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The Isle of Siptah

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The Isle of Siptah Empty The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:18 am

This is my new Conan Exiles story. You know the drill, click in screenshots to enlarge. The links are hidden screenshots that require my password to be viewed. If you don't have it, send me a PM.
Let us begin...

The Isle of Siptah 20210822142324-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822142332-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822142340-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822142342-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822142348-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822142355-1

Hrongar, the Nordheimer had survived the shipwreck. He was being transported to the Exiled Lands on a prisoner galley out of Argos. Now it seemed only he had survived. He looked around at his new surroundings and began to explore...

The Isle of Siptah 20210822144428-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822144523-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822144702-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822145710-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822145931-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822150607-1

While salvaging on the beach, Hrongar stumbled upon a scroll. It appeared to be a journal...

The Isle of Siptah 20210822150640-1

Day 5 of the month of Tobi, Year of the Gazelle
The journey from Khemi has been uneventful, which was to be expected. Our small fleet is probably more than enough to deter any pirates or raiders.
There is excitement among the group. As the sun was sinking, our captain informed us that when the sun rose tomorrow, we would arrive at the island. The high priest put together an impromptu ceremony in thanks to Set for our safe arrival and the Prince and his family were obliged to join him. I believe the sailors are still mopping the blood from the deck.  
I took the opportunity to slip below decks to my cabin and pen this missive. My wife Threa is asleep in the room, but otherwise I am alone.
I must confess, I still do not understand why I was chosen for this honor. My position as a minor scholar and scribe at the court of does not justify this elevation to Royal Scribe and Advisor to a Prince.
Or perhaps this is a form of Exile. It was not a popular decision to marry a Shemite noble. Threa is an outsider and Stygians do not like outsiders.
I feel... uneasy. There is a tension in the air, a building pressure like that which rides before a storm front. In my heart, thunder rumbles.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:06 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210822201613-1

Hrongar was alive, but he bore the scars of the ordeal of surviving the shipwreck.

The Isle of Siptah 20210822201645-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822201836-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822210745-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822233656-1

There was no lack of salvage on the beach. Countless ships had met their end here. And there were dangers... Crocodiles and feral dogs roamed the area. The Nordheimer should continue inland, but that would most likely be even more dangerous. He had to prepare first...

The Isle of Siptah 20210822234539-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822234705-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822234955-1

He continued to salvage everything useful and widened his search area.

The Isle of Siptah 20210822235139-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822235257-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822235647-1The Isle of Siptah 20210822235729-1

These pelicans were a good source of food and the iron deposits he found would help him improve his life as soon as he found and set up the right tools and equipment.

The Isle of Siptah 20210823001311-1

Hrongar found that he was definitely not alone on the island. There were other survivors from the many shipwrecks all around. He had approached one of their camps, but as soon as he was seen he was attacked. The Nordheimer killed one of his attackers before he had to flee from the rest.
At least his salvaging forays had given him plenty of tools. Hrongar had set up some basic equipment around his campfire...

Then, Hrongar's luck improved even more. The Nordheimer had not been the only prisoner on that slave galley. In the cell opposite of him was a young Aesir woman named Valeria. They had spent the voyage talking to each other whenever they could. He had thought she had drowned, but here she was. Hrongar was very happy to see her. She was glad to see him, too. Together they would double their chances of survival. And it was nice to no longer be alone. Hrongar had longed after company since he was washed ashore. When the other survivors attacked him he was distraught, but he had made plans to get even and also solve his loneliness. Now, with Valeria by his side, it would be even easier. She also had a bone to pick with the survivors. She told Hrongar about how one of them had tried to rape her. The guy never got that far though, even though Valeria was unconscious when he neared her. The enemy had stripped of his trousers and was about to pentrate the Aesir woman when she suddenly came to her senses. Valeria's superior strength made the enemy to no match for her as she defended her honour. Valeria easily got loose, but instead of running, she stayed and fought. The guy fried to subdue her with a branch, but Valeria dodged and kneed him in the groin. He groaned from pain. Valeria took the guy's belt and garotted him with it. Hrongar smiled. He was a big man, but Valeria was even taller than he, and she was definitely a match for his strength.

Last edited by Wotan on Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:54 pm

It was time to show the Accursed their place. Hongar and Valeria were ready to take vengeance upon their enemies...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823063708-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823064623-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823093144-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823093306-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823093511-1

Satisfied with their raid the couple started searching for a suitable location to build...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823094921-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823095013-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823095111-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823095148-1

... somewhere along the river.

