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Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:28 am

This is my Starfield playthrough. As with all stories, click image to enlarge. Click links to view any NSFW shots and use my password. 

Sol Date: May 7, 2330
Argos Extractors Mining Outpost, Moon of Vectera

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906102541-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906102542-1

"Seals are good. Oxygen's good. Just do what you did last time, and you're fine. Follow my one simple rule. Heller, what's my one simple rule?" Supervisor Lin said. "Listen to Lin. Boss lady knows best," he said. "Exactly. Listen to me. Mining is just like any other job. Go steady, go safe, go home with a pocketful of credits at the end of the day." "Yeah totally, it's just like, um... working the stardock. Except more cave-ins, lasers, and accidental dismemberment. Ah, you're gonna be fine. Your first outing was solid. And let's be honest - it ain't exactly astrophysics. Yeah... and the fact that I can pinpoint a Helium deposit from three hundred meters..." "Not untrue. A shame we won't find any down here, but the metal deposits alone should pay for our own helium. Hell, after this, we'll have enough jump fuel to bounce from one end of the Settled Systems to the next," Supervisor Lin said. "More minerals, more money. And so the cycle repeats itself. Just no more unauthorized jumps into House Va'ruun space, okay?" "You know, most dusties don't even make it this far. I have a good feeling about you. One of these days, Heller, I AM going to leave you behind."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906102719-1

"Okay, let's see what we've got. How are we on time? Remember, dusty, keep breathing steady. And never take that helmet off down here. Oxygen processors don't extend this far," Supervisor Lin said. "Yeah. Because God forbid we drill on a rock with a breathable atmosphere," Heller said. "You know what I love about working in Freestar Collective space: fewer regs. A job like this in the United Colonies? Heh. Reams of red tape. Ugh. Look at this one over here... Calvert! No! No no no! It's a laser not a sledgehammer. Ease up." "Yeah, yeah. Okay," Bening said. "What do we say, dusties? You make your cut, you get your cut. No exceptions. Come on. Pick it up!" Supervisor Lin said. "Minimal at this point. Occassional glimmer, but it's weak," Troy said. "Dusty, you're up. Grab a cutter and mine what you can."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103105-1

"Scanners reading a clean break. Shutting down," Heller said. "Let's go. Heller, get the readings," Supervisor Lin said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103120-1

"Not if you consider a spike in gravity readings a problem. We're getting close... I think... Everything is just... Lin, seriously. There's something really effed up about this..." Heller said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103335-1
As Aurora started mining the very rare mineral an artifact began to appear from inside of the deposit...

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:24 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103616-1

Aurora touched the artefact...

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103623-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103629-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103629-2story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906103713-1

"Dusty! Snap out of it!" Supervisor Lin said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906105505-1

"Come on. Come on. Okay. Take it easy. You were out cold. No physical damage. Mentally, the jury's still out. You know who you are? New recruit for Argos Extractors? Ring any Bells? Any of this look familiar?" Heller said. "Almost forgot about your application. The one note I had on your file was 'troublemaker'... Well, you got the sample. Client's o his way. Then we all get paid. You remember anything that happened?" Supervisor Lin said. "It was incredible. Like a dream, or a vision," Aurora said. "Easy there, high flier. Probably just the endorphins kicking in when you passed out. Don't go having an experience on me. You'll walk it off. More importantly, we got what we were looking for," Lin said. "All this trouble for that stupid thing? Sure don't look like much," Heller said. "Never mind what it looks like. It's worth more than this mine has pulled in all month. We'll be... Speak of the devil. Our Constellation contact in on approach." "Wait. The explorer's group. I thought they were kind of a joke." "Not a joke. You're too young to know better," Lin said. "Hey, I'm just saying, they got a reputation. Hell, I bet half the crew here doesn't even believe they really exist. Come on. Exploring space? Who does that anymore? Ain't all the space we've already got complicated enough?" "Not to them apparently. All right, Dusty. Aitlock. Put your helmet on."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906105827-1

"Really? In a Discovery class? That ship's older than this moon," Heller said. "It's not old. It's classic. Come on, let's do this," Supervisor Lin said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906105918-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:09 pm

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906105953-1

"Lin!" he said. "Long time, Barret," she said. "Ha! Yes it has. That mine on... Bindi, right?" "Ka'zaal. Hell hole. Like this place. Rare mineral contract. Your tastes are a bit more sophisticated now, huh?" "You found it?" Barret said. "Right here. The new girl found it." "That right? And everything went... cool? Just like grabbing those... minerals on Bindi?" "Ka'zaal. And no, Barret. NOT cool. She passed out after the extraction. Woke up saying all kinds of nonsense," Supervison Lin said. "You could call it that," Aurora said. "Ha! That fun, huh? Not the most gentle push into the great mysteries of space, but hey... been there!" Barret said. "Look, just hand over the credits, and I'll be happy to never see this thing, or you, ever again." "That's why I like you, Lin. All business." "Barret. The scanners on the Frontier are reporting a ship coming in hot from orbit," Vasco said. "I REALLY thought I lost them..." Barret said. "Holy shit, that's the Crimson Fleet!" Heller said. "Wapons! Everybody get ready!" Supervisor Lin said. 
The pirate ship landed, dropped off the assualt crew and took off again. After a short but intense fire fight the Crimson Fleet pirates were defeated, but not without loss of life. Aurora survived by a hair, but using two med packs she quickly healed to full again. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906110542-1

"Of course Barret was being followed... Every. Time," Supervisor Lin said. "Now that was some fine work under pressure. You're coming with me to Constellation. You're part of this now," Barret said. "If you'll take me off this damn moon, sign me up!" Aurora said. "Nothing wrong with honest work. Although... yeah... see your point." "Oh no, Barret. NO. You think you're going to just take off after the mess you caused?" Lin said. "Oh right... I guess I DID just put you all on the Crimson Fleet hit list... How about... I stay. And I send your dusty here in my place. Uh uh uh... I know. I know. But she's not some miner anymore, Lin. Soon as she touched that rock, something changed. Don't tell me you can't feel it," he said "Get out of here dusty. You're on to bigger things." "Thanks for everything, Lin," Aurora said. "Just go. Before I say somethimng I regret," she said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906110944-1

