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Twists of my life (Completed story)

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:56 pm

First topic message reminder :

This is a novel story game where your choise lead to one of as many as 17 different endings. There's the naughty content, of course, which I'll hide but you can view the links if you know my password. 
You can view the fill-size screenshot by clicking on the thumbnail (or the link for the hidden images, but they require my password as mentioned before.)
So, let's start shall we...

Last edited by Wotan on Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:18 am

The moment Helena left Ann came into the room.

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"You've found a nice chick... with a temper. Yeah, yeah, I heard it all. You yelled so loud that it was impossible not to hear it," she said. "She is not mine and she is not a chick!" I said. "Wow, take it easy, do you have a crush on her? I can safely say that she likes you; I noticed it the moment you came in. If you hadn't been such an idiot and total prick then everything would have turned out differently. Instead of manning the hell up in order to get this chick, you just cry and whine... Oh, 'you didn't tell me that' ... 'You don't know my feelings.' ... I mean, come on. You're worse than a soap opera." "I'm warning you, shut... your... mouth... Ann." "Wow, how frightening you are; I am even starting to get scared. Okay, okay, I'm shutting up now. Please stop looking at me like that or you'll drill an extra hole in me. I'm gonna hit the sack, sleep tight Alex," she said. "Get out."
I didn't want to think about anything. I felt shitty about my behavior and in truth, I knew that Ann was right. I shouls sleep now, what's done is done...

Day 12. Friday

New day, but still that same shitty morning feeling. I think I'm getting used to it. I guess, I overslept, so need to hurry in order to be on time. I made it by the skin on my teeth with one minute to spare.

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I took my seat. At 8.30 sharp; I can still tell time by her arrival and I'd definitely say again that her punctuality is not really typical of the women I know.
"New topis today."

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"Hi Helga. Still coming over at five?" I said. "Yep, see you then."

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I'm starting to become accustomed to this view. Still, it's great to come home and see something so inherently sexy.
"Oh, 'sup Alex. Didn't hear you coming," she said. "Hi Ann. Listen... here's the thing... A girl is coming over tonight..." I said. "A girl! Again? You're one hell of a horndog. A new day, a new girl." "Are you jealous?" "Jealous of you? Good luck with your 'date.' ... I bet she'll ditch you like the previous one and you're going to whine about misunderstanding and all that," she said. "If that happens I will follow your example and order myself a rubber vagina."
I didn't want to hear her response so I left with a feeling of satisfaction that I showed this bitch her place.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:40 am

Doorbell ring...

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"Hi!" "Hi Helga, come in. Want a cup of tea?" I said. "No, thank you. So, what are we watching?" "It's up to you, you're my guest." "I'd like to watch something relaxing, maybe a comedy, got anything like that?" she said. "I should have..."
I decided to choose a romantic comedy...

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... even if I haven't decided yet if I had any serious intentions with her. I don't know whether she really liked the movie or was just too shy, but she kept on watching the TV as if mot paying any attention to me. I wasn't satisfied with the way things were going so I decided to be bold...

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I took her hand. She tried to act cool and only squeezed my hand a little in way of response. I took it as a signal to act. I moved closer and slipped my arm around her.
She tensed a bit when my hand touched her back but within a moment or two she made herself comfortable and showed no more signs of tension. I couldn't see her facial expression from my angle, but I understood that our relationship had reached a new level. I had to take the final step. The film was almost over and I still trembled at the thought of taking that last little step.

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Helga turned to me at last. I decided that I wouldn't have another chance, so I moved my hand gently to the back of her neck and tried to guide her closer for a kiss. Suddenly fear reflected in Helga's eyes and it wasn't just banal shyness; it was real panic, like she thought I was about to do something terribly wrong.

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I distanced myself quickly and Helga jumped off the couch while avoiding my concerned gaze.

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"Did I do something wrong Helga?" I wondered. "No, everythinmg was fine. Forgive me. It's really not your fault, it's all mine. I thought I was over it but... Sorry, I've spoiled everything. Thanks for the lovely evening, I need to go," she said. "Should I take you home?" "Not at this time, I'll go alone." "I... I am sorry Helga, I didn't mean to offend you..." "It's fine, I really should get going now, everything truly was wonderful. Thank you for the evening, see you later," she said. "See you..."
Helga left but I stood there, having absolutely no clue about what just happened. I decided to take a shower.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:46 am

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I have to find out what happened with Helga. I had noticed some weirdness with her but at the time I didn't really care - I should have paid attention to it...

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Ann came back just as I stepped out of the shower.
"How is it going with your new love?" she said. "It's great, thank you for asking," I said. "Yeah, I can see that..." "My life doesn't concern you Ann." "You can be such a bore sometimes... that's why Helena is dating another guy," she said. "As if you understand anything, she was dating him before my move." "...and you just accepted it and walk around weeping. Wimp!" "Watch your tongue, Ann..." I said. "Ooh, whatcha gonna do if I don't? You tiptoe around your beauty, fussing over her, treating her like a princess when what she needs is a real man, not someone weak like you." "Shut your mouth!" "What else do you expect me to do for you? You know what, fudge you Alex, you don't have the balls to..." she said.

I snapped... I moved fast to grab her, but misjudged my strength and lost my balance, falling right between her open tighs. My towel fell off, so now I was completely naked and lying on top of Ann.
"What an asshole you are... what's next? Are you goin..." she said.
I can't explain what happened next as instinct took over.