The Isle of Siptah 20210823095828-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823095940-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823100111-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823132255-1

There were many boars along the river to hunt, there were iron and coal deposits narby. And aloe grew along the river banks. This was a good spot to settle.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:54 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210823132748-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823134524-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823135223-1

Their building in flotsam and sandstone was taking shape. It was time to move the equipment back from the beach to the homestead...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823135430-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823140522-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823141513-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823144207-1

Good. Now it was time wreck the life of the enemy occupying the Grave of the Leviathan...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823162619-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823162703-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823163135-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823163351-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823163709-1

Hrongar and Valeria left many corpses. One of the men, likely their leader, had a key...

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3373
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:28 am

Though there were no prisoners in the cages, the team brought a captured prisoner back with them. They had subdued an entertainer now now Hrongar was dragging her back to their settlement...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823164116-1

The woman finally woke up and faced with the alternative of the wheel of pain or join of her free will, she wisely chose the latter.

The Isle of Siptah 20210823164324-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823170223-1

It was time to expand the settlement and make room for thralls...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823170829-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823195106-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823200013-1

The bunkbeds will serve as sleeping quarters for the thralls. Now it was time to find some workers, willing or not...

The Isle of Siptah 20210823200239-1

That looked menacing - whatever it was that was happening at the center of the island.

The Isle of Siptah 20210823200717-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823200855-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823201151-1The Isle of Siptah 20210823201652-1

Hrongar and Valeria freed two thralls at the Graveyard of the Leviathan. They also brought back a cook and a blacksmith as captives. Once the pair had been brought through the wheel of pain, the cook and the blacksmith joined the workforce. 
Hrongar had also found some maps. There seemed to be a port on the north-eastern part of the island. He and Valeria should go and investigate...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:44 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210823203359-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102216-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102223-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102331-1

Alligators were common along the river...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824102513-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102632-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102746-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824102853-1

It seemed in the past that ships sailed on the river. Today, though, the river was mostly just ankle deep.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824102920-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824103044-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824103216-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824103226-1

From what the map told them, there shoould be a partially dried out river on the other side of the hill...

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:42 pm

In the dark, Hrongar and Valeria ran into some batlike creatures and discovered an elder vault. They decided to end their exploring for the day and return home without entering.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824103302-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824103354-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824103418-1

The days went on...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824104924-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824110242-1

This day they reached the remains of the old river...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824123559-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824123606-1

... and discovered brimstone. Finally they were able to make steelfire.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824123718-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824123757-1

They continued north to the shore...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824123912-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124006-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124105-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:01 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210824124112-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124226-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124313-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124519-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124622-1

"Look. We got a settlement up there," Hrongar said and pointed at the structure in the distance. "Be hard to get up there," Valeria said.
They kept to their path along the shore... until nightfall ehen they made camp.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824124735-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824124829-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125027-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125246-1

Early moring they continued their journey. Some hours later, they could see their destination - Blacksail Harbour...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824125448-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125656-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125828-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125913-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824125942-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Fri Aug 27, 2021 4:54 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210824130014-1

"Undead... So much for civilization," Hrongar muttered. "Could still be treasure," Valeria said. "Better be."

The Isle of Siptah 20210824130130-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824130403-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824130803-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824130904-1

Valeria proved to be a very powerful warrior, far better than Hrongar who himself was a terrifying fighter. But when faced with the most powerful undead the Blacksail Harbour had to offer, Valeria was fearless and could stand up to them where Hrongar clearly struggled. He was very happy to have her on his side.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824131012-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824131141-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824131817-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824132637-1

Swarmed by lesser undead, Hrongar had to retreat. He could dispatch the few ones who followed him and then dress his wounds. Valeria was still fighting one of the powerful undead bosses. She joined him once she had defeated her enemy.

The Isle of Siptah 20210824132753-1

From the beach, Hrongar and Valeria could make out another camp.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Sat Aug 28, 2021 6:09 am

Hrongar and Valeria returned to Blacksail Harbour after dark. There he found the second part of the journal...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824132929-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824135840-1

Day 6 of the Month of Tobi, Year of the Gazelle
Today we arrive.
Before we land, I will summarize the information I have gathered about the island from sailor's tales, scouting expeditions, and reports from the early colonists.
Geographically, the island lies just a few days southwest of the port at Khemi. From what I could glean, it has been used as a stopover by sailors for centuries as a place to gather fresh water and supplies.
The sailors I have spoken to describe it as a vibrant place - with good timber forests on the eastern shore and high peaks on the western shore. Wildlife is abundant, though particularly fierce if the stories I am being told are true.
And this is the real crux of things - the sailors also spin fanciful tales of dark shapes and ruins. Of an ancient city haunted by undead and mysterious structures that glow with unearthly light. And at the heart of the island, a tower built of material that no man has ever before seen.
Our scouts have confirmed the existence of the tower and the ruins, though if I were to speculate from the descriptions, they are Archeronian in origin. If Acheron once had a presence on this island, then the stories from the sailors are more believable. Men have long memories of haunted Acheron.
Threa has come to tell me to join them on deck. We are closing in on our new home and the Prince requires my presence.

