ha something to do with that massive excavation site in Markarth." "And this man who knows, what of him?" Aster said. "Does the name Jonte Malesam ring a bell? Well, he was working at the Forge at Diamond Ridge. Apparently he got cold feet when the New Order desecrated Azura's Shrine... filthy dogs! so he legged it and is now in hiding. He won't spill his beans to me though, says he will only speak to you." "Why me? He doesn't even know me." "Are you for real? You're the talk of every Stormcloak and Imperial camp in Skyrim. Wonder why that is? Storm-Blade and Varon were hauled before the High Council of Tamriel for a game of arse-slap, because all night drinking parties were held in yours and Rigmor's name. Everyone assumes you're dead, including the New Order, but you don't roll through Diamond Ridge without getting noticed. They're so rattled they even sent people to mop up a huntress and some orphan kid out here in the arse-end of the world. The bodies lying out there, in their own blood, is testament to that. But Malesam... he knows you're alive. Don't ask me how, but he knows where the Portal Gate is. Find that, Dragonborn, and you'll find Rigmor," Sethri said. "Where can I find this... Jonte Malesam?" "On this map, it's all very secret. And... you'll be needing to convince your new-found family to find greener pastures. There's bound to be more, now they know where they are." "Where do you suggest? We have nowhere to go," Aster said. "As it happens, I got an old place you can stay. It's a bit derelict, but with a bit of work you could get it ship shape in no time. Just outside Riften. That kid probably hasn't even seem a summer, or a proper tree, or a spring flower. Or even another kid. Ever thought about that one? Plus it's safe, Stormcloak territory. No Imperial or Thalmor to worry about. I'll mark it on your map." "What about Baa'Ren-Dar?" "Leave that old Khajiit to me," the Dunmer said. "Thank you, Sethri. I don't know what to say," Aster said. "It's vital you get these people to safety, Dragonborn, before you meet Malesam. Once they're establishe safely at the old farm, go and see the Altmer. We're all counting on you to get Rigmor out of there alive. Farewell Dragonborn. Until next time."

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"Sigunn, we have to leave as soon as possible," Aster said. "Leave, but why?" "Sethri told me they're trying to cover their tracks, more will come." "I don't think Angi is going to like this, if she stays so will Sorella. Where will we go?" "There's a farm located in The Rift, we will all be safe there," he said. "What do you want me to do?" "Get everyone together and explain to them, Angi might listen to you." "Ok! I'll try... Ok everyone, gather round. Today we were attacked and got licky, but Dragonborn says more will come. The enemy is trying to cover their tracks, so we must leave here and move elsewhere," Sigunn said. "Nah! This is my home now, let them come. I am staying," Angi said. "Yeah! If any bad guys come, we will put an arrow in their heads," Sorella said. "There's a farm located in The Rift, we will all be safe there. Angi, you and Sorella are i grave danger here, they won't stop until..." Sigunn said. "I don't want to talk about this any more, I am staying and so is Sorella," Angi said. "Angi, we cannot stay here. It isn't safe anymore," Aster said. "I don't know, I've been out here too long on my own," Angi said. "But you're not alone, you have Sorella. What chance has she got?" he said. "Angi, listen to the Dragonborn, it's our only chance. He has to go and find Rigmor. Are us three - a huntress, a schoolteacher, and an eight year old child going to be able to hold them off indefinitely. We will all die here, we have no choice," Sigunn said. "The place is an old farm near Riften, we will be safe there. Angi, please..." Aster said. "Gah! Ok, but it is only temporary until this is over. I'll gather some things and board the old place up. Oh! I guess you will need to find a donkey or something for Sorella. Try Falkreath while I store Rigmor's tent," Angi said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 10:51 pm

"Is this place always so gloomy?" Aster said. "Yes, and I couldn't tell you why. My wife and I think there's some dark magic at work. Or perhaps Arkay's influence is strong here, and he likes to keep it this way," the farmer said. "Who died?" I wondered. "Our daughter. Our little girl. she hadn't seen her tenth winter." "How did she die?" "She was... he ripped her apart, like a sabre cat tears a deer. We barely found enough of her to bury," the farmer said. "Who did this?" I asked. "Sinding. Came through as a laborer. Seemed like a decent man. He's stewing in the pit while we figure out what to do with him, if you've got the stomach to look at him. What could drive a man to do something like this?"
I suspected the perpetrator was either a werewolf or a vampire, most likely a werewolf though. Vampires are hardly known to rip people apart, so...