"Well, now that that's settled... Vasco, get her to the Lodge. No deviations unless absolutely necessary, okay? Protocol Indigo," Barret said. "Indigo? Again? Very well," the robot said. "Oh, and hey, take this. You'll find it very useful out there. And it even tells the time! ... Hey look at that! The watch fits you perfectly. Now, questions?" he said. "Why send me? Shouldn't you go?" Aurora said. "Come on. You're really not at all curious about the light and music show you experienced? Why it only affected you? Because if you didn't notice, we've all been handling it since with no problem. The way I see it, Constellation needs that Artifact, but they also need you. This mystery is only getting bigger each step we take, and you're part of it now." "You're giving me your ship?" "Technically it's not even mine. Consider it a loan. Vasco will keep you on course. Besides, I'm making an exception since you can tell Constellation about that vision you had," Barret said. "Why was the Crimson Fleet after you?" "They're just following the loot, like pirates do. And I have something of a reputation as a, um, loot collector." "What exactly did we dig up?" she said. "That my friend, is the million credit question. And Constellation can find the answer - with your help." "Who are you? What's Constellation?" "See, that's the problem with the Settled Systems. Too easy to take everuthing for granted. While everyone else is busy playing politics, we're the ones braving the unknown. Charting the vastness of space. Without us, the galaxy's just a big room with the lights turned out. And Vasco! Don't let her break my ship!" he said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906145531-1

So Aurora Stellaris became captain of the Frontier.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:54 pm

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906145628-1

"Just up the ramp, Captain. I'll be in the external robotics bay," Vasco said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906145744-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906145804-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150007-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150037-1

"I assume you know how to fly a Class A starship. As Barret likes to say, it's 'as easy as learning to ride a bike.' I will attempt to boost the shields, just in case there are any difficulties," Vasco said.
"Shields ready. The rest is up to you," the robot said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150055-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150106-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150131-1

Now that we are in orbit, it might be wise to test all controls and systems. To ensure they are not on the verge of catastrophic failure. I can step you through the entire process. Or, if you're already an experienced pilot, just power up the systems, and we'll be on our way," Vasco said. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:58 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906150859-1

"Congratulations on surviving your first starship assualt, Captain. We should search the wreckage for spare parts and other salvage. You need to fly close to it before we can access the remains," Vasco said.
The robot then informed Aurora about a Crimson Fleet captain hiding in an abandoned facility on planet's other moon...

Kreet, Moon of Anselon, Narion System

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906151932-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906152008-1

"We have arrived in orbit. The abandoned facility with our Crimson Fleet captain is on the surface," Vasco said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906152121-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906152128-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906152217-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906163546-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906163651-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906163959-1

"Curious. These are United Colonies markings. But we are in Freestar Collective space. It then stands to reason that this was once a secret UC facility," Vasco said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906164009-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906164614-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906164822-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906165025-1

With Vasco the robot in tow, Aurora continued to explore the facility and loot everything valuable that wasn't bolted down. There still had been no sign of the pirates...

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:25 pm

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906165200-1

"So I told him ,No, it's a hundred credits or I'll tell SysDef who gave me the code to the evidence lockup."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906165215-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906165356-1

Aurora got the jump on the pirates. But there were many more of them spead out throughout the research facility. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906165812-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906170146-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906170949-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906171121-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906171400-1

Eventually Aurora, with Vasco in tow, made it to the roof of the building where they encountered the pirate captain...

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906171635-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906172903-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906174828-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906174840-1

"You gotta be kidding me. The Frontier has a new captain? You working with Barret, or did you pry the ship keys out of his cold, dead hands?" Brogan said. "That's right, I killed Barret. So tell your pirate friends to back off," Aurora said. "Oh no. You see, we weren't really after Barret. We're after that ship. Every Crimson Fleet rook hears about the Frontier. That Constellation keeps treasure hidden in the cargo bays. The loot from a hundred planets." "That statement is partially correct. The Frontier has been to many planets and moons. But the only things kept in the cargo bays are spare parts, dust, dessicated food particles, and a variety of species of ant," Vasco said. "I don't care what kind of lies Barret programmed that robot to say! We're taking that ship," Brogan said. "There's no treasure on my ship. Cut your losses before more people get hurt," Aurora said. "You're not talking us out of this score." "Hey, if you want to trade ships, that sounds good to me. The Frontier creaks when it turns anyway." "You're willing to give up the ship? Just like that?" he said. "Just take a moment and count how much you've already lost. You don't want to lose more." "This whole thing IS starting to cost more than I'd like. Can't believe this. There isn't any treasure? We've been trailing that old Constellation ship for nothing? Get out of here. Take your robot and your ship and get out of here. I see you again, you're dead."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906175857-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906175911-1

"We should now be free to travel to Constellation's headquarters without Crimson Fleet interference," Vasco said. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:46 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180138-1

"To reach the Lodge, we must jump to the planet Jemion in the Alpha Centauri system, and then land in the city of New Atlantis. Do not worry. This will all become second nature before too long," Vasco said

Jemison, Alpha Centauri system

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180417-1

"Starship Frontier, this is United Colonies Security. Maintain course and prepare to be scanned. Scan complete. No contraband detected. You are cleared for landing at New Atlantis."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180614-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180641-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180651-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906180743-1

"Hey, Vasco! What, no Barret? Let me guess... Protocol Indigo again?" the Ship Services Tech said. "Your memory is uncanny," Vasco said. "And here's our new Captain! My crew can take a look at your ship. And you can stop by the Trade Authority kiosk if you need to offload some cargo. Everything looks good here. I'll be at my booth if you need me."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906181118-1

"Brret enjoys this establishment. He frequently buys chocolate here. Though I have informed him repeatedly, it is likely a significant contributing factor to his being overweight," Vasco said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906181148-1

"I can take care of transactions, and if you've got questions, just ask," Amoli said.
Aurora sold all the loot from she had picked up from the abandoned research facility on Kreet, making a fair amount of credits. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:20 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182050-1

"This is New Atlantis Transit, or 'the NAT.' It provides free transport throughout the city. We can take it directly to the MAST District," Vasco said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182246-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182453-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182503-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182622-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182735-1

"We may be in a United Colonies city, but Costellation is an entirely neutral entity, and has always been. Here we are. The Lodge. The front door should unlock if you hold up the Watch that Barret gave you. I have messaged the other members of Constellation. They will be waiting for us inside," Vasco said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182749-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:59 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906182922-1

"Everyone will be in the library. Just inside. If Barret were here, he'd probably tell you that you're part of something bigger now. And he hopes you'll make this place your home," Vasco said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213155-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213249-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213301-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213315-1