Their store of coal was running low...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824160437-1

Exploring the area near their settlement, they encountered Rocknoses and discovered ancient ruins...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824160612-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824160639-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824160754-1

Of course the ruins had to be filled with undead and wights. but there was something else about this place...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824160845-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824160915-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824160953-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824161025-1

"Is it just me or has it gotten colder?" Hrongar said. "The temperature has definitely dropped quite a bit. You'd expect there to be snow covering the ground. 'Tis strange..." Valeria said. "Magic..." he muttered. 

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Saturn Celeste Sat Aug 28, 2021 10:26 am

Oh wow do I miss Conan!  Especially now we're playing a He-Man derived game now.  I think of the land so much these days!  How are the mods doing?  Did a lot of the old mods stop working or did they have updates for them?

Saturn Celeste
Saturn Celeste

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Sun Aug 29, 2021 4:15 am

Hrongar and Valeria returned home...

The Isle of Siptah 20210824161125-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824161234-1The Isle of Siptah 20210824170117-1

Hrongar was happy with how their settlement was developing. It was time for more raids, more thralls...

The Isle of Siptah 20210825000732-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825000750-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825000915-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825001020-1

From this raid they returned with a tiger cub...

The Isle of Siptah 20210825122035-1

Another raid, another captive for the wheel of pain...

The Isle of Siptah 20210825122451-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825122626-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825170842-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:42 am

The days continued to pass...

The Isle of Siptah 20210825183717-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825185301-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825190557-1

More successful raids meant more thralls...

The Isle of Siptah 20210825191840-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825191944-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825192703-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825220822-1

Hrongar was pleased with how the settlement was developing, but his mind was set on a much larger base - in a much sturdier building material. 
"All in due time," he thought. 

The Isle of Siptah 20210825221149-1The Isle of Siptah 20210825222546-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826050359-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:59 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210826090537-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826091022-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826092407-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826092537-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826093203-1

During their exploration, Hrongar and Valeria encountered a terrible scorpion. Once the great beast had been defeated the valuable brimstone could be mined...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826124724-1

Back at the settlement, the brimstone was combined with tar from the tanner in an alchemists firebowl, making steelfire. Then it was smelted with iron bars in a furnace to make steel bars.

The Isle of Siptah 20210826125549-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826125605-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826125717-1

Hrongar and Valeria decided to explore more of the south of the island. In the center of the island another storm was brewing...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826125803-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826125905-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826130000-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:48 am

Hrongar and Valeria were exploring on the Isle of Threa...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826130221-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826130330-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826130539-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826130703-1

They camped for the night at Witcheye Lake...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826131003-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826131032-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826131057-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826131214-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826131353-1

... They discovered some ruins beset by enemies. The surrounding area was rich in black ice...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826132711-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826134046-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826204323-1

Back at base, all was proceeding well.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:47 am

While exploring, Hrongar and Valeria found an ancient obelisk...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826204626-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826204641-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826204732-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826204824-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826204906-1

I will proclaim this land the coming of the great and mighty Xanarus!
He was gifted with the cunning of the serpent by the Serpent-god.
He was gifted with the beauty of the bird by the serpent-consort.
His might is unmatched in the empire.
He comes, he comes!

... and another...

The Isle of Siptah 20210826205104-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826205432-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826205540-1

I speak in the voice of Xanarus, lord of lords, Sorcerer of Acheron.
He claims this land, from the western shore to the eastern shore and all that lies in between.
He claims the trees, the stones, the flowing water.
He claims the heart tower, and the vaults.
He claims the maelstrom.
None shall deny Xanarus.

The Isle of Siptah 20210826205652-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826205802-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826205919-1The Isle of Siptah 20210826210044-1

... and another...

Behold Xchotl, City of Xanarus!
See the men, strong and virile.
See the women, voluptious and beautiful.
All among his people are contented.
They offer him their daughters. They offer him their sons.
Set's temple echoes with screams and he is sated.
Derketo's temple echoes wih pleasure and she is sated.
He is the chosen of the gods, Xanarus the Devoted!