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"I have a small child and I'm looking for a suitable mount," Aster said. "Well, you've come to the right place. My brother recently lost his daughter. Terrible shock to the whole town. I'm here to support him and Indara. The little girl had a pony, they asked me to find it a new home. If you can donate some coin towards a new headstone, the pony's yours. It's just 'round the corner, at the back of the farm," Mathias said. "I'm sorry for their loss. Of course I'll donate a little something." "Thank you friend, it's much appreciated." "So, seems quite busy in here. Know what's going on?" Aster said. "Bah! Imperial drunks who think they're above the law. On leave I think. They've been drinking all day, bragging and hassling the womenfolk." "I noticed some Thalmor are here, too." "Yeah! Special Squad Officers. There should be five of them, one has gone into the mountains with a etachment of troops. I hope he returns soon. Sooner they're gone the better. Falkreath can get back to normal, feels kinda edgy with all these soldiers here. Like a tinderbox ready to explode," Mathias said.
And explode it did. Those Imperial bastards couldn't keep their dirty hands off the women. When they got forcefully rebuffed, the fools reached for their weapons, and steel rang and magic crackled in the air...

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The fight was over quickly, the Imperials and the surprised Thalmor had no chance. Luckily no innocent got hurt. We went outside with Mathias...

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Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:00 pm

"Thanks for your help, Mathias," Aster said. "Rigmor's Guardian, who would have believed it. I take it you ran into the troops on the mountain." "They won't be coming down anytime soon." "So it was Angi's camp they were looking for. Don't worry, everyone here knows about Angi. She's been quite the talk of the town recently, but we didn't know she had a child?" "Yes, yes she does, a little girl," Aster said. "You take care of yourself now."

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"Angi, I know this must be hard for you, but it's for the best," Aster said. "We don't have much choice, do we?" she said. "Angi, there's something else." "What is it?" "Actually, it can wait. You ready to move out?" he said. "Let's go."

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"This isn't so bad. Maybe it could use a little decoration," Sigunn said. "Thanks, sigunn, I don't think I could have done this without your help," Aster said. "I will need to tidy this place up. Do we have any gold?" "Yes, here take this. I'll be gone for a while, I'll be back as soon as I can." "Great, thanks. I'll make a trip to Riften and buy some things for this place while you're gone," she said.

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"Hey Sorella. Everything ok, how do you like the farm?" Aster said. "This is going to be my and Rigmor's room," she said. "Is that so?" "Hmmhm!"

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:01 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200122112011-1

"Angi! I think this belongs to you," Aster said. "My necklace, where did you... oh no! Those bastards!" "Those bastards are dead. Your family can rest in peace now." "Don't tell anyone, please..." she said. "Angi, you have nothing to hide, nothing to feel ashamed about. It's over." "It will never be over!"