"We appear to have a visitor..." Matteo said. "Welcome to Constellation. We have a lot to talk about. Would you care to tell us what happened to our friend? Why you're here and he isn't?" Sarah said. "Pirates attacked. Barret asked me to deliver the Artifact," Aurora said. "Vasco. Verify," Sarah said. "All statements have been factual," the robot said. "Oh this is just typical. Barret hands over our ship and our robot to some random employee of that discount mining outfit he uses. And if we hadn't insisted on installing those emergency protocols, I guarantee you this rock breaker here woul be halfway to Neon!" Walter said. "But that didn't happen. She's here. With the Artifact." "Thank you, Matteo," Sarah said. "Now let's focus on what's in front of us, shall we? What happened when it was extracted? Did anyone see anything? Hear anything?" she continued. "It was bright lights and music," Aurora said. "Interesting. Similar to Barret's description of the experience. With less embellishments..." Sarah said. "There. Are you hearing this? Do you all believe me now?" Matteo said. "Whether it happened or not wasn't in doubt. But honestly, Khatri, if you expect us to believe in fairy tales..." Walter said. "Gentlemen, can we please focus? Noel. I think it's time we tested your theory," Sarah said. "Right. Let's see. We know the Artifacts react to each other. The pieces already have move when they're in close contact. Now, if we add this new one to the two we already have..." she said. "The Artifact. If you could place it on the table here," Sarah said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213831-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:36 am

"That's it. Just like the others," Walter said. "And to imagine we thought there were only two of them at first..." Matteo said. "Oh my god. That's it. They're reacting! Look how it's coming together. That energy that's arcing between them? No manufactured material in the Settled Systems can do that! None of them! This proves that..." Noel said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906213924-1

"Easy, girl. Breathe. You'll have a heart attack," Sarah said. "She's not the only one. If they're coming together, that means there's a set," Walter said. "Built by an intelligence outside the Settled Systems," Matteo said. "Well, if we had all the answers, it wouldn't be exciting, now would it?" Sarah said. "Not to take away from the moment, but, what are we going to do about our new friend here?" Walter said. "So, are you ready to get to work? See if exploration is the life you want to lead in this little universe of ours?" Sarah chuckled. "How much do you know about the Artifacts? What are they?" Aurora said. "Individually, they're just hunks of metal. Another oddity from the uncharted reaches of space. As to what they are? What they're building? We'll you'll be part of solving that puzzle now." "You want me in Constellation? What does that mean? What's expected?" "We're all here because we're committed to exploring space. Humanity may have settled the stars, but that doesn't mean we should stop diving into the unknown. Beyond that, you'll be expected to use your own judgement. Just like the rest of us," Sarah said. "All right. I'm in. Tell me what happens next." "You should take some time to get settled in. Introduce yourself to everyone. Some of our members aren't here, butt you'll meet them soon. Come find me when you're ready. You and I are going to be doing some traveling together. Get your feet wet. And here. I think you've earned something for bringing the Artifact to us. In addition to credits, why don't we set you up with a backpack with some boost capability? You'll need it out in the field, anyway. Just mind your head."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906215946-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906220259-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906220821-1

Aurora visited a fashion store and left the vendor with a new sari.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906221217-1

In the park, a dark man caught Aurora's attention...

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906221238-1

"I'm sorry, I really can't afford to be distracted... I need to get to the bottom of this," Kelton said. "Is something wrong? You sound concerned," Aurora said. "I work for the Scientific Devision of MAST. I've been studying this tree for quite some time, and it seems to be exhibiting some worrying signs. Look, I have a lot of work to do. If you're just going to gawk, I'd ask that you move on. If you can actually assist me, however, I would appreciate it. I don't normally solicit help from random passersby, but it sems an exception is necessary. Would you be willing to retrieve some additional data for me?" "I might be interested, if there's something in it for me." "A mercenary, huh. I've placed a number of sensor probes around the city. They've been runninglong enough that I think it's time to collect and analyze their findings. If you would bring them to me, that would save time," he said. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:03 am

During her search for the sensons, Aurora runs into a boy...

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906222104-1

"Hey, are you looking for eggs too? I only found one so far, but I want to find more before anyone else does. So if you see some, can you tell me?" he said. "The egg you found wasn't beeping, was it?" she said. "Yes it was. Strange, huh. Ms. Tseng over at UC Distribution bought the one I found, and said she might buy more if I can find them. I could really use the credits."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906222501-1

"Welcome to UC Distibution. Now, before you say a word, I am required to inform you that formal complaints cannot be filed until the customer feedback system is back online. I have been told it'll be up and running in two weeks, but you know how these things are. I am sorry for any potential inconvenience. Also, if you're here about a corporate account, I've been assured that deliveries will be back on schedule soon," Tseng said. "You bought an 'eff' from a kid recently. I need it," Aurora said. "Who, Jorden? That kid is in here every other day with some random thing he found, trying to get credits. Yeah, I took pity on him. Why, what is it?" "It's sensitive scientific equipment. Very important." "Oh, really... Well, you can have it back for what I paid for it, plus a little extra. Let's call it a convenience fee, shall we?" Tseng said. "Can't you just give it to me?" "I could, but I did pay for it. I'd like to recover my losses. And it's all the way in the back room. I'd have to walk back there, then back out here... You did say this was important, after all. Honestly, it's probably worth way more than what we're talking about." "Fine, here you go."
Aurora reluctantly paid the 100 credits the woman asked for.
"Pleasure doing business with you," Tseng said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906223051-1

"I've got all your sensors right here," Aurora said. "So you do! Wonderful. All right, we'll just upload the data, and give it a moment... and just another moment... Now, let's see. This is... well... it's... oh my," Kelton said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906223237-1

"It's a good thing you brought the bio-sensors to me when you did. I will report my findings to MAST immediately, with no small amount of satisfaction. The phrase ,I told you so' may even be uttered more than once," Kelton said. "That doesn't sound like good news," Aurora said. "The bad news, as it were, is that the internal composition of the tree is changing. In this particular case, the tree is now regularly emitting ultra-low-frequency sound waves. They're nearly imperceivable now, but they're growing in strength. I must consult with my collegeagues in MAST at once. Thank you for your assistance. I hope these credits are adequate compensation."