I kissed her hard on the mouth to keep her quiet. Ann was confused and at first showed no resistance to my caresses. Inside me, arousal mixed with anger and they took control. I hungrily, roughly, clawed at her breasts and thighs while driving my tongue into her mouth. Ann belatedly tried to push me away but the attempt was so weak that I shrugged it off and continued. I felt her last attempts to break free die out, slowly Ann started to let her desires take control. She fully surrendered at last, and started to passionately kiss me. Her fingernails cut into my skin delivering instant shocks of pleasure and pain wherever she dug in.

I had no idea what had gotten into me. Was it the abuse, the teasing or some other reason? Who knows? Who bloody cares?

Ann's body was shaking.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:32 am

It was like some kind of madness. Ann appeared to lose her spatial awareness.
"Don't you stop..."

I changed the position again

I left her lying there, covered with the evidence of her punishment and went for a shower. You would think that there would have been a blizzard of thougts rushing through my head at that moment, but, strange as it may seem, my mind was empty of any thoughts. I just felt calm and free. Exhausted and rather pleased with myself, I fell right asleep.

Day 13. Saturday

I overslept again, at least I slept really well. Sex is great, when you're getting it but a total nightmare when you're not.
Ann was sleeping. She looks so sweet when she's alseep. We had a great time... nothing more... she's still a huge pain in my ass.

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I arrived a few minutes before class was due to start. Alanna was bang on time, as always.
"Today, we're going to discuss..."

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Leaving the lecture hall, I bumped into Helena and, unfortunately, she wasn't alone... She noticed me and we just stared at one another for a few heartbeats...

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... then she turned to Vlad and made a show of kissing him right in front of me... I walked away from them.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:55 pm

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Bloody hell... Will I have to put up with their PDA from now on? There's no way in hell that I can face going straight home, but I've heard that there's a good bar nearby, I'll go check it out. I have the sudden urge to get blind-drunk.
I stepped inside and claimed a seat at the bar. The place was virtually empty, not surprising given the time, but for one woman, not far from where I had parked myself, who was sitting all alone. It really is a small world...

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It's my lecturer Alanna Victoria, and she looks wasted...

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"Alex? Well, hello... What? Didn't expect to see me here? At least you'll have something to tell your classmates on Monday," she said. "You know, Alanna, there's no one to tell and I don't see the point of mentioning it even if there was someone to tell. Are you ok? Did something happen? Should I take you home or call a taxi maybe?" I said. "'Did something happen?'... It did... a long time ago. There are situations when only alcohol can help you. Care to join me?" "It would be my pleasure." "Drop the formalities already. What do you think about our godforsaken city?" she said. "I wouldn't really call it godforsaken... just your average small city, much like many other." "Oh, drop it, a hole is a hole. Though, it's really better to change the subject. What brought you here? I think I can guess the answer. I am a woman after all and I can see what it's all about. You like to make dangerous enemies, you know..." "What's the point of making safe ones?" I said. "Huh, that's very true... If only you could see his face when you stared at Helena. Frankly speaking, I don't understand why she's with him, then again, no one really understands women, least of all... other women... I've stumbled on so many assholes myself. The truth is that wisdom comes through these assholes. Let's drink..." "That's right... fudge all the assholes in this world... A worthy goal."
Alanna snorted a laugh into her glass, having caught ,y remark as she sipped her drink.
"How about... a dance...?" I suggested. "A dance? Sure, let's dance..." she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:43 am

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I gently held her as we danced. We stared into each other's eyes and we were so close that our lips touched from time to time. My hand was in a place it wasn't supposed to be but Alanna made no move to stop me. Even when the melody died away we remained standing, both just staring into the other's eyes.
"Alex... I need to use the ladies' room... I'll be right back. Wait for me," she said.
Alanna went to the ladies' room and I returned to the ba and waited for her.
"I think... I've ha enough for today. Well... it was nice chatting with you but I have to go home. I am buzzed already... Thanks for... keeping me company. But... everything good... has to end eventually, I guess," she said. "There's no way I'm letting you go home alone in such a condition. You are drunk... maybe someone will try to hit on you... anything could happen and I'd feel responsible," I said. "Ha, I'm about ready to put the moves on someone myself and you're no more sober than I am... Well... Let's go, my shining knight."

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"Here we are... home at last. A good evening comes to its end," she said. "Do you really want it to end?" I said. "I... I don't know... After all..." "I do know."

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A moment later we were kissing. My hands edging lower and lower, gently caressing her supple body. I began to sense the power and youth contained in her amazing body as waves of heat and passion emanated from Alanna. She wants it no less than I do. Looks like it wasn't just me who decided to have sex today.

Alanna pressed her hands against my chest and gently pushed me away. We were a little breathless and both used the respite to breathe as she moved to the bed and sat down, revealing her body to me for the first time.
"Do you walk around college without panties too?" I wondered.
I threw off my clothes.                                                                                                       

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:09 am

Alanna screamed out her pleasure, her body shuddering while fingernails painfully pierced and clawed my neck and back. Having shuddered a couple more times, Alanna slowly fizzled out.

Having had her fun, Alanna pushed me aside and just lay there for a couple of minutes, coming to her senses.

Alanna took the initiative into her hands, literally and figuratively.