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:27 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210826210311-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827075118-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827103150-1

Hrongar and Valeria decided to explore the south of the island...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827112256-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827112305-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827112420-1

Their exploration eventually let them encounter the spawn of Dagon and discover a vault - the Vault of the Twice Drowned...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827112533-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827112654-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827112834-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827113016-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:58 am

On the beach, not far from the vault, they encountered a giant crocodile...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827113258-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827113359-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827113440-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827113723-1

After sunset, Hrongar and Valeria entered the wharf. It was in the hands of the Black Corsairs...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827113911-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827114012-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827114559-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827115037-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827152830-1

Having caused some havoc to the corsairs, the pair continued. They found another camp...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827152909-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827152947-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827153012-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827153148-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:55 pm

The Isle of Siptah 20210827153323-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827153505-1

Hrongar and Valeria left the camp and continued their exploration...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827153842-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827153951-1The Isle of Siptah 20210827155022-1

The wind was picking up, it was another one of those island storms centered on the tower in the middle of the island...

The Isle of Siptah 20210827160306-1

The Maelstrom, as they had taken to call these storms, finally waned and they continued on their way. Climbing the steep cliffaces was no problem if you were strong enough...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828131205-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131305-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131347-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131510-1

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Join date : 2020-04-27
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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:08 am

It seemed they were near a location of importance...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828131544-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131707-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131826-1

... Yes, another vault.

The Isle of Siptah 20210828131920-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828131943-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828132034-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828132129-1

It was getting dark...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828132305-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828132619-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828132844-1

The tower in the center of the island loomed in the distance...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828133112-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133216-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133253-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:51 am

The exploration continued...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828133441-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133452-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133508-1

Bison were a good find, they meant a good supply of food and hides...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828133613-1

Better yet... they found another source of brimstone and iron...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828133848-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133923-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828133943-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828134019-1

... But when found, it was the leyshrine that was the most interesting...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828134040-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828134105-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828134140-1

It became clear this place was used for some kind of ritual... summoning...?

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:46 am

The Isle of Siptah 20210828135057-1

When they returned, they immediately got the news of an imminent enemy force approaching...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828135229-1

The enemy outnumbered them and they were well-equipped. Hrongar, Valeria and their few defenders fought bravely but the enemy overwhelmed them. Wounded, Hrongar was forced to flee. He did not know the fate of his mates nor their thralls...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828140958-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828143537-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828145325-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828184254-1

When they returned, Hrongar and Valeria were the only fighters. Of their thralls only the cook, the alchemist and the carpenter had escaped and returned. The damage was a great blow as they lost many resources and their workers. But with determination, the lost workstations and the thralls were soon replaced. New fighters were recruited and the settlement was repaired. The next time they would be better prepared...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828212446-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828212613-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828213506-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828213546-1

The rhinos provided much needed thick hide for their armoury.

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:00 pm

Together they continued to explore...

The Isle of Siptah 20210828214056-1The Isle of Siptah 20210828235751-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829000106-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829000207-1

Hrongar was confused by the vision.
"Do you see it too?" he asked. "Yes," his companions answered.

The Isle of Siptah 20210829094014-1

They returned to the ruins and encountered a giant lacerta guarding a treasure...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829132842-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829132918-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829133008-1

They searched more of the ruins...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829133152-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829133715-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829135254-1

... and found an obelisk they had previously missed...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829135358-1

Behold that which Xanarus has created!
Not even the masons of Python could create such work.
See the stone, perfectly fitted.
See the temple, where Set comes to dwell.
Regard the foundations - they will stand forever.
What other builder could claim to stand beside him?
Xanarus the Wise!

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:38 am

Hrongar and the women, Valeria and Calandra, left the ruins...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829140143-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829140155-1

They ventured inland and were caught in a maelstrom...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829142521-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829142600-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829142717-1

Strange creatures appeared wherever lighning struck...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829142819-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829142956-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829143443-1

In the end the maelstom waned and the storm ended - for this time, there would always be the next one. 
Hrongar, Valeria and Calandra set out exploring the south of the island. They discovered a shipwreck, and diving down they found some treasure...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829181757-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829181845-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829181919-1

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The Isle of Siptah Empty Re: The Isle of Siptah

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:27 am

Their exploration continued...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829182200-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829182210-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829182325-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829182438-1

They encountered new creatures and found a source for volatile glands...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829182737-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829182820-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829183047-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829183237-1

The expedition continued...

The Isle of Siptah 20210829183259-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829183456-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829183630-1

... what lay over there...?

The Isle of Siptah 20210829183736-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829183810-1The Isle of Siptah 20210829184127-1

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