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:04 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906223630-1

"That was intense, wasn't it? The Artifacts, I mean... Sorry, this must be a little overwhelming for you right now. I guess a lot overwhelming, now that I think about it. I'm Noel, it's really nice to meet you. And, thank you for bringing the Artifact to us." "Sarah said something about a place for me to stay," Aurora said. "Planning to stick around, then? Good. Right. So, you've sen the library, obviously... Walter's quite proud of the collection, but Matteo has made more than a few contributions. Gardens are out the doors there, if you need a moment of quiet contemplation. Emphasis on the quiet part, at least usually. Let's head upstairs."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906224129-1

"Sebastian Banks, Contellation's founder, had this place built decades ago. It was a big to-do at the time, but most people i the city have forgotten we're here," Noel said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906224232-1

"So this is the bar. Usually no tender, so help yourself. Within reason, of course. Now, let's see about that room. You're in luck. We were almost at max occupancy already, but there's still one room up for grabs. It's been nice, having this place so full," Noel said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906224322-1

"Okay, this will be you. Common room on one side, so that'll be quiet, and Matteo on the other side, so... maybe a little less quiet. I'm sure Sarah has something planned for each of us, so I'd better get back to it. Don't want to keep her waiting too long. Enjoy!" Noel said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906224427-1

Aurora took the opportunity to relax for a number of hours - it had been a long day.

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:49 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230906224626-1

"So, are you ready to get to work? Or was there something else?" Sarah said. "What do you know about the Artifacts?" Aurora said. "Not much, but you've seen them for yourself. It doesn't take a lot to realize we're dealing with something extraordinary. Just what it is, we'll have to figure out. It's what we do." "I'm ready." "We're going to be doing some old-fashioned detective work. The Artifacts are relatively inert once out of bedrock. That means people can pass them around, not even knowingwhat they are. I've been letting my contacts know to be on the lookout for strange metal objects. Get back a lot of noise, usually, but a tip from the UC Vanguard sounds promising," Sarah said. "Other people have Artifacts?" "We have to assume that we're not the only ones to have stumbled into this mystery. But most people aren't going into space looking for the unknown. They're looking for places to settle, resources to extract, territory to defend. An odd lokking rock or single, strange hunk of metal wouldn't mean much to them. That's why constellation exists, in a way, to put pieces like this together." "Legwork never pays off quite the way you expect," Aurora said. "You've done this before, eh? Wise words. We watch each other's backs, we'll be fine. But it's not just that. I want to take this opportunity to see how you handle yourself. And for you to learn more about us. I'm going to be sticking with you for this. We'll be traveling together until we either find an Artifact or this lead runs dry." "What do I get out of this, anyway? Constellation have a salary?" "You mean besides the ship, the robot, and a place to stay, all rent free? We do have some funds we can disperse from time to time. Not to mention I think we can get you a proper suit. We're explorers. We keep a lot of equipment on hand for that purpose. So the more you work with us, the more we can share what we have," Sarah said. "Got it. You and me until we get the Artifact." "We'll need to head to MAST. Check in with the Vanguard recruiting office, where my contact works. And listen. Whatever you were before, whatever you do once you're out there, I don't care. So long as you don't bring UC Security to our doorstep. Every member of Contellation is their own conscience. Understood?" "Understood," Aurora said. "Good. Let's take a stroll through New Atlantis, shall we?"

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907174409-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907174817-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907174916-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907175226-1

"Sarah. Good to see you. Who's your friend?" Tuala said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:17 am

"Another space explorer? Hey, you ever think of joining up with the Vanguard? Help the United Colonies, earn some credits... even get your UC citizenship?" Tuala said. "What's the Vanguard?" Aurora wondered. "United Colonies volunteer fleet. Independent captains enlist, get to use their own ships, and the UC provides them with sustained work... and credits. And, put in your time, and you're guranteed UC citizenship and everything that comes with it - discounts on UC goods and medical services, chance to own a place in New Atlantis." "I would love to join the Vanguard. Sign me up." "Excellent! Just need to do a little paperwork, an orientation of the UC, and knock out an exam, and a probationary mission. We need to know you'll be able to hack it out there, after all. First things first, head down to the Orientation Hall, and get signed up at the Registration Terminal. System will walk you through the rest. But if you've got any questions, I can get you sorted," Tuala said. "We had some Constellation business to discuss." "All right. Here's what I've got. Vanguard volunteer by the name of Moara. Helps patrol the old neighborhood. Sol, Mars, Neptune. You know. He'sMartian, born and raised. Not like I can get anyone else to care. Word is he's got some fancy metal ornament he's been showing off to the old grounders. Matches the description Sarah gave me." "We'll talk to him. I'm sure we can make him a good offer for it," Aurora said. "You'll likely find him at Cydonia." "No doubt slumming the bars," Sarah said. "Hey, nothing wrong with a little refresh between patrols," Tuala said. "Thank you for all your help, John," Aurora said. 

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With Sarah in tow Aurora eventually made the way to the exam...

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907181414-1

"Welcome, Applicant, to the Piloting Simulation Chamber. Please enter the designated simulation pod to initiate your exam." the PA System said. "I've spent a fair bit of time in simulators like these. They're startingly realistic. Have fun," Sarah said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:21 pm

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907181508-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907181604-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907182726-1

"This is the Mark 18 flight simylation chamber, Applicant, currently in orbit around a high-detail recreation of a remote world. When you're ready to begin, please take a seat in the pilot's chair. You must defeat at least three Tiers of opponents to pass the exam. Good hunting, Applicant," Proctor said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907182741-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907182900-1

"Congratulations, Applicant. You've passed. You can head up to Commander Tuala to receive your final scores and your probationary assignment," Proctor said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907183449-1

"I wrapped up my Piloting Exam and they told me to come back here," Aurora said. "Ah, so there are your numbers that just came through, then. You ready to hear how you did?" Tuala said. "I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised." "Attests to preparation and thoroughness. Two traits the Vanguard values highly. Psychological results are all within expected levels. No one clears Tier six. You should be proud of yourself. So then, looking at your results as a whole, and presuming you're successful in completing your probationary mission, you could have your UC citizenship after only..." "Three years? That's incredible. For some, it can take as long as a decade. You should be incredibly proud," Sarah said. "First. though, all UC servicepeople - provisional or otherwise - are required to swear an oath," Tuala said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907184248-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907185134-1