"I'm probably going to regret it tomorrow. However, tomorrow is tomorrow, today... right now... I am happy. It was... It was amazing. Let's sleep," she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Thu Sep 23, 2021 7:32 am

Day 14. Sunday

When I woke up, I didn't realize, at first, exactly where I was and what had happened, but then I turned around and spotted Alanna. All the memories from the previous day flooded back.

"Good morning. How are you? What are your thoughts on it? Why did you do this? You got tired of girls your own age and decided to take advantage of me, right?" she said. "Hang on. Firstly, don't be so quick to accuse me of being the one taking advantage. Secondly, if my memory serves me right, you did like that evening just as much as I did. So I just don't get it, what is this anger all about?" I said. "Stop acting like you know everything! You know nothing about me or my life." "So tell me. I deserve an explanation for last night." "Listen to me carefully: I've been trying to get out of this hole for the last five years. I've been working my ass off without any time off, denying myself any pleasures of life. Even the pleasure of a private life. I've been offered a place in a much more prestigious college and by the end of this academic year, I was gonna drive away. Now here is the catch, if someone discovers anything about you and me, I am done. And I am sure there will be people who will try to use this information against me. If you just thought about... Hey, my eyes are up here! You guys can only think with your dicks. So, don't even think that you can blackmail me. I'm going to make you an offer and it is up to you to take it or not," Alanna said.

"If you tell anyone about this or try to blackmail me, I will do whatever it takes to see you expelled. Even if I am fired, I will find a way, believe me," she said. "Threats aside, what's your offer?" I said. "A wise boy. So, as head of your department, I can guarantee you good narks in the field of your specialization."

"You'll have to visit classes to avoid any suspicion, but you'll always get good marks. Diploma work and term papers are on me. Make up your mind, I make this offer only once," she continued. "Alanna... thank you, of course, but I didn't sleep with you for good marks. I mean, you're an extremely beautiful and sexy woman and it semed to me that we both enjoyed last night. Something tells me that you wouldn't object to trying it again, would you? As for last night... I walked you home and went to sleep. That's all it was, am I right?" I said.

"I hardly remember anything, but I guess you're right," Alanna said. "There is one thing I want to ask you about... but not for me," I said. "Helena?" "Yes." "Okay," she said. "Bye, Alanna. If you ever feel bad again, you don't need to look for adventure in bars, just call me, any time." "Oh, go home Alex. And... thank you."

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:48 pm

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"Well, look at him, what a pussy-hound, has he been outside wandering the streets for the whole night?" she said. "Is it me or does that smack of jealousy?" I said. "Hug, dream on. I just wanted to get laid, I had been preparing, waiting for you whereas you just ditched me. What do you think? Like it?" 
Ann looked hot as hell in that underwear. Naughty and attractive at the same time, like a Playboy center-fold. But, what about Helena? This isn't right... Seems like Ann noticed my hesitation.
"What are you thinking about? Or maybe you don't want me?" she said. "No, Ann, sorry, but I like another girl. What happened between us was a mistake," I said. "What do you mean? Hoe can it be a mistake?" "Ann, forgive me, it was like an obsession. I honestly don't know what came over us." "You bastard! I was thinking that you are..." she said. "Forgive me, Ann." "Oh. forget it. Is it because of...?" "Helena," I said. "I see. Alex, I want to ask you something. Please, don't refuse me, it means a lot to me. I've run into an old acquaintance recently."
Judging by her tone she wasn't happy to see her.
"She suggested we meet somewhere, to have a drink. Could you keep me company?" she said. "As who?" I wondered. "As my boyfriend." "Ann, I think I already told you that I don't want that kind of relationship with you..." "That didn't bother you so much when you were fucking me on this sofa. It means a lot to me, Alex. She was always making fun of me. She said that I would never find a boyfriend because of my nasty personality... You don't need me, okay, fine, I won't impose but I'm not asking you to go to the registry office, right?" she said. "Right. Sorry, you are right. If it is really so important to you, I'll do what I can." "Thank you, it really means a lot to me. I'll come home at 5pm, be ready by then, please." "Where do you always disappear to?" I wondered. "I work. As a waitress in a cafe'."

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I was free till 6 o'clock that evening. I was chilling, watching TV the whole day.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:35 am

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"Hi." "Hi, Ann. How was work?" I said. "I am tired, gonna hit the shower and we'll go then."

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"I am ready, how do you like my dress?" she said. "It is gorgeous! You are gorgeous," I said. "Oh, let's go or we will be late."

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"Hi." "Hi, Ann." "Thea, I wasnt you to meet Alex," Ann said. "Nice to meet you, Thea," I said. "I am pleased to meet you too," she said. "So, let's go in?" Ann said.

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"How long have you been together?" Thea asked. "Around two weeks," I said. "Whoa, you guys are going for the record. As a rule, guys run away from her within a week." "Stop talking shit!" Ann said. "Oh, I am joking Ann, chill." "I love the thrill. I'm never bored around her," I said. "Hmm... How did you meet?" Thea asked. "You are gonna laugh but it was Ann who picked me up," I said. "Woooow! Are you for real?" "Yeah, it happened in a club. She was drunk out of her mind and dragged me into the toilet. If only you knew what we did there... We were eventually kicked out for lewd behavior." "Well... you are exaggerating things a bit..." Ann said. "Don't be coy, honey. You know, whenever we have a minute to spare, she drags me into the bed. She never stops surprising me," I said.
I decided to make fun of Ann, just a little, for her previous nasty behavior.