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"Ah! Just as I suspected, Rigmor's Guardian alive and well," Jonte Malesam said. "I'm trying to find out where she is, I was told you could help me," Aster said. "Only my Mistress knows where she is, but don't worry, Rigmor is unharmed." "Your Mistress? What is this, some kind of joke? You had better start talking, or..." "Or you'll do what? Kill me and you'll never se her again. You see, we have a vested interest you and I, what the New Order is trying to establish is madness. They are blind fools hoping to restore Tamriel to an ancient time long gone by. But they are vert careful. Only the upper echelons of the New Order really know what is going on. They have bided their time for decades, planning this so-called Restoration. Once I knew they were attempting to construct a portal gate, I informed my Mistress. Luckily enough, my work was done and I fled before you arrived at Diamond Ridge," the elf said. "So you were a spy?" "I serve my Mistress as Sethri serves his." "Ok Malesam, what is going on?" Aster said. "My Mistress knows all, and is in need of your services, Guardian. Before the Entity can enter as a living God King, it is imperative he is in possession of Scourge. Its power will tame Daedra, and the New Order will be fre to cleanse Tamriel as they see fit." "What is Scourge?" "Scourge is a mace. An ancient relic with power to banish Daedra into the void," Malesam said. "Sethri says they're looking for it in Markarth." "Yes, officially it's an archeological excavation, but unofficially they are looking for the mace. But they are digging in the wrong place, and fortunately for you, they believe you're dead." "So tell me Malesam, why do they now want Rigmor alive?" Aster said. "Before the Entity can enter the realm of mortals it must transform. But a sacrifice must be made for it to do so. The Nordling girl, Rigmor, is to be the sacrifice on the altar of restoration so the Entity can enter the mortal realm as a living God King." "No, that can't be true, they were trying their best to kill us both." "At first, yes. They had found another potential... replacement for Rigmor... another child of noble birth," Malesam said. "Noble birth? I don't understand." "Let me tell you a little story. Many years ago a little girl was born in Bruma. The only daughter to a Nord War Chief and a school teacher. Nothing unusual there, most would have thought, but this little girl was ever so special. So special in fact, it would cause the Gods to vest their interests in her well being. Not only for her, but for themselves as well. The New Order has a very powerful Master that orchestrates everything. The Daedric Princes know it as the Entity. But my Mistress knows its identity. Alas, I am not at liberty to discuss it further, but a once in a millennia scheme was about to unfold," Malesam said. "The Daughter of Azura." "Azura took it upon herself to protect the child, but in doing so, would ultimately put herself at risk. The Entity's first strike was the whereabouts of the Black Diamonds. He entrusted Tumrenen Kaeuseus, a killer, bandit and thief to travel all of Tamriel searching for them. Anyone who possessed them were tortured as to the location of the vein, then killed and the diamonds forged into armour. As you probably know by now, the diamonds are linked to the essence of Azura's heart. It was a cynical plot to weaken Azura's power, until Kaeuseus was eventually tracked down and killed by Casius Varon afterthey murdered his family. Something The Entity had not forseen." "Yes, I remember he gave Rigmor a diamond necklace that belonged to his mother," Aster said. "But it was enough to distract Azura, and the New Order struck. Ragnar was arrested and his family kept as hostages. He was extradited to Alinor and executed. They needed him dead, they feared him. But the girl child Rigmor? She has noble blood dating back some two hundred years. Tilar Aedriath, a brilliant strategist and rising star was entrusted with the well being of the girl child. All the pieces were in the right place, Ragnar's execution, the child kept under close guard for the sacrifice of noble virgin blood. But Aedriath slipped up and the sentimental Khajiit whiskered her away. Hahah!" "Baa'Ren-Dar saved her life." "The child was protected by diplomatic immunity until she came of age. But after the unpleasant incident at Bruma, they knew she was at large and no stone was left unturned in the search for her. When Aedriath learned of her demise in the mountains, he ordered the Thalmor garrison involved in the hunt to bring back the corpse. When they were unable to retrieve it, they were all put to the sword, including the wolves. But a replacement was found, a boy child of noble birth, and a bounty placed on Rigmor's head. They feared her, they knew she could not be stopped. But as the completion of the portal gate reached its end, the boy child unfortunately perished in an unforseen incident," Malesam said. "Poor kid." "The New Order are now running out of time and now need Rigmor alive. Aedriath's head was nearing its untimely separation from the rest of his body unless he came up with a solution. He knew a direct confrontation was futile, and you unfortunately fell for his little scheme. You were the target at Fort High Rock. They knew you were coming and without you Rigmor would crumble. But know this Guardian, they never accounted for you, the spanner in the worls, the fly in the ointment. You have caused them great distress, to the point that maniac Aedriath was foaming at the mouth in an apoplectic rage, hahahaha!" "We couldn't have done it without Azura's help," Aster said. "But Azura fell into their trap, they found the shrine at Diamond Ridge and with it the Black Diamond vein. They forged the Black Diamonds to weaken her, then desecrated her shrine. With Azura weakend and the portal gate near completion and with Rigmor incapacitated, my Mistress has been forced to finish what was started, all that time ago. So... you must bring the mace, scourge, to my Mistress' shrine, and in return she will give you the location of your beloved Rigmor." "What choice do I have?" "None... but if they acquire the mace, Guardian, the Entity will be free to unleash its frenzy. Nothing will be able to stop it, not even the Dedric Princes." Malesam said. "I've heard enough. Just tell me where to find the mace." "Before he could unleash the Great Anguish, Mehrunes Dagon had it taken to a temple carved into the mountain rocks somewhere near markarth. But the entrance is not beneath Markarth as the New Order think it is, no. Markarth is beneath the entance. You will need to climb the rockface until you come to a pass. Follow the stream until you see the city below. There you will find the entrance. Oh! If you do save the girl, bring her to the College of Winterhold. There's something she needs to learn about her past. I'll be there, waiting." "Who's shrine do I take it to? Who is your mistres?" Aster asked. "Boethiah."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:06 pm