"Wouldn't be right doing this where we couldn't see the stars," Tuala said. 
Aurora repeated the oath after the commander. 
"And what I've got is... comms repair. Group trying to refurb an old Colony War processing plant on Tau Ceti II. Sounds like they'd barely gotten set up when their comunications died. So, can the people of Tau Ceti II count on you?" Tuala said. "You think I should expect trouble?" Aurora said. "It's got the potential to be a pretty quiet trip. But there's a reason they wrote 'here be dragons' on the map edge, so if ut were me, I'd hope for the best and arm for the worst. So, you ready to head out?" "Hey, I'm getting paid right. Sure." "Give it your all out there. Supra et Ultra," Tuala said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:35 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230907230333-1

"By Vectera, by Vectera, by Vectera! Is it you? Is it really, really you? Captain of the Frontier? Bane of the Fleet? Constellation's shining star of stars?" he said. "Bane of the Fleet?" Aurora wondered. "Oh, don't be so modest! It was all over SSNN! Lone miner tames the Crimson Fleet, saves a member of Constellation, and steals the hearts of milions, no, trillions!" And now, you're standing here, next to me? It really is you, right?" "It's me." "Then the day is truly blessed! Because for a moment, I wasn't sure if you were real or just another hallucination. But now that I know it's you? What are the odds! And to think, I almost went for coffee instead! But I changed my routine for one day, and here you are! It's almost like it was meant to be!" he said. "I'm glad you went for a jog. Caffeine can lead to anxiety and high blood pressure." "Oh no, are you saying you don't drink ten cups a day? And if so, it's fine! Your imperfections humanize you. Either way, it's such an honor to meet you! Hey, do you mind if I follow you around? Do you need a sidekick? What am I saying! You're a hero, of course you do! Lead the way!" "Welcome aboard," she said. "You won't be disappointed!" the adoring fan said. "Been a long time since I've been to Mars. Sol System doesn't get a lot of traffic," Sarah said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908143847-1

"Hey! Hey you! You have a minute? You flew in the... uhh... Frontier," Tommy said. "Yes. That's right," Aurora said. "It's true, right? You saw some real action?" "The Crimson Fleet attacked us, if that's what you mean by 'action.'" 
Tommy directed Aurora to the SSNN.
"There's credits in it - for credible newsworthy information," he said. "I could use the money," she said. "Keep it up, Tommy! You're killing it."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908144136-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908144425-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908144504-1

"I just got a feeling about you. You have a story to tell. Welcome to SSNN, where the news never sleeps," she said. "Who are you?" Aurora wondered. "Head researcher of the ofice. So if we got the facts wrong, I'm the one who files your complaint into the shredder." "Nice to meet you, too." "Let's take a look at you. You... You're not from around here. My guess is you work, really work, for a living. I bet you have a story or two. I have a feeling about such things," Muffaz said. "Actually, your intern asked me to do an interview for you." "Tommy? He actually proved useful?! I'm interested only in primary sources - so things you've seen and/or done that are newsworthy. No hearsay." "The Crimson Fleet attacked an Argos mining facility on Vectera," Aurora said. "And... you are an eye witness with the courtesy to find us instead of being chased down. Refreshing. So what were the pirates doing there? It's not their usual M.O." "Tell them about the orse. That was quite a lucrative operation," Sarah said. "Constellation commissioned the dig. The Crimson Fleet wanted the proceeds," Aurora said. "So what's your role in all this? Part of a tour group?" Muffaz said. "I worked for Argos, now I'm with Constellation." "How'd a bunch of miners triumph?" "We had help. Barret, a member of Constellatiion, and his robot Vasco," Aurora said. 
Muffaz noted everything Aurora said down. She ended by saying she desired more worthy news stories, should Aurora find them.
"And take this to cover any incidentals or other creative ways to pad out an expense report," Myuffaz said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908150119-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908150127-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908150908-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908151250-1

An expedition into the wilds of Jemison allowed Aurora to collect data and resources for varois research projects into a variety of different fields. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908152707-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908153004-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908153157-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908155044-1

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:15 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230908235331-1

"Ah. You our new probationary, then? Crew Chief Herath. Pleasure to be working with you. It's my job to make sure you rocket jockeys are ready for anything that come at you up there. Now, manifest says we're fitting you out with one... comms repair suite. In addition to the standard-issue 'welcome kit' all probationary pilots get for their first mission. Med Packs, small arms, couple spare Ship Parts. All the essentials in case of any surprises up there. My people will have everything on your ship before you lift off. Won't even know they were there. Hmm. so, paying a visit to the people of scenic Tau Ceti II. Nice and easy one for your first job. Just keep your head on swivel and you'll come home safe. Any questions before you head out?" he said. "Anything you can tell me about Tau Ceti II?" Aurora said. "I honestly didn't realize it had people living on it until we got your req order. Just watch out for wildlife and pirates, keep those Med Packs handy, and you'll be fine." "I'm all set." "Make us look good out there, recruit," Herath said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909000917-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909000936-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909001202-1

Tau Ceti II, Tau Ceti System

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909001435-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909001616-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909001629-1

"An abandoned meat packaging facility on the fringes of the Settled Systems. I wonder what happened here?" Sarah said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909001815-1

"Something's been through here recently, but left everything in place. At least we know it wasn't the Crimson Fleet," Sarah said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:36 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909002147-1

"Either I got hit harder than I thought... or you've got some incredible timing." "I don't know who that is, but I have a feeling she has our best interests in mind. We should do what she suggests," Sarah said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909002323-1

"So what've got here? Too clean to be one of the settlers. Or a pirate. UC on patrol, maybe? You'd make my day if you said you were a shock trooper out for a stroll," Hadrian said. "Actually, the Vanguard sent me... though they failed to mention how bad things were," Aurora said. "Vanguard, huh? Yeah, I expect they didn't. I came here on a rumor of a... well, I expect you saw the results on your way in. What's... left of the settlers? The work of 'Occisio Machina.' A Terrormorph. One of the nastiest aliens humanity's ever crossed path with. And this one... well, it's something of an anomaly. Possibly a worrying one." "I can't believe that a Terrormorph did all this damage. I mean, I've heard the stories, but to see the decimation first hand..." Sarah said. "Wait. Are all the settlers dead, then?" Aurora said. "I managed to scope out a fair bit of the facility before it found me. If there are any survivors of the attack, they're long gone," Hadrian said. "What kind of 'anomaly' are we talking here?" "Terrormorphs have... a unique growth cycle. They're usually only found on worlds that've been long-colonised by humanity. But Tau Ceti's too young to have one. Yet... here it is. I came looking for an explanation and found... all this." "Sounds like you could use my help, then," Aurora said. "I sure could. Because to confirm my suspicions about this creature, I'm going to need a tissue sample. And to get that, I need its corpse. But there's a way we can give ourselves an edge against this thing - the plant's security system. The admin terminal's here in this building, but it needs its connection reset. And as I've found out, that's not a one-person job. But if you can make it to the security outpost and restore connection, I think I can get things back online, see if the settlers left us any other tools." "Where can I find the security outpost?" "It's the building in the middle of the facility. The terminal in there should allow you to grant me access to the system as a whole. Then we can see about getting things back online," Hadrian said. "All right. Let's get that security system back online." "Good. Once I see the connection reset, I'll get things underway on my end. Take care of yourself out there. And make sure you leave enough of that thing for us to get a sample."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909002942-1