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Ann was going to put the glass on the table, but accidentally hit the knife so that it fell under the table.
"Don't worry, I'll pick it up," I said. 
I looked under the table and saw that knife wasn't close to me so I had to lean down further.

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Just as I reached it, Thea spread her legs...

I was so startled that I hit my head on the table.
"Are you okay down there?" Ann said. "Yeah, I just hit my head."
I quickly grabbed the knife... and hurried to get up.
"We're having a good time, yeah?" Thea said. "Yeah, yeah..." I said. "Well, it's time for us to go," Ann said. "Of course, let's go," Thea said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:14 am

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"I had a good time. It was nice meeting you, Alex. I think we should meet again sometime," Thea said. "It was nice meeting you too. Bye," I said.

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"If only you knew how she pisses me off..." Ann said. "Oh, c'mon, it wasn't so bad," I said. "Enough! I don't want to talk about it."

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"Well, it's time to pay you for your kindness," Ann said. "You don't have to do this," I said. "Maybe I want to. Has that ever crossed your mind?" "No Ann, I like another girl. Sorry." "Whatever... I didn't really want to anyway," she said.
Time to sleep.

Day 15. Monday

A new day, time to go to college. Ann was still sleeping.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:44 pm

Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20210919140538-1Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20210919140548-1Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20210919140738-1

"Him you're Alex, aren't you?" "I am, and you..." I said. "Victor. Happy to meet you. How do you like it around here? Adjusted to the place yet?"
I couldn't figure out exactly what he wanted and what made him so interested in me. Other students generally never bothered to speak to me, only a few of my classmates had ever tried to talk with me, so what had changed?
"It's not so bad here. Could be better but I'm not complaining," I said. "I see. Hey, me and my classmates meet sometimes to drink beer and hang out with girls, you know? You can join us if you want to, you seem like a good guy. I've already spoken to them, nobody minds you joining in," Victor said. "Well, I don't mind either, let me know when you'll meet again. It's always good to have a beer... especially with girls." "Bye the way, about girls, what was Alanna like in bed?" "What do you mean?" I said. "C'mon, I mean, someone saw you squezzing her bum. Don't tell me that you couldn't make it to the bed." "I wasn't going to 'make it to the bed.' We drank too much, I don't deny that, but then I walked her home and that's it." "Err... I would have at least tried something in your place. Never mind, there are even more beautiful girls in our group. I am sure you will catch up. See you around, Alex," Victor said.
It had become obvious why he had approached me. Small towns are all the same.

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I walked into the classroom and took my seat. My classmates were flaring at me, whispering about something. Alanna came into the class. She stopped for a second and briefly looked around...

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... then hurried to her work desk. Judging by her strange behavior, she was already aware of the fact that someone had seen us.

Nemo sine vitio est.

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Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:28 pm

"So, get ready to take notes..."
Alanna was very nervous, her voice betrayed her. There was nothing left of her usual composure and confidence. She monotonously read the text out, clearly fearful of looking at the group. She was just making it worse acting like this...
"Break time."

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Alanna was trying her level best to pretend she didn't notice me. Helena was standing in the hallway.

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"You, as far as I can see, are not wasting time," she said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Everyone's been talking about you since this morning. Saying things like 'the new one banged our bitch.' Well played, how did you like her?" "How is it that I managed to sleep with her without even knowing it? Well, I guess the rumour flatters me, it's of no use for my personal life but still..." "What? Don't say that you two haven't done it," Helena said. "Okay, if you insist I won't say."

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"I am sorry. I..." "Helena, I just don't get what the hell this is all about. You've made it very clear that you have no feelings for me. You are in a great relationship, aren't you? You cling to him so desperately whenever you see me. I wanted to get wasted after I saw you pawing him for the secon time. Who would have thought that I would run into Alanna? She was in a foul mood, just like me... I guess the outcome was obvious. We got drunk and I walked her home, then I went home too. I slept in my bed, by the way, my house-mate slept in her own bed too. Or more specifically, on the sofa, because that's what we agreed on when discussing the terms of our co-residence. But... even if this piece of gossip was true and something had really happened, it would be because of only one person and you know who that person is. I guess I've answered all your questions?" I said. "I... I am sorry... I'll go," she said.
I came back into the class and took my seat. Alanna was, as always, dead on time.
"Your internship period has started. The allocation process will begin tomorrow. No get ready to take notes," she said.
I didn't see Helga at all today, she used to appear during break times, but not this time.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:18 am

Day 16. Tuesday
A new day, time to go to college. Ann was still sleeping.
"M-m-m-... I wish I didn't have to get up..."
I turned to Ann when I heard she was speaking.
"So sleep. What time did you get home yesterday?" I said.

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"I can't. The job is waiting. Brew a coffee for me, please. One litre. While I take a shower," she said.
I decided to brew a coffee and make something to eat. Who knows whether she has time to eat at work or not.

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"Oh, that's so sweet of you. It's good to know that you care about me," she said. "Till midnight today again?" I wondered. "Don't rub it in, this schedule is killing me and my boss is freaking out. He's loading me with crappy shifts on purpose." "so quit and find another job." "Are you joking? Another job in this shit-hole? I was lucky just to find the opening for a waitress, although, the fact that my boss is a fucking prick, maybe I am not so lucky after all. Everyone is leaving this dump, there are no possibilities, no prospects. I'm gonna leave, too. I just need to earn some money first. Okay, let's change the subject... You were in a gym a week ago... How did everything go?" Ann said.