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Markarth... we began our climb. It wasn't going to be easy scaling thse cliffs...

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... especially not when you got a pesky dragon harassing you. Fortunately, Mirai hadn't begun climbing yet and as soon as she spotted the wyrm, she called on her allies - the two white dragons. That pesky dragon was soon chased off.

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It was a while before everyone had caught up. Then we continued...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:10 pm

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We found the entrance...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:14 pm

The place was swarming with draugr...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:23 pm

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With the mace we left the place. We emerged near the ongoing excavation in Markarth. Fortunately we weren't seen until long after we emerged from the cavern where we found the mace - now to get it to Boethiah...

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But first we visited Dragonstead. Young Shauna and Anduniel were both happy to see us. I managed to sneak some alone time with the young girl, she moaned lustfully through the entire intercourse. It didn't result in pregnancy this time, though. Later that night, I satisfied the sexual desires of both Vilja and Tindra. And come morning, I pleased Mirai, too. None of the women conceived.

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We continued to Lakeview. Sindra was all dressed up for the occation. I wasn't sure if she was trying to impress me or Aster or both. In any case, neither of us had opportunity to find out.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:31 pm

We spent another nice day at home at Lakeview...                                                                                                        

M'rissi and Aster's young daughter loved to bathe, but she was too shy to do it nude like the rest of us...                                                                                                        

Then we went to Boethiah's shrine...

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"Come forward, mortal. Do you have the mace?" "Yes, it's here," Aster said. "So you are Azura's little toy? What does she know of the Restoration?" "An Entity wants to pass into the realm of mortals. That's all I know." "Hahahaha! You have served me well, mortal, but are you worthy of my gratitude?" the Daedric Prince said. "I have done what you asked of me. Where have they taken Rigmor?" "Do you love this girl?" "My love for her is unconditional," my son replied. 
Boethiah continued to press him about it, but Aster sttod firm. In the end she challenged him to fight in her arena...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:33 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200314081027-1