"Connection restored. I'll make this quick... Hmm. Plant's turrets took a beating... but I should be able to get you a couple of kill lanes. Hello... wish I'd found this earlier. You notice those sensors around the facility? Part of a livestock tracking system. Should let us keep tabs on how close the Terrormorph is. Hmm. But it's not connected to this network. Should be a terminal in the adjoining room. Tune it to... 183.5," Hadrian said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909003141-1

"Tracker's reading green and... what's that sound... Shit. Stop. Stop whatever you're doing and get in cover. It's on the move," Hadrian said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:27 pm

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909003405-1

"The kill lanes, they're set up but need power. There's breakers on each of the buildings you can throw to get them live. Once they're online, lead the Terrormorph towards the lights and watch the fireworks," Hadrian said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909003917-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909004015-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909004056-1

"It's a miracle we were able to bring that thing down. At least we avenged the deaths of the colony," Hadrian said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909004206-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909004502-1

"I'm not too proud. Thank you for saving my ass. Didn't happen to grab a tissie sample, did you?" Hadrian said. "Can you really learn much from one little sample?" Aurora said. "A lot of life gets recorded in our cells. Like, for example, if this Terrormorph's cells have certain radiation or chemical exposures, it could point to it having been transported on a ship. Then we could start getting some answers about this thing. So did you manage to nab one?" "Here you go." "All right. I spotted a microscope downstairs. Let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this," Hadrian said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909004757-1

"Hmm. Older model. Let's see what you can do... running basic diagnostics... nothing... maybe a flag scan... no. Spectograph... damn. This equipment, it's not set up do do a proper analysis of our sample. But the Terrormorph being here, of all places, it doesn't make sense. Humanity's spread plenty of creatures in our travels across the stars - pets, livestock, pests. But Terrormorphs, they're... different. To our knowledge, no one's ever spread them intentionally. Yet somehow, they follow us. So when humans settle a world. 70 to 100 years later, Terrormorphs just... appear, but no one knows how or why. Dangerous, but at least predictable. Tau Ceti, though, it's too young to have a native population. It's only been colonised... twenty years? But the other option - that someone captured one of the deadliest predators in the galaxy just to wipe out some settlers minding their own business? That seems awfully implausible. Which means we're either looking at a truly strange murder... or a faster type of Terrormorph growth, the results of which could be... catastrophic. Terrormorph outbreaks have taken down far bigger colonies than this one," Hadrian said. "Terrormorphs have taken down other colonies?" Aurora said. "They have. They even took down an entire city once. A place called Londinion had to be quarantined due to a massive outbreak during the Colony War. It's the only known loss of that scale, but it's the reason why any change in our relationship with thee creatures needs to be taken seriously." "I'm sure there's a rational explanation to this." "There is. There has to be. We just have to find it," Hadrian said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:11 am

"Time was, I had access to one of the best repositories of Terrormorph research in the galaxy. Seems a natural place to start looking... if I can figure out how to access it. But we also need to get this sample properly analyzed. Get confirmation on just how concerned we should be. Luckily, I think I know just the person to help with the sample. What would you say to delivering this to him for me? I'd do it myself, but I need to call in some favors, see if I can get access to that Terrormorph data... Clear it with your commander first if you have to. You can even show him this. My genetag. Tell them Hadrian Sanon is worried there could be more attacks on the horizon. They should recognize the name," she said. "Don't worry, I'll make sure my commander agrees," Aurora said. "You don't understand what a weight off my shoulders this is. I'm not sure exactly where to find him, but last I heard, he was contracting with the Trade Authority on Mars. There's a place called 'The Sixth Circle' in Cydonia. Bar run by some old friends. I'll meet you and Percival there. And here. It's not exactly a bounty, but you certainly deserve them. Should cover the cost of fuel to Mars at least, Now, please, go check with your commander. We need to know what we're dealing with."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909111430-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909111723-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909112226-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909145323-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909145333-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909145449-1

New Atlantis, Jemison, Alpha Centauri System

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909150258-1

"Look who's back. All set with that probationary mission? We can do your debrief - and formally welcome you into the Vanguard - whenever you're ready," Tuala said. "I need your permission to deliver a Terrormorph tissue sample to Mars," Aurora said. "A Terror... what? How'd you walk away with a Terrormorph tissue sample running comms repairs? What happened to the settlers?" "Things didn't go as advertised. Only one alive was a researcher who gave me a sample and a genetag." "Let me check the database. Huh. A lot of this data's been classified... Co-head of a Xenowarfare division. Faced tribunal at the end of the Colony War... and was dismissed from duty. Guess that's where I heard the name before. If she's former Xenowarfare, though, well, we can at least be ure she knows her aliens," he said. "Xenowarfare doesn't sound good." "Did your survivor, Hadrian, did she mention why she thinks this sample's so special?" "She's not sure what it means. She wants a DR. Walker on Mars to analyze it, confirm it's a threat," she said. "I did actiually have another mission lined up for you, supporting the UC System Defense against the Crimson Fleet. Consider these your first official orders. Now, if there wasn't anything else, I sugges you move out."