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"It was good, there's a lot of exercise equipment and a good instructor as well. Come and keep me company if you want to," I said. "Are you suggesting that I need to go to the gym? Are you trying to say that I'm fat?" she said. "Whoah, slow down, what makes you think that? I've seen you training here so I thought that you might be interested in it." 
Ann got up from her chair and came closer to me.
"I'm so fat, just take a look at me," she said.

Ann opened her robe revealing the two beautiful hills on her chest. Startled and breathles, I felt that all my thoughts, along with every drop of blood, were rushing towards my groin.
"Want to check it for yourself?" she said.

I was completely out of it so I reached out and gently pinched her firm breast.
"Do you feel it too? What do you say? Do I need exercise?" she said.
I don't know about what kind of training she was talking... I really should stop thinking about it or I'll have something else to do instead of going to the college.
"Ann, that's enough... I can't go to college with a hard-on," I said. "As you wish. What did you decide about the gym? Will you take me with you?" she said. "Yeah, I was going to go there tomorrow. I don't mind if you keep me company. We will turn you from a beautiful girl into an extremely beautiful girl." "Ha... You're a master of compliments... Okay, nevermind, deal." "Well, I gotta go. Bye,Ann," I said.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:38 pm

It was time to go to college. When I walked into the classroom, Alanna was already there and she looked depressed. Something bad must have happened.
"Alex, the dean wants to see you," she said

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I stopped in front of the door and knocked.
"Come in."
Inside the office, alongside the dean, stood a woman of impressive appearance.
"Take a seat," the dean said.

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"Let's cut to the chase. What exactly happened between you and Ms. Victoria? A little bird has been whispering some unpleasant implications," he continued. "She lectures civil law and criminal procedure law. I have no complaist concerning her professionalism," I said. "Then maybe you have complaints concerning the evening you two spent in a bar?" "It seems to me that she is a grown woman. As for me, truth be told, I went there because of problems in my personal life. I was upset and wanted to drown my sorrows." "I see, and how did it go? Did you get any help with your sorrow?" the dean said. "I guess alcohol never really helped anyone." "Cut it out, you know perfectly well what I am getting at."
Seems like he's running out of patience.
"Actually, I don't know. I had hoped you would fill me in," I said. "I have information from credible sources that you and Alanna met in a nearby bar. You drank alcohol and danced in a very vulgar way, then left together. Is it true?" the dean said. "Depends on what you mean by the word 'true.' The truth is that I was depressed after an argument with someone I care for and decided to get drunk. I came into the bar and saw Ms. Victoria sitting there. She seemed depresses as well, so we quickly found a common language. So we sat there, sharing our misery. I don't deny that we drank a lot. but it just sort of happened. Soon enough, she said that she had to go home. I, trying to be a gentleman, then walked her home and went my own way. The veracity of my words can easily be proven by my girlfriend. We kind of... made up... that night. Should I call her here?"

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"There is no need for that. Both yours and Ms. Victoria's storie match up. It's not a good thing that she drank with one of her students, but we are all human, after all, and mistake do happen. Thank you, you may go and be so kind as to send Ms. Victoria in," the woman said. "Good bye," I said.
Looks like I really pissed the dean off, but at least, I think, I managed to get Alanna out of trouble.
"Ms. Victoria, the dean is waiting for you," I told her.
I decided to wait for her near our class.

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"How did it go?" I wondered. "It went well, I'm lucky to have met you. Thank you. I want to thank you. As you know, the internship begins today, so I will recommend you to a good friend of mine. It will be helpful for you," she said. "Okay, thank you." "Go first, I will come in a few ,inutes later."
I stepped into the class... attracting the attention of my classmates. Trying my level best to stay calm and indifferent to their searching stares, I took my seat. Alanna came in after a minute or so and complete silence fell across the room. Hwr stern gaze swept across the classroom as she continued towards her desk. Alanna was lecturing us on a new topic and trying not to look directly at me.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:08 pm

Today is the first day of the internship, after our classes. I hope it won't be too hard for the first day. Internship isn't a bad thing, though. It's good experience and it may help me to take my mind off things. At the exit from college a woman I had seen earlier in the dean's office was standing. I wonder if she's waiting for me...

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"You did well." "What do you mean?" I wondered. "You did well, you didn't rat out your lover," she said. "I guess that it's..." "I'm happy to see that there still are some true gentlemen in the world. Keep in mind, the dean will not forgive you for this. He has plans for her, as do I. In case of any more problems, tell Alanna, she knows where to find me. I wonder what she ever saw in you..."
And I wonder who in the world you are... All right, time to go or I'll be late.

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Well, it looks like a waiting room. I knocked.
"Come in."

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There were two tables in the small room. At one table sat a beautiful blonde girl. She was wearing a blouse with open shoulders, which made her look even sexier. I think she is the secretary. There was no one at the second table.
"Hello, I am Alex. I was told to come here, I am here about the internship," I said. "I see, wait a second, please."

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She took out some forms.
"Fill in these documents, don't forget to sign, initial and print your full name at the end. You can sit at the table behind me. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?" she said. "No, thank you."