"I can sense her heartbeat, mortal. I can sense her love for you. How cruel a joke it is then that your love is untrue, it is a false love. Do you not have the same feelings for her as she for you?" Boethiah said. "I'm her Guardian, I cannot let feelings cloud my judgement. Now, where is Rigmor?" Aster said. "Hahaha! Your judgement is why she is now near death. You failed her, you abandoned her when she needed you the most. Isn't this true, mortal?" "No! It is not true, I would never abandon her. I was tricked by the Entity." "Hahaha! The Entity? There is no Entity, mortal, it is Malacath. Malacath, the spurned fool. Malacath, who wishes to be transformed into a God King, reborn as Trinimac. Admit it, mortal, you love this girl, you want this girl? Would you sacrifice yourself on the altar of Trinimac for her love? Or would you quench her last dying tears with your kiss?" the Daedra Prince said. "I am her Guardian. I am sworn to protect her." "If she gave everything she had to prove her love for you, would you now spurn her? As she lies on the dias, as the daggers plunge, would you swap her fate? If her last dying wish was for one last embrace and one last kiss, and her last words were that she loved and forgave you, would you say you loved her back? Answer me, mortal, do you love this girl!?" "My love is unconditional," he said. "Would you take her place on the sacrificial altar?" "Enough! I have defeated your champions. You gave me your word." "You are a worthy Champion, and my word is true, you will know where she is. There are many acolytes, mortal. She is floating on her tears in a seaa of writhing darkness, ready to awaken at the moment her bosom bursts at the point of ten blades, goblets ready so they may drink away her life force at the whim of an Usurper. To get to the dias, you wil need help. You cannot do it alone. And once she is saved from the black pit of the abyss, you must go into Oblivion and strike the Sigil Stone with Azura's Bane. Only then will Tamriel be saved. Destroy the gate or it will all have been for nothing. Go and save your beloved, mortal, who is even now asleep on the dias awaiting her fate, a fate only you can decide," Boethiah said.
We woke from the dream and started to regain our senses. Aster was talking to Jonte Malesam...

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"Malesam, where is she?" Aster said. "They have taken her to an isolated island stronghold off the Northern Coast. It is, of course, heavily guarded. I do hope you have some friends who might come to your aid in this time of need?" Malesam said. "I think I know who to contact, at least two people I can trust." "Excellent. Go and see your friends, then come and see me in Dawnstar, down by the docks. I'll have a boat ready to transport you and your friends to the island. I would advise you to prepare for the task ahead, but don't dily dally, we don't have much time. The portal is almost ready."

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:41 pm

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200314082220-1story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200314082345-1

"Well met, Yngol. Sorry to say this isn't just a passing friendly visit," Aster said. "Rigmor?" "Yes. I need your help again, old friend." "Let's go inside. We can talk there," Yngol said.

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"Rigmor is in danger..." Aster said. "I don't need to know the detail, Guardian, just tell me where to go and who to kill. For Rigmor, my blade is yours to command," Yngol said. "We will need to see Casius." "Of course. Our garrisons have an agreement now. We can just ride in and talk to him. He will be pleased to see you. You can explain what's going on there." "When can you be ready to leave?" Aster said. "I was born ready. The soone we leave the better, so let's make haste," Yngol said.

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"Well met, Dragonborn, and Yngol? I take it you mut be here on urgent business? Please, come inside and make yourselves comfortable," Casius said.

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"Casius, I need your help. WE need your help," Aster said. "Please, explain," he said. "After we took Diamond Ridge, we were overwhelmed." "What happened, was Rigmor...?" "She's alive, but was taken by the New Order... She is to be sacrificed," Aster said. "Sacrificed?" Casius said. "Those scumsuckers! What's going on?" Yngol said. "The New Order has built an Oblivion gate so they can bring through an Entity." "An Entity, you mean a Daedric Prince, right?" "Don't worry, it cannot enter unless it can transform into a God King," Aster said. "What kind of sorcery is this?" <Yngol said. "And I'm guessing Rigmor's sacrifice is the catalyst to this transformation?" Casius said. "Yes, but there are many enemies between us and Rigmor. I need your help." "You have my sword, Dragonborn, just lead the way." "Once Rigmor is safe, I will enter Oblivion to destroy the fate," Aster said. "Yngol and I will take care of Rigmor?" "I want you both to take Rigmor to Homestead farm. I'll mark it on your map." "Let me change into something more suitable," Casius said. "Consider it done. The sooner we strt cracking skulls the better. Lead on, friend," Yngol said.

story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200318100143-1

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:44 pm

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"Is this thing even seaworthy?" Aster questioned. "Beggars can't be choosers, Guardian. I hope you have prepared for the inevitable warm reception. Are you ready to embark?" Jonte Malesam said.
We eventually arrived at an island...

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"Once we're inside, wait for us here by the boat and keep watch," Aster said. "Once this is over, I shall be retiring so please do hurry," Malesam said.

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:48 pm

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We had cleared the outside of the fortress. It was time to break inside...