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:55 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909170117-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909170156-1

"Ah, well isn't this a pleasant surprise! I hadn't expected to run into you again," Kelton said. "Last time I saw you, you were pretty agitated," Aurora said. "There is growing concern... oh, my... bit of an unintentional pun, isn't that... Erm, concern that things are going to get worse. Because we've never seen this before, not on this scale, we have absolutely no idea what the upper limit is. We don't know when, or even if, this will stop. It's imperceptible by normal human standards now, but given time... while I hesitate to speculate on the possibilities, none of them are good." "If these vibrations continue to increase in frequency like you're saying, it could possibly be harmful to humans." "Yes, and not just humans. All organic life will be affected. Low-frequency vibrations are not uncommon in species. The vibrations help disperse nutrients throughout the tree. However, normally, the vibrations are imperceptible. There is data regarding other, younger members of the species. Unfortunately there are some, shall we say, personal issues with acquiring it. Erm, personnel issues, if you understand me," he said. "And now you need my help again." "One of the other researchers in MAST, Emilio Hadek, has research I believe could be vital to my work here. He and I don't see eye-to-eye, and so far he's refused to turn it over to me. I'm hoping that if someone else were to ask, he may be more inclined to relinquish it. What do you say?" "Why won't Emilio turn the data over to you?" she said. "He wouldn't listen to me when I tried to explain this isn't about me. There are bigger concerns!" "Don't worry, I'll open his eyes to the importance of science!" "In any case, whether you 'open his eyes' or not, I need that data. The last I saw Emilio, he was collecting samples in the field. He shouldn't be hard to find. Good luck, friend! That data is vitallly important, and I'm confident that you'll be able to retrieve it," Kelton said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909170900-1

"Mind your step. Important research happening here. Could you stand a little to the left? I think you're blocking my readings..." Emilio said. "I'm on MAST business too. Need some research data on trees," Aurora said. "No, no way. Kelton is actively ruining my career. There is no chance that I'm helping him with anything. Whatever this thing he's on about, he's just doing it to make himself look good with the higher-ups. I'm not helping him with that." "Kelton says this isn't about him. Lives could be at stake." "Hmm. Maybe I can make this work in my favor... I can give you the data. But I'm only going to do it after you've helped me secure a better position in MAST," he said. "What do you want me to do?" "Oh don't worry. You're just going to erase some files for me. Make sure I look good next time promotions get passed around." "Fine. I'm in," she said. "I'll follow your lead, but I wish handling our 'tree' issue didn't involve using illegal methods to get the job done," Sarah said. "I've gotten a few bad performance evaluations in the last couple of years. Totally unjustified, incredibly unfair," Emilio said. 
He went on to tell Aurora how he had already tried to erase those files but the Chief Engineer kept them safe.
"The only way to get access is from the terminal in her apartment. Which is kind of... locked," Emilio said. "How about you just give me Kelton's data now, and we skip the rest," Aurora said. "Sorry, that's not on the table." "Any corroborating data from other individuals of the same species, even the smallest sapling, will help. There has to be a way we can work this out." "The only way this'll work out is if you delete those files. If you do this for me, I can make it worth your while. You delete that data, I get promoted, I'm pulling in a bigger salary. I can compensate you. I'll throw in some extra credits for you, okay? A nice little bonus. But first, you need to get into the Chief Engineer's apartment," Emilio said. "Enough of this, I won't do it. Hand over the data now."
Aurora's tone changed. She turned to Sarah, then back to Emilio.
"My friend over there has recorded everything we've said. You will be cleaning latrines for the remainder of your life... unless you give me Kelton's data... Now!" Aurora said. 
Emilio's face turned red, but he reluctantly turned it over. He had fallen for it.
"And tell Kelton to stuff it," he said. 
Aurora and Sarah returned to Kelton.
"I tried to tell my colleagues that botany was important. I tried to warn them... I hope you have the data. It's really quite crucial," he said. "I've got it right here. That Emilio is a piece of work," Aurora said. "I'm sorry this was complicated. I'd prefer to remain unaware of the details, in event that it comes up later. Particularly in a legal setting. But you have once again come through for me. I'm truly hoping that this is the last piece I need to figure out what we can do." "I'm just doing my part." "Thank you for your assistance," he said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:53 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909185931-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909185941-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909190917-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909190931-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909190947-1

Visiting the Viewport, Aurora found a mission to eliminate an outlaw hiding somwhere in the Sol System. Then it was time to take off...

Mars, Sol System

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191242-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191411-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191424-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191433-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191542-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191549-1

"While we're here, we should definitely stock up on supplies at the Exchange," Sarah said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909191906-1

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:56 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909192054-1

"Take your time, and ask me if you need anything. I'm here to help. You looking to do some shopping here at the Trade Authority? I'm Manaaki. Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll do my best to help you out," he said. "What's the strangest thing you've seen come through here?" Aurora said. "Oh man. Someone brought a fish... It was still alive. He had it in this big plastic bag full of water and everything. Good size, too. Man, what a pain in the ass that was. Even weirder: someone came in and bought it right away! The hell's all that about, right?" "Can you tell me more about the Trade Authority?" "We're like this huge network of shipping and trade throughout the known universe. Everyone... Freestars, UC, even Va'ruun uses us in some capacity. 'Cause I guess we're all about free trade and all. They pay my salary, so as far as I'm concerned, they're alright in my book," Manaaki said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909192800-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909192814-1

"Invoices can be collected from the... oh. Not here for a delivery, are you?" Oktai said. "Captain Aurora Stellaris, Vanguard. I need Percival Walker's help investigating a troubling discovery," she said.
Aurora quickly learned that Dr. Walker was hiding somewhere...
"A shame, too. We'd had such high hopes for Percival. I brought him on myself to do medical and biological consulting around the city. Not the sort of work the Trade Authority traditionally does, but we thought it had the potential of to become a whole new type of revenue stream for our branch. I invested no small amount of personal capital into the endeavor. But, at this point, it's probably for the best," Oktai said. "What sort of discipline issue are we talking here?" Aurora said. "Something his contract expressly forbade. As such, we requested our cut of the profits and began garnishing his salary. Perhaps a little too severely, but well within legal limits. It was about then that he ran off. Abandoning his duty... and his unpaid accounts." "Why would the miners hide him?" "They are all Devils. Red Devils. A UC Marine unit based here on Mars, though they were disbanded after the Colony War. I presume a number of them served along with Dr. Walker. Bonds forged in battle and all that," Oktai said. "You don't sound particularly interested in finding him." "He did leave his post, however, with a sizeable debt to his name. If you were to find and get him to pay, the Trade Authority would be most grateful for it." "I loathe the Trade Authority. Is it absolutely necessary that we have to help them?" Sarah said. "I'm not your bill collector. I just need to know how to find him," Aurora said. "Visit 'The Sixth Circle.' A... bar on the lowest level of the city. If someone in Cydonia knows where Percival is, you'll find them there," Oktai said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909193402-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909193418-1

"Broken Spear's upstairs. Go drown yourself there. This bar's for Devils vets and their kin," Andy said. "Hadrian Sanon sent me. I'm looking for a man named 'Walker'," Aurora said. "You. Why don't you come here and tell me what some stray wants with Walker?" Lou said. 