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"I think I am done," I said. "Okay, then I will fill you in: You will mainly be working with documentation. For the first while, at least. Then, if you do well, we will entrust you with more complex tasks," she said.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:34 pm

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"That's the way we work with all our new employes, this kind of internship helps people get settled into the new environment. Our office is just a small branch office and that's why there aren't many employees here. Let's go see the boss, I will introduce you," she said.
The girl knocked on the adjoining room and waited for an answer.

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"Come in."
We stepped into the boss' office. At a large desk a man was sitting, typing something.
"Anatoly Victorovich, that's our intern from a college - Alex," she said. "Hello, Alex. I am Anatoly Victorovich and I am the head of this branch. Have you been show your work place already? Have you been brought up to speed on your duties?" he said. "I decided to introduce him to you first." "I see. Show him his work place and everything else. Drop by my office when you are done, there's something we need to discuss." "As you wish," she said.

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We went back to the waiting room. Seems like that free desk is for me.
"That's going to be your work place. As I've said before, you are going to work with documents and sometimes help me. Maybe in the future we will entrust you with something more complex. The restroom is up one floor, we usually have lunch at our desks - feel free to do the same. There is a coffee maker on the sideboard over there, as you can see, don't hesitate to use it. For starters, put the information from the files on your table into the PC, we recently move here so there's still a lot of work to do. Do you know how to work with Excel?" she said. "Of course I do," I said. "Great then. Before we start working, maybe you have some questions?" "Just one. What's your name?"
She laughed.
"My name is Irina. You can get down to work. If there's anything which isn't clear, ask away," she said.

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Irina explained to me how I go about filling in the tables and I threw myself into work.

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"Aren't you tired?" Irina said. "Just a bit," I said. "Good, I have to write a report for Mr. Victorovich, you can go home if you want." "Okay then, bye."
I should prepare for my classes. It's time to sleep.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:11 pm

Day 17. Wednesday

It's a new day, time to go to college. Ann was still sleeping. 

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Phew, I was almost late. I stepped into the classroom and took my seat. Alanna, as always, came in right on time. When everything settled down it was clear that Alanna had once again regained her lost confidence.
"Get ready to take notes..."

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I decided to go outside and bumped into Helga.
"Hi! Let's take walk today, I want to take my mind off of all this studying. I'm getting sick of it," I said.
Helga looked at me like I was nothing and silently kept on walking. I tried to stop her...
"Helga, I don't understand... Did I hurt you, somehow? I don't remember giving you a reason to treat me like that."
She harshly snatched her hand away.
"Do not touch me! I trusted you, I thought you weren't like all the others but it turns out... Are you really all the same? I've ha enough of you, men..."
There was disappointment and disdain in her voice.
"Hang on! What are you talking about? Oooh... I see... It's all about this Ms. Victoria situation. I didn't think you, of all people, would believe that crap! Let's go and have a chat..." I said. "It's hard not to believe when everyone's talking about it!" she said. "But you are not everyone! You are a smart girl! Alanna and I have been in the dean's office by the way, everything was cleared up and the rumours were put to bed." "Really? ... Please, forgive me, Alex! I was up all night over this, thinking that again... Alex..." 
I knew it was a lie, but in my case, truth would only make everything worse. What happened that night, happened and there's nothing I can do about it now. But... You can make sure that this will neve happen again. I smiled in response.
"Helga, would you like to go out somewhere?" I said.

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"I would love to. I'm free after classes today. I spoiled our last date and would love to make up for it," she said. "
I've agreed to go to the gym with Ann today.
"You didn't spoil anything. Let's meet today at the same place in the park. When should we meet?" I said. "In the evening, about eight o'clock, are you okay with that?" "Yeah, agreed."

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I stepped into the classroom and took my seat. Alanna came in right after me.
"Get ready to take notes..."

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:01 pm

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"Hi, Alex. So, are we still going to the gym? I am ready." "Ann, listen, here's the thing..." I said. "What thing?" "I have a date. Today."

"Awesome. Well done. Always keep your word, huh?" she said. "Ann, forgive me." "Go, do whatever you want, have a great time."
I had some spare time before eight o'clock so I decided to watch a bit of TV.

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"Hi, Alex!" "Hello... Wow! You look amazing! I am eusprised...," I said.
Helga's face turned red at once, but in her eyes I could see sparkles of ardour and challenge.
"So you like my outfit? You thought that I always dressed like a nun, didn't you?" 
Helga spun around so fas that the bottom of the dress, that was rather short, rose up, revealing practically everything. I was speechless.
"I can see in your eyes that you liked it! C'mon, say something!" she said. "There are no words to describe exactly what I feel right now. In a good way... You just threw me there..."
I finally pulled myself together. Helga looked absolutely gorgeous dressed all in white!
"Well, let's go for a stroll, shall we? Or maybe you are embarrassed to be seen with me?" she said. "Embarrassed of you? Everyone's gonna be rather jealous of me!" I said.
Helga turned all red, she got on her toes and kissed me on the cheek.