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:52 pm

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Post by Wotan Thu May 07, 2020 11:56 pm

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We were almost there...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Fri May 08, 2020 12:03 am

We had breached the inner sanctum of these mad cultists...

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... and we arrived just in the nick of time...
"When I go through the gate, get her out of here and back to the farm," ster said. "You can rely on us, Dragonborn. Stay safe, my friend," Casius said.                                                                                            story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 20200320191809-1

Aster entered first, the rest of us were close behind. Almost immediately as we entered, Malacath started hurling insults our way. We had to find the Sigil Tower and destroy the Sigil Stone...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Fri May 08, 2020 12:08 am

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Aster had spearheaded through the enemy's defensive positions and reached the Sigil Tower first. The rest of us folloed as we mopped up the remaining opposition outside...

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The enemy grew more and more desperate the further up the tower we climbed. Malacath kept hurling insults all the time, but it just strenghtened our resolve...

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Most of us caught up with Aster on the upper floors...

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Fri May 08, 2020 12:12 am

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"I have waited in the darkness of the Ashpit for millennia just for this moment to come. The rightful God King of all Tamriel reborn from the ashes , from the devoured remains of a vengeful witch. A spurned monster cast into the far reaches of the void, the living abomination of spite itself. Would you now cast me down and thwart my rightful destiny?" Malacath said. "Your destiny comes at too high a price," Aster said. "Is the life of a mortal girl so greater a thing to cherish than the restoration of Tamriel?" "I made a promise. It cannot be broken." "Strike the stone and a millennia will be undone at your hand," Malacath said. "I pity you the cruel fate bestowed on you. But this ends here." "So be it. But know this, there will be another time, another millennia, another sacrifice. If not today, then tomorrow. The invasion is about to begin, nothing can stop it now." "Let them come," Aster said. "Hold your sword and you can live as a King with your Nordling bride. My promise to you will be a long life and glorious old age, and many, many children and their children's children. I give you my word."

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Of course, Malacath had his minions try to stop us in the end. But there was no hindering Aster from striking the Sigil Stone...

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We made it back to Dawstar...

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Post by Wotan Fri May 08, 2020 12:15 am

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"Rigmor, is she ok?" Aster said. "She's asleep. Sorella is with her. She doesn't remember a thing, Dragonborn. I think we had better talk," Sigunn said.
Aster went into her room to check on the young woman...
"Hey Sorella. What're you doing?" he said. "Taking care of Rigmor," the girl replied. "Well, make sure you take good care of her, ok."

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"Has she spoken about what happened?" Aster wondered. "When Casius and Yngol brought her here, she was still out. We put her to bed, but she woke in panic. She didn't know what was going on. We asked her about what happened but she doesn't remember," Sigunn said. "Have Casius and Yngol gone already?" "Returned to unit, they said they will visit soon. What happened out there, Dragonborn?" Baa'Ren-Dar said. "I destroyed the portal and rescued Rigmor, like I said I would," Aster said. "Did you discover who this Entity was?" "The Entity was Malacath, hoping to be reborn as Trinimac." "By the Gods! How did you thwart him?" Baa'Ren-Dar said. "I destroyed the Sigil Stone with Azura's Bane, like Boethiah told me to." "They could make another portal. The New Order must be defeated on ground, here. I will travel to Cyrodiil and make preparations, inform my contacts. Meanwhile, Rigmor needs to recover," the Khajiit said. "This is all over, I shall be going home and Sorella is coming with me. No one had better try to stop us," Angi said. "Angi, we must stay together. The New Order are still a force to be reckoned with," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Gah!" "Sigunn, you said she doesn't remember a thing. Could that just be exhaustion?" Aster said. "It's too early to tell, once she has had a good rest we can talk to her." 

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"Talk about what? Is everyone talking about me behind my back?" "Rigmor! No, we just thought..." Sigunn said. "We... who's we?" "Rigmor, the Guardian..." Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Guardian? Pffft! I don't see no guardian." "Rigmor, you have no idea what I went through to bring you home," Aster said. "Bring me home? This isn't my home, it's just part of the nightmare. So get out of my face, agh! I don't even know you!" she said. "Dragonborn, I'm sorry... she... Why don't you rest a while? You must be exhausted," Sigunn said.