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:46 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909193521-1

"Not every day a stray topsider wanders into my bar, claiming to know people. What do you want with Dr. Walker?" Lou said. "Terrormorphs might be threatening the galaxy. I need Percival's help to stop them," Aurora said. "Look, you can make up whatever crazy story you want, but you should forget about Percical." "You can drop the act. We only need a moment of his time," Sarah said. "And who are you? Why should I trust you?" Lou said. "I'm UC military. Retired. Can give you my genetag code, too, if you'd like," Sarah said. "First things first. His debt to the Trade Authority. You need to clear it. Can bet that person'd make a friend out of Percival and the rest of us Devils. And I'm always inclined to help a friend," Lou said. "You and Percival were both 'Red Devils?' Can you tell me more about them?" Aurora said. "It's why they chose us as the handlers for the UC Xenoweapons. No other unit could handle that pressure. But it was those monsters that did us in. When the Colony War ended and the Armistice came down, everything associated with Xenoweapons got shelved. Red Devils included. Now... now they're just a memory." "You worked with Xenoweapons?" "Monsters from the darkest corners of the black, rampaging across the battlefield. Can understand why they banned 'em. Brutal. Armistice hurt us more than most, but... well, wasn't all bad that came out of that agreement," Lou said. "And how would you suggest I go about clearing Percival's name?" "Most straightforward way to take care of this debt would be to just saunter up to the Authority and pay 'em direct... if you've got credits to throw away. Course, rumor is the Trade Authority keeps all their records and collections files - on a central server inside their storeroom. If someone was to break in there and adjust Percival's debt to something a little more reasonable, say, a few hundred credits, I'd be happy to cover the costs." "How would I achieve that?" Aurora said. "Say, with an entrance behind the bar at the Broken Spear? And you might need these." "I'll see if I can get rid of that debt." "I look forward to hearing the good news," Lou said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909194228-1

"Heard you talking with Lou. So you're going to help Doctor Walker?" Cambridge said. "Why? Do you know where I can find him?" Aurora said. "Oh. No. I've got my suspicions, but, look, you are planning to help Percival, right?" "Doesn't sound like I've really got another option for finding him." "Aqueous Hematite. We stumbled on a way to make it useful. And profitable. You give our research over to Oktai, at the Trade Authority, it should more than cover Percival's debt. That guy's always looking for an angle." "Aqueous Hematite? What's that?" Aurora said. "It's mostly iron and about three centuries of human water run-off, though only Percival would be able to tell you all the trace elements and what not. But it builds up around human settlements and something about the Martian soil changes it, makes it into something new. And we think we found a new use for it." "Sounds pleasantly easy." "Oh dear, I believe I see where this is leading," Sarah said. "Jobs come back. I become a medern-day folk hero. Then I won't have to sleep on an inflated space suit anymore," Cambridge said. "Awful lot of work to avoid buying a pillow, but, sure, I'll help," Aurora said. "So, access to the Deep Mine can be found outside the city. It's not far. Shouldn't even need to hop back in your ship. We'd set up right near the main drill. Taking out the Spacer leader should get the message across to the rest of them to buzz off. Once you've managed that, phone up here on the comms panel and I walk you through finishing the research."

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story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris Empty Re: Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:59 am

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909204859-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909210226-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909210408-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909210423-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909210832-1

"He-hello? Took care of the Spacers, huh? Good. Now, to finish off the research, you're going to need to collect a sample of Aqueous Hematite to run through the Thresher. Grab a Laser Cutter and head back into the chamber where you came in. Thresher's the big machine in the next room. Passcode to start it is 'Ares 2330.' Take care of all that, and we'll have Percival's name cleared in no time," Cambridge said.

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909211055-1

"Password accepted. Initiating analasis. Compund analasis complete. Adding to existing notation. Process complete. You may collect your documentation."
Aurora went back to the intercom...
"All set? You can take the elevator in that room back to the surface. There should be a key stashed in the Thresher room... if the Spacers didn't make off with it. I'll be waiting at the Circle," Cambridge said. 

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909212129-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909212149-1

"Reduced joint wear. Increased lifting capacity. A dose of this stuff could make a miner more efficient. So here's what you do. Tell Oktai in the Trade Authority you found a 'business proposal' that will make miners more effient, higher yield, synergy, all that business crap. And that you'll trade it to him for clearing Percival's debt. You good at doing pitches and stuff like that?" Cambridge said. "I can give it a whirl, sure," Aurora said. "Oh, and here. A copy of the formula for yourself, in case you ever want to try maximizing your own industrial output."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909212403-1story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909212420-1

"Was there something else?" Oktai said. "How much does Percival owe you?" Aurora said. "If you're feeling charitable, I'd be happy to look it up for you." "Never mind. I have a business proposal for you. A lucrative one." "Hmm. I'm never one to turn down an opportunity. But I'd be curious what you think you've uncovered in the Martian market that others have missed," he said. "A chem made from Aqueous Hematite. I call it Pick-Me-Up." "And exactly what does this new drug of yours do?" "Makes your miners more efficient. I've got the data here to prove it," she said. "The Deep Mines could be an option... but they're full of Spacers... or so I've heard." "I already cleared them out. Won't cost you a credit to get started." "Well now, that's intriguing. A completely untapped resource pool... and the sort of utility every mining firm in Cydonia would be clamoring to get their hands on... And think what it'd do for our image with the general populace? This mine reopened thanks to the Martian Trade Authority... very interesting indeed. And what do you want for rights to this drug?" Oktai said. "I want you to clear Percival's debt." "Well, It would seem we have a deal then. We'll just be taking that slate before you have any second thoughts. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Captain."

story - Starfield, the story of Aurora Stellaris 20230909212956-1

"Yah?" Lou said. "I took cae of Percival's debt to the Trade Authority," Aurora said. "Place was sealed up tight after the UC shuttered our unit, but we snuck him in the back entrance through the Deep Mines. Here. The passkey. And I'll let him know there's someone he owes a hell of a 'thank you' on their way down."

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