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"You are so sweet, Alex!" she said.
We were slowly strolling around, holding hands and talking about trivial stuff. It was rather warm that day, but luckily it was windy which made the heat bearable. I didn't really care about these trifling things, though. All I could think about was Helga.
"You know, Alex... It's been a while since I've been on a date. I feel so good and safe around you." "Helga, you are an amazing girl and I'm happy just being here with you," I said. "I love... I love spending time with you too. You are not like... others."
We kept walking and a comfortable silence developed because we simply didn't know what to say to each other. Maybe it was because we hardly knew each other or maybe it was my shynes. At some point, it seemed to me that we could walk around like this for eternity. I wished to hug Helga and cover her face with my kisses, but I was afraid that it would scare off these magical moments.
"We aren't gonna stand like this for eternity, are we?"
I snapped back to reality at her words.
"Yeah, sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me," I said.
We got to talking about our classmates and their pranks on our teachers. Time flew by.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Mon Oct 11, 2021 1:14 pm

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"It's so cozy in here! You made my day, Helga, I'm so happy to be here with you..." I said. 
I just stood there, no idea what to do next. I could hear the sounds of water meandering its way through the park, nightingale trills in the treetops, but still I couldn't pick myself up and take the next step.
"Helga... I... I want to..."
She came closer, gently hugged me and our eyes finally met... it felt like an eternity... I completely lost track of time.

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I could see that she was worried and I was worried too, because I still remembered what had happened last time so I was afraid to make a wrong move again. I picked myself up, at last, and pulled her close, so close that our lips finally met. I was gently exploring her mouth with my tongue, caressing her sift and full lips.

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Soon enough Helga calmed down and started to respond to my kisses more and more passionately. She was gripping me tighter and toghter, I could feel her gingernails cut into my shoulder and her breathing was heavy and halting. The exitement rose and I tried to resist it. I was so afraid of spoiling everything once again, to spoil what was happening between us that evening. Suddenly, Helga jerked away, as if woken up from a bad dream.
"Alex, I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me..." "Oh, Helga, you didn't do anything wrong. I... it felt rather good, though..." I said. "Really? You are so sweet, Alex... Ow! It is late already! My dad is gonna freak out, I really should get going now," she said. "Would you mind if I walked you?" "Of course I wouldn't, it's scary to walk home alone in the darkness. Just let's move faster, please."

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"Thank you for such an amazing evening," Helga said. "No, thank you, I haven't felt so good for a long time. When will we meet again?" I said. "Tomorrow at college... we're in the same group, remember?" "Helga, I didn't... Oh, I see. Don't be so vindictive." "Don't mess with girls. We never forget anything. Relax, I am kidding," she said. "Well, there's always some truth behind a joke."
We went silent and stared into each other's eyes. I pulled her to myself and gently kissed her. This time Helga didn't restrain herself and gave herself to my caresses fully, passionately returning the kisses. I lost track of time...

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Nevertheless, we reluctantly distanced ourselves from each other. Helga's breath was shallow and in he eyes I could see the flame of desire. That gave me hope that the problems I had faced before were gone and that I would never face them again.
"What would you say if I picked you up tomorrow morning and we would go to the college together?" I said. "I started to think you would never ask. I'm in but not toorrow, my dad will drop me off. I don't mind though, if you want to accompany me any other day," she said. "Okay then. We can talk about it when I see you tomorrow." "Bye, Alex. I really should get going, sorry." "See you tomorrow," I said. "Well, bye, I guess...?" "Bye, Helga."
It was Helga this time, she pulled me up to herself giving me a load of kisses.
"Oh... I should go..." she said.
Helga got out of my embrace at last and stepped back.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:47 pm

Ann was sleeping so I silently sneaked into my room. I took my clothes off and hit the sack.

Day 18. Thursday

Don't know why but I remembered the name of an old film: 'The place of a meeting can not be changed.'

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When I got closer to Helena, she turned to me. Honestly, I didn't know what to do or what to say after what had happened so I just kept walking.
"Hey there. You don't even greet me now?" she said. "Hi, Helena. I wasn't sure whether you were happy to see me or not so I decided to stay away." "Don't be ridiculous, of course I am happy to see you."
We slowly moved towards the colege.
"You act like a child from time to time," she said. "And you always act like a grown-up, huh?"
Helena pretended not to notice my sarcasm.

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"How's your love life?" she asked. "It's fine."
Having realized rhat I'm not in a talking mood, Helena didn't say anything else. We went on in silence thinking about random stuff. Maybe I shouldn't have been so mean to her... I guess I really act like a child sometimes.

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"Wooah, look who's here, two lovebirds. huh? It's only been a few days since we broke up, and here you are, eager to jump into bed with another guy."

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:57 am

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"What are you talking about!" Helena said. "Don't lose your chance, bro, she's a hot chick. I've taught her a lot of tricks," Vlad said. "Cut it out!" "Why would she leave you if you were so good, bro? Sack up and leave her alone," I said. "Alex, don't, please," Helena said. "Shut the fudge up, freak! You didn't get enough last time? You want more?" Vlad said.

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"I'm gonna call the police, you hear me?!" Helena said. "Step aside!" Vlad said.
He pushed Helena aside and stepped towards me...
"What, you've already wet your pants, huh? Go on, call your mommy, let her wipe your tears," Vlad said.
The rage was fogging my mind. He beat me once but to put up with this humiliation is different... I quickly syepped forward and struck first aiming at the bridge of his nose. The element of surprise is the only thing that could help me.

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Seems like Vlad didn't expect it at all because my fist reached its target. The enemy staggered and I, to prevent him from coming to his senses, quickly hit his jaw. Now it was time to finish him off so he wouldn't get up. I hope he wouldn't... One hit in the solar plexus... and he's done.

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fudge me... Did I really just kick his ass...?
"Alex, you're..." Helena said. "What is going on here?"