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story - The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story - Page 11 Empty Re: The Shezarrine - a Skyrim story

Post by Wotan Sat May 16, 2020 4:38 am

The following morning...
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"How is she? Has she calmed down?" Aster said. "Yes, I think so. She's sitting on the porch. Go and speak to her," Sigunn said.

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"Hey! You feeling better today?" he said. "Yeah, I think so. I'm sorry about... you know," Rigmor said. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." "Mom says you came for me, that you are my Guardian?" "You're safe now. That's all that matters," Aster said. "Will they come for me again?" "Not here, we are too protected, and with Yngol's camp a stone throw away." "What did they want with me?" she said. "Let's just say you're very special." "Guardian, I keep having this dream..." "Is it recurring?" he said. "Hm hmm! There's a little girl, I can hear her crying. She's all alone, in the dark. I can't see her, so I follow the sound of her sobbing. I find her, she has her back to me... and I approah, and... she wants me to hold her hand. I tak it and then she leads me to a battlefield. The sky is black and rain is pouring down, there's a terrible storm but she keeps pulling me forward. I don't want to follow her, I'm scared, and let go of her hand and wake up every time..." "Do you recognize her?" "No. She wants to show me something, but I let go of her every time because I'm afraid..." she said. "Rigmor, you've been through a lot." "But I am having trouble remembering things. Everything is vague, I can't even remember my past. Before, when I was a little girl? All that is gone." "Have you spoken to your mother, or Baa'Ren-Dar about this?" Aster said. "I am finding it hard to connect with them, no matter how much I know I love them in my heart. I feel something's wrong, and I feel guilty but I don't know why. All we have to connect us is... this... uncertainty? Ahh! I don't know," she said. "How do you feel about me?" "Comfortable... protected... safe I guess. Right now, I think I need that, a Guardian." "You used to call me Dragonborn, remember?" Aster said. "I... I'm sorry. I guess I'm about to rediscover a lot of things, right? I think I'll go take a walk, try to clear my head," Rigmor said.

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"Dragonborn, did she say anything? Is her memory coming back?" Baa'Ren-Dar said. "She does know who we are, doesn't she?" Sigunn said. "Some say that to move forward, you must sometimes go back. Sometimes to remember who we are, we need to start from the beginning," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "Yes, she knows you are her mother, and she also knows she loves you both dearly," Aster said. "So it must be just a temporary thing, like Baa'Ren-Dar says. Maybe she needs to jog her memory," Sigunn said. "She's very traumatized, it's clearly going to take time," Aster said.

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"What about you, Dragonborn? Does she remember who you are?" Sigunn said. "Vaguely. Everything is confusing, she is reluctant to go back," Aster said. "It hasn't been easy for her. Thank the gods she is at least alive and well," Sigunn said. "Why don't you take Rigmor and visit some places you have been she would probably recognize? It could help with her recovery," the Khajiit suggested. "That might work, Baa'Ren-Dar. She also wanted to visit the College of Winterhold," Aster said. "Excellent idea. By the way, your wante status is revoked by the Empire. You'll both be free to proceed how you wish. Take care, Dragonborn," Baa'Ren-Dar said. "I'll take good care of her Sigunn," Aster said. "Why don't you take her this hunting clothing for the journey. Also, give her this sword, if she will take it," Sigunn said. "Good idea. I'll see how she feels aboyut traveling," he said. "We'll be here waiting," Sigunn said.

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Post by Wotan Sun May 17, 2020 2:54 am

I felt there was nothing more we could do, so I left my son with Rigmor and went back home...

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Finally back, me and the ladies could catch up on intimate time...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Then it was back to adventuring with Vilja and Yindra, Mirai and Sofia. Sindra also joined us...

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We stopped at Riften and spent the night at Honeyside...

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The next day we were going to seek out the Dawnguard.

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