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"He was insulting me and Alex intervened," Helena said. "Who struck first?" the dean asked. "I did, but..." I said. "Get in my office right now! Vladislav, are you okay?" The dean said. "He broke my nose..." Vlad said. "We'll sort it out. Write a report to the police, you understand? I won't tolerate any fights in my college," the dean said. "But..." Helena said. "No, 'but!' You will come with us too and call Alanna Victoria," the dean said.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:26 am

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"Oh, Alanna Victoria, here, look at this boy, yesterday you were both drinking at the bar and today he is getting in fights," the dean said. "He stood up for a girl," Alanna said. "You, as a graduate lawyer, should be aware that there are no favors for those who 'stood up for a girl.' There is only the article 116 prohibiting beathing another person. Alexander might be in serious trouble in the light of the fact that he broke Vlad's nose." "He was provoked." "Were you there when it happened?" the dean said. "Helena told me." "And this lead him to beat a student?" "Do you really think Alex could beat him? Vladislav beat him up on the very first day so bad that Alex had to walk with a black eye for a week," Alanna said.

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"Oh, now he's Alex? Hm... Well, this is a serious accusation, do you have any proof? Just as I thought. I have no choice but to expel you. The disciplinary hearing about your expulsion will be held next week. I don't want to see you until then," the dean said.

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"It's all my fault, if I hadn't been..." Helena said. "No, it's my fault. I need to think it over. Alex, come to my office after classes," Alanna said. "What do we do now?" "I don't know yet," I said. "Why did you start fighting?" "What choice did I have?" "I don't know... that's so weird," Helena said. "What do you mean?" "This situatiion is really... odd. Okay, let's go to the class."

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"You'll have a quiz tomorrow. I strongly recommend you prepare for it. Get ready to take notes now," Alanna said.

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:46 am

Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20211003000328-1

Helga was standing in the hallway.
"Is it true? Did you fight with Vlad again?" she said. "Yeah, it's true." "What will happen now?" "I don't know yet. Don't worry about it though, it's gonna be fine," I said.

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"Was Helena there too?" "She was," I said. "Alex, can you honestly tell me... I know you liked her, I know for sure. I saw the way you were looking a her. Do you still like her?" "Henestly? I have a girl I like and it's not Helena." "Well, maybe one day you'll tell me who she is," Helga said. "She's standing right in front of me." "Oh, you're no fun! You coul have played along, to keep up the intrigue." "And then you wonder why us guys don't make the first move," I said. "Sorry. The guy I like is standing right in front of me too."
We had a nice time till the end of break.
"It's time to go to class," Helga said.
I went in the class and took my seat.

Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20211003000516-1

"Are you fucking out of your mind?" Olivia said. "C'mon, don't be so modest," Andrew said. "Slap your girl's ass not mine, you got me?" "Maybe I wouldn't mind if you were my girlfriend."
Everyone burst out laughing in the class. Olivia's face turned red because of the rising anger inside. 
"Even if you were the last man on earth..." she said. "Hold your horses... If I were the last man on the earth you would be last in the line for me," he said. 
A new wave of laughter swept over the clas. Frustrated by that, Olivia left not wishing to continue the conversation.

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"Olivia, don't overreact, I was just pulling your leg..." Andrew said.
I didn't know Andrew very well but I knew that even though he might be careless and even insolent from time to time, he was actually a kind and peaceful guy. Such jokes weren't a surprise for anyone and even though Olivia was mad at him, she couldn't stay cold long. I don't even have anyone here to drink beer with. Alanna showed up right on time as always.
"Well, let's get started..." she said.

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 Empty Re: Twists of my life (Completed story)

Post by Wotan Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:00 am

Alanna asked me to come to her office after classes. I went to her office, and knocked...

Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20211003000649-1

"Come in."

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"And here's the hero of the day... Well, come in, make yourself comfortable," she said. "What is this all about?" I wondered. "It's nothing except that you're in deep shit. They tricked you like some village idiot. And you call yourself a lawyer..." "Is that why you called me? To mock me?" "Simmer down... I'm sorry. No, I didn't call you for this. All this is because of me, or more accurately, because of us and what happened between us. You get what I mean... The dean clearly didn't believe in our fairy tale of a brave knight who just walke the princess home. He put that asshole up to this, to provoke you into fighting and you took the bait," Alanna said. "What does he want from you in the first place?" "Well, no prizes for guessing, this is obvious. What do all guys want from women? Whenever you see a single woman, there's only one thing you can think about..." "Alanna, spare me with your feminist fantasies. We don't only think about that. Actually, it was you who..." I said. "Hush!"

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Alanna got up... and sat down on the table close to me.
"I know that it was me who started that. I've learned that lesson, believe me. Let's get back to business. I'm not dumb and it's obvious that he won't just leave me so we've got to work it out somehow. I have an idea and it looks like you have no choice but to do what I tell you. Come to my house at 6 PM on Sunday. I'll fill you in on my plan. I need to call to our mutual friend, to consult. Now, go and not a single word to anyone," she said. "So you've decided to use me for your own purposes, huh?" I said. "Well, that's life, sweetie. Did you think you would be able to stay clean choosing this profession? Every practising lawyer is involved in something. You can always go back to your mom though..." "Okay, fine, I got you. I will be there." "Okey dokey then," she said.

Twists of my life (Completed story) - Page 2 20211003000838-1

Nemo sine vitio est.

Posts : 3379
Join date : 2020-04-27
Age : 58
Location : Danderyd / Sweden

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